const jetpack = require('fs-jetpack') const perms = require('./../controllers/permissionController') const config = require('./../controllers/utils/ConfigManager') const map = { files: { expirydate: 'integer' }, albums: { editedAt: 'integer', zipGeneratedAt: 'integer', download: 'integer', public: 'integer', description: 'string' }, users: { enabled: 'integer', permission: 'integer', registration: 'integer' } } ;(async () => { if (['better-sqlite3', 'sqlite3'].includes(config.database.client)) { if (!await jetpack.existsAsync(config.database.connection.filename)) { console.log('Sqlite3 database file missing. Assumes first install, migration skipped.') process.exit(0) } } const db = require('knex')(config.database) let done = 0 const tableNames = Object.keys(map) for (const tableName of tableNames) { const columnNames = Object.keys(map[tableName]) for (const columnName of columnNames) { if (await db.schema.hasColumn(tableName, columnName)) continue const columnType = map[tableName][columnName] await db.schema.table(tableName, table => { table[columnType](columnName) }) console.log(`OK: ${tableName} <- ${columnName} (${columnType})`) done++ } } const root = await db.table('users') .where('username', 'root') .select('permission') .first() if (root && root.permission !== perms.permissions.superadmin) { await db.table('users') .where('username', 'root') .first() .update({ permission: perms.permissions.superadmin }) .then(result => { // NOTE: permissionController.js actually has a hard-coded check for "root" account so that // it will always have "superadmin" permission regardless of its permission value in database console.log(`Updated root's permission to ${perms.permissions.superadmin} (superadmin).`) done++ }) } const filesOutdatedSize = await db.table('files') .where('size', 'like', '%.0') if (filesOutdatedSize.length) { console.log(`Found ${filesOutdatedSize.length} files with outdated "size" field, converting\u2026`) for (const file of filesOutdatedSize) { const size = file.size.replace(/\.0$/, '') await db.table('files') .update('size', size) .where('id', done++ } } const filesMissingType = await db.table('files') .where('type', '') .orWhereNull('type') if (filesMissingType.length) { console.log(`Found ${filesMissingType.length} files with invalid "type" field, converting\u2026`) for (const file of filesMissingType) { await db.table('files') .update('type', 'application/octet-stream') .where('id', done++ } } let status = 'Database migration was not required.' if (done) { status = `Completed ${done} database migration task(s).` } console.log(`${status} You may now start lolisafe normally.`) })() .then(() => process.exit(0)) .catch(error => { console.error(error) process.exit(1) })