const contentDisposition = require('content-disposition') const SimpleDataStore = require('./../utils/SimpleDataStore') const paths = require('./../pathsController') const utils = require('./../utilsController') const logger = require('./../../logger') class ServeStatic { directory contentDispositionStore contentTypesMaps async #setContentDisposition () {} #setContentType () {} constructor (directory, options = {}) { logger.error('new ServeStatic()') if (!directory || typeof directory !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('Root directory must be set') } = directory // Init Content-Type overrides if (typeof options.overrideContentTypes === 'object') { this.contentTypesMaps = new Map() const types = Object.keys(options.overrideContentTypes) for (const type of types) { const extensions = options.overrideContentTypes[type] if (Array.isArray(extensions)) { for (const extension of extensions) { this.contentTypesMaps.set(extension, type) } } } if (this.contentTypesMaps.size) { this.#setContentType = (res, path, stat) => { // Do only if accessing files from uploads' root directory (i.e. not thumbs, etc.) const relpath = path.replace(paths.uploads, '') if (relpath.indexOf('/', 1) === -1) { const name = relpath.substring(1) const extname = utils.extname(name).substring(1) const contentType = this.contentTypesMaps.get(extname) if (contentType) { res.set('Content-Type', contentType) } } } } else { this.contentTypesMaps = undefined } } // Init Content-Disposition store and setHeaders function if required if (options.setContentDisposition) { this.contentDispositionStore = new SimpleDataStore( options.contentDispositionOptions || { limit: 50, strategy: SimpleDataStore.STRATEGIES[0] } ) this.#setContentDisposition = async (res, path, stat) => { // Do only if accessing files from uploads' root directory (i.e. not thumbs, etc.) const relpath = path.replace(paths.uploads, '') if (relpath.indexOf('/', 1) !== -1) return const name = relpath.substring(1) try { let original = this.contentDispositionStore.get(name) if (original === undefined) { this.contentDispositionStore.hold(name) original = await utils.db.table('files') .where('name', name) .select('original') .first() .then(_file => { this.contentDispositionStore.set(name, _file.original) return _file.original }) } if (original) { res.set('Content-Disposition', contentDisposition(original, { type: 'inline' })) } } catch (error) { this.contentDispositionStore.delete(name) logger.error(error) } } logger.debug('Inititated SimpleDataStore for Content-Disposition: ' + `{ limit: ${this.contentDispositionStore.limit}, strategy: "${this.contentDispositionStore.strategy}" }`) } } async #setHeaders (req, res) { logger.log('ServeStatic.setHeaders()') this.#setContentType(req, res) // Only set Content-Disposition on GET requests if (req.method === 'GET') { await this.#setContentDisposition(req, res) } } async #middleware (req, res, next) { logger.log(`ServeStatic.middleware(): ${}, ${req.path}`) // TODO } get middleware () { return this.#middleware.bind(this) } } module.exports = ServeStatic