const path = require('path') const paths = require('../controllers/pathsController') const utils = require('../controllers/utilsController') const config = require('./../config') const db = require('knex')(config.database) const self = { mode: null, mayGenerateThumb: extname => { return ([1, 3].includes(self.mode) && utils.imageExts.includes(extname)) || ([2, 3].includes(self.mode) && utils.videoExts.includes(extname)) }, getFiles: async directory => { const names = await paths.readdir(directory) const files = [] for (const name of names) { const lstat = await paths.lstat(path.join(directory, name)) if (lstat.isFile() && !name.startsWith('.')) { files.push(name) } } return files } } ;(async () => { const location = process.argv[1].replace(process.cwd() + '/', '') const args = process.argv.slice(2) self.mode = parseInt(args[0]) const force = parseInt(args[1]) || 0 const verbose = parseInt(args[2]) || 0 const cfcache = parseInt(args[3]) || 0 if (![1, 2, 3].includes(self.mode) || ![0, 1].includes(force) || ![0, 1, 2].includes(verbose) || ![0, 1].includes(cfcache) || args.includes('--help') || args.includes('-h')) { return console.log(utils.stripIndents(` Generate thumbnails. Usage: node ${location} <mode=1|2|3> [force=0|1] [verbose=0|1] [cfcache=0|1] mode : 1 = images only, 2 = videos only, 3 = both images and videos force : 0 = no force (default), 1 = overwrite existing thumbnails verbose : 0 = only print missing thumbs (default), 1 = print all, 2 = print nothing cfcache : 0 = do not clear cloudflare cache (default), 1 = clear cloudflare cache `).trim()) } console.log('Looking through existing thumbnails\u2026') const hrstart = process.hrtime() const uploads = await db.table('files') .select('id', 'name') const thumbs = await self.getFiles(paths.thumbs) .then(thumbs => => { const extname = path.extname(thumb) return thumb.slice(0, -extname.length) })) console.log(`Found ${thumbs.length} existing thumbnails (may include placeholder symlinks).`) const succeeded = [] let error = 0 let exists = 0 let skipped = 0 const printProgress = () => { const done = succeeded.length + error + exists + skipped console.log(`PROGRESS: ${done}/${uploads.length}`) if (done >= uploads.length) clearInterval(progressInterval) } const progressInterval = setInterval(printProgress, 1000) printProgress() for (const upload of uploads) { const extname = utils.extname( const basename =, -extname.length) if (thumbs.includes(basename) && !force) { if (verbose === 1) { console.log(`${}: ALREADY EXISTS.`) } exists++ } else if (!self.mayGenerateThumb(extname)) { if (verbose === 1) { console.log(`${}: EXTENSION SKIPPED.`) } skipped++ } else { const start = const generated = await utils.generateThumbs(, extname, force) if (verbose !== 2) { console.log(`${}: ${( - start) / 1000}s: ${generated ? 'OK' : 'ERROR'}`) } generated ? succeeded.push({ upload, extname }) : error++ } } clearInterval(progressInterval) printProgress() const hrend = process.hrtime(hrstart) console.log(utils.stripIndents(` --- Done in: ${(hrend[0] + (hrend[1] / 1e9)).toFixed(4)}s Success: ${succeeded.length} Error: ${error} Already exists: ${exists} Extension skipped: ${skipped} --- `).trim()) if (cfcache && succeeded.length) { console.log('Purging Cloudflare\'s cache...') const results = await utils.purgeCloudflareCache( => `thumbs/${, -data.extname.length)}.png` ), true, false) for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { if (results[i].errors.length) { results[i].errors.forEach(error => console.error(`CF: ${error}`)) } console.log(`Status [${i}]: ${results[i].success ? 'OK' : 'ERROR'}`) } } })() .then(() => process.exit(0)) .catch(error => { console.error(error) process.exit(1) })