* Main upload button will no longer be "loading" if an error occurs with the API check request.
* It will now show a message asking user to try out the No-JS uploader when JavaScript is disabled.
* Moved links.njk to _partial/links.njk.
* Renamed layout.njk to _layout.njk.
* Cleaned some formatting in links.njk and nojs.njk (mainly had something to do with extraneous whitespaces).
Thanks to Zephyrrus for the hints about nunjucks, sort of (he did not really give out any specific hints to me, I stalked his fork, lmao).
* Replaced Handlebars with Nunjucks.
* Replaced all static HTML files with their NJK-equivalent (excluding error pages).
* Renamed "albumDomain" to "homeDomain" in config.sample.js (make sure you update your config.js too).
* Updated dependencies: knex and eslint-plugin-import (dev).
* Updated vscode's settings.json (I may update this again very soon).