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synced 2025-01-05 19:40:09 +00:00
Resolves #194. Added pagination for Manage your albums page. Albums sidebar will now only list 9 albums at most. Use Manage your albums page to view the rest. Albums in the list will now have View uploads button after all. Delete album button for albums renamed to Disable album. Since techincally the server would've always been disabling the albums instead of deleting them. It was something upstream dev's decided, and I haven't bothered changing its behavior. I'll work on actual Delete album feature some other days. As the title says, added Manage albums admin page. Viewing uploads of an album will hook into albumid: filter key. I'll work on filter and bulk operations some other days. Updated styling for disabled albums and users. Instead of havine a line through them, they will be greyed out. Disable public page of albums will still use line through however. Links to album's disabled public page are now clickable. Added a new button styling is-dangerish. It'll be orange. Renamed /api/albums/delete to /api/albums/disable. For backwards compatibility, /api/albums/delete will still work but automatically re-routed to /api/albums/disable. /api/uploads/list will no longer print SQLite errors for moderators or higher when encountering them. It was originally used to inform moderators of non-existing colum names when used for sorting. But on one of the recent commits, I had added a check for allowed colum names. Improved some caching in dashboard page. Added new entries to cookie policy. Some other small things. Bumped v1 version string and rebuilt client assets.
625 lines
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625 lines
18 KiB
const EventEmitter = require('events')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const randomstring = require('randomstring')
const Zip = require('jszip')
const paths = require('./pathsController')
const perms = require('./permissionController')
const utils = require('./utilsController')
const config = require('./../config')
const logger = require('./../logger')
const db = require('knex')(config.database)
const self = {
// Don't forget to update max length of text inputs in
// home.js & dashboard.js when changing these values
titleMaxLength: 70,
descMaxLength: 4000,
onHold: new Set()
const homeDomain = config.homeDomain || config.domain
const zipMaxTotalSize = parseInt(config.cloudflare.zipMaxTotalSize)
const zipMaxTotalSizeBytes = zipMaxTotalSize * 1e6
const zipOptions = config.uploads.jsZipOptions
// Force 'type' option to 'nodebuffer'
zipOptions.type = 'nodebuffer'
// Apply fallbacks for missing config values
if (zipOptions.streamFiles === undefined)
zipOptions.streamFiles = true
if (zipOptions.compression === undefined)
zipOptions.compression = 'DEFLATE'
if (zipOptions.compressionOptions === undefined)
zipOptions.compressionOptions = {}
if (zipOptions.compressionOptions.level === undefined)
zipOptions.compressionOptions.level = 1
self.zipEmitters = new Map()
class ZipEmitter extends EventEmitter {
constructor (identifier) {
this.identifier = identifier
this.once('done', () => self.zipEmitters.delete(this.identifier))
self.getUniqueRandomName = async () => {
for (let i = 0; i < utils.idMaxTries; i++) {
const identifier = randomstring.generate(config.uploads.albumIdentifierLength)
if (self.onHold.has(identifier))
// Put token on-hold (wait for it to be inserted to DB)
const album = await db.table('albums')
.where('identifier', identifier)
if (album) {
logger.log(`Album with identifier ${identifier} already exists (${i + 1}/${utils.idMaxTries}).`)
return identifier
throw 'Sorry, we could not allocate a unique random identifier. Try again?'
self.list = async (req, res, next) => {
const user = await utils.authorize(req, res)
if (!user) return
const all = req.headers.all === '1'
const sidebar = req.headers.sidebar
const ismoderator = perms.is(user, 'moderator')
if (all && !ismoderator)
return res.status(403).end()
const filter = function () {
if (!all)
enabled: 1,
userid: user.id
try {
// Query albums count for pagination
const count = await db.table('albums')
.count('id as count')
.then(rows => rows[0].count)
if (!count)
return res.json({ success: true, albums: [], count })
let fields = ['id', 'name']
let albums
if (sidebar) {
albums = await db.table('albums')
return res.json({ success: true, albums, count })
} else {
let offset = Number(req.params.page)
if (isNaN(offset)) offset = 0
else if (offset < 0) offset = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(count / 25) + offset)
fields = fields.concat(['identifier', 'enabled', 'timestamp', 'editedAt', 'download', 'public', 'description'])
if (all)
albums = await db.table('albums')
.offset(25 * offset)
const albumids = {}
for (const album of albums) {
album.download = album.download !== 0
album.public = album.public !== 0
album.uploads = 0
// Map by IDs
albumids[album.id] = album
const uploads = await db.table('files')
.whereIn('albumid', Object.keys(albumids))
for (const upload of uploads)
if (albumids[upload.albumid])
// If we are not listing all albums, send response
if (!all)
return res.json({ success: true, albums, count, homeDomain })
// Otherwise proceed to querying usernames
const userids = albums
.map(album => album.userid)
.filter((v, i, a) => {
return v !== null && v !== undefined && v !== '' && a.indexOf(v) === i
// If there are no albums attached to a registered user, send response
if (userids.length === 0)
return res.json({ success: true, albums, count, homeDomain })
// Query usernames of user IDs from currently selected files
const usersTable = await db.table('users')
.whereIn('id', userids)
.select('id', 'username')
const users = {}
for (const user of usersTable)
users[user.id] = user.username
return res.json({ success: true, albums, count, users, homeDomain })
} catch (error) {
return res.status(500).json({ success: false, description: 'An unexpected error occurred. Try again?' })
self.create = async (req, res, next) => {
const user = await utils.authorize(req, res)
if (!user) return
const name = typeof req.body.name === 'string'
? utils.escape(req.body.name.trim().substring(0, self.titleMaxLength))
: ''
if (!name)
return res.json({ success: false, description: 'No album name specified.' })
try {
const album = await db.table('albums')
enabled: 1,
userid: user.id
if (album)
return res.json({ success: false, description: 'There is already an album with that name.' })
const identifier = await self.getUniqueRandomName()
const ids = await db.table('albums').insert({
enabled: 1,
userid: user.id,
timestamp: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000),
editedAt: 0,
zipGeneratedAt: 0,
download: (req.body.download === false || req.body.download === 0) ? 0 : 1,
public: (req.body.public === false || req.body.public === 0) ? 0 : 1,
description: typeof req.body.description === 'string'
? utils.escape(req.body.description.trim().substring(0, self.descMaxLength))
: ''
return res.json({ success: true, id: ids[0] })
} catch (error) {
return res.status(500).json({ success: false, description: 'An unexpected error occurred. Try again?' })
self.delete = async (req, res, next) => {
// Map /delete requests to /disable route
return self.disable(req, res, next)
self.disable = async (req, res, next) => {
const user = await utils.authorize(req, res)
if (!user) return
const id = req.body.id
const purge = req.body.purge
if (!Number.isFinite(id))
return res.json({ success: false, description: 'No album specified.' })
try {
if (purge) {
const files = await db.table('files')
albumid: id,
userid: user.id
if (files.length) {
const ids = files.map(file => file.id)
const failed = await utils.bulkDeleteFromDb('id', ids, user)
if (failed.length)
return res.json({ success: false, failed })
await db.table('albums')
userid: user.id
.update('enabled', 0)
const identifier = await db.table('albums')
userid: user.id
.then(row => row.identifier)
await paths.unlink(path.join(paths.zips, `${identifier}.zip`))
} catch (error) {
if (error && error.code !== 'ENOENT') {
return res.status(500).json({ success: false, description: 'An unexpected error occurred. Try again?' })
return res.json({ success: true })
self.edit = async (req, res, next) => {
const user = await utils.authorize(req, res)
if (!user) return
const ismoderator = perms.is(user, 'moderator')
const id = parseInt(req.body.id)
if (isNaN(id))
return res.json({ success: false, description: 'No album specified.' })
const name = typeof req.body.name === 'string'
? utils.escape(req.body.name.trim().substring(0, self.titleMaxLength))
: ''
if (!name)
return res.json({ success: false, description: 'No name specified.' })
const filter = function () {
this.where('id', id)
if (!ismoderator)
enabled: 1,
userid: user.id
try {
const album = await db.table('albums')
if (!album)
return res.json({ success: false, description: 'Could not get album with the specified ID.' })
else if (album.id !== id)
return res.json({ success: false, description: 'Name already in use.' })
else if (req._old && (album.id === id))
// Old rename API
return res.json({ success: false, description: 'You did not specify a new name.' })
const update = {
editedAt: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000),
download: Boolean(req.body.download),
public: Boolean(req.body.public),
description: typeof req.body.description === 'string'
? utils.escape(req.body.description.trim().substring(0, self.descMaxLength))
: ''
if (ismoderator)
update.enabled = Boolean(req.body.enabled)
if (req.body.requestLink)
update.identifier = await self.getUniqueRandomName()
await db.table('albums')
if (req.body.requestLink) {
// Rename zip archive of the album if it exists
try {
const oldZip = path.join(paths.zips, `${album.identifier}.zip`)
const newZip = path.join(paths.zips, `${update.identifier}.zip`)
await paths.rename(oldZip, newZip)
} catch (err) {
// Re-throw error
if (err.code !== 'ENOENT')
throw err
return res.json({
success: true,
identifier: update.identifier
} else {
return res.json({ success: true, name })
} catch (error) {
return res.status(500).json({ success: false, description: 'An unexpected error occurred. Try again?' })
self.rename = async (req, res, next) => {
req._old = true
req.body = { name: req.body.name }
return self.edit(req, res, next)
self.get = async (req, res, next) => {
const identifier = req.params.identifier
if (identifier === undefined)
return res.status(401).json({ success: false, description: 'No identifier provided.' })
try {
const album = await db.table('albums')
enabled: 1
if (!album)
return res.json({
success: false,
description: 'Album not found.'
else if (album.public === 0)
return res.status(403).json({
success: false,
description: 'This album is not available for public.'
const title = album.name
const files = await db.table('files')
.where('albumid', album.id)
.orderBy('id', 'desc')
for (const file of files) {
file.file = `${config.domain}/${file.name}`
const extname = utils.extname(file.name)
if (utils.mayGenerateThumb(extname))
file.thumb = `${config.domain}/thumbs/${file.name.slice(0, -extname.length)}.png`
return res.json({
success: true,
count: files.length,
} catch (error) {
return res.status(500).json({ success: false, description: 'An unexpected error occcured. Try again?' })
self.generateZip = async (req, res, next) => {
const versionString = parseInt(req.query.v)
const identifier = req.params.identifier
if (identifier === undefined)
return res.status(401).json({
success: false,
description: 'No identifier provided.'
if (!config.uploads.generateZips)
return res.status(401).json({
success: false,
description: 'Zip generation disabled.'
try {
const album = await db.table('albums')
enabled: 1
if (!album)
return res.json({ success: false, description: 'Album not found.' })
else if (album.download === 0)
return res.json({ success: false, description: 'Download for this album is disabled.' })
if ((isNaN(versionString) || versionString <= 0) && album.editedAt)
return res.redirect(`${album.identifier}?v=${album.editedAt}`)
// TODO: editedAt column will now be updated whenever
// a user is simply editing the album's name/description.
// Perhaps add a new timestamp column that will only be updated
// when the files in the album are actually modified?
if (album.zipGeneratedAt > album.editedAt)
try {
const filePath = path.join(paths.zips, `${identifier}.zip`)
await paths.access(filePath)
return res.download(filePath, `${album.name}.zip`)
} catch (error) {
// Re-throw error
if (error.code !== 'ENOENT')
throw error
if (self.zipEmitters.has(identifier)) {
logger.log(`Waiting previous zip task for album: ${identifier}.`)
return self.zipEmitters.get(identifier).once('done', (filePath, fileName, json) => {
if (filePath && fileName)
res.download(filePath, fileName)
else if (json)
self.zipEmitters.set(identifier, new ZipEmitter(identifier))
logger.log(`Starting zip task for album: ${identifier}.`)
const files = await db.table('files')
.select('name', 'size')
.where('albumid', album.id)
if (files.length === 0) {
logger.log(`Finished zip task for album: ${identifier} (no files).`)
const json = {
success: false,
description: 'There are no files in the album.'
self.zipEmitters.get(identifier).emit('done', null, null, json)
return res.json(json)
if (zipMaxTotalSize) {
const totalSizeBytes = files.reduce((accumulator, file) => accumulator + parseInt(file.size), 0)
if (totalSizeBytes > zipMaxTotalSizeBytes) {
logger.log(`Finished zip task for album: ${identifier} (size exceeds).`)
const json = {
success: false,
description: `Total size of all files in the album exceeds the configured limit (${zipMaxTotalSize} MB).`
self.zipEmitters.get(identifier).emit('done', null, null, json)
return res.json(json)
const zipPath = path.join(paths.zips, `${album.identifier}.zip`)
const archive = new Zip()
try {
// Since we are adding all files concurrently,
// their order in the ZIP file may not be in alphabetical order.
// However, ZIP viewers in general should sort the files themselves.
await Promise.all(files.map(async file => {
const data = await paths.readFile(path.join(paths.uploads, file.name))
archive.file(file.name, data)
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.on('error', error => reject(error))
.on('finish', () => resolve())
} catch (error) {
return res.status(500).json({
success: 'false',
description: error.toString()
logger.log(`Finished zip task for album: ${identifier} (success).`)
await db.table('albums')
.where('id', album.id)
.update('zipGeneratedAt', Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000))
const filePath = path.join(paths.zips, `${identifier}.zip`)
const fileName = `${album.name}.zip`
self.zipEmitters.get(identifier).emit('done', filePath, fileName)
return res.download(filePath, fileName)
} catch (error) {
return res.status(500).json({ success: false, description: 'An unexpected error occurred. Try again?' })
self.addFiles = async (req, res, next) => {
const user = await utils.authorize(req, res)
if (!user) return
const ids = req.body.ids
if (!Array.isArray(ids) || !ids.length)
return res.json({ success: false, description: 'No files specified.' })
let albumid = parseInt(req.body.albumid)
if (isNaN(albumid) || albumid < 0) albumid = null
let failed = []
const albumids = []
try {
if (albumid !== null) {
const album = await db.table('albums')
.where('id', albumid)
.where(function () {
if (user.username !== 'root')
this.where('userid', user.id)
if (!album)
return res.json({
success: false,
description: 'Album does not exist or it does not belong to the user.'
const files = await db.table('files')
.whereIn('id', ids)
.where('userid', user.id)
failed = ids.filter(id => !files.find(file => file.id === id))
await db.table('files')
.whereIn('id', files.map(file => file.id))
.update('albumid', albumid)
files.forEach(file => {
if (file.albumid && !albumids.includes(file.albumid))
await db.table('albums')
.whereIn('id', albumids)
.update('editedAt', Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000))
return res.json({ success: true, failed })
} catch (error) {
if (failed.length === ids.length)
return res.json({
success: false,
description: `Could not ${albumid === null ? 'add' : 'remove'} any files ${albumid === null ? 'to' : 'from'} the album.`
return res.status(500).json({ success: false, description: 'An unexpected error occurred. Try again?' })
module.exports = self