NIP-98 ====== HTTP Auth --------- `draft` `optional` This NIP defines an ephemeral event used to authorize requests to HTTP servers using nostr events. This is useful for HTTP services which are built for Nostr and deal with Nostr user accounts. ## Nostr event A `kind 27235` (In reference to [RFC 7235]( event is used. The `content` SHOULD be empty. The following tags MUST be included. * `u` - absolute URL * `method` - HTTP Request Method Example event: ```json { "id": "fe964e758903360f28d8424d092da8494ed207cba823110be3a57dfe4b578734", "pubkey": "63fe6318dc58583cfe16810f86dd09e18bfd76aabc24a0081ce2856f330504ed", "content": "", "kind": 27235, "created_at": 1682327852, "tags": [ ["u", ""], ["method", "GET"] ], "sig": "5ed9d8ec958bc854f997bdc24ac337d005af372324747efe4a00e24f4c30437ff4dd8308684bed467d9d6be3e5a517bb43b1732cc7d33949a3aaf86705c22184" } ``` Servers MUST perform the following checks in order to validate the event: 1. The `kind` MUST be `27235`. 2. The `created_at` timestamp MUST be within a reasonable time window (suggestion 60 seconds). 3. The `u` tag MUST be exactly the same as the absolute request URL (including query parameters). 4. The `method` tag MUST be the same HTTP method used for the requested resource. When the request contains a body (as in POST/PUT/PATCH methods) clients SHOULD include a SHA256 hash of the request body in a `payload` tag as hex (`["payload", ""]`) or a SHA256 hash of the relevant fields in a `payload_multipart` tag. Servers MAY check these to validate that the requested payload is authorized. If one of the checks was to fail the server SHOULD respond with a 401 Unauthorized response code. Servers MAY perform additional implementation-specific validation checks. ### The `payload_multipart` tag The `payload_multipart` tag SHOULD only be sent when authorizing a request with a `Content-Type` of `multipart/form-data`. A valid `payload_multipart` tag will always consist of 3 or more elements. The first element is always the tag name, `payload_multipart`. The second element is the sha256 hash, which is computed over the concatenation of every serialized multipart field, in order. The third through last elements name the form fields which will be concatenated together to calculate the hash. `["payload_multipart", "", "", ...""]` The multipart-field-names MUST appear in the same order as they appear in the multipart body. Repeated field names MUST have corresponding repeated fields in the multipart body. After a multipart field is added to the sha256 digest, no subsequent multipart-field-name may refer to any multipart field up to and including the one which was just processed (field processing always progresses forward in the request body, never backwards). ## Request Flow Using the `Authorization` HTTP header, the `kind 27235` event MUST be `base64` encoded and use the Authorization scheme `Nostr` Example HTTP Authorization header: ``` Authorization: Nostr 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 ``` ## Reference Implementations - C# ASP.NET `AuthenticationHandler` [NostrAuth.cs](