diff --git a/512.md b/512.md
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+Nostr Sites
+This NIP describes a way to render a selection of Nostr events on a website.
+A web page that is part of the Nostr Site must include `nostr:site` meta tag:
+The `site` event, referenced by `naddr` from `nostr:site` meta tag, is a parameterized replaceable event of kind `30512`. The `content` field MAY contain a rich description of the site in markdown syntax (NIP-23), all tags are optional (except `d`).
+ "tags":[
+ // absolute url of the nostr site root, may include /path/, must not include query string, must end with /
+ ["r", "https://site.com/"],
+ ["name", ""],
+ ["title", ""],
+ ["summary", ""],
+ ["image", ""],
+ // contributors, if omitted - event's author is the single site contributor
+ ["p", ""],
+ // filters for fetching published events
+ // - single-letter tag
+ ["include", "", ""],
+ // list of included event kinds
+ ["kind", "30023"],
+ // override contributors' outbox relays to fetch content
+ ["relay", ""],
+ // event id and package hash of the extensions (themes, plugin)
+ ["x", "", "", "", ""],
+ // renderer engine, preferably reverse-domain notation, should match theme engine and plugin engine, i.e. `pro.npub.v1`
+ ["z", ""],
+ // meta tags for website rendering, seo, social, navigation
+ ["icon", ""],
+ ["logo", ""],
+ ["color", "<#hex - accent color, PWA theme_color>"],
+ ["lang", ""],
+ ["meta_title", ""],
+ ["meta_description", ""],
+ ["og_title", ""],
+ ["og_description", ""],
+ ["og_image", ""],
+ ["twitter_image", ""],
+ ["twitter_title", ""],
+ ["twitter_description", ""],
+ // primary navigation, one tag per link
+ ["nav", "", ""],
+ ]
+By default, no events are published on the site.
+Admin MAY use `include` tags to specify which events, authored by contributors, should be displayed on the site. `include` contains a `key:value` pair of single-letter tag and it's value that will be used as filters to fetch published events, i.e. `t:bitcoin` or `g:`. A special value of `*` means "everything".
+If `kind` tags are specified, only these kinds will be fetched.
+If `relay` tags are specified, only these relays will be used, overriding the outbox relays of the contributors.
+If `include` has a special value of `?` then "manual" submission is enabled and contributors MAY create `submit` events that reference the target events to be published on the site.
+"Submit" events
+Events of kind `512` are used by Nostr Site contributors to submit an event to the site (manual submission must be enabled with `include=?`). `content` field may be empty, tags may include:
+ "tags":[
+ ["a", "", "", "site"], // addr of the target site
+ ["a"/"e", "", ], // addr/id of the submitted event
+ ["a"/"e", "", ], // addr/id of the submitted event
+ ["k", ""], // submitted event's kind, to allow filtering by target event's kind
+ ["r", ""] // optional slug for submitted event, to be used in the website url, i.e. /posts/.
+ ]
+Only zero or one event may be referenced with `a` or `e` tag.
+If `relay` tags are specified in `site` event, `submit` events will only be fetched from those relays.
+If target event is authored by none of the contributors, it should be rendered as a `repost` by the contributor and show the original author.
+If `r` tag's value starts with `/` then this a relative url of a `static page` (i.e. `r:/path/to/static/page`). The submitted events referenced by `a` or `e` tags of `static pages` SHOULD NOT be included when listing published events, but are only rendered at the specified url. If no `a` or `e` tags are specified in a `submit` event, then it's `content` field will be rendered as the content of the static page - this allows to exclude such static pages from social media feeds.
+If several `submit` events published by contributors have the same `r` tag then the most recent one should be preferred.
+To override default meta tags of a page, `submit` event may include meta info tags of the `site` event (`title`, `image`, `meta_title`, `og_title` etc).
+Hashtag pages
+Sites may need to display additional info on web pages dedicated to hashtags, and may use `hashtag` event published by contributors for that. The `hashtag` event is a parameterized replaceable event of kind `30513`. the `content` field may include a string of text in the same format as "long-form content" NIP-23, to be used as the body of the hashtag web page. Hashtag event will have tags:
+ "tags":[
+ ["t", ""], // target hashtag, must be included exactly once
+ ["a", ""], // nostr site address
+ ["r", ""], // optional slug for hashtag, to be used in the website url, i.e. /tags/.
+ ]
+To override default meta tags of a hashtag page, `hashtag` event may include meta info tags of the `site` event (`title`, `image`, `meta_title`, `og_title` etc).
+If `r` tag starts with `/` then it is a static hashtag webpage, and this hashtag should not be listed under posts and in other hashtag lists.
+If several `hashtag` events published by contributors have the same `r` tag then the most recent one should be preferred.
+Themes and Plugins
+The `theme` event is parameterized replaceable event of kind `30514`, it's `content` field may have a "rich" description in the same syntax as NIP-23 long-form notes. It has the following tags:
+ "tags":[
+ ["title", ""],
+ ["summary", ""],
+ ["version", ""],
+ ["license", ""], // MIT, etc
+ ["e", "", ""], // theme code package event id
+ ["z", ""], // engine, must match the nostr site engine
+ ]
+The `plugin` event is parameterized replaceable event of kind `30515` with the same structure.
+The `package` event of kind `1036` (see the new NIP-136) is essentially a directory of files - relative urls and hashes. It may contain release notes, and also contains the `package hash` - a combined hash of all files
+and their relative urls.
+The `package` event of kind `1036` SHOULD have additional tags:
+ "tags":[
+ ["l", "theme|plugin", "org.nostrsites.ontology"], // type of code
+ ["L", "org.nostrsites.ontology"], // label category
+ ["a", ""] // address of the theme or plugin replaceable event
+ ]
+The `site` events are linked to the themes and plugins using package event ids, and also the `package hash` (see `site` event above). This will allow us to handle link rot - if theme package event is deleted by relays, other events with the same `package hash` can be found to avoid disruption of every site using the deleted package.
+Steps to render a Nostr Site to produce an HTML page:
+- parse site event `naddr` from meta-tags of the HTML fetched from the server (or from settings for server-side rendering)
+- fetch `site event` from relays specified in `naddr`
+ - if not found, fall back to fetching `naddr` author's outbox relays
+- fetch extensions (plugins and themes)
+- fetch authors' relays (will be omitted if single admin-author)
+- if `include` tags are specified then
+ - fetch by tags from those authors from their outbox relays
+- also if `include="?"` is specified:
+ - fetch `submit` events from authors' outbox relays
+ - fetch targets (may include fetching target authors' relays)
+- init template engine and render the target events into html
+- if root url is specified, renderer should put all internal links as sub-path to root
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