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2024-10-25 15:10:37 +00:00
INC: iframe-based Nostr Connect
2024-10-25 15:10:37 +00:00
`draft` `optional`
This NIP defines a way for web apps to communicate with web signers embedded as iframes using browser APIs. It is applicable to self-custodial signers that store keys in the browser's local storage. Basically, client app does nip-46 RPC with an iframe using a [`MessageChannel`](
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Due to privacy-related restrictions, local storage of iframes is [partitioned]( from top-frame's storage - iframe of can't see the storage of top-level and can't access user's private key. Solution to this challenge is the biggest part of this NIP.
Advantage: minimal latency, no relay involved, no reliance on unreliable webpush, fully cross-platform. User private key is as safe in iframe's local storage as in top-level storage due to browsers' cross-origin restrictions.
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Disadvantage: potentially more frequent "confirmations", bigger surface for web-based hacks.
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## Terms
- `client`: a web app trying to access user's keys
- `signer`: non-custodial signer storing keys in it's local storage in the browser
- `top-level signer`: signer opened in a separate tab/popup
- `iframe signer`: signer opened as an iframe inside the client
- `worker iframe`: iframe signer that handles nip46 calls from the client
- `starter iframe`: iframe signer that launches the connection flow to get user confirmation and import keys from top-level signer to iframe signer
- `rebinder iframe`: iframe signer that launches re-connection flow to check that client has access to keys at the top-level signer and to re-import the keys to iframe signer
- `checked iframe`: iframe signer that displays the nip46 `auth_url` returned by the signer
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## Overview
Signer MAY signal support for this NIP by adding `nip46.iframe_url` field in their `/.well-known/nostr.json?name=_` file or their nip89 `kind:31990` event.
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To initiate a connection, `client` shows the `starter iframe`. After a [`user gesture`](, `starter iframe` interacts with `top-level signer`, acquires user confirmation and imports the private key to `iframe signer` storage.
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2024-11-13 10:56:00 +00:00
After that `client` embeds invisible `worker iframe` and exchanges nip46 messages with it using a `MessageChannel`.
If `worker iframe` receives a request but has no target keys due to _ephemeral_ partitioned storage ([Brave](, Webkit), it pauses the call and sends an error code to the `client`, which then shows the `rebinder iframe`. After a `user gesture`, `rebinder iframe` interacts with `top-level signer` and if `client` is already approved - imports the private key to `iframe signer` storage. At this point `worker iframe` can retry the paused call and send the reply back to `client`.
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If request must be confirmed by the user, `worker iframe` sends `auth_url` nip46 response, which is presented by `client` to the user as a visible `checker iframe`, instead of a popup as in nip46. After user confirms, `worker iframe` sends reply to `client`.
This NIP covers interactions between `client` and `iframe signers`. Interactions of `signer` frames (top-level/iframes) are up to implementations (see Appendix for recommendations).
## Starter iframe
To initiate a connection, a `starter iframe` MAY be embedded by the `client`.
`starter iframe` MUST be served when `iframe_url` has `?connect=` parameter set to `nostrconnect://` string defined in nip46.
`starter iframe` SHOULD display a button suggesting the users to `Continue`, recommended dimentions are up to `180px` width and `80px` height.
If user clicks `Continue`, `starter iframe` SHOULD create a `top-level signer` popup and interact with it to acquire the private key if user confirms, details are up to implementations.
When `starter iframe` has finished importing the user private key, it MUST notify the `client` using [`postMessage`](
The message `data` will be an `Array` with a `starterDone` string and a nip46 `connect`-method reply object (created with a `secret` value from `nostrconnect://` string):
// starter iframe
const replyObject = await createConnectReply(nostrconnect_secret);
window.parent.postMessage(["starterDone", replyObject], "*");
To receive messages from iframes, `client` listens to `message` events.
When `client` receives a message whose `data` field is an `Array` AND has first element equal to `starterDone` AND has second element equal to valid `connect` reply object AND has message `origin` equal to `iframe_url` origin it MAY destroy the `starter iframe` and assume connection is established.
`pubkey` from `connect` reply event is nip46 `remote signer pubkey`.
// client
window.addEventListener("message", (msg) => {
if (Array.isArray(
&&[0] === "starterDone"
&& isValidConnectReply([1], nostrconnect_secret)
&& msg.origin === originOf(iframe_url)
) {
const remote_signer_pubkey =[1].pubkey;
// destroy starter iframe
// may create worker iframe
In case of error, `starter iframe` SHOULD send a message of `["starterError", "Error text"]`, so that client could notify the user.
`client` SHOULD save the `iframe_url` to local storage and reuse it until logout, to make sure the `worker iframe` is loaded from the same origin that was used when connection was established.
participant Client as Client
participant Starter as Starter iframe
participant Worker as Worker iframe
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Note over Client,Worker: Client webpage
Client ->>+ Starter: embed starter iframe<br/>and pass nostrconnect:// string
Starter -->> Starter: user gesture
Starter -->> Starter: import private key<br/>from top-level signer
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Starter ->>- Client: nip46 connect reply
Client -->> Client: can remove starter iframe
Note over Starter,Worker: Key in iframe signer storage
Client -->> Worker: can make nip46 requests
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## Worker iframe
After connection has been established, `client` MAY create an invisible `worker iframe` served by `iframe_url`.
When created, `worker iframe` MUST create a `MessageChannel` and pass one `port` to the client with a message `["workerReady", port]`:
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// worker iframe
const channel = new MessageChannel();
window.parent.postMessage(["workerReady", channel.port1], "*", [channel.port1]);
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When `client` receives a message whose `data` field is an `Array` AND has first element equal to `workerReady` AND has message `origin` equal to `iframe_url` origin it MAY use the `port` from the second `data` element to send nip46 request event objects to it, and then MUST listen to replies from the same `port`:
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// client
window.addEventListener("message", (msg) => {
if (Array.isArray(
&&[0] === "workerReady"
&& !![1]
&& msg.origin === originOf(iframe_url)
) {
const worker_port =[1];
// may send requests to worker_port
// when worker_port is received
worker_port.onmessage = (msg) => {...}
`worker iframe` will use the second `port` of the `channel` to similarly receive nip46 requests and pass `nip46` replies.
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`MessageChannel` is used instead of `window.postMessage` to let `worker iframe` pass it's port to it's request-processing component (service worker etc) and have `client` talk directly to it without additional latency.
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In case of initialization error, `worker iframe` MAY send a message of `["workerError", "Error text"]` instead of the `workerDone`, so that client could notify the user.
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participant Client as Client
participant Worker as Worker iframe
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Note over Client,Worker: Client webpage
Client ->>+ Worker: embed worker iframe
Worker ->>- Client: return MessagePort
Note over Client,Worker: MessageChannel
Client ->>+ Worker: nip46 request event object
Worker ->>- Client: nip46 reply event object
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## Rebinder iframe
2024-10-31 13:56:45 +00:00
When `worker iframe` receives a nip46 request targeting user pubkey that it doesn't have (local storage deleted) it MAY pause the call and then MUST reply with a string `errorNoKey:<>` to notify the `client`.
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If `client` receives `errorNoKey:<>` reply matching one of pending requests, it MAY display a `rebinder iframe`.
`rebinder iframe` MUST be served when `iframe_url` has `?rebind=<client_pubkey>&pubkey=<remote_signer_pubkey>` parameters.
`rebinder iframe` SHOULD display a button suggesting the users to `Continue`, recommended dimentions are up to `180px` width and `80px` height.
If user clicks `Continue`, `rebinder iframe` SHOULD create a `top-level signer` popup and interact with it to acquire the private key if `client_pubkey` is already permitted to access the `remote_signer_pubkey`, details are up to implementations.
When `rebinder iframe` has finished importing the user private key, it MUST notify the `client` using `postMessage`. The message `data` will be `["rebinderDone"]`:
// rebinder iframe
window.parent.postMessage(["rebinderDone"], "*");
When `client` receives a message whose `data` field is an `Array` AND has first element equal to `rebinderDone` AND has message `origin` equal to `iframe_url` origin it MAY destroy the `rebinder iframe`.
// client
window.addEventListener("message", (msg) => {
if (Array.isArray(
&&[0] === "rebinderDone"
&& msg.origin === originOf(iframe_url)
) {
// destroy rebinder iframe
In case of error, `rebinder iframe` SHOULD send a message of `["rebinderError", "Error text"]`, so that client could notify the user.
When `worker iframe` that has paused the request notices that user private key was imported by `rebinder iframe` into the local storage, it MUST restart the paused call and deliver the reply to the client.
participant Client
participant Worker as Worker iframe
participant Rebinder as Rebinder iframe
Note over Client,Rebinder: Client webpage
Client ->>+ Worker: nip46 request
Worker -->> Worker: no target key?
Worker ->> Client: errorNoKey
Client ->>+ Rebinder: embed rebinder iframe
Rebinder -->> Rebinder: user gesture
Rebinder -->> Rebinder: import private key<br/>from top-level signer
Note over Worker,Rebinder: Key in iframe signer storage
Rebinder ->>- Client: rebinder finished
Client -->> Client: can remove rebinder iframe
alt Keys imported successfully
Worker ->>- Client: nip46 reply
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## Checker iframe
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If `client` request must be confirmed by the user, `worker iframe` MAY pause the call and then MUST reply with `auth_url` nip46 response.
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`auth_url` MAY be presented by `client` to the user, and in that case MUST be shown in a visible `checker iframe` instead of a popup as in nip46 to provide access to `iframe signer` storage. Recommended dimentions are minimum `300px` width and `600px` height.
After user confirms the request in `checker iframe`, `worker iframe` MUST resume the paused call and deliver the reply to the client.
After reply is received from `worker iframe`, `client` SHOULD destroy the `checker iframe`.
participant Client
participant Worker as Worker iframe
participant Checker as Checker iframe
Note over Client,Checker: Client webpage
Client ->>+ Worker: nip46 request
Worker -->> Worker: need confirm?
Worker ->> Client: auth_url
Client ->>+ Checker: embed checker iframe
Note over Worker,Checker: Request in iframe signer storage
Checker -->> Checker: user confirms
Note over Worker,Checker: Reply in iframe signer storage
2024-11-13 10:56:00 +00:00
Checker -->>- Worker: reply detected
Worker ->>- Client: nip46 reply
Client -->> Client: can remove checker iframe
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2024-10-31 13:56:45 +00:00
## Client Pseudocode
### Starter iframe usage
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// client
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const iframeOrigin = new URL(iframeUrl).origin;
// helper
const getReply = async (label: string) => {
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return new Promise(ok => {
const handler = (e) => {
if (e.origin !== iframeOrigin || !Array.isArray( ||[0] !== label) return;
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window.removeEventListener("message", handler)
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window.addEventListener("message", handler)
// nip46 nostrconnect string
const secret = "<random-value>";
const nostrconnect = createNostrConnect(secret);
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// display starter iframe
const iframe = createIframe(`${iframeUrl}?connect=${nostrconnect}`, 'style="width: 180px; height: 80px')
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// wait for starter to return valid connect reply or error
const remoteSignerPubkey = await new Promise((ok, err) => {
getReply("starterDone").then(r => {
if (isValidConnectReply(r, secret)) ok(r.pubkey)
else err("Invalid connect reply")
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// can delete starter
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// create worker iframe,
// use remoteSignerPubkey to send nip46 requests
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### Worker iframe usage
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// client
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// create invisible iframe
const iframe = createIframe(iframeUrl, 'style="display: none"')
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// wait for worker to return a port or an error
const workerPort = await new Promise((ok, err) => {
2024-10-31 13:56:45 +00:00
// send nip46 request event
const nip46Req = await createReq("sign_event", {...});
workerPort.onmessage = (reply) => {
// process reply
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2024-10-31 13:56:45 +00:00
### Rebinder iframe usage
// client
// worker iframe sends an error message
let workerReply = await getMessage(workerPort);
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if (workerReply.startsWith("errorNoKey:")) {
// display starter iframe
const iframe = createIframe(`${iframeUrl}?rebind=${clientPubkey}&pubkey=${remoteSignerPubkey}`, 'style="width: 180px; height: 80px')
// wait for rebinder
await new Promise((ok, err) => {
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// can delete rebinder
// re-fetch reply
workerReply = await getMessage(workerPort);
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// process worker reply
### Checker iframe usage
// client
// worker iframe sends 'auth_url' error
let workerReply = await getMessage(workerPort);
const authUrl = getAuthUrl(workerReply);
if (authUrl) {
// display checker iframe
const iframe = createIframe(authUrl, 'style="min-width: 300px; min-height: 600px')
// re-fetch reply
workerReply = await getMessage(workerPort);
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// can delete checker iframe
// process worker reply
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2024-10-25 15:10:37 +00:00
## Appendix
Recommendations for `signer` implementations:
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- `starter iframe` and `rebinder iframe` MAY open a `top-level signer` in a popup after user gesture (click on Continue) and MAY then send messages to it using `postMessage`.
- after user confirms in the `top-level signer` it MAY send the private key back to it's `window.opener`
- `signer` frames should check `origin` of received messages to make sure they're talking to each other
- popups SHOULD be opened using `, "<random_target>", "<options>")`, `<random_target>` is required (instead of `_blank`) to make sure popup has access to `opener`, `noopener` SHOULD NOT be provided for the same reason.
- `iframe signers` SHOULD NOT launch a popup until their service worker has started, it seems like Safari pauses iframe's SW initialization if the tab loses focus
- `iframe signers` MAY be sandboxed, but then MUST at least have `allow-scripts,allow-same-origin,allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox`
- `starter iframe` SHOULD be provided access to `referrer` to let the signer use it as client name/url.
- `iframe signers` MAY use `MessageChannel` to create a port that will be transferred to `top-level signer` and to it's service-worker so that it could then export the user private key to the `iframe signer`.
- `signer` SHOULD use random auxiliary sub-domains to serve `iframe_url` - Chrome desktop allows users to delete signer's storage on client's tab, which (mistakenly?) removes top-level signer storage too and users' keys might be lost.
- `top-level signer` MAY export `client pubkey` to `iframe signer` along with user private key to scope the `iframe signer` to this particular connection.