Fixed browser's timezone offset not being sent with the proper header
name ("minOffset" -> "minoffset").
Server will now actually think client is on UTC timezone if "minoffset"
header is unset.
Stricter "all" header check for uploads list API endpoint.
It will now only accept the header if set to "1" (string).
Fixed server error when either date: or expiry: keys get parsed as
empty strings.
"minoffset" header when listing uploads will now only be sent if
date: or expiry: keys are properly used (i.e. match expected patterns).
Updated filters help message about wrapping with double quotes when
specifying both date and time (since there will be a space in between).
Filters input will now have some automatic clean ups other than trims.
- Replace all tabs with whitespaces.
- Remove whitespaces after "<key>:".
Bumped v1 version string and rebuilt client assets.
I just noticed the old ones were loading font assets from my server,
but those fonts were already long gone.
On, I instead used my own builds of
so I never noticed the issues.
I only recently came to realize of this after realizing a bunch of
users getting temp-IP-banned from viewing error pages of other users of
this fork (since my server bans high amount of 404s).
This one should fit better with light theme as well, not that the safe
have light them as of yet.
Also it's @2x (400x400) instead of the default 200x200.
That should theoretically make the text look smoother.
This adds Cookie Consent library at public/libs/cookieconsent.
Added views/cookiepolicy.njk.
Added a new config option cookiePolicy. Disabled by default.
Updated views/faq.njk to use variables wherever applicable.
The variables are initiated at views/_globals.njk.
The said file also contains variables used at views/cookiepolicy.njk.
Restored messages about Cloudflare to FAQ.
They will be shown only if config.cloudflare.purgeCache is enabled.
Statistics will now capitalize first letters of the keys instead.
Updated background color of SweetAlert modals.
Moved table styling from dashboard.css to style.css (global),
since table will also be used in Cookie Policy page.
Bumped v1 version string and rebuilt client assets.
Also "fixed" some more Object.assign().
Not exactly fixed since they didn't really break, but they weren't
written in the way they were logically intended for.
Bumped v1 version string and rebuilt client assets.
table headers of uploads lists.
They will merely serve as reminders for those who want to use the sort
Fixed registration and token change dates displaying when unset.
Bumped v1 version string and rebuilt client assets.
systeminformation: 4.23.9 -> 4.26.1
eslint-plugin-compat: 3.5.1 -> 3.6.0
Renamed all .eslintrc.json to .eslintrc.js.
Removed unnecessary init for missing params in favor of default params.
Buble will take care of compiling that for old browsers.
Bumped ecmaVersion for client JS from 6 (2015) to 7 (2016).
Buble should support compiling ES2016 features as well.
Properly deny some actions when an online section is still loading.
Properly apply progress cursor on items/buttons that shouldn't be used
while an online section is still loading.
Bumped v1 version string and rebuilt client assets.
Added "yarn migrate" as alias for "node ./database/migration.js".
Updated about it.
Added a new column to users database: registration.
It will be used to store user's registration timestamp.
Registration date will be displayed in Dashboard's Manage Users.
Since this is a new column,
existing users will not have registration dates.
Last token change date will now be displayed in Dashboard as well.
<code> elements will now properly have relative font size.
User ID will now be displayed in Edit user dialog for reference purpose.
Bumped v1 version string and rebuilt client assets.
No longer initiate expired uploads check if
config.uploads.temporaryUploadsInterval is not set.
"yarn delete-expired" will now list names of the expired uploads too.
Most of the times, connecting to ClamAV takes a bit too long and causes
misunderstanding due to a long period of silence
Generally with PM2 logs, due to the lack of indicator
of a successful restart
This works when listing all uploads as well, but Album column will only
be shown when albumid key is used in the filters.
I plan to someday add Manage Albums menu, which will use "View uploads"
buttons, just like the ones in Manage Users.
Updated ESLint's ECMA version to 9 (2018).
I'll need to use some lookbehind regex directives from now on.
It's supported since Node 10, which is the oldest version I'll support.
Refactored "can not" -> "cannot".
Filtering for regular users is still work in progress.
Some features aren't working as expected yet.
e.g. -1 means last page, -2 means the 2nd from last, and so on
will only accept up to -N where N is the amount of pages
anything lower will alwasy return the first page
this works for both list uploads and list users APIs
fixed some Object.assign in dashboard.js
added bottom control buttons in manage users
Restore disk usage stats even when config.linuxDiskStats is off
The said config will now only toggle the 'extended' stats which are
disk usage of each directories within the uploads directory
/api/check and /api/token/verify will now pass along v1 version string
if used (when config.cacheControl is used) for both home.js and
dashboard.js to use to compare version strings.
This should help notify users using browsers with a bit more overbearing
caching (generally mobile browsers).
Rebuilt client assets and bumped v1 version string
Slight update to yarn.lock (a small syntax change for node-gyp, idk why)
Updated screenshot.
Edited claim about node 12 not being tested, as I've tested it.
Couldn't find any issues.
Added a new section about updating when you have modified some files.
Rephrased ClamAV support section a bit.
Updated dependencies:
knex: 0.21.0 -> 0.21.1
Rebuilt yarn.lock file with node 12.
Nothing significant really changed.
Things seem to be backward compatible to node 10.
Moved <style> tag from <noscript> tag into <head> tag.
Auto-redirect visitors with JS disabled to either No-JS uploader or
No-JS version of album pages after 3 seconds.
Those changes can be found in a new NJK file at the location below:
Made the warning a lot more concise.
This should theoretically be more accurate.
This will keep uploadprogress data of the past >1s to calculate
total bytes sent in 1s, in real time.
As opposed to only calculating per second.
But hmm...
I'm starting to feel like I'm spending too much time on this feature.
Updated to emphasize Node 10.x is the oldest supported version
and that Node 12.x have NOT been tested.
I'll work on testing Node 12.x in the near future though!
Disable all pagination buttons when any pagination button is still
loading (this includes jump to page input).
Rebuilt client assets and bumped v1 version string.
Renamed "orderby" key to "sort" (for sorting uploads).
Fixed non-keyed keyword exclusions not working as expected when
more than one are used at the same time.
Support not specifying "from" date when filtering with range keys
(date and expiry).
Proper logic for NULL values inclusion/exclusion when filtering with
user and/or ip keys.
Improved Help? prompt again!!
Also clarify about timezone differences.
Added logger.debug() function.
Basically a shorthand for console.log(require('util').inspect()).
Rebuilt client asssets and bumped v1 version string.
Their thumbs can be made with ffmpeg
Run "yarn thumbs 2" to create thumbs for existing uploads with those
Rebuilt client assets and bumped v1 version string
Please consult the Help? button again to learn all the syntax changes!
The prompt will now also have its width expanded!
Updated dependency, knex: 0.20.13 -> 0.20.15.
Added new dependency: search-query-parser.
Updated all sub-dependencies.
Critical? Admins-only API /users/edit will no longer return NEW password
salt of the user when randomizing their password.
Added page.escape() function to js/misc/utils.js.
This will be used to escape input in upload filters input box.
The same function used in utilsController.js.
Pretty dates will now use / instead of - for date separator.
This is due to the fact that date range key for filtering uploads
can not accepts dates with - separator.
To avoid inconsistency, we will now use / separator.
Caching system of album public pages will now be disabled during
development (yarn develop).
Cleaned up domClick() function in js/dashboard.js.
If using date or expiry range keys when filtering uploads, attach
client's timezone offset to the API requets.
This will be used by the server to calculate timezone differences.
Success prompt when changing token will now auto-close.
Removed ID column from Manage Users.
Improved success prompt when editing users.
This will properly list all of the edited fields at once,
excluding user group change.
Success message for user group change will require a bit more changes
on the API endpoint, which is a bit annoying.
Rebuilt client-side assets and bumped v1 version string.