mirror of
synced 2024-12-13 16:06:21 +00:00
Inspired by our recent switch to using blake3 for file hashing, chunks will now be written to a tmp file directly as they're uploaded. So no more waiting so long for "rebuilding chunks". There will still be some delay on every following attempts of uploading each chunks. I'm not sure the specifics, as we're already reusing the write stream.
1344 lines
44 KiB
1344 lines
44 KiB
const blake3 = require('blake3')
const fetch = require('node-fetch')
const fs = require('fs')
const multer = require('multer')
const path = require('path')
const randomstring = require('randomstring')
const searchQuery = require('search-query-parser')
const multerStorage = require('./multerStorageController')
const paths = require('./pathsController')
const perms = require('./permissionController')
const utils = require('./utilsController')
const config = require('./../config')
const logger = require('./../logger')
const db = require('knex')(config.database)
const self = {}
const fileIdentifierLengthFallback = 32
const fileIdentifierLengthChangeable = !config.uploads.fileIdentifierLength.force &&
typeof config.uploads.fileIdentifierLength.min === 'number' &&
typeof config.uploads.fileIdentifierLength.max === 'number'
const maxSize = parseInt(config.uploads.maxSize)
const maxSizeBytes = maxSize * 1e6
const urlMaxSizeBytes = parseInt(config.uploads.urlMaxSize) * 1e6
const maxFilesPerUpload = 20
const chunkedUploads = config.uploads.chunkSize &&
typeof config.uploads.chunkSize === 'object' &&
const chunksData = {}
// Hard-coded min chunk size of 1 MB (e.g. 50 MB = max 50 chunks)
const maxChunksCount = maxSize
const extensionsFilter = Array.isArray(config.extensionsFilter) &&
const urlExtensionsFilter = Array.isArray(config.uploads.urlExtensionsFilter) &&
const temporaryUploads = Array.isArray(config.uploads.temporaryUploadAges) &&
const initChunks = async uuid => {
if (chunksData[uuid] === undefined) {
const root = path.join(paths.chunks, uuid)
try {
await paths.access(root)
} catch (err) {
// Re-throw error
if (err && err.code !== 'ENOENT')
throw err
await paths.mkdir(root)
chunksData[uuid] = {
filename: 'tmp',
chunks: 0,
stream: null,
hasher: null
return chunksData[uuid]
const executeMulter = multer({
// Guide: https://github.com/expressjs/multer#limits
limits: {
fileSize: maxSizeBytes,
// Maximum number of non-file fields.
// Dropzone.js will add 6 extra fields for chunked uploads.
// We don't use them for anything else.
fields: 6,
// Maximum number of file fields.
// Chunked uploads still need to provide only 1 file field.
// Otherwise, only one of the files will end up being properly stored,
// and that will also be as a chunk.
files: maxFilesPerUpload
fileFilter (req, file, cb) {
file.extname = utils.extname(file.originalname)
if (self.isExtensionFiltered(file.extname))
return cb(`${file.extname ? `${file.extname.substr(1).toUpperCase()} files` : 'Files with no extension'} are not permitted.`)
// Re-map Dropzone keys so people can manually use the API without prepending 'dz'
for (const key in req.body) {
if (!/^dz/.test(key)) continue
req.body[key.replace(/^dz/, '')] = req.body[key]
delete req.body[key]
if (req.body.chunkindex !== undefined && !chunkedUploads)
return cb('Chunked uploads are disabled at the moment.')
return cb(null, true)
storage: multerStorage({
destination (req, file, cb) {
// Is file a chunk!?
file._isChunk = chunkedUploads && req.body.uuid !== undefined && req.body.chunkindex !== undefined
if (file._isChunk)
.then(chunksData => {
file._chunksData = chunksData
cb(null, chunksData.root)
.catch(error => {
return cb('Could not process the chunked upload. Try again?')
return cb(null, paths.uploads)
filename (req, file, cb) {
if (file._isChunk) {
return cb(null, chunksData[req.body.uuid].filename)
} else {
const length = self.parseFileIdentifierLength(req.headers.filelength)
return self.getUniqueRandomName(length, file.extname)
.then(name => cb(null, name))
.catch(error => cb(error))
self.isExtensionFiltered = extname => {
// If empty extension needs to be filtered
if (!extname && config.filterNoExtension)
return true
// If there are extensions that have to be filtered
if (extname && extensionsFilter) {
const match = config.extensionsFilter.some(extension => extname === extension.toLowerCase())
const whitelist = config.extensionsFilterMode === 'whitelist'
if ((!whitelist && match) || (whitelist && !match))
return true
return false
self.parseFileIdentifierLength = fileLength => {
if (!config.uploads.fileIdentifierLength)
return fileIdentifierLengthFallback
const parsed = parseInt(fileLength)
if (isNaN(parsed) ||
!fileIdentifierLengthChangeable ||
parsed < config.uploads.fileIdentifierLength.min ||
parsed > config.uploads.fileIdentifierLength.max)
return config.uploads.fileIdentifierLength.default || fileIdentifierLengthFallback
return parsed
self.getUniqueRandomName = async (length, extension) => {
for (let i = 0; i < utils.idMaxTries; i++) {
const identifier = randomstring.generate(length)
const name = identifier + extension
if (config.uploads.cacheFileIdentifiers) {
if (utils.idSet.has(identifier)) {
logger.log(`Identifier ${identifier} is already in use (${i + 1}/${utils.idMaxTries}).`)
// logger.log(`Added ${identifier} to identifiers cache`)
} else {
try {
await paths.access(path.join(paths.uploads, name))
logger.log(`${name} is already in use (${i + 1}/${utils.idMaxTries}).`)
} catch (error) {
// Re-throw error
if (error & error.code !== 'ENOENT')
throw error
return name
throw 'Sorry, we could not allocate a unique random name. Try again?'
self.parseUploadAge = age => {
if (age === undefined || age === null)
return config.uploads.temporaryUploadAges[0]
const parsed = parseFloat(age)
if (config.uploads.temporaryUploadAges.includes(parsed))
return parsed
return null
self.parseStripTags = stripTags => {
if (!config.uploads.stripTags)
return false
if (config.uploads.stripTags.force || stripTags === undefined)
return config.uploads.stripTags.default
return Boolean(parseInt(stripTags))
self.upload = async (req, res, next) => {
let user
if (config.private === true) {
user = await utils.authorize(req, res)
if (!user) return
} else if (req.headers.token) {
user = await db.table('users')
.where('token', req.headers.token)
if (user && (user.enabled === false || user.enabled === 0))
return res.json({ success: false, description: 'This account has been disabled.' })
let albumid = parseInt(req.headers.albumid || req.params.albumid)
if (isNaN(albumid))
albumid = null
let age = null
if (temporaryUploads) {
age = self.parseUploadAge(req.headers.age)
if (!age && !config.uploads.temporaryUploadAges.includes(0))
return res.json({ success: false, description: 'Permanent uploads are not permitted.' })
try {
const func = req.body.urls ? self.actuallyUploadUrls : self.actuallyUploadFiles
await func(req, res, user, albumid, age)
} catch (error) {
const isError = error instanceof Error
if (isError) logger.error(error)
return res.status(400).json({
success: false,
description: isError ? error.toString() : error
self.actuallyUploadFiles = async (req, res, user, albumid, age) => {
const error = await new Promise(resolve => {
return executeMulter(req, res, err => resolve(err))
if (error) {
const suppress = [
if (suppress.includes(error.code))
throw error.toString()
throw error
if (!req.files || !req.files.length)
throw 'No files.'
// If chunked uploads is enabled and the uploaded file is a chunk, then just say that it was a success
const uuid = req.body.uuid
if (chunkedUploads && chunksData[uuid] !== undefined) {
req.files.forEach(file => {
return res.json({ success: true })
const infoMap = req.files.map(file => {
file.albumid = albumid
file.age = age
return {
path: path.join(paths.uploads, file.filename),
data: file
if (config.filterEmptyFile && infoMap.some(file => file.data.size === 0)) {
// Unlink all files when at least one file is an empty file
// Should continue even when encountering errors
await Promise.all(infoMap.map(info =>
throw 'Empty files are not allowed.'
if (utils.clamd.scanner) {
const scanResult = await self.scanFiles(req, user, infoMap)
if (scanResult) throw scanResult
await self.stripTags(req, infoMap)
const result = await self.storeFilesToDb(req, res, user, infoMap)
await self.sendUploadResponse(req, res, result)
self.actuallyUploadUrls = async (req, res, user, albumid, age) => {
if (!config.uploads.urlMaxSize)
throw 'Upload by URLs is disabled at the moment.'
const urls = req.body.urls
if (!urls || !(urls instanceof Array))
throw 'Missing "urls" property (array).'
if (urls.length > maxFilesPerUpload)
throw `Maximum ${maxFilesPerUpload} URLs at a time.`
const downloaded = []
const infoMap = []
try {
await Promise.all(urls.map(async url => {
const original = path.basename(url).split(/[?#]/)[0]
const extname = utils.extname(original)
// Extensions filter
let filtered = false
if (['blacklist', 'whitelist'].includes(config.uploads.urlExtensionsFilterMode))
if (urlExtensionsFilter) {
const match = config.uploads.urlExtensionsFilter.some(extension => extname === extension.toLowerCase())
const whitelist = config.uploads.urlExtensionsFilterMode === 'whitelist'
filtered = ((!whitelist && match) || (whitelist && !match))
} else {
throw 'Invalid extensions filter, please contact the site owner.'
filtered = self.isExtensionFiltered(extname)
if (filtered)
throw `${extname ? `${extname.substr(1).toUpperCase()} files` : 'Files with no extension'} are not permitted.`
if (config.uploads.urlProxy)
url = config.uploads.urlProxy
.replace(/{url}/g, encodeURIComponent(url))
.replace(/{url-noprot}/g, encodeURIComponent(url.replace(/^https?:\/\//, '')))
const length = self.parseFileIdentifierLength(req.headers.filelength)
const name = await self.getUniqueRandomName(length, extname)
const destination = path.join(paths.uploads, name)
const outStream = fs.createWriteStream(destination)
const hash = blake3.createHash()
// Push to array early, so regardless of its progress it will be deleted on errors
// Limit max response body size with maximum allowed size
const fetchFile = await fetch(url, { size: urlMaxSizeBytes })
.then(res => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (res.status === 200) {
const onerror = error => {
outStream.on('error', onerror)
res.body.on('error', onerror)
res.body.on('data', d => hash.update(d))
outStream.on('finish', () => resolve(res))
} else {
if (fetchFile.status !== 200)
throw `${fetchFile.status} ${fetchFile.statusText}`
path: destination,
data: {
filename: name,
originalname: original,
mimetype: fetchFile.headers.get('content-type').split(';')[0] || '',
size: outStream.bytesWritten,
hash: hash.digest('hex'),
// If no errors encountered, clear cache of downloaded files
downloaded.length = 0
if (utils.clamd.scanner) {
const scanResult = await self.scanFiles(req, user, infoMap)
if (scanResult) throw scanResult
const result = await self.storeFilesToDb(req, res, user, infoMap)
await self.sendUploadResponse(req, res, result)
} catch (error) {
// Unlink all downloaded files when at least one file threw an error from the for-loop
// Should continue even when encountering errors
if (downloaded.length)
await Promise.all(downloaded.map(file =>
const errorString = error.toString()
const suppress = [
/ over limit:/
if (!suppress.some(t => t.test(errorString)))
throw error
throw errorString
self.finishChunks = async (req, res, next) => {
if (!chunkedUploads)
return res.json({ success: false, description: 'Chunked upload is disabled at the moment.' })
let user
if (config.private === true) {
user = await utils.authorize(req, res)
if (!user) return
} else if (req.headers.token) {
user = await db.table('users')
.where('token', req.headers.token)
if (user && (user.enabled === false || user.enabled === 0))
return res.json({ success: false, description: 'This account has been disabled.' })
try {
await self.actuallyFinishChunks(req, res, user)
} catch (error) {
const isError = error instanceof Error
if (isError) logger.error(error)
return res.status(400).json({
success: false,
description: isError ? error.toString() : error
self.actuallyFinishChunks = async (req, res, user) => {
const check = file => typeof file.uuid !== 'string' ||
!chunksData[file.uuid] ||
chunksData[file.uuid].chunks < 2
const files = req.body.files
if (!Array.isArray(files) || !files.length || files.some(check))
throw 'An unexpected error occurred.'
const infoMap = []
try {
await Promise.all(files.map(async file => {
// Close stream
if (chunksData[file.uuid].chunks > maxChunksCount)
throw 'Too many chunks.'
file.extname = typeof file.original === 'string' ? utils.extname(file.original) : ''
if (self.isExtensionFiltered(file.extname))
throw `${file.extname ? `${file.extname.substr(1).toUpperCase()} files` : 'Files with no extension'} are not permitted.`
if (temporaryUploads) {
file.age = self.parseUploadAge(file.age)
if (!file.age && !config.uploads.temporaryUploadAges.includes(0))
throw 'Permanent uploads are not permitted.'
file.size = chunksData[file.uuid].stream.bytesWritten
if (config.filterEmptyFile && file.size === 0)
throw 'Empty files are not allowed.'
else if (file.size > maxSizeBytes)
throw `File too large. Chunks are bigger than ${maxSize} MB.`
// Double-check file size
const tmpfile = path.join(chunksData[file.uuid].root, chunksData[file.uuid].filename)
const lstat = await paths.lstat(tmpfile)
if (lstat.size !== file.size)
throw `File size mismatched (${lstat.size} vs. ${file.size}).`
// Generate name
const length = self.parseFileIdentifierLength(file.filelength)
const name = await self.getUniqueRandomName(length, file.extname)
// Move tmp file to final destination
const destination = path.join(paths.uploads, name)
await paths.rename(tmpfile, destination)
const hash = chunksData[file.uuid].hasher.digest('hex')
// Continue even when encountering errors
await self.cleanUpChunks(file.uuid).catch(logger.error)
let albumid = parseInt(file.albumid)
if (isNaN(albumid))
albumid = null
const data = {
filename: name,
originalname: file.original || '',
extname: file.extname,
mimetype: file.type || '',
size: file.size,
age: file.age
infoMap.push({ path: destination, data })
if (utils.clamd.scanner) {
const scanResult = await self.scanFiles(req, user, infoMap)
if (scanResult) throw scanResult
await self.stripTags(req, infoMap)
const result = await self.storeFilesToDb(req, res, user, infoMap)
await self.sendUploadResponse(req, res, result)
} catch (error) {
// Dispose unfinished hasher and clean up leftover chunks
// Should continue even when encountering errors
await Promise.all(files.map(file => {
// eslint-disable-next-line curly
if (chunksData[file.uuid] !== undefined) {
try {
if (chunksData[file.uuid].hasher)
} catch (error) {}
// Re-throw error
throw error
self.cleanUpChunks = async (uuid) => {
// Remove tmp file
await paths.unlink(path.join(chunksData[uuid].root, chunksData[uuid].filename))
.catch(error => {
if (error.code !== 'ENOENT')
// Remove UUID dir
await paths.rmdir(chunksData[uuid].root)
// Delete cached chunks data
delete chunksData[uuid]
self.scanFiles = async (req, user, infoMap) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line curly
if (user && utils.clamd.groupBypass && perms.is(user, utils.clamd.groupBypass)) {
// logger.log(`[ClamAV]: Skipping ${infoMap.length} file(s), ${utils.clamd.groupBypass} group bypass`)
return false
const foundThreats = []
const results = await Promise.all(infoMap.map(async info => {
if (utils.clamd.whitelistExtensions && utils.clamd.whitelistExtensions.includes(info.data.extname))
return // logger.log(`[ClamAV]: Skipping ${info.data.filename}, extension whitelisted`)
if (utils.clamd.maxSize && info.data.size > utils.clamd.maxSize)
return // logger.log(`[ClamAV]: Skipping ${info.data.filename}, size ${info.data.size} > ${utils.clamd.maxSize}`)
const reply = await utils.clamd.scanner.scanFile(info.path, utils.clamd.timeout, utils.clamd.chunkSize)
if (!reply.includes('OK') || reply.includes('FOUND')) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex
const foundThreat = reply.replace(/^stream: /, '').replace(/ FOUND\u0000$/, '')
logger.log(`[ClamAV]: ${info.data.filename}: ${foundThreat} FOUND.`)
})).then(() => {
if (foundThreats.length)
return `Threat found: ${foundThreats[0]}${foundThreats.length > 1 ? ', and more' : ''}.`
}).catch(error => {
logger.error(`[ClamAV]: ${error.toString()}`)
return 'An unexpected error occurred with ClamAV, please contact the site owner.'
if (results)
// Unlink all files when at least one threat is found OR any errors occurred
// Should continue even when encountering errors
await Promise.all(infoMap.map(info =>
return results
self.stripTags = async (req, infoMap) => {
if (!self.parseStripTags(req.headers.striptags))
try {
await Promise.all(infoMap.map(info =>
utils.stripTags(info.data.filename, info.data.extname)
} catch (error) {
// Unlink all files when at least one threat is found OR any errors occurred
// Should continue even when encountering errors
await Promise.all(infoMap.map(info =>
// Re-throw error
throw error
self.storeFilesToDb = async (req, res, user, infoMap) => {
const files = []
const exists = []
const albumids = []
await Promise.all(infoMap.map(async info => {
// Check if the file exists by checking its hash and size
const dbFile = await db.table('files')
.where(function () {
if (user === undefined)
this.where('userid', user.id)
hash: info.data.hash,
size: info.data.size
// Select expirydate to display expiration date of existing files as well
.select('name', 'expirydate')
if (dbFile) {
// Continue even when encountering errors
await utils.unlinkFile(info.data.filename).catch(logger.error)
// logger.log(`Unlinked ${info.data.filename} since a duplicate named ${dbFile.name} exists`)
// If on /nojs route, append original file name reported by client
if (req.path === '/nojs')
dbFile.original = info.data.originalname
const timestamp = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000)
const data = {
name: info.data.filename,
original: info.data.originalname,
type: info.data.mimetype,
size: info.data.size,
hash: info.data.hash,
// Only disable if explicitly set to false in config
ip: config.uploads.storeIP !== false ? req.ip : null,
if (user) {
data.userid = user.id
data.albumid = info.data.albumid
if (data.albumid !== null && !albumids.includes(data.albumid))
if (info.data.age)
data.expirydate = data.timestamp + (info.data.age * 3600) // Hours to seconds
// Generate thumbs, but do not wait
if (utils.mayGenerateThumb(info.data.extname))
utils.generateThumbs(info.data.filename, info.data.extname, true).catch(logger.error)
if (files.length) {
let authorizedIds = []
if (albumids.length) {
authorizedIds = await db.table('albums')
.where({ userid: user.id })
.whereIn('id', albumids)
.then(rows => rows.map(row => row.id))
// Remove albumid if user do not own the album
for (const file of files)
if (file.albumid !== null && !authorizedIds.includes(file.albumid))
file.albumid = null
// Insert new files to DB
await db.table('files').insert(files)
// Update albums' timestamp
if (authorizedIds.length) {
await db.table('albums')
.whereIn('id', authorizedIds)
.update('editedAt', Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000))
return files.concat(exists)
self.sendUploadResponse = async (req, res, result) => {
// Send response
success: true,
files: result.map(file => {
const map = {
name: file.name,
url: `${config.domain}/${file.name}`
// If a temporary upload, add expiry date
if (file.expirydate)
map.expirydate = file.expirydate
// If on /nojs route, add original name
if (req.path === '/nojs')
map.original = file.original
return map
self.delete = async (req, res) => {
// Map /delete requests to /bulkdelete route
const id = parseInt(req.body.id)
const body = {
field: 'id',
values: isNaN(id) ? undefined : [id]
req.body = body
return self.bulkDelete(req, res)
self.bulkDelete = async (req, res) => {
const user = await utils.authorize(req, res)
if (!user) return
const field = req.body.field || 'id'
const values = req.body.values
if (!Array.isArray(values) || !values.length)
return res.json({ success: false, description: 'No array of files specified.' })
try {
const failed = await utils.bulkDeleteFromDb(field, values, user)
return res.json({ success: true, failed })
} catch (error) {
return res.status(500).json({ success: false, description: 'An unexpected error occurred. Try again?' })
self.list = async (req, res) => {
const user = await utils.authorize(req, res)
if (!user) return
const all = req.headers.all === '1'
const filters = req.headers.filters
const minoffset = Number(req.headers.minoffset) || 0
const ismoderator = perms.is(user, 'moderator')
if (all && !ismoderator)
return res.status(403).end()
const basedomain = config.domain
// Thresholds for regular users
const MAX_TEXT_QUERIES = 3 // non-keyed keywords
const MAX_SORT_KEYS = 1
const MAX_IS_KEYS = 1
const filterObj = {
uploaders: [],
excludeUploaders: [],
queries: {
exclude: {}
typeIs: [
flags: {}
const sortObj = {
// Cast columns to specific type if they are stored differently
casts: {
size: 'integer'
// Columns mapping
maps: {
date: 'timestamp',
expiry: 'expirydate'
// Columns with which to use SQLite's NULLS LAST option
nullsLast: [
parsed: []
// Parse glob wildcards into SQL wildcards
function sqlLikeParser (pattern) {
// Escape SQL operators
const escaped = pattern
.replace(/(?<!\\)%/g, '\\%')
.replace(/(?<!\\)_/g, '\\_')
// Look for any glob operators
const match = pattern.match(/(?<!\\)(\*|\?)/g)
if (match && match.length)
return {
count: match.length,
// Replace glob operators with their SQL equivalents
escaped: escaped
.replace(/(?<!\\)\*/g, '%')
.replace(/(?<!\\)\?/g, '_')
return {
count: 0,
// Assume partial match
escaped: `%${escaped}%`
if (filters) {
let keywords = []
if (req.params.id === undefined)
keywords = keywords.concat([
// Only allow filtering by 'ip' and 'user' keys when listing all uploads
if (all)
keywords = keywords.concat([
const ranges = [
filterObj.queries = searchQuery.parse(filters, {
keywords: keywords.concat([
tokenize: true,
alwaysArray: true,
offsets: false
// Accept orderby as alternative for sort
if (filterObj.queries.orderby) {
if (!filterObj.queries.sort) filterObj.queries.sort = []
filterObj.queries.sort = filterObj.queries.sort.concat(filterObj.queries.orderby)
delete filterObj.queries.orderby
// For some reason, single value won't be in Array even with 'alwaysArray' option
if (typeof filterObj.queries.exclude.text === 'string')
filterObj.queries.exclude.text = [filterObj.queries.exclude.text]
// Text (non-keyed keywords) queries
let textQueries = 0
if (filterObj.queries.text) textQueries += filterObj.queries.text.length
if (filterObj.queries.exclude.text) textQueries += filterObj.queries.exclude.text.length
// Regular user threshold check
if (!ismoderator && textQueries > MAX_TEXT_QUERIES)
return res.json({
success: false,
description: `Users are only allowed to use ${MAX_TEXT_QUERIES} non-keyed keyword${MAX_TEXT_QUERIES === 1 ? '' : 's'} at a time.`
if (filterObj.queries.text)
for (let i = 0; i < filterObj.queries.text.length; i++) {
const result = sqlLikeParser(filterObj.queries.text[i])
if (!ismoderator && result.count > MAX_WILDCARDS_IN_KEY)
return res.json({
success: false,
description: `Users are only allowed to use ${MAX_WILDCARDS_IN_KEY} wildcard${MAX_WILDCARDS_IN_KEY === 1 ? '' : 's'} per key.`
filterObj.queries.text[i] = result.escaped
if (filterObj.queries.exclude.text)
for (let i = 0; i < filterObj.queries.exclude.text.length; i++) {
const result = sqlLikeParser(filterObj.queries.exclude.text[i])
if (!ismoderator && result.count > MAX_WILDCARDS_IN_KEY)
return res.json({
success: false,
description: `Users are only allowed to use ${MAX_WILDCARDS_IN_KEY} wildcard${MAX_WILDCARDS_IN_KEY === 1 ? '' : 's'} per key.`
filterObj.queries.exclude.text[i] = result.escaped
for (const key of keywords) {
let queryIndex = -1
let excludeIndex = -1
// Make sure keyword arrays only contain unique values
if (filterObj.queries[key]) {
filterObj.queries[key] = filterObj.queries[key].filter((v, i, a) => a.indexOf(v) === i)
queryIndex = filterObj.queries[key].indexOf('-')
if (filterObj.queries.exclude[key]) {
filterObj.queries.exclude[key] = filterObj.queries.exclude[key].filter((v, i, a) => a.indexOf(v) === i)
excludeIndex = filterObj.queries.exclude[key].indexOf('-')
// Flag to match NULL values
const inQuery = queryIndex !== -1
const inExclude = excludeIndex !== -1
if (inQuery || inExclude) {
// Prioritize exclude keys when both types found
filterObj.flags[`${key}Null`] = inExclude ? false : inQuery
if (inQuery)
if (filterObj.queries[key].length === 1)
// Delete key to avoid unexpected behavior
delete filterObj.queries[key]
filterObj.queries[key].splice(queryIndex, 1)
if (inExclude)
if (filterObj.queries.exclude[key].length === 1)
// Delete key to avoid unexpected behavior
delete filterObj.queries.exclude[key]
filterObj.queries.exclude[key].splice(excludeIndex, 1)
const parseDate = (date, minoffset, resetMs) => {
// [YYYY][/MM][/DD] [HH][:MM][:SS]
// e.g. 2020/01/01 00:00:00, 2018/01/01 06, 2019/11, 12:34:00
const match = date.match(/^(\d{4})?(\/\d{2})?(\/\d{2})?\s?(\d{2})?(:\d{2})?(:\d{2})?$/)
if (match) {
let offset = 0
if (minoffset !== undefined)
offset = 60000 * (utils.timezoneOffset - minoffset)
const dateObj = new Date(Date.now() + offset)
if (match[1] !== undefined)
dateObj.setFullYear(Number(match[1]), // full year
match[2] !== undefined ? (Number(match[2].slice(1)) - 1) : 0, // month, zero-based
match[3] !== undefined ? Number(match[3].slice(1)) : 1) // date
if (match[4] !== undefined)
dateObj.setHours(Number(match[4]), // hours
match[5] !== undefined ? Number(match[5].slice(1)) : 0, // minutes
match[6] !== undefined ? Number(match[6].slice(1)) : 0) // seconds
if (resetMs)
// Calculate timezone differences
return new Date(dateObj.getTime() - offset)
} else {
return null
// Parse dates to timestamps
for (const range of ranges)
if (filterObj.queries[range]) {
if (filterObj.queries[range].from) {
const parsed = parseDate(filterObj.queries[range].from, minoffset, true)
filterObj.queries[range].from = parsed ? Math.floor(parsed / 1000) : null
if (filterObj.queries[range].to) {
const parsed = parseDate(filterObj.queries[range].to, minoffset, true)
filterObj.queries[range].to = parsed ? Math.ceil(parsed / 1000) : null
// Query users table for user IDs
if (filterObj.queries.user || filterObj.queries.exclude.user) {
const usernames = []
.concat(filterObj.queries.user || [])
.concat(filterObj.queries.exclude.user || [])
const uploaders = await db.table('users')
.whereIn('username', usernames)
.select('id', 'username')
// If no matches, or mismatched results
if (!uploaders || (uploaders.length !== usernames.length)) {
const notFound = usernames.filter(username => {
return !uploaders.find(uploader => uploader.username === username)
if (notFound)
return res.json({
success: false,
description: `User${notFound.length === 1 ? '' : 's'} not found: ${notFound.join(', ')}.`
for (const uploader of uploaders)
if (filterObj.queries.user && filterObj.queries.user.includes(uploader.username))
// Delete keys to avoid unexpected behavior
delete filterObj.queries.user
delete filterObj.queries.exclude.user
// Parse sort keys
if (filterObj.queries.sort) {
let allowed = [
// Only allow sorting by 'albumid' when not listing album's uploads
if (req.params.id === undefined)
allowed = allowed.concat([
// Only allow sorting by 'ip' and 'userid' columns when listing all uploads
if (all)
allowed = allowed.concat([
for (const obQuery of filterObj.queries.sort) {
const tmp = obQuery.toLowerCase().split(':')
const column = sortObj.maps[tmp[0]] || tmp[0]
if (!allowed.includes(column))
// Alert users if using disallowed/missing columns
return res.json({ success: false, description: `Column \`${column}\` cannot be used for sorting.\n\nTry the following instead:\n${allowed.join(', ')}` })
order: (tmp[1] && /^d/.test(tmp[1])) ? 'desc' : 'asc',
clause: sortObj.nullsLast.includes(column) ? 'nulls last' : '',
cast: sortObj.casts[column] || null
// Regular user threshold check
if (!ismoderator && sortObj.parsed.length > MAX_SORT_KEYS)
return res.json({
success: false,
description: `Users are only allowed to use ${MAX_SORT_KEYS} sort key${MAX_SORT_KEYS === 1 ? '' : 's'} at a time.`
// Delete key to avoid unexpected behavior
delete filterObj.queries.sort
// Parse is keys
let isKeys = 0
let isLast
if (filterObj.queries.is || filterObj.queries.exclude.is) {
for (const type of filterObj.typeIs) {
const inQuery = filterObj.queries.is && filterObj.queries.is.includes(type)
const inExclude = filterObj.queries.exclude.is && filterObj.queries.exclude.is.includes(type)
// Prioritize exclude keys when both types found
if (inQuery || inExclude) {
filterObj.flags[`is${type}`] = inExclude ? false : inQuery
if (isLast !== undefined && isLast !== filterObj.flags[`is${type}`])
return res.json({
success: false,
description: 'Cannot mix inclusion and exclusion type-is keys.'
isLast = filterObj.flags[`is${type}`]
// Delete keys to avoid unexpected behavior
delete filterObj.queries.is
delete filterObj.queries.exclude.is
// Regular user threshold check
if (!ismoderator && isKeys > MAX_IS_KEYS)
return res.json({
success: false,
description: `Users are only allowed to use ${MAX_IS_KEYS} type-is key${MAX_IS_KEYS === 1 ? '' : 's'} at a time.`
function filter () {
// If listing all uploads
if (all)
this.where(function () {
// Filter uploads matching any of the supplied 'user' keys and/or NULL flag
// Prioritze exclude keys when both types found
this.orWhere(function () {
if (filterObj.excludeUploaders.length)
this.orWhereNotIn('userid', filterObj.excludeUploaders.map(v => v.id))
else if (filterObj.uploaders.length)
this.orWhereIn('userid', filterObj.uploaders.map(v => v.id))
// Such overbearing logic for NULL values, smh...
if ((filterObj.excludeUploaders.length && filterObj.flags.userNull !== false) ||
(filterObj.uploaders.length && filterObj.flags.userNull) ||
(!filterObj.excludeUploaders.length && !filterObj.uploaders.length && filterObj.flags.userNull))
else if (filterObj.flags.userNull === false)
// Filter uploads matching any of the supplied 'ip' keys and/or NULL flag
// Same prioritization logic as above
this.orWhere(function () {
if (filterObj.queries.exclude.ip)
this.orWhereNotIn('ip', filterObj.queries.exclude.ip)
else if (filterObj.queries.ip)
this.orWhereIn('ip', filterObj.queries.ip)
// ...
if ((filterObj.queries.exclude.ip && filterObj.flags.ipNull !== false) ||
(filterObj.queries.ip && filterObj.flags.ipNull) ||
(!filterObj.queries.exclude.ip && !filterObj.queries.ip && filterObj.flags.ipNull))
else if (filterObj.flags.ipNull === false)
// If not listing all uploads, list user's uploads
this.where('userid', user.id)
// Then, refine using any of the supplied 'albumid' keys and/or NULL flag
// Same prioritization logic as 'userid' and 'ip' above
if (req.params.id === undefined)
this.andWhere(function () {
if (filterObj.queries.exclude.albumid)
this.orWhereNotIn('albumid', filterObj.queries.exclude.albumid)
else if (filterObj.queries.albumid)
this.orWhereIn('albumid', filterObj.queries.albumid)
// ...
if ((filterObj.queries.exclude.albumid && filterObj.flags.albumidNull !== false) ||
(filterObj.queries.albumid && filterObj.flags.albumidNull) ||
(!filterObj.queries.exclude.albumid && !filterObj.queries.albumid && filterObj.flags.albumidNull))
else if (filterObj.flags.albumidNull === false)
else if (!all)
// If not listing all uploads, list uploads from user's album
this.andWhere('albumid', req.params.id)
// Then, refine using the supplied 'date' ranges
this.andWhere(function () {
if (!filterObj.queries.date || (!filterObj.queries.date.from && !filterObj.queries.date.to)) return
if (typeof filterObj.queries.date.from === 'number')
if (typeof filterObj.queries.date.to === 'number')
this.andWhereBetween('timestamp', [filterObj.queries.date.from, filterObj.queries.date.to])
this.andWhere('timestamp', '>=', filterObj.queries.date.from)
this.andWhere('timestamp', '<=', filterObj.queries.date.to)
// Then, refine using the supplied 'expiry' ranges
this.andWhere(function () {
if (!filterObj.queries.expiry || (!filterObj.queries.expiry.from && !filterObj.queries.expiry.to)) return
if (typeof filterObj.queries.expiry.from === 'number')
if (typeof filterObj.queries.expiry.to === 'number')
this.andWhereBetween('expirydate', [filterObj.queries.expiry.from, filterObj.queries.expiry.to])
this.andWhere('expirydate', '>=', filterObj.queries.expiry.from)
this.andWhere('expirydate', '<=', filterObj.queries.expiry.to)
// Then, refine using type-is flags
this.andWhere(function () {
for (const type of filterObj.typeIs) {
let func
let operator
if (filterObj.flags[`is${type}`] === true) {
func = 'orWhere'
operator = 'like'
} else if (filterObj.flags[`is${type}`] === false) {
func = 'andWhere'
operator = 'not like'
if (func)
for (const pattern of utils[`${type}Exts`].map(ext => `%${ext}`))
this[func]('name', operator, pattern)
// Then, refine using the supplied keywords against their file names
this.andWhere(function () {
if (!filterObj.queries.text) return
for (const pattern of filterObj.queries.text) {
this.orWhereRaw('?? like ? escape ?', ['name', pattern, '\\'])
this.orWhereRaw('?? like ? escape ?', ['original', pattern, '\\'])
// Finally, refine using the supplied exclusions against their file names
this.andWhere(function () {
if (!filterObj.queries.exclude.text) return
for (const pattern of filterObj.queries.exclude.text) {
this.andWhereRaw('?? not like ? escape ?', ['name', pattern, '\\'])
this.andWhereRaw('?? not like ? escape ?', ['original', pattern, '\\'])
try {
// Query uploads count for pagination
const count = await db.table('files')
.count('id as count')
.then(rows => rows[0].count)
if (!count)
return res.json({ success: true, files: [], count })
let offset = Number(req.params.page)
if (isNaN(offset)) offset = 0
else if (offset < 0) offset = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(count / 25) + offset)
const columns = ['id', 'name', 'original', 'userid', 'size', 'timestamp']
if (temporaryUploads)
if (!all || filterObj.queries.albumid || filterObj.queries.exclude.albumid ||
filterObj.flags.albumidNull !== undefined)
// Only select IPs if we are listing all uploads
if (all)
// Build raw query for order by (sorting) operation
let orderByRaw
if (sortObj.parsed.length)
orderByRaw = sortObj.parsed.map(sort => {
// Use Knex.raw() to sanitize user inputs
if (sort.cast)
return db.raw(`cast (?? as ${sort.cast}) ${sort.order} ${sort.clause}`.trim(), sort.column)
return db.raw(`?? ${sort.order} ${sort.clause}`.trim(), sort.column)
}).join(', ')
orderByRaw = '`id` desc'
const files = await db.table('files')
.offset(25 * offset)
if (!files.length)
return res.json({ success: true, files, count, basedomain })
for (const file of files) {
file.extname = utils.extname(file.name)
if (utils.mayGenerateThumb(file.extname))
file.thumb = `thumbs/${file.name.slice(0, -file.extname.length)}.png`
// If we queried albumid, query album names
let albums = {}
if (columns.includes('albumid')) {
const albumids = files
.map(file => file.albumid)
.filter((v, i, a) => {
return v !== null && v !== undefined && v !== '' && a.indexOf(v) === i
albums = await db.table('albums')
.whereIn('id', albumids)
.where('enabled', 1)
.select('id', 'name')
.then(rows => {
// Build Object indexed by their IDs
const obj = {}
for (const row of rows)
obj[row.id] = row.name
return obj
// If we are not listing all uploads, send response
if (!all)
return res.json({ success: true, files, count, albums, basedomain })
// Otherwise proceed to querying usernames
let usersTable = filterObj.uploaders
if (!usersTable.length) {
const userids = files
.map(file => file.userid)
.filter((v, i, a) => {
return v !== null && v !== undefined && v !== '' && a.indexOf(v) === i
// If there are no uploads attached to a registered user, send response
if (userids.length === 0)
return res.json({ success: true, files, count, albums, basedomain })
// Query usernames of user IDs from currently selected files
usersTable = await db.table('users')
.whereIn('id', userids)
.select('id', 'username')
const users = {}
for (const user of usersTable)
users[user.id] = user.username
return res.json({ success: true, files, count, users, albums, basedomain })
} catch (error) {
return res.status(500).json({ success: false, description: 'An unexpected error occurred. Try again?' })
module.exports = self