{% extends "_layout.njk" %} {% block stylesheets %} {% endblock %} {% block scripts %} {% endblock %} {% block opengraph %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {{ super() }} {{ title | safe }} {{ count }} files ({{ totalSize }}) {% if generateZips and files.length -%} {% if downloadLink -%} Download album {%- else -%} Download disabled {%- endif %} {%- endif %} {% if description -%} {{ description | safe }} {%- endif %} {% if files.length -%} {% for file in files %} {% if file.thumb -%} {#- This will kinda increase the overall page size, but this will still benefit users with JavaScript enabled by lazyloading images, and not causing those who have JavaScript disabled be unable to view the images. #} {%- else -%} {{ file.extname | default('N/A') }} {%- endif %} {{ file.name }} {{ file.size }} {% endfor %} {%- else -%} There are no files in the album. {%- endif %} {# Hide lazyload img tags and show noscript img tags #} {% endblock %}
{% if downloadLink -%} Download album {%- else -%} Download disabled {%- endif %}
{{ file.name }}
{{ file.size }}