mirror of
synced 2025-01-23 11:31:34 +00:00
Make sure album newly created on the homepage is properly selected
1024 lines
33 KiB
1024 lines
33 KiB
/* global swal, axios, Dropzone, ClipboardJS, LazyLoad */
const lsKeys = {
token: 'token',
chunkSize: 'chunkSize',
parallelUploads: 'parallelUploads',
uploadsHistoryOrder: 'uploadsHistoryOrder',
previewImages: 'previewImages',
fileLength: 'fileLength',
uploadAge: 'uploadAge',
stripTags: 'stripTags'
const page = {
// user token
token: localStorage[lsKeys.token],
// configs from api/check
private: null,
enableUserAccounts: null,
maxSize: null,
chunkSize: null,
temporaryUploadAges: null,
fileIdentifierLength: null,
stripTagsConfig: null,
// store album id that will be used with upload requests
album: null,
parallelUploads: 2,
previewImages: null,
fileLength: null,
uploadAge: null,
maxSizeBytes: null,
urlMaxSize: null,
urlMaxSizeBytes: null,
tabs: [],
activeTab: null,
albumSelect: null,
albumSelectOnChange: null,
previewTemplate: null,
dropzone: null,
clipboardJS: null,
lazyLoad: null,
// additional vars for url uploads
urlsQueue: [],
activeUrlsQueue: 0,
// Include BMP for uploads preview only, cause the real images will be used
// Sharp isn't capable of making their thumbnails for dashboard and album public pages
imageExts: ['.webp', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.bmp', '.gif', '.png', '.tiff', '.tif', '.svg'],
videoExts: ['.webm', '.mp4', '.wmv', '.avi', '.mov', '.mkv'],
albumTitleMaxLength: 70,
albumDescMaxLength: 4000
// Handler for errors during initialization
page.onInitError = error => {
// Hide these elements
document.querySelectorAll('.tab-content').forEach(element => {
return element.classList.add('is-hidden')
// Update upload button
const uploadButton = document.querySelector('#loginToUpload')
uploadButton.innerText = 'An error occurred. Try to reload?'
uploadButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (error.response)
// Handler for regular JS errors
page.onError = error => {
const content = document.createElement('div')
content.innerHTML = `<code>${error.toString()}</code>`
return swal({
title: 'An error occurred!',
icon: 'error',
// Handler for Axios errors
page.onAxiosError = error => {
// Better Cloudflare errors
const cloudflareErrors = {
520: 'Unknown Error',
521: 'Web Server Is Down',
522: 'Connection Timed Out',
523: 'Origin Is Unreachable',
524: 'A Timeout Occurred',
525: 'SSL Handshake Failed',
526: 'Invalid SSL Certificate',
527: 'Railgun Error',
530: 'Origin DNS Error'
const statusText = cloudflareErrors[error.response.status] || error.response.statusText
const description = error.response.data && error.response.data.description
? error.response.data.description
: 'There was an error with the request, please check the console for more information.'
return swal(`${error.response.status} ${statusText}`, description, 'error')
page.checkIfPublic = () => {
let renderShown = false
return axios.get('api/check', {
onDownloadProgress: () => {
// Only show render after this request has been initiated
if (!renderShown && typeof page.doRender === 'function') {
renderShown = true
}).then(response => {
page.private = response.data.private
page.enableUserAccounts = response.data.enableUserAccounts
page.maxSize = parseInt(response.data.maxSize)
page.maxSizeBytes = page.maxSize * 1e6
page.chunkSize = parseInt(response.data.chunkSize)
page.temporaryUploadAges = response.data.temporaryUploadAges
page.fileIdentifierLength = response.data.fileIdentifierLength
page.stripTagsConfig = response.data.stripTags
return page.preparePage()
page.preparePage = () => {
if (page.private)
if (page.token) {
return page.verifyToken(page.token, true)
} else {
const button = document.querySelector('#loginToUpload')
button.href = 'auth'
if (page.enableUserAccounts)
button.innerText = 'Anonymous upload is disabled. Log in to upload.'
button.innerText = 'Running in private mode. Log in to upload.'
return page.prepareUpload()
page.verifyToken = (token, reloadOnError) => {
return axios.post('api/tokens/verify', { token }).then(response => {
if (response.data.success === false)
return swal({
title: 'An error occurred!',
text: response.data.description,
icon: 'error'
}).then(() => {
if (!reloadOnError) return
localStorage[lsKeys.token] = token
page.token = token
return page.prepareUpload()
page.prepareUpload = () => {
// I think this fits best here because we need to check for a valid token before we can get the albums
if (page.token) {
// Display the album selection
page.albumSelect = document.querySelector('#albumSelect')
page.albumSelectOnChange = () => {
page.album = parseInt(page.albumSelect.value)
// Re-generate ShareX config file
if (typeof page.prepareShareX === 'function')
page.albumSelect.addEventListener('change', page.albumSelectOnChange)
// Fetch albums
// Prepare & generate config tab
// Update elements wherever applicable
document.querySelector('#maxSize > span').innerHTML = page.getPrettyBytes(page.maxSizeBytes)
if (!page.token && page.enableUserAccounts)
document.querySelector('#loginLinkText').innerHTML = 'Create an account and keep track of your uploads'
// Prepare & generate files upload tab
// Generate ShareX config file
if (typeof page.prepareShareX === 'function')
// Prepare urls upload tab
const urlMaxSize = document.querySelector('#urlMaxSize')
if (urlMaxSize) {
page.urlMaxSize = parseInt(urlMaxSize.innerHTML)
page.urlMaxSizeBytes = page.urlMaxSize * 1e6
urlMaxSize.innerHTML = page.getPrettyBytes(page.urlMaxSizeBytes)
document.querySelector('#uploadUrls').addEventListener('click', event => {
// Get all tabs
const tabsContainer = document.querySelector('#tabs')
const tabs = tabsContainer.querySelectorAll('li')
for (let i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
const id = tabs[i].dataset.id
const tabContent = document.querySelector(`#${id}`)
if (!tabContent) continue
tabs[i].addEventListener('click', () => {
page.tabs.push({ tab: tabs[i], content: tabContent })
// Set first valid tab as the default active tab
if (page.tabs.length) {
page.setActiveTab = index => {
for (let i = 0; i < page.tabs.length; i++)
if (i === index) {
page.activeTab = index
} else {
page.fetchAlbums = () => {
return axios.get('api/albums', { headers: { token: page.token } }).then(response => {
if (response.data.success === false)
return swal('An error occurred!', response.data.description, 'error')
// Create an option for each album
if (Array.isArray(response.data.albums) && response.data.albums.length)
for (let i = 0; i < response.data.albums.length; i++) {
const album = response.data.albums[i]
const option = document.createElement('option')
option.value = album.id
option.innerHTML = album.name
page.prepareDropzone = () => {
// Parse template element
const previewNode = document.querySelector('#tpl')
page.previewTemplate = previewNode.innerHTML
// Generate files upload tab
const tabDiv = document.querySelector('#tab-files')
const div = document.createElement('div')
div.className = 'control is-expanded'
div.innerHTML = `
<div id="dropzone" class="button is-danger is-outlined is-fullwidth is-unselectable">
<span class="icon">
<i class="icon-upload-cloud"></i>
<span>Click here or drag & drop files</span>
const previewsContainer = tabDiv.querySelector('#tab-files .field.uploads')
page.dropzone = new Dropzone(document.body, {
url: 'api/upload',
paramName: 'files[]',
clickable: tabDiv.querySelector('#dropzone'),
maxFilesize: page.maxSizeBytes / 1024 / 1024, // this option expects MiB
parallelUploads: page.parallelUploads,
uploadMultiple: false,
previewTemplate: page.previewTemplate,
createImageThumbnails: false,
autoProcessQueue: true,
headers: { token: page.token },
chunking: Boolean(page.chunkSize),
chunkSize: page.chunkSize * 1e6, // this option expects Bytes
parallelChunkUploads: false, // for now, enabling this breaks descriptive upload progress
timeout: 0,
init () {
this.on('addedfile', file => {
// Set active tab to file uploads, if necessary
if (page.activeTab !== 0)
// Add file entry
file.previewElement.querySelector('.name').innerHTML = file.name
file.previewElement.querySelector('.descriptive-progress').innerHTML = 'Waiting in queue\u2026'
this.on('sending', (file, xhr) => {
// Add timeout listener (hacky method due to lack of built-in timeout handler)
if (!xhr.ontimeout)
xhr.ontimeout = () => {
const instances = page.dropzone.getUploadingFiles()
.filter(instance => instance.xhr === xhr)
page.dropzone._handleUploadError(instances, xhr, 'Connection timed out. Try to reduce upload chunk size.')
// Add start timestamp of upload attempt
if (xhr._start === undefined)
xhr._start = Date.now()
// If not chunked uploads, add extra headers
if (!file.upload.chunked) {
if (page.album !== null) xhr.setRequestHeader('albumid', page.album)
if (page.fileLength !== null) xhr.setRequestHeader('filelength', page.fileLength)
if (page.uploadAge !== null) xhr.setRequestHeader('age', page.uploadAge)
if (page.stripTags !== null) xhr.setRequestHeader('striptags', page.stripTags)
if (!file.upload.chunked)
file.previewElement.querySelector('.descriptive-progress').innerHTML = 'Uploading\u2026'
else if (file.upload.chunks.length === 1)
file.previewElement.querySelector('.descriptive-progress').innerHTML = `Uploading chunk 1/${file.upload.totalChunkCount}\u2026`
// Update descriptive progress
this.on('uploadprogress', (file, progress) => {
// Total bytes will eventually be bigger than file size when chunked
const total = Math.max(file.size, file.upload.total)
const percentage = (file.upload.bytesSent / total * 100).toFixed(0)
const upl = file.upload.chunked
? file.upload.chunks[file.upload.chunks.length - 1]
: file.upload
const xhr = upl.xhr || file.xhr
let prefix = 'Uploading\u2026'
let skipProgress = false
if (file.upload.chunked) {
const done = upl.bytesSent === upl.total
const last = file.upload.chunks.length === file.upload.totalChunkCount
let chunkIndex = file.upload.chunks.length
if (done && !last) {
skipProgress = true
prefix = `Uploading chunk ${chunkIndex}/${file.upload.totalChunkCount}\u2026`
let prettyBytesPerSec
if (!skipProgress) {
const elapsed = (Date.now() - xhr._start) / 1000
const bytesPerSec = elapsed ? (upl.bytesSent / elapsed) : 0
prettyBytesPerSec = page.getPrettyBytes(bytesPerSec)
file.previewElement.querySelector('.descriptive-progress').innerHTML =
`${prefix} ${percentage}%${prettyBytesPerSec ? ` at ~${prettyBytesPerSec}/s` : ''}`
this.on('success', (file, data) => {
if (!data) return
if (data.success === false) {
file.previewElement.querySelector('.error').innerHTML = data.description
if (Array.isArray(data.files) && data.files[0])
page.updateTemplate(file, data.files[0])
this.on('error', (file, error) => {
// Clean up file size errors
if ((typeof error === 'string' && /^File is too big/.test(error)) ||
(typeof error === 'object' && /File too large/.test(error.description)))
error = `File too large (${page.getPrettyBytes(file.size)}).`
page.updateTemplateIcon(file.previewElement, 'icon-block')
file.previewElement.querySelector('.error').innerHTML = error.description || error
chunksUploaded (file, done) {
file.previewElement.querySelector('.descriptive-progress').innerHTML =
`Rebuilding ${file.upload.totalChunkCount} chunks\u2026`
return axios.post('api/upload/finishchunks', {
// This API supports an array of multiple files
files: [{
uuid: file.upload.uuid,
original: file.name,
type: file.type,
albumid: page.album,
filelength: page.fileLength,
age: page.uploadAge
}, {
headers: {
token: page.token,
// Unlike the options above (e.g. albumid, filelength, etc.),
// strip tags can not yet be configured per file with this API
striptags: page.stripTags
}).catch(error => {
// Format error for display purpose
return error.response.data ? error.response : {
data: {
success: false,
description: error.toString()
}).then(response => {
if (response.data.success === false) {
file.previewElement.querySelector('.error').innerHTML = response.data.description
if (response.data.files && response.data.files[0])
page.updateTemplate(file, response.data.files[0])
return done()
page.addUrlsToQueue = () => {
const urls = document.querySelector('#urls').value
.filter(url => {
return url.trim().length
if (!urls.length)
return swal('An error occurred!', 'You have not entered any URLs.', 'error')
const tabDiv = document.querySelector('#tab-urls')
for (let i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
const previewTemplate = document.createElement('template')
previewTemplate.innerHTML = page.previewTemplate.trim()
const previewElement = previewTemplate.content.firstChild
previewElement.querySelector('.name').innerHTML = urls[i]
previewElement.querySelector('.descriptive-progress').innerHTML = 'Waiting in queue\u2026'
const previewsContainer = tabDiv.querySelector('.uploads')
url: urls[i],
document.querySelector('#urls').value = ''
page.processUrlsQueue = () => {
if (!page.urlsQueue.length) return
function finishedUrlUpload (file, data) {
if (data.success === false) {
const match = data.description.match(/ over limit: (\d+)$/)
if (match && match[1])
data.description = `File exceeded limit of ${page.getPrettyBytes(match[1])}.`
file.previewElement.querySelector('.error').innerHTML = data.description
if (Array.isArray(data.files) && data.files[0])
page.updateTemplate(file, data.files[0])
return shiftQueue()
function initUrlUpload (file) {
file.previewElement.querySelector('.descriptive-progress').innerHTML =
'Waiting for server to fetch URL\u2026'
return axios.post('api/upload', {
urls: [file.url]
}, {
headers: {
token: page.token,
albumid: page.album,
age: page.uploadAge,
filelength: page.fileLength
}).catch(error => {
// Format error for display purpose
return error.response.data ? error.response : {
data: {
success: false,
description: error.toString()
}).then(response => {
return finishedUrlUpload(file, response.data)
function shiftQueue () {
while (page.urlsQueue.length && (page.activeUrlsQueue < page.parallelUploads)) {
return shiftQueue()
page.updateTemplateIcon = (templateElement, iconClass) => {
const iconElement = templateElement.querySelector('.icon')
if (!iconElement) return
page.updateTemplate = (file, response) => {
if (!response.url) return
const link = file.previewElement.querySelector('.link')
const a = link.querySelector('a')
const clipboard = file.previewElement.querySelector('.clipboard-mobile > .clipboard-js')
a.href = a.innerHTML = clipboard.dataset.clipboardText = response.url
const exec = /.[\w]+(\?|$)/.exec(response.url)
const extname = exec && exec[0]
? exec[0].toLowerCase()
: null
if (page.imageExts.includes(extname))
if (page.previewImages) {
const img = file.previewElement.querySelector('img')
img.setAttribute('alt', response.name || '')
img.dataset.src = response.url
img.onerror = event => {
// Hide image elements that fail to load
// Consequently include WEBP in browsers that do not have WEBP support (e.g. IE)
page.updateTemplateIcon(file.previewElement, 'icon-picture')
} else {
page.updateTemplateIcon(file.previewElement, 'icon-picture')
else if (page.videoExts.includes(extname))
page.updateTemplateIcon(file.previewElement, 'icon-video')
page.updateTemplateIcon(file.previewElement, 'icon-doc-inv')
if (response.expirydate) {
const expiryDate = file.previewElement.querySelector('.expiry-date')
expiryDate.innerHTML = `EXP: ${page.getPrettyDate(new Date(response.expirydate * 1000))}`
page.createAlbum = () => {
const div = document.createElement('div')
div.innerHTML = `
<div class="field">
<div class="controls">
<input id="swalName" class="input" type="text" placeholder="Name" maxlength="${page.albumTitleMaxLength}">
<p class="help">Max length is ${page.albumTitleMaxLength} characters.</p>
<div class="field">
<div class="control">
<textarea id="swalDescription" class="textarea" placeholder="Description" rows="2" maxlength="${page.albumDescMaxLength}"></textarea>
<p class="help">Max length is ${page.albumDescMaxLength} characters.</p>
<div class="field">
<div class="control">
<label class="checkbox">
<input id="swalDownload" type="checkbox" checked>
Enable download
<div class="field">
<div class="control">
<label class="checkbox">
<input id="swalPublic" type="checkbox" checked>
Enable public link
title: 'Create new album',
icon: 'info',
content: div,
buttons: {
cancel: true,
confirm: {
closeModal: false
}).then(value => {
if (!value) return
const name = document.querySelector('#swalName').value.trim()
axios.post('api/albums', {
description: document.querySelector('#swalDescription').value.trim(),
download: document.querySelector('#swalDownload').checked,
public: document.querySelector('#swalPublic').checked
}, {
headers: {
token: page.token
}).then(response => {
if (response.data.success === false)
return swal('An error occurred!', response.data.description, 'error')
const option = document.createElement('option')
option.value = response.data.id
option.innerHTML = name
option.selected = true
swal('Woohoo!', 'Album was created successfully.', 'success')
page.prepareUploadConfig = () => {
const fallback = {
chunkSize: page.chunkSize,
parallelUploads: page.parallelUploads
const temporaryUploadAges = Array.isArray(page.temporaryUploadAges) && page.temporaryUploadAges.length
const fileIdentifierLength = page.fileIdentifierLength &&
typeof page.fileIdentifierLength.min === 'number' &&
typeof page.fileIdentifierLength.max === 'number'
const config = {
siBytes: {
label: 'File size display',
select: [
{ value: 'default', text: '1000 B = 1 kB = 1 Kilobyte' },
{ value: '0', text: '1024 B = 1 KiB = 1 Kibibyte' }
help: 'This will be used in our homepage, dashboard, and album public pages.',
valueHandler () {} // Do nothing
fileLength: {
display: fileIdentifierLength,
label: 'File identifier length',
number: fileIdentifierLength ? {
min: page.fileIdentifierLength.min,
max: page.fileIdentifierLength.max,
round: true
} : undefined,
help: true, // true means auto-generated, for number-based configs only
disabled: fileIdentifierLength && page.fileIdentifierLength.force
uploadAge: {
display: temporaryUploadAges,
label: 'Upload age',
select: [],
help: 'Whether to automatically delete your uploads after a certain amount of time.'
stripTags: {
display: page.stripTagsConfig,
label: 'Strip tags',
select: page.stripTagsConfig ? [
{ value: page.stripTagsConfig.default ? 'default' : '1', text: 'Yes' },
{ value: page.stripTagsConfig.default ? '0' : 'default', text: 'No' }
] : null,
help: `Whether to strip tags (e.g. EXIF) from your uploads.<br>
This only applies to regular image${page.stripTagsConfig && page.stripTagsConfig.video ? ' and video' : ''} uploads (i.e. not URL uploads).`,
disabled: page.stripTagsConfig && page.stripTagsConfig.force
chunkSize: {
display: !isNaN(page.chunkSize),
label: 'Upload chunk size (MB)',
number: {
min: 1,
max: 95,
suffix: ' MB',
round: true
help: true
parallelUploads: {
label: 'Parallel uploads',
number: {
min: 1,
max: 10,
round: true
help: true
uploadsHistoryOrder: {
label: 'Uploads history order',
select: [
{ value: 'default', text: 'Older files on top' },
{ value: '0', text: 'Newer files on top' }
help: `"Newer files on top" will use a CSS technique, which unfortunately come with <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/flex-direction#Accessibility_Concerns" target="_blank" rel="noopener">some undesirable side effects</a>.<br>
This also affects text selection, such as when trying to select text from top to bottom will result in them being selected from bottom to top instead, and vice versa.`,
valueHandler (value) {
if (value === '0') {
const uploadFields = document.querySelectorAll('.tab-content > .uploads')
for (let i = 0; i < uploadFields.length; i++)
previewImages: {
label: 'Load images for preview',
select: [
{ value: 'default', text: 'Yes' },
{ value: '0', text: 'No' }
help: 'By default, uploaded images will be loaded as their previews.',
valueHandler (value) {
page.previewImages = value !== '0'
if (temporaryUploadAges) {
const stored = parseFloat(localStorage[lsKeys.uploadAge])
for (let i = 0; i < page.temporaryUploadAges.length; i++) {
const age = page.temporaryUploadAges[i]
value: i === 0 ? 'default' : String(age),
text: page.getPrettyUploadAge(age)
if (age === stored)
config.uploadAge.value = stored
if (fileIdentifierLength) {
fallback.fileLength = page.fileIdentifierLength.default || undefined
const stored = parseInt(localStorage[lsKeys.fileLength])
if (!page.fileIdentifierLength.force &&
!isNaN(stored) &&
stored >= page.fileIdentifierLength.min &&
stored <= page.fileIdentifierLength.max)
config.fileLength.value = stored
const tabContent = document.querySelector('#tab-config')
const form = document.createElement('form')
form.addEventListener('submit', event => event.preventDefault())
const configKeys = Object.keys(config)
for (let i = 0; i < configKeys.length; i++) {
const key = configKeys[i]
const conf = config[key]
// Skip only if display attribute is explicitly set to false
if (conf.display === false)
const field = document.createElement('div')
field.className = 'field'
let value
if (!conf.disabled) {
if (conf.value !== undefined) {
value = conf.value
} else if (conf.number !== undefined) {
const parsed = parseInt(localStorage[lsKeys[key]])
if (!isNaN(parsed))
value = parsed
} else {
const stored = localStorage[lsKeys[key]]
if (Array.isArray(conf.select))
value = conf.select.find(sel => sel.value === stored) ? stored : undefined
value = stored
// If valueHandler function exists, defer to the function,
// otherwise pass value to global page object
if (typeof conf.valueHandler === 'function')
else if (value !== undefined)
page[key] = value
let control
if (Array.isArray(conf.select)) {
control = document.createElement('div')
control.className = 'select is-fullwidth'
const opts = []
for (let j = 0; j < conf.select.length; j++) {
const opt = conf.select[j]
const selected = (value && (opt.value === String(value))) ||
(value === undefined && opt.value === 'default')
<option value="${opt.value}"${selected ? ' selected' : ''}>
${opt.text}${opt.value === 'default' ? ' (default)' : ''}
control.innerHTML = `
<select id="${key}">
} else if (conf.number !== undefined) {
control = document.createElement('input')
control.id = control.name = key
control.className = 'input is-fullwidth'
control.type = 'number'
if (conf.number.min !== undefined)
control.min = conf.number.min
if (conf.number.max !== undefined)
control.max = conf.number.max
if (typeof value === 'number')
control.value = value
else if (fallback[key] !== undefined)
control.value = fallback[key]
let help
if (conf.disabled) {
if (Array.isArray(conf.select))
control.querySelector('select').disabled = conf.disabled
control.disabled = conf.disabled
help = 'This option is currently not configurable.'
} else if (typeof conf.help === 'string') {
help = conf.help
} else if (conf.help === true && conf.number !== undefined) {
const tmp = []
if (fallback[key] !== undefined)
tmp.push(`Default is ${fallback[key]}${conf.number.suffix || ''}.`)
if (conf.number.min !== undefined)
tmp.push(`Min is ${conf.number.min}${conf.number.suffix || ''}.`)
if (conf.number.max !== undefined)
tmp.push(`Max is ${conf.number.max}${conf.number.suffix || ''}.`)
help = tmp.join(' ')
field.innerHTML = `
<label class="label">${conf.label}</label>
<div class="control"></div>
${help ? `<p class="help">${help}</p>` : ''}
const submit = document.createElement('div')
submit.className = 'field'
submit.innerHTML = `
<p class="control">
<button id="saveConfig" type="submit" class="button is-danger is-outlined is-fullwidth">
<span class="icon">
<i class="icon-floppy"></i>
<span>Save & reload</span>
<p class="help">
This configuration will only be used in this browser.<br>
After reloading the page, some of them will also be applied to the ShareX config that you can download by clicking on the ShareX icon below.
form.querySelector('#saveConfig').addEventListener('click', () => {
if (!form.checkValidity())
const keys = Object.keys(config)
.filter(key => config[key].display !== false && config[key].disabled !== true)
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
const key = keys[i]
let value
if (config[key].select !== undefined) {
if (form.elements[key].value !== 'default')
value = form.elements[key].value
} else if (config[key].number !== undefined) {
const parsed = parseInt(form.elements[key].value)
if (!isNaN(parsed))
value = Math.min(Math.max(parsed, config[key].number.min), config[key].number.max)
if (value !== undefined && value !== fallback[key])
localStorage[lsKeys[key]] = value
title: 'Woohoo!',
text: 'Configuration saved into this browser.',
icon: 'success'
}).then(() => {
page.getPrettyUploadAge = hours => {
if (hours === 0) {
return 'Permanent'
} else if (hours < 1) {
const minutes = hours * 60
return `${minutes} minute${minutes === 1 ? '' : 's'}`
} else if (hours >= 24) {
const days = hours / 24
return `${days} day${days === 1 ? '' : 's'}`
} else {
return `${hours} hour${hours === 1 ? '' : 's'}`
// Handle image paste event
window.addEventListener('paste', event => {
const items = (event.clipboardData || event.originalEvent.clipboardData).items
const index = Object.keys(items)
for (let i = 0; i < index.length; i++) {
const item = items[index[i]]
if (item.kind === 'file') {
const blob = item.getAsFile()
/* eslint-disable-next-line compat/compat */
const file = new File([blob], `pasted-image.${blob.type.match(/(?:[^/]*\/)([^;]*)/)[1]}`, {
type: blob.type
window.onload = () => {
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page.clipboardJS.on('success', () => {
return swal('', 'The link has been copied to clipboard.', 'success', {
buttons: false,
timer: 1500
page.clipboardJS.on('error', page.onError)
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elements_selector: '.field.uploads img'
document.querySelector('#createAlbum').addEventListener('click', () => {