The terms/conditions of IoT software/hardware is horrible. A user should be able to message a light or heating system and ask it to turn on/off. Nostr gives the simple, permissionless development environment IoT needs.
-`device` - device to operate over Nostr with NOSTR key-pair, using a microcontroller client like <ahref="">nostr-arduino</a>
## Nostr IoT Clients
### User
Where the `user` registers 'device'(s) and its keys, then updates the `device`(s).
The `device` uses a client like <ahref="">nostr-arduino</a> to receive commands from the `user` or another `device`.
Intent Events represent different actions that can be performed on a device. These actions can be triggered by a `user` or by another `device`. The content of the event is a `JSON` which `MUST` have a `type` field indicating the what the JSON represents. Possible types:
| `admin_pubkeys` | List of public keys that are allowed to configure this device.<br>A fresh/blank device will not have this value, so the first received `"type: 0"` should set it.<br/> The `admin_pubkeys` implicitly have the `actions_from_pubkeys` permissions. |
| `actions_from_pubkeys` | List of public keys that are allowed to trigger an action on this device.<br/> The `admin_pubkeys` implicitly have the `actions_from_pubkeys` permissions. |