changed reporter formatter for gulp stylelint from verbose to string
this should now only print out issues to console
linted other server-side JS files that i missed out on previous commits
bumped versions.js to trigger github actions
Client-side CSS & JS files will now be processed with Gulp.
Gulp tasks are configured in gulpfile.js file.
CSS files will be optimized with postcss-preset-env, which will
auto-add vendor prefixes and convert any parts necessary for browsers
Afterwards they will be minified with cssnano.
JS files will be optimized with bublé,
likewise for browsers compatibility.
Afterwards they will be minified with terser.
Unprocessed CSS & JS files will now be located at src directory, while
the processed results will be located at dist directory.
Due to bublé, the JS files should now be compatible up to IE 11
at the minimum.
Previously the safe would not work in IE 11 due to extensive usage of
template literals.
Due to that as well, JS files in src directory will now extensively use
arrow functions for my personal comfort (as they will be converted too).
The server will use the processed files at dist directory by default.
If you want to rebuild the files by your own, you can run "yarn build".
Gulp is a development dependency, so make sure you have installed all
development dependencies (e.i. NOT using "yarn install --production").
yarn lint -> gulp lint
yarn build -> gulp default
yarn watch -> gulp watch
yarn develop -> env NODE_ENV=development yarn watch
Fixed not being able to demote staff into normal users.
/api/token/verify will no longer respond with 401 HTTP error code,
unless an error occurred (which will be 500 HTTP error code).
Fixed /nojs route not displaying file's original name when a duplicate
is found on the server.
Removed is-breeze CSS class name, in favor of Bulma's is-info.
Removed custom styling from auth page, in favor of global styling.
Removed all usage of style HTML attribute in favor of CSS classes.
Renamed js/s/ to js/misc/.
Use loading spinners on dashboard's sidebar menus.
Disable all other sidebar menus when something is loading.
Changed title HTML attribute of disabled control buttons in
uploads & users list.
Hid checkboxes and WIP controls from users list.
Better error messages handling.
Especially homepage will now support CF's HTTP error codes.
Updated various icons.
Also, added fontello config file at public/libs/fontello/config.json.
This should let you edit them more easily with fontello.
Use Gatsby icon for my blog's link in homepage's footer.
A bunch of other improvements here & there.
As the title says, this commit is a massive overhaul.
I've rewritten/restrucuted almost everything in the controller scripts.
Because of that, there's a considerable possibility that I've broken
something somewhere.
Notable changes:
Added temporary uploads.
Removed file name length changer from dashboard,
in favor of an equivalent in homepage config tab.
This allows non-registered users to also set file name length.
A bunch of other undocmented stuff.
I don't know, I'm too tired to remember them all.
* Updated path resolving for upload folder option.
This SHOULD now allow using an absolute path, even those outside of
the lolisafe installation.
* Added a config option at uploads -> generateThumbs, named placeholder.
It's a string option that lets you set path of the placeholder image
for files whose thumbnail could not be generated.
It defaults to the old hard-coded path when set to falsy value.
* Fixed thumbs script not using upload folder from config file.
* Added filters for thumb generation error handling.
This is used to ignore some common error messages,
such as file formats not being supported.
Updated Cloudfalre's cache purge utility.
It will now split URLs into chunks of 30 URLs which then will be purged
one chunk at a time.
I just found out Cloudflare's API have a limit of 30 URLs for the API.
Rewritten function to generate video thumbnails with ffmpeg.
This should be much faster than ever.
This should also solve an issue where potrait videos could have their
thumbnails be taller than 200px, since it was only forcing width to be
no larger than 200px.
Updated dashboard's styling to make sure potrait thumbnails (only matter
for video thumbnails) not going out of its container.
Updated thumbs.js (yarn thumbs) script to display elapsed time for each
operation in seconds.
Bumped v1 version string (for dashboard.css).
Added cfpurge.js to scripts directory.
This can be used to purge cache of frontend pages and uploads.
Do "node scripts/cfpurge.js --help" for usage.
Removed "randver" from package.js/scripts.
I've installed randomstring globally instead and just simply do:
randomstring n
Back then I didn't know it could be used that way.
Updated ESLint rule: curly, again.
Mainly to also enabled "consistent" rule, which enforces curly into
else/elseif blocks, if its if block requires curly.
Added support for GET requests to /api/delete route.
Its usage is /api/delete/identifier, where identifier is the filename.
Though just like its POST route, it needs token in the header.
* Updated utilsController.js: Unlink thumb of type symlink whenever generateThumbs() is called.
* Updated thumbs.js: Add stats (success/error/skipped).
* Patched getFiles() function to regard symbolic link files as nonexistent. By default failing thumbs will create symbolic links to a placeholder image. Previously the script would regard those symbolic links as existing thumbs, thus preventing the script from generating thumbs for those files.
* Added verbose option. Previously the script would print even all files that already had thumbs. Now it would only print files with missing thumbs, and enabling the option would restore the previous behavior.
* Faster upload response. Back-end will no longer wait for album timestamps to be updated before sending out response.
* Added a simple thumbnail generation script at scripts/thumbs.js. You can use this to generate thumbnails for existing files before enabling the option in config.js.
* Various other code improvements.