const blake3 = require('blake3') const fetch = require('node-fetch') const fs = require('fs') const multer = require('multer') const path = require('path') const randomstring = require('randomstring') const searchQuery = require('search-query-parser') const multerStorage = require('./multerStorageController') const paths = require('./pathsController') const perms = require('./permissionController') const utils = require('./utilsController') const config = require('./../config') const logger = require('./../logger') const db = require('knex')(config.database) const self = { onHold: new Set() } const fileIdentifierLengthFallback = 32 const fileIdentifierLengthChangeable = !config.uploads.fileIdentifierLength.force && typeof config.uploads.fileIdentifierLength.min === 'number' && typeof config.uploads.fileIdentifierLength.max === 'number' const maxSize = parseInt(config.uploads.maxSize) const maxSizeBytes = maxSize * 1e6 const urlMaxSizeBytes = parseInt(config.uploads.urlMaxSize) * 1e6 const maxFilesPerUpload = 20 const chunkedUploads = config.uploads.chunkSize && typeof config.uploads.chunkSize === 'object' && config.uploads.chunkSize.default const chunkedUploadsTimeout = config.uploads.chunkSize.timeout || 1800000 const chunksData = {} // Hard-coded min chunk size of 1 MB (e.g. 50 MB = max 50 chunks) const maxChunksCount = maxSize const extensionsFilter = Array.isArray(config.extensionsFilter) && config.extensionsFilter.length const urlExtensionsFilter = Array.isArray(config.uploads.urlExtensionsFilter) && config.uploads.urlExtensionsFilter.length const temporaryUploads = Array.isArray(config.uploads.temporaryUploadAges) && config.uploads.temporaryUploadAges.length class ChunksData { constructor (uuid, root) { this.uuid = uuid this.root = root this.filename = 'tmp' this.chunks = 0 = null this.hasher = null } onTimeout () { if ( && ! if (this.hasher) this.hasher.dispose() self.cleanUpChunks(this.uuid, true) } setTimeout (delay) { this.clearTimeout() this._timeout = setTimeout(this.onTimeout.bind(this), delay) } clearTimeout () { if (this._timeout) clearTimeout(this._timeout) } } const initChunks = async uuid => { if (chunksData[uuid] === undefined) { const root = path.join(paths.chunks, uuid) try { await paths.access(root) } catch (err) { // Re-throw error if (err && err.code !== 'ENOENT') throw err await paths.mkdir(root) } chunksData[uuid] = new ChunksData(uuid, root) } chunksData[uuid].setTimeout(chunkedUploadsTimeout) return chunksData[uuid] } const executeMulter = multer({ // Guide: limits: { fileSize: maxSizeBytes, // Maximum number of non-file fields. // Dropzone.js will add 6 extra fields for chunked uploads. // We don't use them for anything else. fields: 6, // Maximum number of file fields. // Chunked uploads still need to provide only 1 file field. // Otherwise, only one of the files will end up being properly stored, // and that will also be as a chunk. files: maxFilesPerUpload }, fileFilter (req, file, cb) { file.extname = utils.extname(file.originalname) if (self.isExtensionFiltered(file.extname)) return cb(`${file.extname ? `${file.extname.substr(1).toUpperCase()} files` : 'Files with no extension'} are not permitted.`) // Re-map Dropzone keys so people can manually use the API without prepending 'dz' for (const key in req.body) { if (!/^dz/.test(key)) continue req.body[key.replace(/^dz/, '')] = req.body[key] delete req.body[key] } if (req.body.chunkindex !== undefined && !chunkedUploads) return cb('Chunked uploads are disabled at the moment.') else return cb(null, true) }, storage: multerStorage({ destination (req, file, cb) { // Is file a chunk!? file._isChunk = chunkedUploads && req.body.uuid !== undefined && req.body.chunkindex !== undefined if (file._isChunk) initChunks(req.body.uuid) .then(chunksData => { file._chunksData = chunksData cb(null, chunksData.root) }) .catch(error => { logger.error(error) return cb('Could not process the chunked upload. Try again?') }) else return cb(null, paths.uploads) }, filename (req, file, cb) { if (file._isChunk) { return cb(null, chunksData[req.body.uuid].filename) } else { const length = self.parseFileIdentifierLength(req.headers.filelength) return self.getUniqueRandomName(length, file.extname) .then(name => cb(null, name)) .catch(error => cb(error)) } } }) }).array('files[]') self.isExtensionFiltered = extname => { // If empty extension needs to be filtered if (!extname && config.filterNoExtension) return true // If there are extensions that have to be filtered if (extname && extensionsFilter) { const match = config.extensionsFilter.some(extension => extname === extension.toLowerCase()) const whitelist = config.extensionsFilterMode === 'whitelist' if ((!whitelist && match) || (whitelist && !match)) return true } return false } self.parseFileIdentifierLength = fileLength => { if (!config.uploads.fileIdentifierLength) return fileIdentifierLengthFallback const parsed = parseInt(fileLength) if (isNaN(parsed) || !fileIdentifierLengthChangeable || parsed < config.uploads.fileIdentifierLength.min || parsed > config.uploads.fileIdentifierLength.max) return config.uploads.fileIdentifierLength.default || fileIdentifierLengthFallback else return parsed } self.getUniqueRandomName = async (length, extension) => { for (let i = 0; i < utils.idMaxTries; i++) { const identifier = randomstring.generate(length) const name = identifier + extension if (config.uploads.cacheFileIdentifiers) { if (utils.idSet.has(identifier)) { logger.log(`Identifier ${identifier} is already in use (${i + 1}/${utils.idMaxTries}).`) continue } utils.idSet.add(identifier) // logger.log(`Added ${identifier} to identifiers cache`) } else if (config.uploads.queryDbForFileCollisions) { if (self.onHold.has(identifier)) continue // Put token on-hold (wait for it to be inserted to DB) self.onHold.add(identifier) const file = await db.table('files') .whereRaw('?? like ?', ['name', `${identifier}.%`]) .select('id') .first() if (file) { self.onHold.delete(identifier) logger.log(`Identifier ${identifier} is already in use (${i + 1}/${utils.idMaxTries}).`) continue } } else { try { await paths.access(path.join(paths.uploads, name)) logger.log(`${name} is already in use (${i + 1}/${utils.idMaxTries}).`) continue } catch (error) { // Re-throw error if (error & error.code !== 'ENOENT') throw error } } return name } throw 'Sorry, we could not allocate a unique random name. Try again?' } self.parseUploadAge = age => { if (age === undefined || age === null) return config.uploads.temporaryUploadAges[0] const parsed = parseFloat(age) if (config.uploads.temporaryUploadAges.includes(parsed)) return parsed else return null } self.parseStripTags = stripTags => { if (!config.uploads.stripTags) return false if (config.uploads.stripTags.force || stripTags === undefined) return config.uploads.stripTags.default return Boolean(parseInt(stripTags)) } self.upload = async (req, res, next) => { let user if (config.private === true) { user = await utils.authorize(req, res) if (!user) return } else if (req.headers.token) { user = await db.table('users') .where('token', req.headers.token) .first() if (user && (user.enabled === false || user.enabled === 0)) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'This account has been disabled.' }) } let albumid = parseInt(req.headers.albumid || req.params.albumid) if (isNaN(albumid)) albumid = null let age = null if (temporaryUploads) { age = self.parseUploadAge(req.headers.age) if (!age && !config.uploads.temporaryUploadAges.includes(0)) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'Permanent uploads are not permitted.' }) } try { const func = req.body.urls ? self.actuallyUploadUrls : self.actuallyUploadFiles await func(req, res, user, albumid, age) } catch (error) { const isError = error instanceof Error if (isError) logger.error(error) return res.status(400).json({ success: false, description: isError ? error.toString() : error }) } } self.actuallyUploadFiles = async (req, res, user, albumid, age) => { const error = await new Promise(resolve => { return executeMulter(req, res, err => resolve(err)) }) if (error) { const suppress = [ 'LIMIT_FILE_SIZE', 'LIMIT_UNEXPECTED_FILE' ] if (suppress.includes(error.code)) throw error.toString() else throw error } if (!req.files || !req.files.length) throw 'No files.' // If chunked uploads is enabled and the uploaded file is a chunk, then just say that it was a success const uuid = req.body.uuid if (chunkedUploads && chunksData[uuid] !== undefined) { req.files.forEach(file => { chunksData[uuid].chunks++ }) return res.json({ success: true }) } const infoMap = => { file.albumid = albumid file.age = age return { path: path.join(paths.uploads, file.filename), data: file } }) if (config.filterEmptyFile && infoMap.some(file => === 0)) { // Unlink all files when at least one file is an empty file // Should continue even when encountering errors await Promise.all( => utils.unlinkFile( )) throw 'Empty files are not allowed.' } if (utils.clamd.scanner) { const scanResult = await self.scanFiles(req, user, infoMap) if (scanResult) throw scanResult } await self.stripTags(req, infoMap) const result = await self.storeFilesToDb(req, res, user, infoMap) await self.sendUploadResponse(req, res, user, result) } self.actuallyUploadUrls = async (req, res, user, albumid, age) => { if (!config.uploads.urlMaxSize) throw 'Upload by URLs is disabled at the moment.' const urls = req.body.urls if (!urls || !(urls instanceof Array)) throw 'Missing "urls" property (array).' if (urls.length > maxFilesPerUpload) throw `Maximum ${maxFilesPerUpload} URLs at a time.` const downloaded = [] const infoMap = [] try { await Promise.all( url => { const original = path.basename(url).split(/[?#]/)[0] const extname = utils.extname(original) // Extensions filter let filtered = false if (['blacklist', 'whitelist'].includes(config.uploads.urlExtensionsFilterMode)) if (urlExtensionsFilter) { const match = config.uploads.urlExtensionsFilter.some(extension => extname === extension.toLowerCase()) const whitelist = config.uploads.urlExtensionsFilterMode === 'whitelist' filtered = ((!whitelist && match) || (whitelist && !match)) } else { throw 'Invalid extensions filter, please contact the site owner.' } else filtered = self.isExtensionFiltered(extname) if (filtered) throw `${extname ? `${extname.substr(1).toUpperCase()} files` : 'Files with no extension'} are not permitted.` if (config.uploads.urlProxy) url = config.uploads.urlProxy .replace(/{url}/g, encodeURIComponent(url)) .replace(/{url-noprot}/g, encodeURIComponent(url.replace(/^https?:\/\//, ''))) const length = self.parseFileIdentifierLength(req.headers.filelength) const name = await self.getUniqueRandomName(length, extname) const destination = path.join(paths.uploads, name) const outStream = fs.createWriteStream(destination) const hash = blake3.createHash() // Push to array early, so regardless of its progress it will be deleted on errors downloaded.push(destination) // Limit max response body size with maximum allowed size const fetchFile = await fetch(url, { size: urlMaxSizeBytes }) .then(res => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (res.status === 200) { const onerror = error => { hash.dispose() reject(error) } outStream.on('error', onerror) res.body.on('error', onerror) res.body.on('data', d => hash.update(d)) res.body.pipe(outStream) outStream.on('finish', () => resolve(res)) } else { resolve(res) } })) if (fetchFile.status !== 200) throw `${fetchFile.status} ${fetchFile.statusText}` infoMap.push({ path: destination, data: { filename: name, originalname: original, extname, mimetype: fetchFile.headers.get('content-type').split(';')[0] || '', size: outStream.bytesWritten, hash: hash.digest('hex'), albumid, age } }) })) // If no errors encountered, clear cache of downloaded files downloaded.length = 0 if (utils.clamd.scanner) { const scanResult = await self.scanFiles(req, user, infoMap) if (scanResult) throw scanResult } const result = await self.storeFilesToDb(req, res, user, infoMap) await self.sendUploadResponse(req, res, user, result) } catch (error) { // Unlink all downloaded files when at least one file threw an error from the for-loop // Should continue even when encountering errors if (downloaded.length) await Promise.all( => utils.unlinkFile(file).catch(logger.error) )) const errorString = error.toString() const suppress = [ / over limit:/ ] if (!suppress.some(t => t.test(errorString))) throw error else throw errorString } } self.finishChunks = async (req, res, next) => { if (!chunkedUploads) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'Chunked upload is disabled at the moment.' }) let user if (config.private === true) { user = await utils.authorize(req, res) if (!user) return } else if (req.headers.token) { user = await db.table('users') .where('token', req.headers.token) .first() if (user && (user.enabled === false || user.enabled === 0)) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'This account has been disabled.' }) } try { await self.actuallyFinishChunks(req, res, user) } catch (error) { const isError = error instanceof Error if (isError) logger.error(error) return res.status(400).json({ success: false, description: isError ? error.toString() : error }) } } self.actuallyFinishChunks = async (req, res, user) => { const check = file => typeof file.uuid !== 'string' || !chunksData[file.uuid] || chunksData[file.uuid].chunks < 2 const files = req.body.files if (!Array.isArray(files) || !files.length || files.some(check)) throw 'An unexpected error occurred.' const infoMap = [] try { await Promise.all( file => { // Close stream chunksData[file.uuid].stream.end() if (chunksData[file.uuid].chunks > maxChunksCount) throw 'Too many chunks.' file.extname = typeof file.original === 'string' ? utils.extname(file.original) : '' if (self.isExtensionFiltered(file.extname)) throw `${file.extname ? `${file.extname.substr(1).toUpperCase()} files` : 'Files with no extension'} are not permitted.` if (temporaryUploads) { file.age = self.parseUploadAge(file.age) if (!file.age && !config.uploads.temporaryUploadAges.includes(0)) throw 'Permanent uploads are not permitted.' } file.size = chunksData[file.uuid].stream.bytesWritten if (config.filterEmptyFile && file.size === 0) throw 'Empty files are not allowed.' else if (file.size > maxSizeBytes) throw `File too large. Chunks are bigger than ${maxSize} MB.` // Double-check file size const tmpfile = path.join(chunksData[file.uuid].root, chunksData[file.uuid].filename) const lstat = await paths.lstat(tmpfile) if (lstat.size !== file.size) throw `File size mismatched (${lstat.size} vs. ${file.size}).` // Generate name const length = self.parseFileIdentifierLength(file.filelength) const name = await self.getUniqueRandomName(length, file.extname) // Move tmp file to final destination const destination = path.join(paths.uploads, name) await paths.rename(tmpfile, destination) const hash = chunksData[file.uuid].hasher.digest('hex') // Continue even when encountering errors await self.cleanUpChunks(file.uuid).catch(logger.error) let albumid = parseInt(file.albumid) if (isNaN(albumid)) albumid = null const data = { filename: name, originalname: file.original || '', extname: file.extname, mimetype: file.type || '', size: file.size, hash, albumid, age: file.age } infoMap.push({ path: destination, data }) })) if (utils.clamd.scanner) { const scanResult = await self.scanFiles(req, user, infoMap) if (scanResult) throw scanResult } await self.stripTags(req, infoMap) const result = await self.storeFilesToDb(req, res, user, infoMap) await self.sendUploadResponse(req, res, user, result) } catch (error) { // Dispose unfinished hasher and clean up leftover chunks // Should continue even when encountering errors await Promise.all( => { // eslint-disable-next-line curly if (chunksData[file.uuid] !== undefined) { try { if (chunksData[file.uuid].hasher) chunksData[file.uuid].hasher.dispose() } catch (error) {} self.cleanUpChunks(file.uuid).catch(logger.error) } })) // Re-throw error throw error } } self.cleanUpChunks = async (uuid, onTimeout) => { // Remove tmp file await paths.unlink(path.join(chunksData[uuid].root, chunksData[uuid].filename)) .catch(error => { if (error.code !== 'ENOENT') logger.error(error) }) // Remove UUID dir await paths.rmdir(chunksData[uuid].root) // Delete cached chunks data if (!onTimeout) chunksData[uuid].clearTimeout() delete chunksData[uuid] } self.scanFiles = async (req, user, infoMap) => { // eslint-disable-next-line curly if (user && utils.clamd.groupBypass &&, utils.clamd.groupBypass)) { // logger.log(`[ClamAV]: Skipping ${infoMap.length} file(s), ${utils.clamd.groupBypass} group bypass`) return false } const foundThreats = [] const results = await Promise.all( info => { if (utils.clamd.whitelistExtensions && utils.clamd.whitelistExtensions.includes( return // logger.log(`[ClamAV]: Skipping ${}, extension whitelisted`) if (utils.clamd.maxSize && > utils.clamd.maxSize) return // logger.log(`[ClamAV]: Skipping ${}, size ${} > ${utils.clamd.maxSize}`) const reply = await utils.clamd.scanner.scanFile(info.path, utils.clamd.timeout, utils.clamd.chunkSize) if (!reply.includes('OK') || reply.includes('FOUND')) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex const foundThreat = reply.replace(/^stream: /, '').replace(/ FOUND\u0000$/, '') logger.log(`[ClamAV]: ${}: ${foundThreat} FOUND.`) foundThreats.push(foundThreat) } })).then(() => { if (foundThreats.length) return `Threat found: ${foundThreats[0]}${foundThreats.length > 1 ? ', and more' : ''}.` }).catch(error => { logger.error(`[ClamAV]: ${error.toString()}`) return 'An unexpected error occurred with ClamAV, please contact the site owner.' }) if (results) // Unlink all files when at least one threat is found OR any errors occurred // Should continue even when encountering errors await Promise.all( => utils.unlinkFile( )) return results } self.stripTags = async (req, infoMap) => { if (!self.parseStripTags(req.headers.striptags)) return try { await Promise.all( => utils.stripTags(, )) } catch (error) { // Unlink all files when at least one threat is found OR any errors occurred // Should continue even when encountering errors await Promise.all( => utils.unlinkFile( )) // Re-throw error throw error } } self.storeFilesToDb = async (req, res, user, infoMap) => { const files = [] const exists = [] const albumids = [] await Promise.all( info => { // Check if the file exists by checking its hash and size const dbFile = await db.table('files') .where(function () { if (user === undefined) this.whereNull('userid') else this.where('userid', }) .where({ hash:, size: }) // Select expirydate to display expiration date of existing files as well .select('name', 'expirydate') .first() if (dbFile) { // Continue even when encountering errors await utils.unlinkFile( // logger.log(`Unlinked ${} since a duplicate named ${} exists`) // If on /nojs route, append original file name reported by client if (req.path === '/nojs') dbFile.original = exists.push(dbFile) return } const timestamp = Math.floor( / 1000) const data = { name:, original:, type:, size:, hash:, // Only disable if explicitly set to false in config ip: config.uploads.storeIP !== false ? req.ip : null, timestamp } if (user) { data.userid = data.albumid = if (data.albumid !== null && !albumids.includes(data.albumid)) albumids.push(data.albumid) } if ( data.expirydate = data.timestamp + ( * 3600) // Hours to seconds files.push(data) // Generate thumbs, but do not wait if (utils.mayGenerateThumb( utils.generateThumbs(,, true).catch(logger.error) })) if (files.length) { let authorizedIds = [] if (albumids.length) { authorizedIds = await db.table('albums') .where({ userid: }) .whereIn('id', albumids) .select('id') .then(rows => => // Remove albumid if user do not own the album for (const file of files) if (file.albumid !== null && !authorizedIds.includes(file.albumid)) file.albumid = null } // Insert new files to DB await db.table('files').insert(files) utils.invalidateStatsCache('uploads') if (config.uploads.queryDbForFileCollisions) for (const file of files) { const extname = utils.extname( const identifier =, -(extname.length)) self.onHold.delete(identifier) } // Update albums' timestamp if (authorizedIds.length) { await db.table('albums') .whereIn('id', authorizedIds) .update('editedAt', Math.floor( / 1000)) utils.invalidateAlbumsCache(authorizedIds) } } return files.concat(exists) } self.sendUploadResponse = async (req, res, user, result) => { // Send response res.json({ success: true, files: => { const map = { name:, url: `${config.domain}/${}` } // If a temporary upload, add expiry date if (file.expirydate) map.expirydate = file.expirydate // If on /nojs route, add original name if (req.path === '/nojs') map.original = file.original // If uploaded by user, add delete URL (intended for ShareX and its derivatives) // Homepage uploader will not use this (use dashboard instead) // REVISION: I wasn't aware ShareX wouldn't do a basic GET request to this API, // which I hoped would then use the token header in the downloadable ShareX config file. // At its current state, this isn't really usable. /* if (user) map.deleteUrl = `${config.homeDomain}/api/upload/delete/${}` */ return map }) }) } self.delete = async (req, res) => { // Map /api/delete requests to /api/bulkdelete let body if (req.method === 'POST') { // Original lolisafe API (this fork uses /api/bulkdelete immediately) const id = parseInt( body = { field: 'id', values: isNaN(id) ? undefined : [id] } } /* else if (req.method === 'GET') { // ShareX-compatible API (or other clients that require basic GET-based API) const name = body = { field: 'name', values: name ? [name] : undefined } } */ req.body = body return self.bulkDelete(req, res) } self.bulkDelete = async (req, res) => { const user = await utils.authorize(req, res) if (!user) return const field = req.body.field || 'id' const values = req.body.values if (!Array.isArray(values) || !values.length) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'No array of files specified.' }) try { const failed = await utils.bulkDeleteFromDb(field, values, user) return res.json({ success: true, failed }) } catch (error) { logger.error(error) return res.status(500).json({ success: false, description: 'An unexpected error occurred. Try again?' }) } } self.list = async (req, res) => { const user = await utils.authorize(req, res) if (!user) return const all = req.headers.all === '1' const filters = req.headers.filters const minoffset = Number(req.headers.minoffset) || 0 const ismoderator =, 'moderator') if (all && !ismoderator) return res.status(403).end() const basedomain = config.domain // Thresholds for regular users const MAX_WILDCARDS_IN_KEY = 2 const MAX_TEXT_QUERIES = 3 // non-keyed keywords const MAX_SORT_KEYS = 1 const MAX_IS_KEYS = 1 const filterObj = { uploaders: [], excludeUploaders: [], queries: { exclude: {} }, typeIs: [ 'image', 'video' ], flags: {} } const sortObj = { // Cast columns to specific type if they are stored differently casts: { size: 'integer' }, // Columns mapping maps: { date: 'timestamp', expiry: 'expirydate', originalname: 'original' }, // Columns with which to use SQLite's NULLS LAST option nullsLast: [ 'userid', 'expirydate', 'ip' ], parsed: [] } // Parse glob wildcards into SQL wildcards function sqlLikeParser (pattern) { // Escape SQL operators const escaped = pattern .replace(/(? MAX_TEXT_QUERIES) return res.json({ success: false, description: `Users are only allowed to use ${MAX_TEXT_QUERIES} non-keyed keyword${MAX_TEXT_QUERIES === 1 ? '' : 's'} at a time.` }) if (filterObj.queries.text) for (let i = 0; i < filterObj.queries.text.length; i++) { const result = sqlLikeParser(filterObj.queries.text[i]) if (!ismoderator && result.count > MAX_WILDCARDS_IN_KEY) return res.json({ success: false, description: `Users are only allowed to use ${MAX_WILDCARDS_IN_KEY} wildcard${MAX_WILDCARDS_IN_KEY === 1 ? '' : 's'} per key.` }) filterObj.queries.text[i] = result.escaped } if (filterObj.queries.exclude.text) for (let i = 0; i < filterObj.queries.exclude.text.length; i++) { const result = sqlLikeParser(filterObj.queries.exclude.text[i]) if (!ismoderator && result.count > MAX_WILDCARDS_IN_KEY) return res.json({ success: false, description: `Users are only allowed to use ${MAX_WILDCARDS_IN_KEY} wildcard${MAX_WILDCARDS_IN_KEY === 1 ? '' : 's'} per key.` }) filterObj.queries.exclude.text[i] = result.escaped } for (const key of keywords) { let queryIndex = -1 let excludeIndex = -1 // Make sure keyword arrays only contain unique values if (filterObj.queries[key]) { filterObj.queries[key] = filterObj.queries[key].filter((v, i, a) => a.indexOf(v) === i) queryIndex = filterObj.queries[key].indexOf('-') } if (filterObj.queries.exclude[key]) { filterObj.queries.exclude[key] = filterObj.queries.exclude[key].filter((v, i, a) => a.indexOf(v) === i) excludeIndex = filterObj.queries.exclude[key].indexOf('-') } // Flag to match NULL values const inQuery = queryIndex !== -1 const inExclude = excludeIndex !== -1 if (inQuery || inExclude) { // Prioritize exclude keys when both types found filterObj.flags[`${key}Null`] = inExclude ? false : inQuery if (inQuery) if (filterObj.queries[key].length === 1) // Delete key to avoid unexpected behavior delete filterObj.queries[key] else filterObj.queries[key].splice(queryIndex, 1) if (inExclude) if (filterObj.queries.exclude[key].length === 1) // Delete key to avoid unexpected behavior delete filterObj.queries.exclude[key] else filterObj.queries.exclude[key].splice(excludeIndex, 1) } } const parseDate = (date, minoffset, resetMs) => { // [YYYY][/MM][/DD] [HH][:MM][:SS] // e.g. 2020/01/01 00:00:00, 2018/01/01 06, 2019/11, 12:34:00 const match = date.match(/^(\d{4})?(\/\d{2})?(\/\d{2})?\s?(\d{2})?(:\d{2})?(:\d{2})?$/) if (match) { let offset = 0 if (minoffset !== undefined) offset = 60000 * (utils.timezoneOffset - minoffset) const dateObj = new Date( + offset) if (match[1] !== undefined) dateObj.setFullYear(Number(match[1]), // full year match[2] !== undefined ? (Number(match[2].slice(1)) - 1) : 0, // month, zero-based match[3] !== undefined ? Number(match[3].slice(1)) : 1) // date if (match[4] !== undefined) dateObj.setHours(Number(match[4]), // hours match[5] !== undefined ? Number(match[5].slice(1)) : 0, // minutes match[6] !== undefined ? Number(match[6].slice(1)) : 0) // seconds if (resetMs) dateObj.setMilliseconds(0) // Calculate timezone differences return new Date(dateObj.getTime() - offset) } else { return null } } // Parse dates to timestamps for (const range of ranges) if (filterObj.queries[range]) { if (filterObj.queries[range].from) { const parsed = parseDate(filterObj.queries[range].from, minoffset, true) filterObj.queries[range].from = parsed ? Math.floor(parsed / 1000) : null } if (filterObj.queries[range].to) { const parsed = parseDate(filterObj.queries[range].to, minoffset, true) filterObj.queries[range].to = parsed ? Math.ceil(parsed / 1000) : null } } // Query users table for user IDs if (filterObj.queries.user || filterObj.queries.exclude.user) { const usernames = [] .concat(filterObj.queries.user || []) .concat(filterObj.queries.exclude.user || []) const uploaders = await db.table('users') .whereIn('username', usernames) .select('id', 'username') // If no matches, or mismatched results if (!uploaders || (uploaders.length !== usernames.length)) { const notFound = usernames.filter(username => { return !uploaders.find(uploader => uploader.username === username) }) if (notFound) return res.json({ success: false, description: `User${notFound.length === 1 ? '' : 's'} not found: ${notFound.join(', ')}.` }) } for (const uploader of uploaders) if (filterObj.queries.user && filterObj.queries.user.includes(uploader.username)) filterObj.uploaders.push(uploader) else filterObj.excludeUploaders.push(uploader) // Delete keys to avoid unexpected behavior delete filterObj.queries.user delete filterObj.queries.exclude.user } // Parse sort keys if (filterObj.queries.sort) { let allowed = [ 'expirydate', 'id', 'name', 'original', 'size', 'timestamp' ] // Only allow sorting by 'albumid' when not listing album's uploads if ( === undefined) allowed = allowed.concat([ 'albumid' ]) // Only allow sorting by 'ip' and 'userid' columns when listing all uploads if (all) allowed = allowed.concat([ 'ip', 'userid' ]) for (const obQuery of filterObj.queries.sort) { const tmp = obQuery.toLowerCase().split(':') const column = sortObj.maps[tmp[0]] || tmp[0] if (!allowed.includes(column)) // Alert users if using disallowed/missing columns return res.json({ success: false, description: `Column \`${column}\` cannot be used for sorting.\n\nTry the following instead:\n${allowed.join(', ')}` }) sortObj.parsed.push({ column, order: (tmp[1] && /^d/.test(tmp[1])) ? 'desc' : 'asc', clause: sortObj.nullsLast.includes(column) ? 'nulls last' : '', cast: sortObj.casts[column] || null }) } // Regular user threshold check if (!ismoderator && sortObj.parsed.length > MAX_SORT_KEYS) return res.json({ success: false, description: `Users are only allowed to use ${MAX_SORT_KEYS} sort key${MAX_SORT_KEYS === 1 ? '' : 's'} at a time.` }) // Delete key to avoid unexpected behavior delete filterObj.queries.sort } // Parse is keys let isKeys = 0 let isLast if ( || { for (const type of filterObj.typeIs) { const inQuery = && const inExclude = && // Prioritize exclude keys when both types found if (inQuery || inExclude) { filterObj.flags[`is${type}`] = inExclude ? false : inQuery if (isLast !== undefined && isLast !== filterObj.flags[`is${type}`]) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'Cannot mix inclusion and exclusion type-is keys.' }) isKeys++ isLast = filterObj.flags[`is${type}`] } } // Delete keys to avoid unexpected behavior delete delete } // Regular user threshold check if (!ismoderator && isKeys > MAX_IS_KEYS) return res.json({ success: false, description: `Users are only allowed to use ${MAX_IS_KEYS} type-is key${MAX_IS_KEYS === 1 ? '' : 's'} at a time.` }) } function filter () { // If listing all uploads if (all) this.where(function () { // Filter uploads matching any of the supplied 'user' keys and/or NULL flag // Prioritze exclude keys when both types found this.orWhere(function () { if (filterObj.excludeUploaders.length) this.orWhereNotIn('userid', => else if (filterObj.uploaders.length) this.orWhereIn('userid', => // Such overbearing logic for NULL values, smh... if ((filterObj.excludeUploaders.length && filterObj.flags.userNull !== false) || (filterObj.uploaders.length && filterObj.flags.userNull) || (!filterObj.excludeUploaders.length && !filterObj.uploaders.length && filterObj.flags.userNull)) this.orWhereNull('userid') else if (filterObj.flags.userNull === false) this.orWhereNotNull('userid') }) // Filter uploads matching any of the supplied 'ip' keys and/or NULL flag // Same prioritization logic as above this.orWhere(function () { if (filterObj.queries.exclude.ip) this.orWhereNotIn('ip', filterObj.queries.exclude.ip) else if (filterObj.queries.ip) this.orWhereIn('ip', filterObj.queries.ip) // ... if ((filterObj.queries.exclude.ip && filterObj.flags.ipNull !== false) || (filterObj.queries.ip && filterObj.flags.ipNull) || (!filterObj.queries.exclude.ip && !filterObj.queries.ip && filterObj.flags.ipNull)) this.orWhereNull('ip') else if (filterObj.flags.ipNull === false) this.orWhereNotNull('ip') }) }) else // If not listing all uploads, list user's uploads this.where('userid', // Then, refine using any of the supplied 'albumid' keys and/or NULL flag // Same prioritization logic as 'userid' and 'ip' above if ( === undefined) this.andWhere(function () { if (filterObj.queries.exclude.albumid) this.orWhereNotIn('albumid', filterObj.queries.exclude.albumid) else if (filterObj.queries.albumid) this.orWhereIn('albumid', filterObj.queries.albumid) // ... if ((filterObj.queries.exclude.albumid && filterObj.flags.albumidNull !== false) || (filterObj.queries.albumid && filterObj.flags.albumidNull) || (!filterObj.queries.exclude.albumid && !filterObj.queries.albumid && filterObj.flags.albumidNull)) this.orWhereNull('albumid') else if (filterObj.flags.albumidNull === false) this.orWhereNotNull('albumid') }) else if (!all) // If not listing all uploads, list uploads from user's album this.andWhere('albumid', // Then, refine using the supplied 'date' ranges this.andWhere(function () { if (! || (! && ! return if (typeof === 'number') if (typeof === 'number') this.andWhereBetween('timestamp', [,]) else this.andWhere('timestamp', '>=', else this.andWhere('timestamp', '<=', }) // Then, refine using the supplied 'expiry' ranges this.andWhere(function () { if (!filterObj.queries.expiry || (!filterObj.queries.expiry.from && ! return if (typeof filterObj.queries.expiry.from === 'number') if (typeof === 'number') this.andWhereBetween('expirydate', [filterObj.queries.expiry.from,]) else this.andWhere('expirydate', '>=', filterObj.queries.expiry.from) else this.andWhere('expirydate', '<=', }) // Then, refine using type-is flags this.andWhere(function () { for (const type of filterObj.typeIs) { let func let operator if (filterObj.flags[`is${type}`] === true) { func = 'orWhere' operator = 'like' } else if (filterObj.flags[`is${type}`] === false) { func = 'andWhere' operator = 'not like' } if (func) for (const pattern of utils[`${type}Exts`].map(ext => `%${ext}`)) this[func]('name', operator, pattern) } }) // Then, refine using the supplied keywords against their file names this.andWhere(function () { if (!filterObj.queries.text) return for (const pattern of filterObj.queries.text) { this.orWhereRaw('?? like ? escape ?', ['name', pattern, '\\']) this.orWhereRaw('?? like ? escape ?', ['original', pattern, '\\']) } }) // Finally, refine using the supplied exclusions against their file names this.andWhere(function () { if (!filterObj.queries.exclude.text) return for (const pattern of filterObj.queries.exclude.text) { this.andWhereRaw('?? not like ? escape ?', ['name', pattern, '\\']) this.andWhereRaw('?? not like ? escape ?', ['original', pattern, '\\']) } }) } try { // Query uploads count for pagination const count = await db.table('files') .where(filter) .count('id as count') .then(rows => rows[0].count) if (!count) return res.json({ success: true, files: [], count }) let offset = Number( if (isNaN(offset)) offset = 0 else if (offset < 0) offset = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(count / 25) + offset) const columns = ['id', 'name', 'original', 'userid', 'size', 'timestamp'] if (temporaryUploads) columns.push('expirydate') if (!all || filterObj.queries.albumid || filterObj.queries.exclude.albumid || filterObj.flags.albumidNull !== undefined) columns.push('albumid') // Only select IPs if we are listing all uploads if (all) columns.push('ip') // Build raw query for order by (sorting) operation let orderByRaw if (sortObj.parsed.length) orderByRaw = => { // Use Knex.raw() to sanitize user inputs if (sort.cast) return db.raw(`cast (?? as ${sort.cast}) ${sort.order} ${sort.clause}`.trim(), sort.column) else return db.raw(`?? ${sort.order} ${sort.clause}`.trim(), sort.column) }).join(', ') else orderByRaw = '`id` desc' const files = await db.table('files') .where(filter) .orderByRaw(orderByRaw) .limit(25) .offset(25 * offset) .select(columns) if (!files.length) return res.json({ success: true, files, count, basedomain }) for (const file of files) { file.extname = utils.extname( if (utils.mayGenerateThumb(file.extname)) file.thumb = `thumbs/${, -file.extname.length)}.png` } // If we queried albumid, query album names let albums = {} if (columns.includes('albumid')) { const albumids = files .map(file => file.albumid) .filter((v, i, a) => { return v !== null && v !== undefined && v !== '' && a.indexOf(v) === i }) albums = await db.table('albums') .whereIn('id', albumids) .where('enabled', 1) .select('id', 'name') .then(rows => { // Build Object indexed by their IDs const obj = {} for (const row of rows) obj[] = return obj }) } // If we are not listing all uploads, send response if (!all) return res.json({ success: true, files, count, albums, basedomain }) // Otherwise proceed to querying usernames let usersTable = filterObj.uploaders if (!usersTable.length) { const userids = files .map(file => file.userid) .filter((v, i, a) => { return v !== null && v !== undefined && v !== '' && a.indexOf(v) === i }) // If there are no uploads attached to a registered user, send response if (userids.length === 0) return res.json({ success: true, files, count, albums, basedomain }) // Query usernames of user IDs from currently selected files usersTable = await db.table('users') .whereIn('id', userids) .select('id', 'username') } const users = {} for (const user of usersTable) users[] = user.username return res.json({ success: true, files, count, users, albums, basedomain }) } catch (error) { logger.error(error) return res.status(500).json({ success: false, description: 'An unexpected error occurred. Try again?' }) } } module.exports = self