expand the function to support arbritrary elements other than main dom
refreshing stats category will now apply fade in animation to them
class for fade in animation is now global (style.scss), preparing for
expanded usage on other pages
stylelint: 13 -> 14
postcss-preset-env: 6 -> 7
eslint-plugin-compat: 3 -> 4
replaced stylelint-config-standard with
switched to @ronilaukkarinen/gulp-stylelint, a fork of gulp-stylelint,
due to the upstream's maintainer going missing
temporarily disabled some stylelint rules to ease transition
they'll also be collapsed on initial page load
this uses a new client-side dependency, bulma-collapsible
/api/albums to fetch albums list now support simple reply, where only
their ids and names will be returned.
this simple reply will also return all of the user's albums, instead of
being limited to only 9 or 25 entires like before.
fixed add to album in dashboard, and album selector in homepage uploader
being limited to only 25 albums.
Added new dev dependencies:
bulma, gulp-sass, node-sass
Updated some dependencies
Various other things related to styling
Bumped v1 version string and rebuilt client assets