Bobby Wibowo 21f39dff9d
Updated axios to v0.18.1.
Also added its source map.

Updated lazyload to v12.0.0.
Also added its source map.

Added bulma's source map.


Moved fontello.css from public/libs/fontello to src/libs/fontello,
to make use of CSS builder.

Updated thumbnails styling to properly make sure the thumbnails are
displayed as 200x200 (their actual configured dimension).

Added fixes to some flexbox's bugs that affect IE 10/11.
The safe should display much better in those browsers now.

Show files' expiry dates in thumbs view.

Updated global error handlers in home.js.
I will do similar setup with dashboard.js in the future.
Just not now, I'm tired.

Only load renders after API request to /api/check has been initiated.

Used native lazyloading on album pages' nojs version.

Removed unnecessary is-expanded class.

Rephrased max upload size disclaimer in nojs uploader page.

Bumped v1 and v3 version strings.
2019-09-16 01:18:22 +07:00

112 lines
2.9 KiB

{% set name = "" %}
{% set root = "" %}
{% set motto = "A small safe worth protecting." %}
{% set description = "A pomf-like file uploading service that doesn't suck." %}
{% set keywords = "upload,lolisafe,file,images,hosting,bobby,fiery" %}
{% set home_subtitle = "A <strong>modern</strong> self-hosted file upload service" %}
{% set google_site_verification = null %}
This will be appended to the URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images, etc),
and should be changed on every updates to make sure clients load the very latest version of them.
v1: CSS and JS files (lolisafe).
v2: Images and config files (manifest.json, browserconfig.xml, etc).
v3: CSS and JS files (libs such as bulma, lazyload, etc).
v4: Renders in /public/render/* directories (to be used by render.js).
{% set v1 = "GqfmYYUziT" %}
{% set v2 = "hiboQUzAzp" %}
{% set v3 = "GqfmYYUziT" %}
{% set v4 = "S3TAWpPeFS" %}
These will be the links in the homepage and the No-JS uploader.
You may remove icons by changing "home_icons" to false.
It will then automatically use "attrs.title" as the display text.
Note: No-JS uploader page will have icons disabled by default (it will also not load fontello.css).
{% set home_icons = true %}
{% set home_links = [
attrs: {
title: 'Home',
href: ''
icon: 'icon-home icon-2x'
attrs: {
title: 'Blog (Gatsby)',
href: ''
icon: 'icon-gatsby icon-2x'
attrs: {
title: 'Paste (PrivateBin)',
href: ''
icon: 'icon-privatebin icon-2x'
attrs: {
id: 'ShareX',
title: 'ShareX user profile',
href: '' + v2
icon: 'icon-sharex icon-2x'
attrs: {
title: 'Firefox extension',
href: '',
target: '_blank',
rel: 'noopener'
icon: 'icon-firefox icon-2x'
attrs: {
title: 'Chrome extension',
href: '',
target: '_blank',
rel: 'noopener'
icon: 'icon-chrome icon-2x'
attrs: {
title: 'Bash uploader',
href: '',
target: '_blank',
rel: 'noopener'
icon: 'icon-terminal icon-2x'
attrs: {
title: 'FAQ',
href: 'faq'
icon: 'icon-help-circled icon-2x'
attrs: {
title: 'Dashboard',
href: 'auth'
icon: 'icon-gauge icon-2x'
attrs: {
title: 'View on GitHub',
href: '',
target: '_blank',
rel: 'noopener'
icon: 'icon-github-circled icon-2x'
] %}