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synced 2025-02-22 21:29:09 +00:00
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In other OS-es font will be not as sharp as it could be */\n/*\n@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {\n @font-face {\n font-family: 'fontello';\n src: url('fontello.svg?_=1656393981#fontello') format('svg');\n }\n}\n*/\n\n[class^=\"icon-\"]::before,\n[class*=\" icon-\"]::before {\n font-family: fontello;\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: normal;\n speak: never;\n display: inline-block;\n text-decoration: inherit;\n width: 1em;\n margin-right: 0.2em;\n text-align: center;\n /* opacity: .8; */\n\n /* For safety - reset parent styles, that can break glyph codes */\n font-variant: normal;\n text-transform: none;\n\n /* fix buttons height, for twitter bootstrap */\n /* line-height: 1em; */\n\n /* Animation center compensation - margins should be symmetric */\n /* remove if not needed */\n margin-left: 0.2em;\n\n /* you can be more comfortable with increased icons size */\n /* font-size: 120%; */\n\n /* Font smoothing. That was taken from TWBS */\n -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;\n -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;\n\n /* Uncomment for 3D effect */\n /* text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(127, 127, 127, 0.3); */\n}\n\n.icon-2x::before {\n font-size: 2rem\n}\n\n.icon-archive::before { content: \"\\e800\" } /* '' */\n.icon-sharex::before { content: \"\\e801\" } /* '' */\n.icon-picture::before { content: \"\\e802\" } /* '' */\n.icon-th-list::before { content: \"\\e803\" } /* '' */\n.icon-trash::before { content: \"\\e804\" } /* '' */\n.icon-cancel::before { content: \"\\e805\" } /* '' */\n.icon-arrows-cw::before { content: \"\\e806\" } /* '' */\n.icon-plus::before { content: \"\\e807\" } /* '' */\n.icon-clipboard::before { content: \"\\e808\" } /* '' */\n.icon-login::before { content: \"\\e809\" } /* '' */\n.icon-home::before { content: \"\\e80a\" } /* '' */\n.icon-gauge::before { content: \"\\e80b\" } /* '' */\n.icon-video::before { content: \"\\e80c\" } /* '' */\n.icon-help-circled::before { content: \"\\e80d\" } /* '' */\n.icon-github-circled::before { content: \"\\e80e\" } /* '' */\n.icon-pencil::before { content: \"\\e80f\" } /* '' */\n.icon-terminal::before { content: \"\\e810\" } /* '' */\n.icon-hammer::before { content: \"\\e811\" } /* '' */\n.icon-block::before { content: \"\\e812\" } /* '' */\n.icon-link::before { content: \"\\e813\" } /* '' */\n.icon-cog-alt::before { content: \"\\e814\" } /* '' */\n.icon-floppy::before { content: \"\\e815\" } /* '' */\n.icon-user-plus::before { content: \"\\e816\" } /* '' */\n.icon-privatebin::before { content: \"\\e817\" } /* '' */\n.icon-fast-forward::before { content: \"\\e818\" } /* '' */\n.icon-upload-cloud::before { content: \"\\e819\" } /* '' */\n.icon-th-large::before { content: \"\\e81a\" } /* '' */\n.icon-download::before { content: \"\\e81b\" } /* '' */\n.icon-gatsby::before { content: \"\\e81c\" } /* '' */\n.icon-info::before { content: \"\\e81d\" } /* '' */\n.icon-fast-backward::before { content: \"\\e81e\" } /* '' */\n.icon-cw::before { content: \"\\e81f\" } /* '' */\n.icon-filter::before { content: \"\\f0b0\" } /* '' */\n.icon-docs::before { content: \"\\f0c5\" } /* '' */\n.icon-exchange::before { content: \"\\f0ec\" } /* '' */\n.icon-doc-inv::before { content: \"\\f15b\" } /* '' */\n.icon-audio::before { content: \"\\f1c7\" } /* '' */\n.icon-paper-plane::before { content: \"\\f1d8\" } /* '' */\n.icon-chrome::before { content: \"\\f268\" } /* '' */\n.icon-firefox::before { content: \"\\f269\" } /* '' */\n"]} |