Commit Graph

2076 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Bobby Wibowo
* Added No-JS uploader page (it's on /nojs).

* Updated uploadsController.processFilesForDisplay() to support requests from No-JS uploader page.

* Added "Bash uploader" link to footer.

* Updated icons (added terminal icon for "Bash uploader" footer link).
2018-04-12 21:37:42 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Removed final newline from placeholder ShareX config.
2018-04-12 19:30:17 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Added placeholder ShareX config file.
2018-04-12 19:26:24 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated dashboard
Added ID column to albums list (
This info may be useful if you want to use something like my fork of uguush (, because to associated uploads into an album, you will have to specify its numerical ID.
2018-04-12 19:15:25 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated dashboard
I accidentally removed 100% width from image container, causing files that did not have thumbnails to be left-aligned instead of centered, or something like that.
2018-04-09 01:48:32 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
* Removed rimraf from dependency. Although really it'll still need to be used by other dependencies, such as eslint and bcrypt, so it'll still have to be downloaded by yarn either way.

* Updated dashboard.css. Added "overflow: hidden" to thumbnail container. Previously potrait thumbnails will be visible outside of their container.

* Removed notice about having "chunks" folder from config.sample.js. Added a line in lolisafe.js to create the folder if it doesn't exist instead.

* Updated bcrypt to v2.0.0. I'm not really sure whatever has changed, but I've tested that it didn't require any additional changes for our current usage.

* Chunks will no longer be saved with their original file's extension. Instead they'll only be saved as plain files named 0, 1, ..., n, without any extension whatsoever. Extension for joined chunks will be read from the original file's name in /api/upload/finishchunks. If the user doesn't pass that data when calling the API, the joined chunks will not have any extension.

* Since rimraf has been removed, uploadsController.actuallyFinishChunks() will now use a combination of fs.unlink() and fs.rmdir(). Promise.all() will be used when running fs.unlink() so that all chunks will be deleted at the same time through multiple instances of async tasks (probably).

* Some other small changes and tweaks in uploadController.js.
2018-04-09 01:30:25 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated dashboard 2018-04-05 19:58:22 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
* Refactored all instances of "failedIds" and "albumIds" to "failedids" and "albumids" respectively. Abandoning camel case for these ones.

* Refactored the way it looks into which albums the files are supposed to be added into.
For /api/upload/finishchunks, you can add "albumid" to each object in files[] to specify which album you want the finsihed chunks to be added into. Each object may have different album IDs.
For /api/upload, which is regular uploads, unfortunately you can only choose one album at a time (by adding "albumid" to the request headers, like usual). It uses the same function as the one used for finishchunks to add the files into album, so it shouldn't be hard to extend this ability to regular uploads, someday in the future.

* Fixed a bug in /api/upload/finishchunks. Previously you couldn't ever get it to work.

* Updated error message when successful uploads could not be added to album.

* "albumid" will no longer be added to request headers if they are chunked uploads. They'd have been ignored anyways.
2018-04-05 19:54:24 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
* Updated eslint-plugin-import dev dependency.

* Added 2 new ESLint rules: "prefer-const" and "object-shorthand".

* Refactor all JS files to follow the new ESLint rules.

* Refactored all instances of for-i into for-of wherever applicable.
2018-04-05 17:52:57 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated uploadController.js
Refactored all instances of forEach() to for-loop (there were 3 instances).
To be honest I kinda liked forEach() better in terms of readability, but oh well, let's aim for that likely tiny performance boost.
2018-04-05 17:31:07 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
* New uploads that can NOT be added to an album, for whatever reason, will print out message that they can not be added to the said album, but their links will still also be shown underneath the message. Previously it would only print out the message but not the link.

* Improved uploadController.processFilesForDisplay(). Previously it would loop through all uploaded files and update album info for EVERY file, even though to begin with it was designed so that every call would only have to access ONE album. So yeah, this time it will only update album info ONCE no matter how many files are being processed in that session.
2018-04-05 17:21:51 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated dashboard
Renamed "Preferred file name length" to "File name length".
2018-04-05 16:36:48 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updates and merged changes from 'master'
* Removing files from an album will now update the state of the said album. Which means, the Download Album as zip feature will properly make a new zip instead of re-using the old one which would obviously still have the said files.

* "migration.js" will no longer try to create column if it already exists.

* Changed type of all columns that used to be DATETIME to INTEGER. Apparently SQLite would have stored them as INTEGER anyways, so you don't have to change anything else.
2018-04-05 10:10:10 +07:00
Whoops 2018-04-04 19:38:15 -03:00
Whoops 2018-04-04 19:37:53 -03:00
Bobby Wibowo
Shift-click checkboxes
2018-04-05 01:23:45 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
* If files have to be added to an album on upload, it will now wait until they have either been succesfully added to the album or errored.

* File names in thumb view will now show their full URL on their tooltip.
2018-04-05 00:38:15 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
* De loli-safe wherever it's safe to do so.

* Removed bulma tooltip. Sigh, it came from an impulsive decision out of boredom to begin with.

* Chrome extension and GitHub links in home page will now open in new tab.

* File's link in the dashboard's list will still show the full URL in its tooltip, but it will no longer use bulma tooltip extension.
2018-04-04 23:47:20 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated version string of all JS and CSS files
I kinda fucked up version string of some files in some of the previous commits, thus causing some browsers to use a much older version of them.
I couldn't be bothered to track which ones of them were using older versions so I RegEx replaced all of them.
2018-04-04 15:20:45 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Added bulma tooltip extension for icons in home and file name in dashboard. I MAY revert this someday. I was bored as heck so I did this.
2018-04-04 10:18:53 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated home 2018-04-04 04:36:21 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated auth page
* Added icons to register and login buttons. I forgot to do so in the previous commit.

* Better width in tablet-like devices (it will now occupy 2/3 of the screen width instead of full).
2018-04-04 02:32:41 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated dashboard
File name column will now try to occupy 25% of the table's width.
2018-04-04 02:05:15 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated screenshot in 2018-04-04 01:56:34 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
I can't ever be satisfied 🎤
* Updated home. All footer links are now using icons.

* Added Chrome extension link to home.

* Updated icons (added some and replaced some).

* Home will now show a different message if private mode is on but guests are still allowed to create accounts.

* Home will no longer show message about creating account if guests are not allowed to create one.

* Updated API route: /api/check. State of whether registration is enabled or not is now exposed with key "enableUserAccounts".
2018-04-04 01:54:42 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated dashboard
* Added "Clear selection" button. This will clear all selection, in case you have selected like hundreds of files already but decided not to do anything to them in the end.

* Bulk "Add to album" button will now only show its icon only.

* Better un/select all files logic.

* Updated icons (added "cancel" icon for the "Clear selection" button).
2018-04-03 22:59:39 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated 2018-04-03 22:06:13 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Merge branch 'master' into 2018-04-03 22:05:27 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
* Updated to get rid of all the warnings from linter. Just because.

* Removed an unnecessary logic check in albumsController.addFiles().

* Refactored "successIds" to "updateDbIds" in utilsController.bulkDeleteFilesByIds().
2018-04-03 22:01:19 +07:00
Merge pull request #73 from RyoshiKayo/master
Added CF-Connecting-IP
2018-04-03 10:55:55 -03:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated home.html 2018-04-03 00:06:02 +07:00
Updated README about CF support 2018-04-01 23:59:03 -07:00
Mirrored nginx.sample.conf 2018-04-01 23:54:42 -07:00
Add NGINX compile warning 2018-04-01 23:53:26 -07:00
Updated real-ip-from-cf 2018-04-01 23:52:09 -07:00
Updated IP's 2018-04-01 23:51:25 -07:00
Bobby Wibowo
* Fixed information of selected files being cleared when canceling either add to album or bulk delete prompt.

* Add to album prompt will now show how many files are going to be moved.

* Fixed bulk delete failing to reload file list properly when being used while listing an album.

* Added new ESLint rule "quotes" with option "single". I'm pretty sure Standard used to have this as default. I actually liked that back then.
2018-03-31 23:34:16 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated description about chunkedUploads in config.sample.js. 2018-03-31 23:05:39 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Merge branch 'master' into 2018-03-31 22:57:26 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
* File name, album/owner and size in thumbs view will no longer be clipped. Instead their overflow will be hidden in the form of ellipsis.

* Updated screenshot in
2018-03-31 21:44:06 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated dashboard
Updated styling so that table cells will no longer wrap its content to new lines. Its container will still allow users to scroll to left and right, so this works better than forcing a minimum width.
2018-03-31 21:32:27 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated dashboard
* Thumbnail button will no instead be disabled instead of not displayed when the file has no thumbnail.

* Bulk adding files to album will now un-check files that have been successfully moved to the album.
2018-03-31 21:26:53 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
* Refactored all instances of "An error occurred" by appending an exclamation mark.

* Added the ability to add/remove files to/from album (API route: /api/albums/addfiles -

* Added the ability to purge files associated with an album when deleting the said album (set "purge" key to true in the JSON POST request to /api/albums/delete).

* Updated icons.

* Some other refactors, probably.
2018-03-30 09:39:53 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated dashboard
* Simplified selectors in dashboard.css.

* Added checkboxes to thumbs view (but there's no un/select all checkbox).
2018-03-30 06:47:31 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
* Refactored all instances of "err" into "error".

* Added bulk delete feature (API route: /api/uploads/bulkdelete). It accepts an array of IDs (its key must be "ids" in the JSON POST request). Don't forget it still requires a token in the headers. (

* Removed fontello.css from auth.html.

* Updated a bunch of styling.

* Added "copy link to clipboard" button to thumbs view.

* Added "view thumbnail" button to list view. Clicking the row will no longer trigger thumb view, instead you have to press that button.

* Updated icons.

* ... and perhaps some others that I can't remember?
2018-03-30 06:22:08 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
I broke the delete button apparently.
2018-03-29 03:32:47 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
I forgot to make clipboard button on mobile to only appear after succesful upload.
2018-03-29 03:28:40 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
PLZ END MY SUFFERING 2018-03-29 03:13:10 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated home.html and home.js
Removed "copy link" button from home page for desktop (the button for tablet and mobile will still be there).
2018-03-29 03:12:11 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
* Small styling update to auth page.

* Changed icons used in dashboard.

* Added ClipboardJS.

* Added "copy link" button in file list (list view only) and album list. They will use ClipboardJS.

* Added "copy link" in upload result. For desktop, there will be small clipboard icons after the links, but for mobile and tablet, there will be a clickable buttons instead.

* Updated placeholder color for input elements.

* Updated "Loading..." in home page to use Bulma's loading spinner instead. It will also now be unclickable while still loading.

* Matched version string for all JS and CSS files.
2018-03-29 03:05:01 +07:00