mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 21:29:09 +00:00
415 lines
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415 lines
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const logger = require('./logger')
// Stray errors and exceptions capturers
process.on('uncaughtException', error => {
logger.error(error, { prefix: 'Uncaught Exception: ' })
process.on('unhandledRejection', error => {
logger.error(error, { prefix: 'Unhandled Rejection (Promise): ' })
// Libraries
const fs = require('fs')
const helmet = require('helmet')
const HyperExpress = require('hyper-express')
const NodeClam = require('clamscan')
// Check required config files
const configFiles = ['config.js', 'views/_globals.njk']
for (const _file of configFiles) {
try {
fs.accessSync(_file, fs.constants.R_OK)
} catch (error) {
logger.error(`Config file '${_file}' cannot be found or read.`)
logger.error('Please copy the provided sample file and modify it according to your needs.')
// Config files
const config = require('./config')
const versions = require('./src/versions')
// lolisafe
logger.log('Starting lolisafe\u2026')
const safe = new HyperExpress.Server({
trust_proxy: Boolean(config.trustProxy)
const errors = require('./controllers/errorsController')
const paths = require('./controllers/pathsController')
const utils = require('./controllers/utilsController')
// Middlewares
const ExpressCompat = require('./controllers/middlewares/ExpressCompat')
const NunjucksRenderer = require('./controllers/middlewares/NunjucksRenderer')
const RateLimiter = require('./controllers/middlewares/RateLimiter')
const ServeLiveDirectory = require('./controllers/middlewares/ServeLiveDirectory')
const ServeStaticQuick = require('./controllers/middlewares/ServeStaticQuick')
// Handlers
const ServeStatic = require('./controllers/handlers/ServeStatic')
// Routes
const album = require('./routes/album')
const api = require('./routes/api')
const file = require('./routes/file')
const nojs = require('./routes/nojs')
const player = require('./routes/player')
// Express-compat
const expressCompatInstance = new ExpressCompat()
// Rate limiters
if (Array.isArray(config.rateLimiters)) {
let whitelistedKeys
if (Array.isArray(config.rateLimitersWhitelist)) {
whitelistedKeys = new Set(config.rateLimitersWhitelist)
for (const rateLimit of config.rateLimiters) {
// Init RateLimiter using Request.ip as key
const rateLimiterInstance = new RateLimiter('ip', rateLimit.options, whitelistedKeys)
for (const route of rateLimit.routes) {
safe.use(route, rateLimiterInstance.middleware)
} else if (config.rateLimits) {
logger.error('Config option "rateLimits" is DEPRECATED.')
logger.error('Please consult the provided sample file for the new option "rateLimiters".')
// Helmet security headers
if (config.helmet instanceof Object) {
// If an empty object, simply do not use Helmet
if (Object.keys(config.helmet).length) {
} else {
// Fallback to old behavior when the whole helmet option was not configurable from the config file
const defaults = {
contentSecurityPolicy: false,
crossOriginEmbedderPolicy: false,
crossOriginOpenerPolicy: false,
crossOriginResourcePolicy: false,
hsts: false,
originAgentCluster: false
if (config.hsts instanceof Object && Object.keys(config.hsts).length) {
defaults.hsts = config.hsts
// Access-Control-Allow-Origin
if (config.accessControlAllowOrigin) {
if (config.accessControlAllowOrigin === true) {
config.accessControlAllowOrigin = '*'
safe.use((req, res, next) => {
res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', config.accessControlAllowOrigin)
if (config.accessControlAllowOrigin !== '*') {
// NunjucksRenderer middleware
const nunjucksRendererInstance = new NunjucksRenderer('views', {
watch: utils.devmode
// Array of routes to apply CDN Cache-Control onto,
// and additionally call Cloudflare API to have their CDN caches purged when lolisafe starts
const cdnRoutes = [...config.pages]
// Defaults to validating cache's validity before using them (soft cache)
let setHeadersForStaticAssets = (req, res) => {
res.header('Cache-Control', 'no-cache')
// Cache control
if (config.cacheControl) {
const cacheControls = {
// max-age: 6 months
static: 'public, max-age=15778800, immutable',
// s-max-age: 6 months (only cache in CDN)
cdn: 's-max-age=15778800, proxy-revalidate',
// validate cache's validity before using them (soft cache)
validate: 'no-cache',
// do not use cache at all
disable: 'no-store'
// By default soft cache everything
safe.use((req, res, next) => {
res.header('Cache-Control', cacheControls.validate)
return next()
switch (config.cacheControl) {
case 1:
case true:
// If using CDN, cache most front-end pages in CDN
// Include /api/check since it will only reply with persistent JSON payload
// that will not change, unless config file is edited and lolisafe is then restarted
safe.use((req, res, next) => {
if (req.method === 'GET' || req.method === 'HEAD') {
const page = req.path === '/' ? 'home' : req.path.substring(1)
if (cdnRoutes.includes(page)) {
res.header('Cache-Control', cacheControls.cdn)
return next()
// Function for static assets.
// This requires the assets to use version in their query string,
// as they will be cached by clients for a very long time.
setHeadersForStaticAssets = (req, res) => {
res.header('Cache-Control', cacheControls.static)
// Consider album ZIPs static as well, since they use version in their query string
safe.use('/api/album/zip', (req, res, next) => {
const versionString = parseInt(req.query_parameters.v)
if (versionString > 0) {
res.header('Cache-Control', cacheControls.static)
} else {
res.header('Cache-Control', cacheControls.disable)
return next()
// Init ServeStaticQuick middlewares for static assets
// Static assets in /dist directory
const serveStaticQuickDistInstance = new ServeStaticQuick(paths.dist, {
setHeaders: setHeadersForStaticAssets
// Static assets in /public directory
const serveStaticQuickPublicInstance = new ServeStaticQuick(paths.public, {
setHeaders: setHeadersForStaticAssets
// Routes
safe.use('/api', api)
;(async () => {
try {
// Init database
await require('./controllers/utils/initDatabase')(utils.db)
// Purge any leftover in chunks directory, do not wait
if (!Array.isArray(config.pages) || !config.pages.length) {
logger.error('Config file does not have any frontend pages enabled')
// Re-map version strings if cache control is enabled (safe.fiery.me)
utils.versionStrings = {}
if (config.cacheControl) {
for (const type in versions) {
utils.versionStrings[type] = `?_=${versions[type]}`
if (versions['1']) {
utils.clientVersion = versions['1']
const serveLiveDirectoryCustomPagesInstance = new ServeLiveDirectory(paths.customPages, {
instanceOptions: {
keep: ['.html']
// Cookie Policy
if (config.cookiePolicy) {
// Front-end pages middleware
// HTML files in customPages directory can also override any built-in pages,
// if they have matching names with the routes (e.g. home.html can override the homepage)
// Aside from that, due to using LiveDirectory,
// custom pages can be added/removed on the fly while lolisafe is running
safe.use((req, res, next) => {
if (req.method === 'GET' || req.method === 'HEAD') {
const page = req.path === '/' ? 'home' : req.path.substring(1)
const customPage = serveLiveDirectoryCustomPagesInstance.instance.get(`${page}.html`)
if (customPage) {
return serveLiveDirectoryCustomPagesInstance.handler(req, res, customPage)
} else if (config.pages.includes(page)) {
// These rendered pages are persistently cached during production
return res.render(page, {
config, utils, versions: utils.versionStrings
}, !utils.devmode)
return next()
// Init ServerStatic last if serving uploaded files with node
if (config.serveFilesWithNode) {
const serveStaticInstance = new ServeStatic(paths.uploads, {
contentDispositionOptions: config.contentDispositionOptions,
ignorePatterns: [
overrideContentTypes: config.overrideContentTypes,
setContentDisposition: config.setContentDisposition
safe.get('/*', serveStaticInstance.handler)
safe.head('/*', serveStaticInstance.handler)
// Keep reference to internal SimpleDataStore in utils,
// allowing the rest of lolisafe to directly interface with it
utils.contentDispositionStore = serveStaticInstance.contentDispositionStore
// Web server error handlers (must always be set after all routes/middlewares)
// Git hash
if (config.showGitHash) {
utils.gitHash = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
require('child_process').exec('git rev-parse HEAD', (error, stdout) => {
if (error) return reject(error)
resolve(stdout.replace(/\n$/, ''))
logger.log(`Git commit: ${utils.gitHash}`)
// ClamAV scanner
if (config.uploads.scan && config.uploads.scan.enabled) {
if (!config.uploads.scan.clamOptions) {
logger.error('Missing object config.uploads.scan.clamOptions (check config.sample.js)')
utils.scan.instance = await new NodeClam().init(config.uploads.scan.clamOptions)
utils.scan.version = await utils.scan.instance.getVersion().then(s => s.trim())
logger.log(`Connection established with ${utils.scan.version}`)
// Await all ServeLiveDirectory and ServeStaticQuick instances
await Promise.all([
// Binds Express to port
await safe.listen(utils.conf.port)
logger.log(`lolisafe started on port ${utils.conf.port}`)
// Cache control (safe.fiery.me)
// Purge Cloudflare cache
if (config.cacheControl && config.cacheControl !== 2) {
if (config.cloudflare.purgeCache) {
logger.log('Cache control enabled, purging Cloudflare\'s cache...')
const results = await utils.purgeCloudflareCache(cdnRoutes)
let errored = false
let succeeded = 0
for (const result of results) {
if (result.errors.length) {
if (!errored) errored = true
result.errors.forEach(error => logger.log(`[CF]: ${error}`))
succeeded += result.files.length
if (!errored) {
logger.log(`Successfully purged ${succeeded} cache`)
} else {
logger.log('Cache control enabled without Cloudflare\'s cache purging')
// Initiate internal periodical check ups of temporary uploads if required
if (utils.retentions && utils.retentions.enabled && config.uploads.temporaryUploadsInterval > 0) {
let temporaryUploadsInProgress = false
const temporaryUploadCheck = async () => {
if (temporaryUploadsInProgress) return
temporaryUploadsInProgress = true
try {
const result = await utils.bulkDeleteExpired(false, utils.devmode)
if (result.expired.length || result.failed.length) {
if (utils.devmode) {
let logMessage = `Expired uploads (${result.expired.length}): ${result.expired.map(_file => _file.name).join(', ')}`
if (result.failed.length) {
logMessage += `\nErrored (${result.failed.length}): ${result.failed.map(_file => _file.name).join(', ')}`
} else {
let logMessage = `Expired uploads: ${result.expired.length} deleted`
if (result.failed.length) {
logMessage += `, ${result.failed.length} errored`
} catch (error) {
// Simply print-out errors, then continue
temporaryUploadsInProgress = false
setInterval(temporaryUploadCheck, config.uploads.temporaryUploadsInterval)
// NODE_ENV=development yarn start
if (utils.devmode) {
const { inspect } = require('util')
// Add readline interface to allow evaluating arbitrary JavaScript from console
input: process.stdin
}).on('line', line => {
try {
if (line === 'rs') return
if (line === '.exit') return process.exit(0)
// eslint-disable-next-line no-eval
const evaled = eval(line)
process.stdout.write(`${typeof evaled === 'string' ? evaled : inspect(evaled)}\n`)
} catch (error) {
}).on('SIGINT', () => {
logger.log(utils.stripIndents(`!!! DEVELOPMENT MODE !!!
[=] Nunjucks will auto rebuild (not live reload)
[=] HTTP rate limits disabled
[=] Readline interface enabled (eval arbitrary JS input)`))
} catch (error) {