mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 13:19:05 +00:00

this will display all information recorded from the specified file, but only to the users that own them (it requires token) this page also has a delete file button, allowing us to provide link to this page for sharex deletion url option once again, this is only for authenticated users, and will only show file that the users own, unless said user is a moderator or higher
442 lines
14 KiB
442 lines
14 KiB
const logger = require('./logger')
// Stray errors and exceptions capturers
process.on('uncaughtException', error => {
logger.error(error, { prefix: 'Uncaught Exception: ' })
process.on('unhandledRejection', error => {
logger.error(error, { prefix: 'Unhandled Rejection (Promise): ' })
// Require libraries
const bodyParser = require('body-parser')
const contentDisposition = require('content-disposition')
const express = require('express')
const helmet = require('helmet')
const NodeClam = require('clamscan')
const nunjucks = require('nunjucks')
const path = require('path')
const rateLimit = require('express-rate-limit')
const { accessSync, constants } = require('fs')
// Check required config files
const configFiles = ['config.js', 'views/_globals.njk']
for (const _file of configFiles) {
try {
accessSync(_file, constants.R_OK)
} catch (error) {
logger.error(`Config file '${_file}' cannot be found or read.`)
logger.error('Please copy the provided sample file and modify it according to your needs.')
// Require config files
const config = require('./config')
const versions = require('./src/versions')
// lolisafe
logger.log('Starting lolisafe\u2026')
const safe = express()
const paths = require('./controllers/pathsController')
const utils = require('./controllers/utilsController')
const album = require('./routes/album')
const api = require('./routes/api')
const file = require('./routes/file')
const nojs = require('./routes/nojs')
const player = require('./routes/player')
const isDevMode = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'
// Helmet security headers
if (config.helmet instanceof Object) {
// If an empty object, simply do not use Helmet
if (Object.keys(config.helmet).length) {
} else {
// Fallback to old behavior when the whole helmet option was not configurable from the config file
const defaults = {
contentSecurityPolicy: false,
crossOriginEmbedderPolicy: false,
crossOriginOpenerPolicy: false,
crossOriginResourcePolicy: false,
hsts: false,
originAgentCluster: false
if (config.hsts instanceof Object && Object.keys(config.hsts).length) {
defaults.hsts = config.hsts
// Access-Control-Allow-Origin
if (config.accessControlAllowOrigin) {
if (config.accessControlAllowOrigin === true) {
config.accessControlAllowOrigin = '*'
safe.use((req, res, next) => {
res.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', config.accessControlAllowOrigin)
if (config.accessControlAllowOrigin !== '*') {
if (config.trustProxy) {
safe.set('trust proxy', 1)
// https://mozilla.github.io/nunjucks/api.html#configure
nunjucks.configure('views', {
autoescape: true,
express: safe,
watch: isDevMode
// noCache: isDevMode
safe.set('view engine', 'njk')
safe.enable('view cache')
// Configure rate limits (disabled during development)
if (!isDevMode && Array.isArray(config.rateLimits) && config.rateLimits.length) {
for (const _rateLimit of config.rateLimits) {
const limiter = rateLimit(_rateLimit.config)
for (const route of _rateLimit.routes) {
safe.use(route, limiter)
safe.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }))
const cdnPages = [...config.pages]
let setHeaders
const contentTypes = config.overrideContentTypes && Object.keys(config.overrideContentTypes)
const overrideContentTypes = (res, path) => {
// Do only if accessing files from uploads' root directory (i.e. not thumbs, etc.)
const relpath = path.replace(paths.uploads, '')
if (relpath.indexOf('/', 1) === -1) {
const name = relpath.substring(1)
const extname = utils.extname(name).substring(1)
for (const contentType of contentTypes) {
if (config.overrideContentTypes[contentType].includes(extname)) {
res.set('Content-Type', contentType)
const initServeStaticUploads = (opts = {}) => {
if (config.setContentDisposition) {
opts.preSetHeaders = async (res, req, path, stat) => {
try {
// Do only if accessing files from uploads' root directory (i.e. not thumbs, etc.)
// and only if they are GET requests
const relpath = path.replace(paths.uploads, '')
if (relpath.indexOf('/', 1) === -1 && req.method === 'GET') {
const name = relpath.substring(1)
const _file = await utils.db.table('files')
.where('name', name)
res.set('Content-Disposition', contentDisposition(_file.original, { type: 'inline' }))
} catch (error) {
// serveStatic is provided with @bobbywibowo/serve-static, a fork of express/serve-static.
// The fork allows specifying an async setHeaders function by the name preSetHeaders.
// It will await the said function before creating 'send' stream to client.
safe.use('/', require('@bobbywibowo/serve-static')(paths.uploads, opts))
} else {
safe.use('/', express.static(paths.uploads, opts))
// Cache control (safe.fiery.me)
if (config.cacheControl) {
const cacheControls = {
// max-age: 6 months
static: 'public, max-age=15778800, immutable',
// s-max-age: 6 months (only cache in CDN)
cdn: 's-max-age=15778800, proxy-revalidate',
// validate cache's validity before using them (soft cache)
validate: 'no-cache',
// do not use cache at all
disable: 'no-store'
// By default soft cache everything
safe.use('/', (req, res, next) => {
res.set('Cache-Control', cacheControls.validate)
// If using CDN, cache public pages in CDN
if (config.cacheControl !== 2) {
for (const page of cdnPages) {
safe.use(`/${page === 'home' ? '' : page}`, (req, res, next) => {
res.set('Cache-Control', cacheControls.cdn)
// If serving uploads with node
if (config.serveFilesWithNode) {
setHeaders: (res, path) => {
// Override Content-Type if necessary
if (contentTypes && contentTypes.length) {
overrideContentTypes(res, path)
// If using CDN, cache uploads in CDN as well
// Use with cloudflare.purgeCache enabled in config file
if (config.cacheControl !== 2) {
res.set('Cache-Control', cacheControls.cdn)
// Function for static assets.
// This requires the assets to use version in their query string,
// as they will be cached by clients for a very long time.
setHeaders = res => {
res.set('Cache-Control', cacheControls.static)
// Consider album ZIPs static as well, since they use version in their query string
safe.use(['/api/album/zip'], (req, res, next) => {
const versionString = parseInt(req.query.v)
if (versionString > 0) {
res.set('Cache-Control', cacheControls.static)
} else {
res.set('Cache-Control', cacheControls.disable)
} else if (config.serveFilesWithNode) {
setHeaders: (res, path) => {
// Override Content-Type if necessary
if (contentTypes && contentTypes.length) {
overrideContentTypes(res, path)
// Static assets
safe.use('/', express.static(paths.public, { setHeaders }))
safe.use('/', express.static(paths.dist, { setHeaders }))
safe.use('/', album)
safe.use('/', file)
safe.use('/', nojs)
safe.use('/', player)
safe.use('/api', api)
;(async () => {
try {
// Init database
await require('./controllers/utils/initDatabase.js')(utils.db)
// Purge any leftover in chunks directory, do not wait
if (!Array.isArray(config.pages) || !config.pages.length) {
logger.error('Config file does not have any frontend pages enabled')
// Re-map version strings if cache control is enabled (safe.fiery.me)
utils.versionStrings = {}
if (config.cacheControl) {
for (const type in versions) {
utils.versionStrings[type] = `?_=${versions[type]}`
if (versions['1']) {
utils.clientVersion = versions['1']
// Cookie Policy
if (config.cookiePolicy) {
// Check for custom pages, otherwise fallback to Nunjucks templates
for (const page of config.pages) {
const customPage = path.join(paths.customPages, `${page}.html`)
if (!await paths.access(customPage).catch(() => true)) {
safe.get(`/${page === 'home' ? '' : page}`, (req, res, next) => res.sendFile(customPage))
} else if (page === 'home') {
safe.get('/', (req, res, next) => res.render(page, {
versions: utils.versionStrings,
gitHash: utils.gitHash
} else {
safe.get(`/${page}`, (req, res, next) => res.render(page, {
versions: utils.versionStrings
// Error pages
safe.use((req, res, next) => {
if (!res.headersSent) {
res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-store')
res.status(404).sendFile(path.join(paths.errorRoot, config.errorPages[404]))
safe.use((error, req, res, next) => {
if (!res.headersSent) {
res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-store')
res.status(500).sendFile(path.join(paths.errorRoot, config.errorPages[500]))
// Git hash
if (config.showGitHash) {
utils.gitHash = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
require('child_process').exec('git rev-parse HEAD', (error, stdout) => {
if (error) return reject(error)
resolve(stdout.replace(/\n$/, ''))
logger.log(`Git commit: ${utils.gitHash}`)
// ClamAV scanner
if (config.uploads.scan && config.uploads.scan.enabled) {
if (!config.uploads.scan.clamOptions) {
logger.error('Missing object config.uploads.scan.clamOptions (check config.sample.js)')
utils.scan.instance = await new NodeClam().init(config.uploads.scan.clamOptions)
utils.scan.version = await utils.scan.instance.getVersion().then(s => s.trim())
logger.log(`Connection established with ${utils.scan.version}`)
// Cache file identifiers
if (config.uploads.cacheFileIdentifiers) {
utils.idSet = await utils.db.table('files')
.then(rows => {
return new Set(rows.map(row => row.name.split('.')[0]))
logger.log(`Cached ${utils.idSet.size} file identifiers`)
// Binds Express to port
await new Promise(resolve => safe.listen(utils.conf.port, () => resolve()))
logger.log(`lolisafe started on port ${utils.conf.port}`)
// Cache control (safe.fiery.me)
// Purge Cloudflare cache
if (config.cacheControl && config.cacheControl !== 2) {
if (config.cloudflare.purgeCache) {
logger.log('Cache control enabled, purging Cloudflare\'s cache...')
const results = await utils.purgeCloudflareCache(cdnPages)
let errored = false
let succeeded = 0
for (const result of results) {
if (result.errors.length) {
if (!errored) errored = true
result.errors.forEach(error => logger.log(`[CF]: ${error}`))
succeeded += result.files.length
if (!errored) {
logger.log(`Successfully purged ${succeeded} cache`)
} else {
logger.log('Cache control enabled without Cloudflare\'s cache purging')
// Initiate internal periodical check ups of temporary uploads if required
if (utils.retentions && utils.retentions.enabled && config.uploads.temporaryUploadsInterval > 0) {
let temporaryUploadsInProgress = false
const temporaryUploadCheck = async () => {
if (temporaryUploadsInProgress) return
temporaryUploadsInProgress = true
try {
const result = await utils.bulkDeleteExpired(false, isDevMode)
if (result.expired.length || result.failed.length) {
if (isDevMode) {
let logMessage = `Expired uploads (${result.expired.length}): ${result.expired.map(_file => _file.name).join(', ')}`
if (result.failed.length) {
logMessage += `\nErrored (${result.failed.length}): ${result.failed.map(_file => _file.name).join(', ')}`
} else {
let logMessage = `Expired uploads: ${result.expired.length} deleted`
if (result.failed.length) {
logMessage += `, ${result.failed.length} errored`
} catch (error) {
// Simply print-out errors, then continue
temporaryUploadsInProgress = false
setInterval(temporaryUploadCheck, config.uploads.temporaryUploadsInterval)
// NODE_ENV=development yarn start
if (isDevMode) {
const { inspect } = require('util')
// Add readline interface to allow evaluating arbitrary JavaScript from console
input: process.stdin
}).on('line', line => {
try {
if (line === 'rs') return
if (line === '.exit') return process.exit(0)
// eslint-disable-next-line no-eval
const evaled = eval(line)
process.stdout.write(`${typeof evaled === 'string' ? evaled : inspect(evaled)}\n`)
} catch (error) {
}).on('SIGINT', () => {
logger.log(utils.stripIndents(`!!! DEVELOPMENT MODE !!!
[=] Nunjucks will auto rebuild (not live reload)
[=] HTTP rate limits disabled
[=] Readline interface enabled (eval arbitrary JS input)`))
} catch (error) {