# README `versions.json` is the file that tells Nunjucks what version strings to append to client-side lolisafe assets. To bump the version, it's recommended to use use `yarn bump-versions`. ```none $ yarn bump-versions $ node ./scripts/bump-versions.j Bump version strings for client-side assets. Usage: node scripts/bump-versions.js types: Space separated list of types (accepts 1 to 5). 1: CSS and JS files (lolisafe core assets + fontello.css). 2: Icons, images and config files (manifest.json, browserconfig.xml, etc). 3: CSS and JS files (libs from /public/libs, such as bulma, lazyload, etc). 4: Renders from /public/render/* directories (to be used with /src/js/misc/render.js). 5: Fontello font files. a: Shortcut to update all types. ``` By default, running `yarn build` will also run `node ./scripts/bump-versions.js 1`. ## Fontello `fontello.css` itself will use type 1, but its font files will use type 5. Gulp will automatically append the version string into the built `fontello.css` in `dist` directory when running `yarn build` (or `dist-dev` when running `yarn develop`). To bump type 5, you would have to run `yarn bump-versions 5`. ## Cache-Control Version strings will NOT be used when `cacheControl` in `config.js` is not enabled. To begin with, version strings are only necessary when the assets are being cached indefinitely in browsers. However, type 5 will still be appended to the built `fontello.css` if it exists in `versions.json` file.