Bobby Wibowo 616124446f
Updates (WARNING!)
WARNING: Please turn off lolisafe before upgrading, then run "node database/migration.js" once after upgrading. Ignore all errors/warnings about duplicate column name. Afterwards make sure your config.js follows the new format in config.sample.js (specifically fileLength and generateThumbnails options).

* generateImageThumbnails and generateVideoThumbnails options in config.js is now renamed to an object named generateThumbnails, with image and video as its properties.

* fileLength option is now an object with min, max, default and userChangeable as its properties.

* User may now change their preferred file length (following the previous option, of course).

* Updated a bunch of responses messages. Mainly appending a dot to the messages.

* New APIs:
/fileLength/config to get an object of the current fileLength config (exactly what is in the config.js file).
/fileLength/change to change user's preferred file length.

* And maybe some others ...?
2018-03-24 20:52:47 +07:00

135 lines
5.6 KiB

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