const { promisify } = require('util') const fetch = require('node-fetch') const ffmpeg = require('fluent-ffmpeg') const path = require('path') const sharp = require('sharp') const si = require('systeminformation') const paths = require('./pathsController') const perms = require('./permissionController') const apiErrorsHandler = require('./handlers/apiErrorsHandler') const ClientError = require('./utils/ClientError') const ServerError = require('./utils/ServerError') const config = require('./../config') const logger = require('./../logger') const db = require('knex')(config.database) const self = { scan: { instance: null, version: null, groupBypass: config.uploads.scan.groupBypass || null, whitelistExtensions: (Array.isArray(config.uploads.scan.whitelistExtensions) && config.uploads.scan.whitelistExtensions.length) ? config.uploads.scan.whitelistExtensions : null, maxSize: (parseInt(config.uploads.scan.maxSize) * 1e6) || null, passthrough: config.uploads.scan.clamPassthrough }, gitHash: null, idSet: null, idMaxTries: config.uploads.maxTries || 1, imageExts: ['.gif', '.jpeg', '.jpg', '.png', '.svg', '.tif', '.tiff', '.webp'], videoExts: ['.3g2', '.3gp', '.asf', '.avchd', '.avi', '.divx', '.evo', '.flv', '.h264', '.h265', '.hevc', '.m2p', '.m2ts', '.m4v', '.mk3d', '.mkv', '.mov', '.mp4', '.mpeg', '.mpg', '.mxf', '.ogg', '.ogv', '.ps', '.qt', '.rmvb', '.ts', '.vob', '.webm', '.wmv'], audioExts: ['.flac', '.mp3', '.wav', '.wma'], stripTagsBlacklistedExts: Array.isArray(config.uploads.stripTags.blacklistExtensions) ? config.uploads.stripTags.blacklistExtensions : [], thumbsSize: config.uploads.generateThumbs.size || 200, ffprobe: promisify(ffmpeg.ffprobe), albumsCache: {}, timezoneOffset: new Date().getTimezoneOffset() } const statsData = { system: { title: 'System', cache: null, generating: false, generatedAt: 0 }, fileSystems: { title: 'File Systems', cache: null, generating: false, generatedAt: 0 }, uploads: { title: 'Uploads', cache: null, generating: false, generatedAt: 0 }, users: { title: 'Users', cache: null, generating: false, generatedAt: 0 }, albums: { title: 'Albums', cache: null, generating: false, generatedAt: 0 } } const cloudflareAuth = config.cloudflare && config.cloudflare.zoneId && (config.cloudflare.apiToken || config.cloudflare.userServiceKey || (config.cloudflare.apiKey && self.mayGenerateThumb = extname => { extname = extname.toLowerCase() return (config.uploads.generateThumbs.image && self.imageExts.includes(extname)) || ( && self.videoExts.includes(extname)) } // Expand if necessary (should be case-insensitive) const extPreserves = [ /\.tar\.\w+/i // tarballs ] self.extname = (filename, lower) => { // Always return blank string if the filename does not seem to have a valid extension // Files such as .DS_Store (anything that starts with a dot, without any extension after) will still be accepted if (!/\../.test(filename)) return '' let multi = '' let extname = '' // check for multi-archive extensions (.001, .002, and so on) if (/\.\d{3}$/.test(filename)) { multi = filename.slice(filename.lastIndexOf('.') - filename.length) filename = filename.slice(0, filename.lastIndexOf('.')) } // check against extensions that must be preserved for (const extPreserve of extPreserves) { const match = filename.match(extPreserve) if (match && match[0]) { extname = match[0] break } } if (!extname) { extname = filename.slice(filename.lastIndexOf('.') - filename.length) } const str = extname + multi return lower ? str.toLowerCase() : str } self.escape = string => { // MIT License // Copyright(c) 2012-2013 TJ Holowaychuk // Copyright(c) 2015 Andreas Lubbe // Copyright(c) 2015 Tiancheng "Timothy" Gu if (!string) return string const str = String(string) const match = /["'&<>]/.exec(str) if (!match) return str let escape let html = '' let index = 0 let lastIndex = 0 for (index = match.index; index < str.length; index++) { switch (str.charCodeAt(index)) { case 34: // " escape = '"' break case 38: // & escape = '&' break case 39: // ' escape = ''' break case 60: // < escape = '<' break case 62: // > escape = '>' break default: continue } if (lastIndex !== index) { html += str.substring(lastIndex, index) } lastIndex = index + 1 html += escape } return lastIndex !== index ? html + str.substring(lastIndex, index) : html } self.stripIndents = string => { if (!string) return const result = string.replace(/^[^\S\n]+/gm, '') const match = result.match(/^[^\S\n]*(?=\S)/gm) const indent = match && Math.min( => el.length)) if (indent) { const regexp = new RegExp(`^.{${indent}}`, 'gm') return result.replace(regexp, '') } return result } self.assertUser = async (token, fields) => { const _fields = ['id', 'username', 'enabled', 'timestamp', 'permission', 'registration'] if (typeof fields === 'string') fields = [fields] if (Array.isArray(fields)) { _fields.push(...fields) } const user = await db.table('users') .where('token', token) .select(_fields) .first() if (user) { if (user.enabled === false || user.enabled === 0) { throw new ClientError('This account has been disabled.', { statusCode: 403 }) } return user } else { throw new ClientError('Invalid token.', { statusCode: 403 }) } } self.authorize = async (req, fields) => { const token = req.headers.token if (token === undefined) { throw new ClientError('No token provided.', { statusCode: 403 }) } return self.assertUser(token, fields) } self.generateThumbs = async (name, extname, force) => { extname = extname.toLowerCase() const thumbname = path.join(paths.thumbs, name.slice(0, -extname.length) + '.png') try { // Check if thumbnail already exists try { const lstat = await paths.lstat(thumbname) if (lstat.isSymbolicLink()) { // Unlink if symlink (should be symlink to the placeholder) await paths.unlink(thumbname) } else if (!force) { // Continue only if it does not exist, unless forced to return true } } catch (error) { // Re-throw non-ENOENT error if (error.code !== 'ENOENT') throw error } // Full path to input file const input = path.join(paths.uploads, name) // If image extension if (self.imageExts.includes(extname)) { const resizeOptions = { width: self.thumbsSize, height: self.thumbsSize, fit: 'contain', background: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, alpha: 0 } } const image = sharp(input) const metadata = await image.metadata() if (metadata.width > resizeOptions.width || metadata.height > resizeOptions.height) { await image .resize(resizeOptions) .toFile(thumbname) } else if (metadata.width === resizeOptions.width && metadata.height === resizeOptions.height) { await image .toFile(thumbname) } else { const x = resizeOptions.width - metadata.width const y = resizeOptions.height - metadata.height await image .extend({ top: Math.floor(y / 2), bottom: Math.ceil(y / 2), left: Math.floor(x / 2), right: Math.ceil(x / 2), background: resizeOptions.background }) .toFile(thumbname) } } else if (self.videoExts.includes(extname)) { const metadata = await self.ffprobe(input) const duration = parseInt(metadata.format.duration) if (isNaN(duration)) { throw new Error('File does not have valid duration metadata') } const videoStream = metadata.streams && metadata.streams.find(s => s.codec_type === 'video') if (!videoStream || !videoStream.width || !videoStream.height) { throw new Error('File does not have valid video stream metadata') } await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ffmpeg(input) .on('error', error => reject(error)) .on('end', () => resolve()) .screenshots({ folder: paths.thumbs, filename: name.slice(0, -extname.length) + '.png', timestamps: ['20%'], size: videoStream.width >= videoStream.height ? `${self.thumbsSize}x?` : `?x${self.thumbsSize}` }) }) .catch(error => error) // Error passthrough .then(async error => { // FFMPEG would just warn instead of exiting with errors when dealing with incomplete files // Sometimes FFMPEG would throw errors but actually somehow succeeded in making the thumbnails // (this could be a fallback mechanism of fluent-ffmpeg library instead) // So instead we check if the thumbnail exists to really make sure try { await paths.lstat(thumbname) return true } catch (err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { throw error || new Error('FFMPEG exited with empty output file') } else { throw error || err } } }) } else { return false } } catch (error) { logger.error(`[${name}]: generateThumbs(): ${error.toString().trim()}`) try { await paths.unlink(thumbname).catch(() => {}) // try to unlink incomplete thumbs first await paths.symlink(paths.thumbPlaceholder, thumbname) return true } catch (err) { logger.error(err) return false } } return true } self.stripTags = async (name, extname) => { extname = extname.toLowerCase() if (self.stripTagsBlacklistedExts.includes(extname)) return false const fullpath = path.join(paths.uploads, name) let tmpfile, isError try { if (self.imageExts.includes(extname)) { tmpfile = path.join(paths.uploads, `tmp-${name}`) await paths.rename(fullpath, tmpfile) await sharp(tmpfile) .toFile(fullpath) } else if ( && self.videoExts.includes(extname)) { tmpfile = path.join(paths.uploads, `tmp-${name}`) await paths.rename(fullpath, tmpfile) await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ffmpeg(tmpfile) .output(fullpath) .outputOptions([ // Experimental. '-c copy', '-map_metadata:g -1:g', '-map_metadata:s:v -1:g', '-map_metadata:s:a -1:g' ]) .on('error', error => reject(error)) .on('end', () => resolve(true)) .run() }) } else { return false } } catch (error) { logger.error(`[${name}]: stripTags(): ${error.toString().trim()}`) isError = true } if (tmpfile) { try { await paths.unlink(tmpfile) } catch (error) { if (error.code !== 'ENOENT') { logger.error(`[${name}]: stripTags(): ${error.toString().trim()}`) } } } if (isError) { throw new ServerError('An error occurred while stripping tags. The format may not be supported.') } return true } self.unlinkFile = async (filename, predb) => { try { await paths.unlink(path.join(paths.uploads, filename)) } catch (error) { // Re-throw non-ENOENT error if (error.code !== 'ENOENT') throw error } const identifier = filename.split('.')[0] // Do not remove from identifiers cache on pre-db-deletion if (!predb && self.idSet) { self.idSet.delete(identifier) logger.debug(`Removed ${identifier} from identifiers cache (deleteFile)`) } const extname = self.extname(filename, true) if (self.imageExts.includes(extname) || self.videoExts.includes(extname)) { try { await paths.unlink(path.join(paths.thumbs, `${identifier}.png`)) } catch (error) { // Re-throw non-ENOENT error if (error.code !== 'ENOENT') throw error } } } self.bulkDeleteFromDb = async (field, values, user) => { // Always return an empty array on failure if (!user || !['id', 'name'].includes(field) || !values.length) return [] // SQLITE_LIMIT_VARIABLE_NUMBER, which defaults to 999 // Read more: const MAX_VARIABLES_CHUNK_SIZE = 999 const chunks = [] while (values.length) { chunks.push(values.splice(0, MAX_VARIABLES_CHUNK_SIZE)) } const failed = [] const ismoderator =, 'moderator') try { const unlinkeds = [] const albumids = [] await Promise.all( chunk => { const files = await db.table('files') .whereIn(field, chunk) .where(function () { if (!ismoderator) { this.where('userid', } }) // Push files that could not be found in db failed.push(...chunk.filter(value => !files.find(file => file[field] === value))) // Unlink all found files const unlinked = [] await Promise.all( file => { try { await self.unlinkFile(, true) unlinked.push(file) } catch (error) { logger.error(error) failed.push(file[field]) } })) if (!unlinked.length) return // Delete all unlinked files from db await db.table('files') .whereIn('id', => .del() self.invalidateStatsCache('uploads') if (self.idSet) { unlinked.forEach(file => { const identifier ='.')[0] self.idSet.delete(identifier) logger.debug(`Removed ${identifier} from identifiers cache (bulkDeleteFromDb)`) }) } // Push album ids unlinked.forEach(file => { if (file.albumid && !albumids.includes(file.albumid)) { albumids.push(file.albumid) } }) // Push unlinked files unlinkeds.push(...unlinked) })) if (unlinkeds.length) { // Update albums if necessary, but do not wait if (albumids.length) { db.table('albums') .whereIn('id', albumids) .update('editedAt', Math.floor( / 1000)) .catch(logger.error) self.invalidateAlbumsCache(albumids) } // Purge Cloudflare's cache if necessary, but do not wait if (config.cloudflare.purgeCache) { self.purgeCloudflareCache( =>, true, true) .then(results => { for (const result of results) { if (result.errors.length) { result.errors.forEach(error => logger.error(`[CF]: ${error}`)) } } }) } } } catch (error) { logger.error(error) } return failed } self.purgeCloudflareCache = async (names, uploads, thumbs) => { const errors = [] if (!cloudflareAuth) { errors.push('Cloudflare auth is incomplete or missing') } if (!Array.isArray(names) || !names.length) { errors.push('Names array is invalid or empty') } if (errors.length) { return [{ success: false, files: [], errors }] } let domain = config.domain if (!uploads) domain = config.homeDomain const thumbNames = [] names = => { if (uploads) { const url = `${domain}/${name}` const extname = self.extname(name) if (thumbs && self.mayGenerateThumb(extname)) { thumbNames.push(`${domain}/thumbs/${name.slice(0, -extname.length)}.png`) } return url } else { return name === 'home' ? domain : `${domain}/${name}` } }) names.push(...thumbNames) // Split array into multiple arrays with max length of 30 URLs // const MAX_LENGTH = 30 const MAX_TRIES = 3 // only for rate limit and unexpected errors const chunks = [] while (names.length) { chunks.push(names.splice(0, MAX_LENGTH)) } const url = `${config.cloudflare.zoneId}/purge_cache` const results = [] await Promise.all( chunk => { const result = { success: false, files: chunk, errors: [] } const headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } if (config.cloudflare.apiToken) { headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${config.cloudflare.apiToken}` } else if (config.cloudflare.userServiceKey) { headers['X-Auth-User-Service-Key'] = config.cloudflare.userServiceKey } else if (config.cloudflare.apiKey && { headers['X-Auth-Key'] = config.cloudflare.apiKey headers['X-Auth-Email'] = } for (let i = 0; i < MAX_TRIES; i++) { const _log = message => { let prefix = `[CF]: ${i + 1}/${MAX_TRIES}: ${path.basename(chunk[0])}` if (chunk.length > 1) prefix += ',\u2026' logger.log(`${prefix}: ${message}`) } try { const purge = await fetch(url, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ files: chunk }), headers }) const response = await purge.json() const hasErrorsArray = Array.isArray(response.errors) && response.errors.length if (hasErrorsArray) { const rateLimit = response.errors.find(error => /rate limit/i.test(error.message)) if (rateLimit && i < MAX_TRIES - 1) { _log(`${rateLimit.code}: ${rateLimit.message}. Retrying in a minute\u2026`) await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 60000)) continue } } result.success = response.success result.errors = hasErrorsArray ? => `${error.code}: ${error.message}`) : [] } catch (error) { const errorString = error.toString() if (i < MAX_TRIES - 1) { _log(`${errorString}. Retrying in 5 seconds\u2026`) await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5000)) continue } result.errors = [errorString] } results.push(result) break } })) return results } self.bulkDeleteExpired = async (dryrun, verbose) => { const timestamp = / 1000 const fields = ['id'] if (verbose) fields.push('name') const sudo = { username: 'root' } const result = {} result.expired = await db.table('files') .where('expirydate', '<=', timestamp) .select(fields) if (!dryrun) { // Make a shallow copy const field = fields[0] const values = result.expired.slice().map(row => row[field]) result.failed = await self.bulkDeleteFromDb(field, values, sudo) } return result } self.invalidateAlbumsCache = albumids => { for (const albumid of albumids) { delete self.albumsCache[albumid] delete self.albumsCache[`${albumid}-nojs`] } } self.invalidateStatsCache = type => { if (!['albums', 'users', 'uploads'].includes(type)) return statsData[type].cache = null } self.stats = async (req, res, next) => { try { const user = await self.authorize(req) const isadmin =, 'admin') if (!isadmin) throw new ClientError('', { statusCode: 403 }) const hrstart = process.hrtime() const stats = {} Object.keys(statsData).forEach(key => { // Pre-assign object keys to fix their display order stats[statsData[key].title] = {} }) const os = await si.osInfo() const getSystemInfo = async () => { const data = statsData.system if (!data.cache && data.generating) { stats[data.title] = false } else if ((( - data.generatedAt) <= 500) || data.generating) { // Use cache for 500 ms (0.5 seconds) stats[data.title] = data.cache } else { data.generating = true data.generatedAt = const currentLoad = await si.currentLoad() const mem = await si.mem() const time = si.time() const nodeUptime = process.uptime() if (self.scan.instance) { try { self.scan.version = await self.scan.instance.getVersion().then(s => s.trim()) } catch (error) { logger.error(error) self.scan.version = 'Errored when querying version.' } } stats[data.title] = { Platform: `${os.platform} ${os.arch}`, Distro: `${os.distro} ${os.release}`, Kernel: os.kernel, Scanner: self.scan.version || 'N/A', 'CPU Load': `${currentLoad.currentLoad.toFixed(1)}%`, 'CPUs Load': => `${cpu.load.toFixed(1)}%`).join(', '), 'System Memory': { value: { used:, total: }, type: 'byteUsage' }, 'Memory Usage': { value: process.memoryUsage().rss, type: 'byte' }, 'System Uptime': { value: Math.floor(time.uptime), type: 'uptime' }, 'Node.js': `${process.versions.node}`, 'Service Uptime': { value: Math.floor(nodeUptime), type: 'uptime' } } // Update cache data.cache = stats[data.title] data.generating = false } } const getFileSystems = async () => { const data = statsData.fileSystems if (!data.cache && data.generating) { stats[data.title] = false } else if ((( - data.generatedAt) <= 60000) || data.generating) { // Use cache for 60000 ms (60 seconds) stats[data.title] = data.cache } else { data.generating = true data.generatedAt = stats[data.title] = {} const fsSize = await si.fsSize() for (const fs of fsSize) { const obj = { value: { total: fs.size, used: fs.used }, type: 'byteUsage' } // "available" is a new attribute in systeminformation v5, only tested on Linux, // so add an if-check just in case its availability is limited in other platforms if (typeof fs.available === 'number') { obj.value.available = fs.available } stats[data.title][`${fs.fs} (${fs.type}) on ${fs.mount}`] = obj } // Update cache data.cache = stats[data.title] data.generating = false } } const getUploadsStats = async () => { const data = statsData.uploads if (!data.cache && data.generating) { stats[data.title] = false } else if (data.cache) { // Cache will be invalidated with self.invalidateStatsCache() after any related operations stats[data.title] = data.cache } else { data.generating = true data.generatedAt = stats[data.title] = { Total: 0, Images: 0, Videos: 0, Audios: 0, Others: 0, Temporary: 0, 'Size in DB': { value: 0, type: 'byte' } } const getTotalCountAndSize = async () => { const uploads = await db.table('files') .select('size') stats[data.title].Total = uploads.length stats[data.title]['Size in DB'].value = uploads.reduce((acc, upload) => acc + parseInt(upload.size), 0) } const getImagesCount = async () => { stats[data.title].Images = await db.table('files') .where(function () { for (const ext of self.imageExts) { this.orWhere('name', 'like', `%${ext}`) } }) .count('id as count') .then(rows => rows[0].count) } const getVideosCount = async () => { stats[data.title].Videos = await db.table('files') .where(function () { for (const ext of self.videoExts) { this.orWhere('name', 'like', `%${ext}`) } }) .count('id as count') .then(rows => rows[0].count) } const getAudiosCount = async () => { stats[data.title].Audios = await db.table('files') .where(function () { for (const ext of self.audioExts) { this.orWhere('name', 'like', `%${ext}`) } }) .count('id as count') .then(rows => rows[0].count) } const getOthersCount = async () => { stats[data.title].Temporary = await db.table('files') .whereNotNull('expirydate') .count('id as count') .then(rows => rows[0].count) } await Promise.all([ getTotalCountAndSize(), getImagesCount(), getVideosCount(), getAudiosCount(), getOthersCount() ]) stats[data.title].Others = stats[data.title].Total - stats[data.title].Images - stats[data.title].Videos - stats[data.title].Audios // Update cache data.cache = stats[data.title] data.generating = false } } const getUsersStats = async () => { const data = statsData.users if (!data.cache && data.generating) { stats[data.title] = false } else if (data.cache) { // Cache will be invalidated with self.invalidateStatsCache() after any related operations stats[data.title] = data.cache } else { data.generating = true data.generatedAt = stats[data.title] = { Total: 0, Disabled: 0 } const permissionKeys = Object.keys(perms.permissions).reverse() permissionKeys.forEach(p => { stats[data.title][p] = 0 }) const users = await db.table('users') stats[data.title].Total = users.length for (const user of users) { if (user.enabled === false || user.enabled === 0) { stats[data.title].Disabled++ } user.permission = user.permission || 0 for (const p of permissionKeys) { if (user.permission === perms.permissions[p]) { stats[data.title][p]++ break } } } // Update cache data.cache = stats[data.title] data.generating = false } } const getAlbumsStats = async () => { const data = statsData.albums if (!data.cache && data.generating) { stats[data.title] = false } else if (data.cache) { // Cache will be invalidated with self.invalidateStatsCache() after any related operations stats[data.title] = data.cache } else { data.generating = true data.generatedAt = stats[data.title] = { Total: 0, Disabled: 0, Public: 0, Downloadable: 0, 'ZIP Generated': 0 } const albums = await db.table('albums') stats[data.title].Total = albums.length const activeAlbums = [] for (const album of albums) { if (!album.enabled) { stats[data.title].Disabled++ continue } activeAlbums.push( if ( stats[data.title].Downloadable++ if (album.public) stats[data.title].Public++ if (album.zipGeneratedAt) stats[data.title]['ZIP Generated']++ } stats[data.title]['Files in albums'] = await db.table('files') .whereIn('albumid', activeAlbums) .count('id as count') .then(rows => rows[0].count) // Update cache data.cache = stats[data.title] data.generating = false } } await Promise.all([ getSystemInfo(), getFileSystems(), getUploadsStats(), getUsersStats(), getAlbumsStats() ]) return res.json({ success: true, stats, hrtime: process.hrtime(hrstart) }) } catch (error) { // Reset generating state when encountering any errors Object.keys(statsData).forEach(key => { statsData[key].generating = false }) return apiErrorsHandler(error) } } module.exports = self