let init = function(db, config){ // Create the tables we need to store galleries and files db.schema.createTableIfNotExists('albums', function (table) { table.increments() table.string('name') table.integer('timestamp') }).then(() => {}) db.schema.createTableIfNotExists('files', function (table) { table.increments() table.string('name') table.string('original') table.string('type') table.string('size') table.string('ip') table.integer('albumid') table.integer('timestamp') }).then(() => {}) db.schema.createTableIfNotExists('tokens', function (table) { table.string('name') table.string('value') table.integer('timestamp') }).then(() => { // == Generate a 1 time token == // db.table('tokens').then((tokens) => { if(tokens.length !== 0) return printAndSave(config, tokens[0].value, tokens[1].value) // This is the first launch of the app let clientToken = require('randomstring').generate() let adminToken = require('randomstring').generate() let now = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) db.table('tokens').insert( [ { name: 'client', value: clientToken, timestamp: now }, { name: 'admin', value: adminToken, timestamp: now } ] ).then(() => { printAndSave(config, clientToken, adminToken) }) }) }) } function printAndSave(config, clientToken, adminToken){ console.log('Your client token is: ' + clientToken) console.log('Your admin token is: ' + adminToken) config.clientToken = clientToken config.adminToken = adminToken } module.exports = init