{%- import '_globals.njk' as globals -%} {% set metaTitle = "File" %} {% set uploadRoot = config.domain %} {% set titleFormat = '%identifier% | ' + globals.name %} {% extends "_layout.njk" %} {% block stylesheets %} {% endblock %} {% block scripts %} {# We assign an ID for this so that the script can find out proper root URL of uploaded files #} {% endblock %} {% set noscriptRefreshUrl = null %} {% block endmeta %} {% include "_partial/noscript-refresh.njk" %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {{ super() }}


{% set floatingHomeHref = '..' %} {% include "_partial/floating-home.njk" %} {% set noscriptMessage = null %} {% include "_partial/noscript.njk" %} {% endblock %}