* If files have to be added to an album on upload, it will now wait until they have either been succesfully added to the album or errored.
* File names in thumb view will now show their full URL on their tooltip.
* Refactored all instances of "err" into "error".
* Added bulk delete feature (API route: /api/uploads/bulkdelete). It accepts an array of IDs (its key must be "ids" in the JSON POST request). Don't forget it still requires a token in the headers. (https://s.fiery.me/6rjMAYoC.mp4)
* Removed fontello.css from auth.html.
* Updated a bunch of styling.
* Added "copy link to clipboard" button to thumbs view.
* Added "view thumbnail" button to list view. Clicking the row will no longer trigger thumb view, instead you have to press that button.
* Updated icons.
* ... and perhaps some others that I can't remember?
* Self-host all libs (including but not limited to Font Awesome icons). LICENSE files were properly included as well.
* Temporarily disabling error pages.
* Added "start" and "pm2" scripts. To be used with "yarn SCRIPT_NAME" or "npm run SCRIPT_NAME".
* Added container for the tables in dashboard. On narrow screens, such as phones, users will then have the ability to use horizontal scroll on the tables.
* Fixed various resource paths. This should now work properly when not being hosted in root domain (e.i. https://fiery.me/lolisafe/).
* Before checking API, the "Running in ..." button will now say "Loading..." instead.
* Switched ESLint + Aqua to Standard. I'm a big fan of Standard. Updated yarn.lock file too.
* Lots of refactors to follow the rules of Standard.
* Fixed issue with uploading as a not logged in user.
* Added Editor Config file.
* Added ".vscode/" to .gitignore.
* Added final newline to some files.
* Added KDE Breeze Dark colors.
* Applied various ESLint autofixes. There were still plenty of non-auto-fixable issues though. I'm not sure why this project had ESLint dev dependency but still ended up with countless issues.
* ... and maybe some others.
There's a new folder that gets created upon running lolisafe for the first time. On said folder any html file with the same name as the default ones will be loaded instead, letting you place custom frontend files without messing with git.
Changed from XMLHttpRequest to Axiios and made every POST call to look for params or json and not pass the values as headers. Token is still a header though