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synced 2024-12-14 00:16:21 +00:00
* Switched standard to eslint with eslint-config-standard (and 4 more eslint plugins needed by standard). * Added "curly" eslint rule with "all" option. I like it. * Refactored all JS files to apply the new "curly" eslint rule. * Renewed axios.min.js, dropzone.min.js and sweetalert.min.js. Re-minified and added a small comment stating their version and copyright statement. * Some buttons in dashboard will now show loading icon whenever they're waiting for response from the server. * Updated README.md and .gitignore.
573 lines
18 KiB
573 lines
18 KiB
const config = require('../config.js')
const path = require('path')
const multer = require('multer')
const randomstring = require('randomstring')
const db = require('knex')(config.database)
const crypto = require('crypto')
const fs = require('fs')
const rimraf = require('rimraf')
const utils = require('./utilsController.js')
const uploadsController = {}
// Let's default it to only 1 try (for missing config key)
const maxTries = config.uploads.maxTries || 1
const uploadDir = path.join(__dirname, '..', config.uploads.folder)
const chunkedUploads = config.uploads.chunkedUploads && config.uploads.chunkedUploads.enabled
const chunksDir = path.join(uploadDir, 'chunks')
const maxSizeBytes = parseInt(config.uploads.maxSize) * 1000000
const storage = multer.diskStorage({
destination: function (req, file, cb) {
// If chunked uploads is disabled or the uploaded file is not a chunk
if (!chunkedUploads || (req.body.uuid === undefined && req.body.chunkindex === undefined)) {
return cb(null, uploadDir)
// Check for the existence of UUID dir in chunks dir
const uuidDir = path.join(chunksDir, req.body.uuid)
fs.access(uuidDir, err => {
// If it exists, callback
if (!err) { return cb(null, uuidDir) }
// It it doesn't, then make it first
fs.mkdir(uuidDir, err => {
// If there was no error, callback
if (!err) { return cb(null, uuidDir) }
// Otherwise, log it
// eslint-disable-next-line standard/no-callback-literal
return cb('Could not process the chunked upload. Try again?')
filename: function (req, file, cb) {
const extension = path.extname(file.originalname)
// If chunked uploads is disabled or the uploaded file is not a chunk
if (!chunkedUploads || (req.body.uuid === undefined && req.body.chunkindex === undefined)) {
const length = uploadsController.getFileNameLength(req)
return uploadsController.getUniqueRandomName(length, extension, cb)
// index.extension (e.i. 0.jpg, 1.jpg, ..., n.jpg - will prepend zeros depending on the amount of chunks)
const digits = req.body.totalchunkcount !== undefined ? String(req.body.totalchunkcount - 1).length : 1
const zeros = new Array(digits + 1).join('0')
const name = (zeros + req.body.chunkindex).slice(-digits)
return cb(null, name + extension)
const upload = multer({
limits: {
fileSize: config.uploads.maxSize
fileFilter: function (req, file, cb) {
// If there are no blocked extensions
if (config.blockedExtensions === undefined) {
return cb(null, true)
// If the extension is blocked
if (config.blockedExtensions.some(extension => {
return path.extname(file.originalname).toLowerCase() === extension.toLowerCase()
})) {
// eslint-disable-next-line standard/no-callback-literal
return cb('This file extension is not allowed.')
if (chunkedUploads) {
// Re-map Dropzone keys so people can manually use the API without prepending 'dz'
const keys = Object.keys(req.body)
if (keys.length) {
for (const key of keys) {
if (!/^dz/.test(key)) { continue }
req.body[key.replace(/^dz/, '')] = req.body[key]
delete req.body[key]
const totalFileSize = parseInt(req.body.totalfilesize)
if (!isNaN(totalFileSize) && totalFileSize > maxSizeBytes) {
// eslint-disable-next-line standard/no-callback-literal
return cb('Chunked upload error. Total file size is larger than maximum file size.')
// If the extension is not blocked
return cb(null, true)
uploadsController.getFileNameLength = req => {
// If the user has a preferred file length, make sure it is within the allowed range
if (req.headers.filelength) {
return Math.min(Math.max(req.headers.filelength, config.uploads.fileLength.min), config.uploads.fileLength.max)
// Let's default it to 32 characters when config key is falsy
return config.uploads.fileLength.default || 32
uploadsController.getUniqueRandomName = (length, extension, cb) => {
const access = i => {
const name = randomstring.generate(length) + extension
fs.access(path.join(uploadDir, name), err => {
// If a file with the same name does not exist
if (err) { return cb(null, name) }
// If a file with the same name already exists, log to console
console.log(`A file named ${name} already exists (${++i}/${maxTries}).`)
// If it still haven't reached allowed maximum tries, then try again
if (i < maxTries) { return access(i) }
// eslint-disable-next-line standard/no-callback-literal
return cb('Could not allocate a unique random name. Try again?')
// Get us a unique random name
uploadsController.upload = async (req, res, next) => {
let user
if (config.private === true) {
user = await utils.authorize(req, res)
if (!user) { return }
} else if (req.headers.token) {
user = await db.table('users').where('token', req.headers.token).first()
if (user && (user.enabled === false || user.enabled === 0)) {
return res.json({
success: false,
description: 'This account has been disabled.'
if (user && user.fileLength && !req.headers.filelength) {
req.headers.filelength = user.fileLength
const albumid = req.headers.albumid || req.params.albumid
if (albumid && user) {
const album = await db.table('albums').where({ id: albumid, userid: user.id }).first()
if (!album) {
return res.json({
success: false,
description: 'Album doesn\'t exist or it doesn\'t belong to the user.'
return uploadsController.actuallyUpload(req, res, user, albumid)
return uploadsController.actuallyUpload(req, res, user, albumid)
uploadsController.actuallyUpload = async (req, res, user, albumid) => {
const erred = err => {
success: false,
description: err.toString()
upload(req, res, async err => {
if (err) { return erred(err) }
if (req.files.length === 0) { return erred(new Error('No files.')) }
// If chunked uploads is enabeld and the uploaded file is a chunk, then just say that it was a success
if (chunkedUploads && req.body.uuid) { return res.json({ success: true }) }
const infoMap = req.files.map(file => {
return {
path: path.join(__dirname, '..', config.uploads.folder, file.filename),
data: file
const result = await uploadsController.writeFilesToDb(req, res, user, albumid, infoMap)
if (result) {
return uploadsController.processFilesForDisplay(req, res, result.files, result.existingFiles)
uploadsController.finishChunks = async (req, res, next) => {
if (!config.uploads.chunkedUploads || !config.uploads.chunkedUploads.enabled) {
return res.json({
success: false,
description: 'Chunked uploads is disabled at the moment.'
let user
if (config.private === true) {
user = await utils.authorize(req, res)
if (!user) { return }
} else if (req.headers.token) {
user = await db.table('users').where('token', req.headers.token).first()
if (user && (user.enabled === false || user.enabled === 0)) {
return res.json({
success: false,
description: 'This account has been disabled.'
if (user && user.fileLength && !req.headers.filelength) {
req.headers.filelength = user.fileLength
const albumid = req.headers.albumid || req.params.albumid
if (albumid && user) {
const album = await db.table('albums').where({ id: albumid, userid: user.id }).first()
if (!album) {
return res.json({
success: false,
description: 'Album doesn\'t exist or it doesn\'t belong to the user.'
return uploadsController.actuallyFinishChunks(req, res, user, albumid)
return uploadsController.actuallyFinishChunks(req, res, user, albumid)
uploadsController.actuallyFinishChunks = async (req, res, user, albumid) => {
const erred = err => {
success: false,
description: err.toString()
const files = req.body.files
if (!files) { return erred(new Error('Missing files array.')) }
let iteration = 0
const infoMap = []
files.forEach(file => {
const { uuid, count } = file
if (!uuid || !count) { return erred(new Error('Missing UUID and/or chunks count.')) }
const chunksDirUuid = path.join(chunksDir, uuid)
fs.readdir(chunksDirUuid, async (err, chunks) => {
if (err) { return erred(err) }
if (count < chunks.length) { return erred(new Error('Chunks count mismatch.')) }
const extension = path.extname(chunks[0])
const length = uploadsController.getFileNameLength(req)
uploadsController.getUniqueRandomName(length, extension, async (err, name) => {
if (err) { return erred(err) }
const destination = path.join(uploadDir, name)
const destFileStream = fs.createWriteStream(destination, { flags: 'a' })
const appended = await uploadsController.appendToStream(destFileStream, chunksDirUuid, chunks)
rimraf(chunksDirUuid, err => {
if (err) {
if (!appended) { return }
path: destination,
data: {
filename: name,
originalname: file.original || '',
mimetype: file.type || '',
size: file.size || 0
if (iteration >= files.length) {
const result = await uploadsController.writeFilesToDb(req, res, user, albumid, infoMap)
if (result) {
return uploadsController.processFilesForDisplay(req, res, result.files, result.existingFiles)
uploadsController.appendToStream = async (destFileStream, chunksDirUuid, chunks) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const append = i => {
if (i < chunks.length) {
fs.createReadStream(path.join(chunksDirUuid, chunks[i]))
.on('end', () => {
append(i + 1)
.on('error', err => {
return reject(err)
.pipe(destFileStream, { end: false })
} else {
return resolve(true)
uploadsController.writeFilesToDb = async (req, res, user, albumid, infoMap) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let iteration = 0
const files = []
const existingFiles = []
infoMap.forEach(info => {
// Check if the file exists by checking hash and size
const hash = crypto.createHash('md5')
const stream = fs.createReadStream(info.path)
stream.on('data', data => {
hash.update(data, 'utf8')
stream.on('end', async () => {
const fileHash = hash.digest('hex')
const dbFile = await db.table('files')
.where(function () {
if (user === undefined) {
} else {
this.where('userid', user.id)
hash: fileHash,
size: info.data.size
if (!dbFile) {
name: info.data.filename,
original: info.data.originalname,
type: info.data.mimetype,
size: info.data.size,
hash: fileHash,
ip: req.ip,
userid: user !== undefined ? user.id : null,
timestamp: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000)
} else {
uploadsController.deleteFile(info.data.filename).then(() => {}).catch(err => console.log(err))
if (iteration >= infoMap.length) {
return resolve({ files, existingFiles })
uploadsController.processFilesForDisplay = async (req, res, files, existingFiles) => {
let basedomain = config.domain
if (files.length === 0) {
return res.json({
success: true,
files: existingFiles.map(file => {
return {
name: file.name,
size: file.size,
url: `${basedomain}/${file.name}`
// Insert new files to DB
await db.table('files').insert(files)
// Push existing files to array for response
for (let efile of existingFiles) {
success: true,
files: files.map(file => {
return {
name: file.name,
size: file.size,
url: `${basedomain}/${file.name}`
for (let file of files) {
let ext = path.extname(file.name).toLowerCase()
if ((config.uploads.generateThumbnails.image && utils.imageExtensions.includes(ext)) || (config.uploads.generateThumbnails.video && utils.videoExtensions.includes(ext))) {
file.thumb = `${basedomain}/thumbs/${file.name.slice(0, -ext.length)}.png`
if (file.albumid) {
db.table('albums').where('id', file.albumid).update('editedAt', file.timestamp).then(() => {})
.catch(error => { console.log(error); res.json({ success: false, description: 'Error updating album.' }) })
uploadsController.delete = async (req, res) => {
const user = await utils.authorize(req, res)
if (!user) { return }
const id = req.body.id
if (id === undefined || id === '') {
return res.json({ success: false, description: 'No file specified.' })
const file = await db.table('files')
.where('id', id)
.where(function () {
if (user.username !== 'root') {
this.where('userid', user.id)
try {
await uploadsController.deleteFile(file.name).catch(err => {
// ENOENT is missing file, for whatever reason, then just delete from db
if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') { throw err }
await db.table('files').where('id', id).del()
if (file.albumid) {
await db.table('albums').where('id', file.albumid).update('editedAt', Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000))
} catch (err) {
return res.json({ success: true })
uploadsController.deleteFile = function (file) {
const ext = path.extname(file).toLowerCase()
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.stat(path.join(__dirname, '..', config.uploads.folder, file), (err, stats) => {
if (err) { return reject(err) }
fs.unlink(path.join(__dirname, '..', config.uploads.folder, file), err => {
if (err) { return reject(err) }
if (!utils.imageExtensions.includes(ext) && !utils.videoExtensions.includes(ext)) {
return resolve()
file = file.substr(0, file.lastIndexOf('.')) + '.png'
fs.stat(path.join(__dirname, '..', config.uploads.folder, 'thumbs/', file), (err, stats) => {
if (err) {
if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') {
return resolve()
fs.unlink(path.join(__dirname, '..', config.uploads.folder, 'thumbs/', file), err => {
if (err) { return reject(err) }
return resolve()
uploadsController.list = async (req, res) => {
const user = await utils.authorize(req, res)
if (!user) { return }
let offset = req.params.page
if (offset === undefined) { offset = 0 }
const files = await db.table('files')
.where(function () {
if (req.params.id === undefined) {
this.where('id', '<>', '')
} else {
this.where('albumid', req.params.id)
.where(function () {
if (user.username !== 'root') { this.where('userid', user.id) }
.orderBy('id', 'DESC')
.offset(25 * offset)
.select('id', 'albumid', 'timestamp', 'name', 'userid', 'size')
const albums = await db.table('albums')
let basedomain = config.domain
let userids = []
for (let file of files) {
file.file = `${basedomain}/${file.name}`
file.date = new Date(file.timestamp * 1000)
file.date = utils.getPrettyDate(file.date)
file.size = utils.getPrettyBytes(parseInt(file.size))
file.album = ''
if (file.albumid !== undefined) {
for (let album of albums) {
if (file.albumid === album.id) {
file.album = album.name
// Only push usernames if we are root
if (user.username === 'root') {
if (file.userid !== undefined && file.userid !== null && file.userid !== '') {
let ext = path.extname(file.name).toLowerCase()
if ((config.uploads.generateThumbnails.image && utils.imageExtensions.includes(ext)) || (config.uploads.generateThumbnails.video && utils.videoExtensions.includes(ext))) {
file.thumb = `${basedomain}/thumbs/${file.name.slice(0, -ext.length)}.png`
// If we are a normal user, send response
if (user.username !== 'root') { return res.json({ success: true, files }) }
// If we are root but there are no uploads attached to a user, send response
if (userids.length === 0) { return res.json({ success: true, files }) }
const users = await db.table('users').whereIn('id', userids)
for (let dbUser of users) {
for (let file of files) {
if (file.userid === dbUser.id) {
file.username = dbUser.username
return res.json({ success: true, files })
module.exports = uploadsController