const bcrypt = require('bcrypt') const config = require('./../config') const db = require('knex')(config.database) const logger = require('./../logger') const perms = require('./permissionController') const randomstring = require('randomstring') const tokens = require('./tokenController') const utils = require('./utilsController') const authController = {} authController.verify = async (req, res, next) => { const username = req.body.username const password = req.body.password if (username === undefined) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'No username provided.' }) if (password === undefined) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'No password provided.' }) const user = await db.table('users').where('username', username).first() if (!user) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'Username does not exist.' }) if (user.enabled === false || user.enabled === 0) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'This account has been disabled.' }), user.password, (error, result) => { if (error) { logger.error(error) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'There was an error.' }) } if (result === false) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'Wrong password.' }) return res.json({ success: true, token: user.token }) }) } authController.register = async (req, res, next) => { if (config.enableUserAccounts === false) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'Register is disabled at the moment.' }) const username = req.body.username const password = req.body.password if (username === undefined) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'No username provided.' }) if (password === undefined) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'No password provided.' }) if (username.length < 4 || username.length > 32) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'Username must have 4-32 characters.' }) if (password.length < 6 || password.length > 64) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'Password must have 6-64 characters.' }) const user = await db.table('users').where('username', username).first() if (user) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'Username already exists.' }) bcrypt.hash(password, 10, async (error, hash) => { if (error) { logger.error(error) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'Error generating password hash (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻.' }) } const token = await tokens.generateUniqueToken() if (!token) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'Error generating unique token (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻.' }) await db.table('users').insert({ username, password: hash, token, enabled: 1, permission: perms.permissions.user }) utils.invalidateStatsCache('users') return res.json({ success: true, token }) }) } authController.changePassword = async (req, res, next) => { const user = await utils.authorize(req, res) if (!user) return const password = req.body.password if (password === undefined) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'No password provided.' }) if (password.length < 6 || password.length > 64) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'Password must have 6-64 characters.' }) bcrypt.hash(password, 10, async (error, hash) => { if (error) { logger.error(error) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'Error generating password hash (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻.' }) } await db.table('users') .where('id', .update('password', hash) return res.json({ success: true }) }) } authController.getFileLengthConfig = async (req, res, next) => { const user = await utils.authorize(req, res) if (!user) return return res.json({ success: true, fileLength: user.fileLength, config: config.uploads.fileLength }) } authController.changeFileLength = async (req, res, next) => { if (config.uploads.fileLength.userChangeable === false) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'Changing file name length is disabled at the moment.' }) const user = await utils.authorize(req, res) if (!user) return const fileLength = parseInt(req.body.fileLength) if (fileLength === undefined) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'No file name length provided.' }) if (isNaN(fileLength)) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'File name length is not a valid number.' }) if (fileLength < config.uploads.fileLength.min || fileLength > config.uploads.fileLength.max) return res.json({ success: false, description: `File name length must be ${config.uploads.fileLength.min} to ${config.uploads.fileLength.max} characters.` }) if (fileLength === user.fileLength) return res.json({ success: true }) await db.table('users') .where('id', .update('fileLength', fileLength) return res.json({ success: true }) } authController.editUser = async (req, res, next) => { const user = await utils.authorize(req, res) if (!user) return const id = parseInt( if (isNaN(id)) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'No user specified.' }) const target = await db.table('users') .where('id', id) .first() if (!target) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'Could not get user with the specified ID.' }) else if (!perms.higher(user, target)) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'The user is in the same or higher group as you.' }) else if (target.username === 'root') return res.json({ success: false, description: 'Root user may not be edited.' }) const update = {} if (req.body.username !== undefined) { update.username = `${req.body.username}` if (update.username.length < 4 || update.username.length > 32) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'Username must have 4-32 characters.' }) } if (req.body.enabled !== undefined) update.enabled = Boolean(req.body.enabled) if ( !== undefined) { update.permission = perms.permissions[] || target.permission if (typeof update.permission !== 'number' || update.permission < 0) update.permission = target.permission } await db.table('users') .where('id', id) .update(update) utils.invalidateStatsCache('users') if (!req.body.resetPassword) return res.json({ success: true, update }) const password = randomstring.generate(16) bcrypt.hash(password, 10, async (error, hash) => { if (error) { logger.error(error) return res.json({ success: false, description: 'Error generating password hash (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻.' }) } await db.table('users') .where('id', id) .update('password', hash) return res.json({ success: true, update, password }) }) } authController.disableUser = async (req, res, next) => { const body = { id:, enabled: false } req.body = body return authController.editUser(req, res, next) } authController.listUsers = async (req, res, next) => { const user = await utils.authorize(req, res) if (!user) return const isadmin =, 'admin') if (!isadmin) return res.status(403).end() const count = await db.table('users') .count('id as count') .then(rows => rows[0].count) if (!count) return res.json({ success: true, users: [], count }) let offset = if (offset === undefined) offset = 0 const users = await db.table('users') .limit(25) .offset(25 * offset) .select('id', 'username', 'enabled', 'fileLength', 'permission') const userids = [] for (const user of users) { user.groups = perms.mapPermissions(user) delete user.permission userids.push( user.uploadsCount = 0 user.diskUsage = 0 } const maps = {} const uploads = await db.table('files').whereIn('userid', userids) for (const upload of uploads) { // This is the fastest method that I can think of if (maps[upload.userid] === undefined) maps[upload.userid] = { count: 0, size: 0 } maps[upload.userid].count++ maps[upload.userid].size += parseInt(upload.size) } for (const user of users) { if (!maps[]) continue user.uploadsCount = maps[].count user.diskUsage = maps[].size } return res.json({ success: true, users, count }) } module.exports = authController