"RoboSats is a peer-to-peer marketplace. You can browse the public offers or create a new one.":"RoboSatsはP2Pの取引所です。公開されている注文を参照することができるほか、独自の注文を作成することもできます。",
"Reusing trading identity degrades your privacy against other users, coordinators and observers.":"同一の身元を再利用することは、他のユーザー、管理者、観察者に対してプライバシーを弱める可能性があります。",
"Connection encrypted and anonymized using TOR.":"接続はTORを使って暗号化され、匿名化されています。",
"This ensures maximum privacy, however you might feel the app behaves slow. If connection is lost, restart the app.":"これにより最大限のプライバシーが確保されますが、アプリの動作が遅いと感じることがあります。接続が切断された場合は、アプリを再起動してください。",
"By doing so, you will be fetching map tiles from a third-party provider. Depending on your setup, private information might be leaked to servers outside the RoboSats federation.":"By doing so, you will be fetching map tiles from a third-party provider. Depending on your setup, private information might be leaked to servers outside the RoboSats federation.",
". RoboSats developers will never contact you. The developers or the coordinators will definitely never ask for your robot token.":". RoboSats developers will never contact you. The developers or the coordinators will definitely never ask for your robot token.",
"All of them as long as they are fast. You can write down your preferred payment method(s). You will have to match with a peer who also accepts that method. The step to exchange fiat has a expiry time of 24 hours before a dispute is automatically open. We highly recommend using instant fiat payment rails.":"全ての支払い方法が受け入れられますが、速いものに限ります。好みの支払い方法を書き込むことができます。あなたはその方法を受け入れる同じレベルのユーザーとマッチする必要があります。支払いの段階で、支払いには24時間の期限があり、それを超えた場合は、自動的に紛争有りとして扱われます。ですので、なるべく早い支払い方法を使うことを強くお勧めします。",
"At no point, AnonymousAlice01 and BafflingBob02 have to entrust the bitcoin funds to each other. In case they have a conflict, the RoboSats coordinator will help resolving the dispute.":"At no point, AnonymousAlice01 and BafflingBob02 have to entrust the bitcoin funds to each other. In case they have a conflict, the RoboSats coordinator will help resolving the dispute.",
"Be aware your fiat payment provider might charge extra fees. In any case, the buyer bears the costs of sending fiat. That includes banking charges, transfer fees and foreign exchange spreads. The seller must receive exactly the amount stated in the order details.":"フィアット通貨決済プロバイダーには追加手数料がかかる場合があるため、注意が必要です。いずれの場合でも、買い手がフィアット通貨を送金するコストを負担します。これには、銀行手数料、送金手数料、外国為替スプレッドが含まれます。売り手は、注文詳細に記載されている金額を正確に受け取る必要があります。",
"During a typical order, your trading peer is the only one who can potentially guess anything about you. Keep your chat short and concise. Avoid providing non-essential information other than strictly necessary for the fiat payment.":"During a typical order, your trading peer is the only one who can potentially guess anything about you. Keep your chat short and concise. Avoid providing non-essential information other than strictly necessary for the fiat payment.",
"Each RoboSats coordinator will set a maximum trade size to minimize the hassle of lightning routing failures. There is no limits to the number of trades per day. A robot can only have one order at a time. However, you can use multiple robots simultaneously using the Robot garage. Remember to back up your robot tokens!":"Each RoboSats coordinator will set a maximum trade size to minimize the hassle of lightning routing failures. There is no limits to the number of trades per day. A robot can only have one order at a time. However, you can use multiple robots simultaneously using the Robot garage. Remember to back up your robot tokens!",
"In many countries using RoboSats is no different than using Ebay or Craiglist. Your regulation may vary. It is your responsibility to comply.":"RoboSatsの利用は、EbayやCraiglistを使用するのと同じく、多くの国で違いはありません。規制は異なる可能性があります。法令を遵守する責任は利用者にあります。",
"Is RoboSats legal in my country?":"私の国ではRoboSatsは合法ですか?",
"It is a BTC/FIAT peer-to-peer exchange over lightning.":"RoboSatsは、ライトニングネットワーク上のBTC/FIATのP2P取引です。",
"It simplifies matchmaking and minimizes the need of trust. RoboSats focuses in privacy and speed.":"RoboSatsはマッチングを簡素化し、信頼性を最小限に抑えます。RoboSatsはプライバシーと速度に重点を置いています。",
"RoboSats is a decentralized exchange with multiple, fully redundant, trade coordinators. The coordinator provides the infrastructure for your trade: mantains the intermediary lightning node, does book keeping, and relays your encrypted chat messages. The coordinator is also the judge in case your order enters a dispute. The coordinator is a trusted role, make sure you trust your coordinator by exploring its profile, webpage, social media and the comments from other users online.":"RoboSats is a decentralized exchange with multiple, fully redundant, trade coordinators. The coordinator provides the infrastructure for your trade: mantains the intermediary lightning node, does book keeping, and relays your encrypted chat messages. The coordinator is also the judge in case your order enters a dispute. The coordinator is a trusted role, make sure you trust your coordinator by exploring its profile, webpage, social media and the comments from other users online.",
"The RoboSats client, which you run on your local machine or browser, does not collect or share your IP address, location, name, or personal data. The client encrypts your private messages, which can only be decrypted by your trade partner.":"The RoboSats client, which you run on your local machine or browser, does not collect or share your IP address, location, name, or personal data. The client encrypts your private messages, which can only be decrypted by your trade partner.",
"The coordinator you choose will maintain a database of pseudonymous robots and orders for the application to function correctly. You can further enhance your privacy by using proxy nodes or coinjoining.":"The coordinator you choose will maintain a database of pseudonymous robots and orders for the application to function correctly. You can further enhance your privacy by using proxy nodes or coinjoining.",
"The seller faces the same charge-back risk as with any other peer-to-peer service. Paypal or credit cards are not recommended.":"売り手は、他のP2Pサービスと同様に、チャージバックのリスクに直面します。Paypalやクレジットカードは推奨されていません。",
"The trade fee is collected by the robosats coordinator as a compensation for their service. You can see the fees of each coordinator by checking out their profile. The trade fee is split to be covered by both: the order maker and the order taker. Typically, the maker fee will be significantly smaller than the taker fee. In case an onchain address is used to received the Sats a variable swap fee applies. The onchain payout fee can also be seen in the profile of the coordinator.":"The trade fee is collected by the robosats coordinator as a compensation for their service. You can see the fees of each coordinator by checking out their profile. The trade fee is split to be covered by both: the order maker and the order taker. Typically, the maker fee will be significantly smaller than the taker fee. In case an onchain address is used to received the Sats a variable swap fee applies. The onchain payout fee can also be seen in the profile of the coordinator.",
"This is an experimental application, things could go wrong. Trade small amounts!":"このアプリケーションは実験的なもので、何かがうまくいかない可能性があります。小額取引をしてください!",
"This lightning application is provided as is. It is in active development: trade with the utmost caution. There is no private support. Support is only offered via public channels ":"このライトニングアプリケーションは現状有姿で提供されています。現在も積極的に開発が進行中です。取引には最大限の注意を払ってください。プライベートサポートはありません。サポートは公開チャンネルを通じてのみ提供されます。",
"You can build more trust on the RoboSats and coordinator infrastructure by inspecting the source code.":"You can build more trust on the RoboSats and coordinator infrastructure by inspecting the source code.",
"Your sats will return to you. Any hold invoice that is not settled would be automatically returned even if the coordinator goes down forever. This is true for both, locked bonds and trading escrows. However, there is a small window between the seller confirms FIAT RECEIVED and the moment the buyer receives the satoshis when the funds could be permanently lost if the coordinator disappears. This window is usually about 1 second long. Make sure to have enough inbound liquidity to avoid routing failures. If you have any problem, reach out trough the RoboSats public channels or directly to your trade coordinator using one of the contact methods listed on their profile.":"Your sats will return to you. Any hold invoice that is not settled would be automatically returned even if the coordinator goes down forever. This is true for both, locked bonds and trading escrows. However, there is a small window between the seller confirms FIAT RECEIVED and the moment the buyer receives the satoshis when the funds could be permanently lost if the coordinator disappears. This window is usually about 1 second long. Make sure to have enough inbound liquidity to avoid routing failures. If you have any problem, reach out trough the RoboSats public channels or directly to your trade coordinator using one of the contact methods listed on their profile.",
"Your trade partner will not know the destination of the Lightning payment. The permanence of the data collected by the coordinators depend on their privacy and data policies. If a dispute arises, a coordinator may request additional information. The specifics of this process can vary from coordinator to coordinator.":"Your trade partner will not know the destination of the Lightning payment. The permanence of the data collected by the coordinators depend on their privacy and data policies. If a dispute arises, a coordinator may request additional information. The specifics of this process can vary from coordinator to coordinator.",
"Save credentials as a JSON file":"JSONファイルとして認証情報を保存する",
"Save messages as a JSON file":"JSONファイルとしてメッセージを保存する",
"The passphrase to decrypt your private key. Only you know it! Do not share. It is also your robot token.":"あなたの秘密鍵を復号化するためのパスフレーズ。あなたしか知りません!共有しないでください。また、これはあなたのロボットトークンでもあります。",
"Your PGP public key. Your peer uses it to encrypt messages only you can read.":"これはあなたのPGP公開鍵です。相手はあなた専用の暗号化メッセージを送信するために使用します。",
"Your communication is end-to-end encrypted with OpenPGP. You can verify the privacy of this chat using any tool based on the OpenPGP standard.":"あなたの通信はOpenPGPでエンドツーエンドで暗号化されています。OpenPGP標準に基づいたツールを使用して、このチャットのプライバシーを確認できます。",
"Your encrypted private key":"あなたの暗号化された秘密鍵",
"Your encrypted private key. You use it to decrypt the messages that your peer encrypted for you. You also use it to sign the messages you send.":"あなたの暗号化された秘密鍵。これを使用して、あなたの相手があなたのために暗号化したメッセージを復号化します。また、送信するメッセージに署名するためにも使用します。",
"Your peer PGP public key. You use it to encrypt messages only he can read and to verify your peer signed the incoming messages.":"これはあなたの取引相手のPGP公開鍵です。あなたは相手専用の暗号化メッセージを送信するために使用し、また受信したメッセージが相手によって署名されたものであることを確認するためにも使用します。",
"RoboSats main public support":"RoboSats main public support",
"Support is only offered via SimpleX. Join our community if you have questions or want to hang out with other cool robots. Please, use our Github Issues if you find a bug or want to see new features!":"Support is only offered via SimpleX. Join our community if you have questions or want to hang out with other cool robots. Please, use our Github Issues if you find a bug or want to see new features!",
"Development fund supporter: donates {{percent}}% to make RoboSats better.":"Development fund supporter: donates {{percent}}% to make RoboSats better.",
"Does not have large trade limits.":"Does not have large trade limits.",
"Founder: coordinating trades since the testnet federation.":"Founder: coordinating trades since the testnet federation.",
"Good OpSec: the coordinator follows best practices to protect his and your privacy.":"Good OpSec: the coordinator follows best practices to protect his and your privacy.",
"LN Node":"LNノード",
"LND version":"LNDバージョン",
"Large limits: the coordinator has large trade limits.":"Large limits: the coordinator has large trade limits.",
"Lifetime contracted volume":"契約総額",
"Loved by robots: receives positive comments by robots over the internet.":"Loved by robots: receives positive comments by robots over the internet.",
"The coordinator does not seem to receive exceptional love from robots over the internet":"The coordinator does not seem to receive exceptional love from robots over the internet",
"The privacy practices of this coordinator could improve":"The privacy practices of this coordinator could improve",
"You will be taken to a conversation with RoboSats telegram bot. Simply open the chat and press Start. Note that by enabling telegram notifications you might lower your level of anonymity.":"RoboSatsのテレグラムボットとのチャットに移動します。チャットを開いて「Start」を押してください。テレグラム通知を有効にすることで匿名レベルが低下する可能性があることに注意してください。",
"You are about to visit Learn RoboSats. It hosts tutorials and documentation to help you learn how to use RoboSats and understand how it works.":"「Learn RoboSats」学習ページにアクセスしようとしています。RoboSatsの使い方を学び、動作原理を理解するためのチュートリアルとドキュメントが提供されています。",
"You might need to recover your robot avatar in the future: store it safely. You can simply copy it into another application.":"将来、ロボットアバターを回復する必要があるかもしれません。安全に保存してください。別のアプリケーションに簡単にコピーすることができます。",
"The RoboSats coordinator is on version {{coordinatorString}}, but your client app is {{clientString}}. This version mismatch might lead to a bad user experience.":"RoboSatsコーディネーターはバージョン{{coordinatorString}}で、クライアントアプリは{{clientString}}です。このバージョンの不一致は、悪いユーザーエクスペリエンスを引き起こす可能性があります。",
"This order is not hosted or managed by Robosats. You will open an external link or app.":"This order is not hosted or managed by Robosats. You will open an external link or app.",
"Coordinators of p2p trades are the source of trust, provide the infrastructure, pricing and will mediate in case of dispute. Make sure you research and trust \"{{coordinator_name}}\" before locking your bond. A malicious p2p coordinator can find ways to steal from you.":"Coordinators of p2p trades are the source of trust, provide the infrastructure, pricing and will mediate in case of dispute. Make sure you research and trust \"{{coordinator_name}}\" before locking your bond. A malicious p2p coordinator can find ways to steal from you.",
"RoboSats client is served from your own node granting you the strongest security and privacy.":"RoboSatsクライアントは、あなた自身のノードから提供され、最高のセキュリティとプライバシーが保証されます。",
"You are self-hosting RoboSats":"RoboSatsを自己ホスティングしています",
"To protect your privacy, the exact location you pin will be slightly randomized.":"To protect your privacy, the exact location you pin will be slightly randomized.",
"The provider the lightning and communication infrastructure. The host will be in charge of providing support and solving disputes. The trade fees are set by the host. Make sure to only select order hosts that you trust!":"The provider the lightning and communication infrastructure. The host will be in charge of providing support and solving disputes. The trade fees are set by the host. Make sure to only select order hosts that you trust!",
"By taking this order you risk wasting your time. If the maker does not proceed in time, you will be compensated in satoshis for 50% of the maker bond.":"このオーダーを引き受けることで、時間を無駄にする可能性があります。メーカーが指定された時間内に進まない場合、メーカーの担保金の50%に相当するSatsで補償されます。",
"Enter amount of fiat to exchange for bitcoin":"ビットコインと交換するフィアット通貨の金額を入力してください",
"Sounds fine":"よろしい",
"Take Order":"注文を受け取る",
"The maker is away":"メーカーは離席中です",
"Too high":"高すぎる",
"Too low":"低すぎる",
"Wait until you can take an order":"注文を受け取ることができるまで待ってください",
"You must specify an amount first":"まず金額を指定する必要があります",
"You will receive {{satoshis}} Sats (Approx)":"{{satoshis}} Satsを受け取ります(おおよその金額)",
"You will send {{satoshis}} Sats (Approx)":"{{satoshis}} Satsを送信します(おおよその金額)",
"The pinned location is approximate. The exact location for the meeting place must be exchanged in the encrypted chat.":"The pinned location is approximate. The exact location for the meeting place must be exchanged in the encrypted chat.",
"Collaborative cancel the order?":"注文を共同キャンセルしますか?",
"The trade escrow has been posted. The order can be cancelled only if both, maker and taker, agree to cancel.":"取引用エスクローが投稿されました。メーカーとテイカーが両方共同でキャンセルすることで注文をキャンセルできます。",
"Your peer has asked for cancellation":"あなたの相手がキャンセルを要求しました",
"Make sure to EXPORT the chat log. The staff might request your exported chat log JSON in order to solve discrepancies. It is your responsibility to store it.":"チャットログをエクスポートすることを確認してください。スタッフは、不一致を解決するためにエクスポートされたチャットログJSONを要求する場合があります。保存する責任があなたにあります。",
"The RoboSats staff will examine the statements and evidence provided. You need to build a complete case, as the staff cannot read the chat. It is best to provide a burner contact method with your statement. The satoshis in the trade escrow will be sent to the dispute winner, while the dispute loser will lose the bond.":"RoboSatsスタッフは、提供された声明と証拠を調査します。スタッフはチャットを読めないため、完全な証拠を提供する必要があります。声明とともに使い捨ての連絡方法を提供するのが最善です。トレードのエスクローにあるSatsは、紛争の勝者に送られ、紛争の敗者は担保金を失います。",
"Confirming that you received {{amount}} {{currencyCode}} will finalize the trade. The satoshis in the escrow will be released to the buyer. Only confirm after {{amount}} {{currencyCode}} have arrived to your account. Note that if you have received the payment and do not click confirm, you risk losing your bond.":"{{amount}} {{currencyCode}}を受け取ったことを確認すると、取引が完了します。 エスクローにあるSatsが買い手に解放されます。 {{amount}} {{currencyCode}}があなたのアカウントに到着した後にのみ確認してください。 支払いを受け取った場合に確認しない場合、担保金を失うリスクがあることに注意してください。",
"Confirm you sent {{amount}} {{currencyCode}}?":"{{amount}} {{currencyCode}} を送信したことを確認しますか?",
"Confirming that you sent {{amount}} {{currencyCode}} will allow your peer to finalize the trade. If you have not yet sent it and you still proceed to falsely confirm, you risk losing your bond.":"{{amount}} {{currencyCode}}を送信したことを確認することで、取引を最終的に完了することができます。まだ送信していない場合、偽の確認を続けると、担保金を失う可能性があります。",
"READ. In case your payment to the seller has been blocked and it is absolutely impossible to finish the trade, you can revert your confirmation of \"Fiat sent\". Do so only if you and the seller have ALREADY AGREED in the chat to proceed to a collaborative cancellation. After confirming, the \"Collaborative cancel\" button will be visible again. Only click this button if you know what you are doing. First time users of RoboSats are highly discouraged from performing this action! Make 100% sure your payment has failed and the amount is in your account.":"READ. In case your payment to the seller has been blocked and it is absolutely impossible to finish the trade, you can revert your confirmation of \"Fiat sent\". Do so only if you and the seller have ALREADY AGREED in the chat to proceed to a collaborative cancellation. After confirming, the \"Collaborative cancel\" button will be visible again. Only click this button if you know what you are doing. First time users of RoboSats are highly discouraged from performing this action! Make 100% sure your payment has failed and the amount is in your account.",
"Revert the confirmation of fiat sent?":"Revert the confirmation of fiat sent?",
"Attaching chat logs helps the dispute resolution process and adds transparency. However, it might compromise your privacy.":"チャットログを添付することで紛争解決プロセスが促進され、透明性が高まります。ただし、プライバシーが危険にさらされる可能性があります。",
"Say hi! Be helpful and concise. Let them know how to send you {{amount}} {{currencyCode}}.":"こんにちはと言ってください!役に立つように簡潔にしてください。どのようにして{{amount}} {{currencyCode}}を送信するかを知らせてください。",
"To open a dispute you need to wait":"紛争を開くには待つ必要があります",
"Wait for the seller to confirm he has received the payment.":"売り手が支払いを受け取ったことを確認するまで待ちます。",
"Please, submit your statement. Be clear and specific about what happened and provide the necessary evidence. You MUST provide a contact method: burner email, SimpleX incognito link or telegram (make sure to create a searchable username) to follow up with the dispute solver (your trade host/coordinator). Disputes are solved at the discretion of real robots (aka humans), so be as helpful as possible to ensure a fair outcome.":"Please, submit your statement. Be clear and specific about what happened and provide the necessary evidence. You MUST provide a contact method: burner email, SimpleX incognito link or telegram (make sure to create a searchable username) to follow up with the dispute solver (your trade host/coordinator). Disputes are solved at the discretion of real robots (aka humans), so be as helpful as possible to ensure a fair outcome.",
"Unfortunately you have lost the dispute. If you think this is a mistake you can ask to re-open the case by contacting your coordinator. If you think your coordinator was unfair, please fill a claim via email to robosats@protonmail.com":"Unfortunately you have lost the dispute. If you think this is a mistake you can ask to re-open the case by contacting your coordinator. If you think your coordinator was unfair, please fill a claim via email to robosats@protonmail.com",
"Please, save the information needed to identify your order and your payments: order ID; payment hashes of the bonds or escrow (check on your lightning wallet); exact amount of satoshis; and robot nickname. You will have to identify yourself using that information if you contact your trade coordinator.":"Please, save the information needed to identify your order and your payments: order ID; payment hashes of the bonds or escrow (check on your lightning wallet); exact amount of satoshis; and robot nickname. You will have to identify yourself using that information if you contact your trade coordinator.",
"We are waiting for your trade counterpart statement. If you are hesitant about the state of the dispute or want to add more information, contact your order trade coordinator (the host) via one of their contact methods.":"We are waiting for your trade counterpart statement. If you are hesitant about the state of the dispute or want to add more information, contact your order trade coordinator (the host) via one of their contact methods.",
"Both statements have been received, wait for the staff to resolve the dispute. If you are hesitant about the state of the dispute or want to add more information, contact your order trade coordinator (the host) via one of their contact methods. If you did not provide a contact method, or are unsure whether you wrote it right, write your coordinator immediately.":"Both statements have been received, wait for the staff to resolve the dispute. If you are hesitant about the state of the dispute or want to add more information, contact your order trade coordinator (the host) via one of their contact methods. If you did not provide a contact method, or are unsure whether you wrote it right, write your coordinator immediately.",
"Please, save the information needed to identify your order and your payments: order ID; payment hashes of the bonds or escrow (check on your lightning wallet); exact amount of satoshis; and robot nickname. You will have to identify yourself as the user involved in this trade via email (or other contact methods).":"注文と支払いを識別するために必要な情報を保存してください:注文ID、担保金またはエスクローの支払いハッシュ(ライトニングウォレットで確認してください)、正確なSatsの量、およびロボットのニックネーム。この取引に関与したユーザーとして自分自身をメール(または他の連絡方法)で識別する必要があります。",
"You can claim the dispute resolution amount (escrow and fidelity bond) from your profile rewards. If there is anything the staff can help with, do not hesitate to contact to robosats@protonmail.com (or via your provided burner contact method).":"あなたはプロフィールの報酬から紛争解決金額(エスクローと担保金)を請求することができます。もしあなたに何かスタッフが助けられることがあれば、robosats@protonmail.com(または提供された使い捨て連絡先方法を通じて)までお気軽にお問い合わせください。",
"Just hang on for a moment. If the seller does not deposit, you will get your bond back automatically. In addition, you will receive a compensation (check the rewards in your profile).":"もうしばらくお待ちください。もし売り手がデポジットしない場合は、担保金が自動的に返金されます。さらに、報酬を受け取ることができます(プロフィールで報酬を確認してください)。",
"We are waiting for the seller to lock the trade amount.":"売り手が取引金額をロックするまでお待ちください。",
"This is a hold invoice, it will freeze in your wallet. It will be charged only if you cancel or lose a dispute.":"これは保留中のインボイスです。あなたのウォレットの中で凍結されます。キャンセルまたは紛争に敗訴した場合にのみ請求されます。",
"This is a hold invoice, it will freeze in your wallet. It will be released to the buyer once you confirm to have received the {{currencyCode}}.":"これは保留中のインボイスです。あなたのウォレットの中で凍結されます。{{currencyCode}}を受け取ったことを確認すると、買い手にリリースされます。",
"Your public order has been paused. At the moment it cannot be seen or taken by other robots. You can choose to unpause it at any time.":"あなたの公開注文は一時停止されました。現時点では、他のロボットに見ることも取ることもできません。いつでも再開することができます。",
"Before letting you send {{amountFiat}} {{currencyCode}}, we want to make sure you are able to receive the BTC.":"{{amountFiat}} {{currencyCode}}を送信する前に、あなたがBTCを受け取ることができるかどうかを確認したいと思います。",
"Just hang on for a moment. If the buyer does not cooperate, you will get back the trade collateral and your bond automatically. In addition, you will receive a compensation (check the rewards in your profile).":"もうしばらくお待ちください。もし買い手が協力しない場合、取引担保と担保金が自動的に返金されます。さらに、報酬を受け取ることができます(プロフィールで報酬を確認してください)。",
"We are waiting for the buyer to post a lightning invoice. Once he does, you will be able to directly communicate the payment details.":"買い手がライトニングインボイスを投稿するのを待っています。投稿されたら、直接フィアット通貨決済の詳細を通知できます。",
"RoboSats will try to pay your invoice 3 times with a one minute pause in between. If it keeps failing, you will be able to submit a new invoice. Check whether you have enough inbound liquidity. Remember that lightning nodes must be online in order to receive payments.":"RoboSatsは1分の休憩を挟んでインボイスを3回支払おうとします。引き続き失敗する場合は、新しいインボイスを提出できます。十分な流動性があるかどうかを確認してください。ライトニングノードは、支払いを受け取るためにオンラインにする必要があることを忘れないでください。",
"Your invoice has expired or more than 3 payment attempts have been made. Submit a new invoice.":"インボイスの有効期限が切れているか、3回以上の支払い試行が行われました。新しいインボイスを提出してください。",
"RoboSats is trying to pay your lightning invoice. Remember that lightning nodes must be online in order to receive payments.":"RoboSatsはあなたのライトニングインボイスを支払おうとしています。支払いを受け取るには、ライトニングノードがオンラインである必要があることを忘れないでください。",
"RoboSats gets better with more liquidity and users. Tell a bitcoiner friend about Robosats!":"RoboSatsはより多くの流動性とユーザーでより良くなります。ビットコイナーのお友達にRoboSatsについて話してください!",
"Please wait for the taker to lock a bond. If the taker does not lock a bond in time, the order will be made public again.":"テイカーが担保金をロックするまでお待ちください。タイムリミット内に担保金がロックされない場合、オーダーは再度公開されます。",
"unsafe_alert":"To protect your data and privacy use<1>Tor Browser</1> and visit a federation hosted <3>Onion</3> site. Or host your own <5>Client.</5>",
"The Robotic Satoshis working in the warehouse did not understand you. Please, fill a Bug Issue in Github https://github.com/RoboSats/robosats/issues":"倉庫で働くロボティック・サトシたちはあなたを理解できませんでした。GitHubのバグレポートに記入してください:https://github.com/RoboSats/robosats/issues"