const { RateLimiterMemory } = require('rate-limiter-flexible') const ClientError = require('./../utils/ClientError') class RateLimiter { rateLimiterMemory #requestKey #whitelistedKeys constructor (requestKey, options = {}, whitelistedKeys) { if (typeof options.points !== 'number' || typeof options.duration !== 'number') { throw new Error('Points and Duration must be set with numbers in options') } if (whitelistedKeys && typeof whitelistedKeys instanceof Set) { throw new TypeError('Whitelisted keys must be a Set') } this.#requestKey = requestKey this.#whitelistedKeys = new Set(whitelistedKeys) this.rateLimiterMemory = new RateLimiterMemory(options) } async #middleware (req, res, next) { if (res.locals.rateLimit) return // If unset, assume points pool is shared to all visitors of each route const key = this.#requestKey ? req[this.#requestKey] : req.path if (this.#whitelistedKeys.has(key)) { // Set the Response local variable for earlier bypass in any subsequent RateLimit middlewares res.locals.rateLimit = 'BYPASS' return } // Always consume only 1 point await this.rateLimiterMemory.consume(key, 1) .then(result => { res.locals.rateLimit = result res.header('Retry-After', String(result.msBeforeNext / 1000)) res.header('X-RateLimit-Limit', String(this.rateLimiterMemory._points)) res.header('X-RateLimit-Remaining', String(result.remainingPoints)) res.header('X-RateLimit-Reset', String(new Date( + result.msBeforeNext))) }) .catch(reject => { // Re-throw with ClientError throw new ClientError('Rate limit reached, please try again in a while.', { statusCode: 429 }) }) } get middleware () { return this.#middleware.bind(this) } } module.exports = RateLimiter