"RoboSats is a peer-to-peer marketplace. You can browse the public offers or create a new one.":"RoboSats is a peer-to-peer marketplace. You can browse the public offers or create a new one.",
"See profile":"See profile",
"Store it somewhere safe!":"Store it somewhere safe!",
"This is your trading avatar":"Hau da zure salerosketa Robota",
"This temporary key gives you access to a unique and private robot identity for your trade.":"This temporary key gives you access to a unique and private robot identity for your trade.",
"You can also add your own random characters into the token or":"You can also add your own random characters into the token or",
"Enter your robot token to re-build your robot and gain access to its trades.":"Enter your robot token to re-build your robot and gain access to its trades.",
"#9":"Phrases in basic/RobotPage/RobotProfile.tsx",
"Active order #{{orderID}}":"Active order #{{orderID}}",
"Add Robot":"Add Robot",
"Add a new Robot":"Add a new Robot",
"Delete Garage":"Delete Garage",
"Last order #{{orderID}}":"Last order #{{orderID}}",
"Reusing trading identity degrades your privacy against other users, coordinators and observers.":"Reusing trading identity degrades your privacy against other users, coordinators and observers.",
"Robot Garage":"Robot Garage",
"Store your token safely":"Gorde zure tokena era seguru batean",
"Welcome back!":"Welcome back!",
"#10":"Phrases in basic/RobotPage/TokenInput.tsx",
"Connection encrypted and anonymized using TOR.":"Connection encrypted and anonymized using TOR.",
"Not enough entropy, make it more complex":"Not enough entropy, make it more complex",
"The token is too short":"The token is too short",
"This ensures maximum privacy, however you might feel the app behaves slow. If connection is lost, restart the app.":"This ensures maximum privacy, however you might feel the app behaves slow. If connection is lost, restart the app.",
"#13":"Phrases in components/TorConnection.tsx",
"Connected to TOR network":"Connected to TOR network",
"Connecting to TOR network":"Connecting to TOR network",
"Connection error":"Connection error",
"Initializing TOR daemon":"Initializing TOR daemon",
"Save credentials as a JSON file":"Gorde kredentzialak JSON fitxategi moduan",
"Save messages as a JSON file":"Gorde mezuak JSON fitxategi moduan",
"The passphrase to decrypt your private key. Only you know it! Do not share. It is also your robot token.":"Zure giltza pribatua deszifratzeko pasahitza. Zuk bakarrik dakizu! Ez partekatu. Zure robotaren tokena ere bada.",
"Your PGP public key. Your peer uses it to encrypt messages only you can read.":"Zure PGP giltza publikoa. Zure pareak zuk bakarrik irakur ditzakezun mezuak zifratzeko erabiliko du.",
"Your communication is end-to-end encrypted with OpenPGP. You can verify the privacy of this chat using any tool based on the OpenPGP standard.":"Zure komunikazioa ertzerik-ertzera zifratuta dago OpenPGP bidez. Txat honen pribatasuna egiazta dezakezu OpenPGP estandarrean oinarritutako edozein tresna erabiliz.",
"Your encrypted private key. You use it to decrypt the messages that your peer encrypted for you. You also use it to sign the messages you send.":"Zifratutako zure giltza pribatua. Zure pareak zuretzako zifratu dituen mezuak deszifratzeko erabiliko duzu. Zuk bidalitako mezuak sinatzeko ere erabiliko duzu.",
"Your peer PGP public key. You use it to encrypt messages only he can read and to verify your peer signed the incoming messages.":"Zure parearen PGP giltza publikoa. Berak bakarrik irakur ditzakeen mezuak zifratzeko eta jasotako mezuak berak sinatu dituela egiaztatzeko erabiliko duzu.",
"RoboSats main public support":"RoboSats main public support",
"Support is only offered via SimpleX. Join our community if you have questions or want to hang out with other cool robots. Please, use our Github Issues if you find a bug or want to see new features!":"Support is only offered via SimpleX. Join our community if you have questions or want to hang out with other cool robots. Please, use our Github Issues if you find a bug or want to see new features!",
"You will be taken to a conversation with RoboSats telegram bot. Simply open the chat and press Start. Note that by enabling telegram notifications you might lower your level of anonymity.":"RoboSats telegrama botarekin hitz egingo duzu. Zabaldu berriketa eta sakatu Start. Telegrama bidez anonimotasun maila jaitsi zenezake.",
"To protect your privacy, your selection will be slightly randomized without losing accuracy":"To protect your privacy, your selection will be slightly randomized without losing accuracy",
". RoboSats will never contact you. RoboSats will definitely never ask for your robot token.":". RoboSats ez da zurekin harremanetan jarriko. RoboSatsek ez dizu inoiz eskatuko zure robot tokena.",
"All of them as long as they are fast. You can write down your preferred payment method(s). You will have to match with a peer who also accepts that method. The step to exchange fiat has a expiry time of 24 hours before a dispute is automatically open. We highly recommend using instant fiat payment rails.":"Denak bizkorrak diren bitartean. Idatzi zure ordainketa-metodoa(k). Metodo hori onartzen duen parearekin bat egin beharko duzu. Fiat trukatzeko urratsak 24 orduko epea du eztabaida automatikoki ireki aurretik. Gomendatzen dugu berehalako fiat ordainketa moduak erabiltzea.",
"Are there trade limits?":"Ba al dago salerosketa mugarik?",
"At no point, AnonymousAlice01 and BafflingBob02 have to entrust the bitcoin funds to each other. In case they have a conflict, RoboSats staff will help resolving the dispute.":"AnonymousAlice01ek eta BafflingBob02k ez dituzte inoiz bitcoin funtsak elkarren esku utzi behar. Gatazka bat baldin badute, RoboSatseko langileek gatazka ebazten lagunduko dute.",
"Be aware your fiat payment provider might charge extra fees. In any case, the buyer bears the costs of sending fiat. That includes banking charges, transfer fees and foreign exchange spreads. The seller must receive exactly the amount stated in the order details.":"Kontuan artu zure fiat ordainketa metodoa kuota extrak aplikatu dezakeela. Edozein kasuan, erosleak bere gain hartzen ditu fiat bidaltzearen kostuak. Horrek banku-gastuak, transferentzia kuotak eta atzerriko dibisa spread hartzen ditu. Saltzaileak eskaeraren xehetasunetan adierazitako fiat kopurua jaso behar du.",
"In many countries using RoboSats is no different than using Ebay or Craiglist. Your regulation may vary. It is your responsibility to comply.":"Herrialde askotan, RoboSats ez da Ebay edo Craiglist erabiltzearen ezberdina. Zure araudia alda daiteke. Zure ardura da betetzea.",
"Is RoboSats legal in my country?":"RoboSats legezkoa da nire herrialdean?",
"Is RoboSats private?":"RoboSats pribatua da?",
"It is a BTC/FIAT peer-to-peer exchange over lightning.":"BTC/FIAT P2P trukaketa bat da lightningen gainean.",
"It simplifies matchmaking and minimizes the need of trust. RoboSats focuses in privacy and speed.":"Parekatzea sinplifikatzen du eta konfiantza beharra minimizatzen du. RoboSats pribatutasunean eta abiaduran zentratzen da.",
"Maximum single trade size is {{maxAmount}} Satoshis to minimize lightning routing failure. There is no limits to the number of trades per day. A robot can only have one order at a time. However, you can use multiple robots simultaneously in different browsers (remember to back up your robot tokens!).":"Selerosketa muga {{maxAmount}} Satoshikoa da lightning bideratze arazoak minimizatzeko. Ez dago mugarik eguneko salerosketen kopuruan. Robot batek agindu bakarra izan dezake aldi bakoitzean. Hala ere, robot anitzak erabil ditzakezu aldi berean nabigatzaile desberdinetan (gogoratu zure robotaren tokenak gordetzea!).",
"RoboSats total fee for an order is {{tradeFee}}%. This fee is split to be covered by both: the order maker ({{makerFee}}%) and the order taker ({{takerFee}}%). In case an onchain address is used to received the Sats a variable swap fee applies. Check the exchange details by tapping on the bottom bar icon to see the current swap fee.":"RoboSats-en eskaera osorako kuota {{tradeFee}}% da. Kuota hau bi partehartzaileen artean banatuta dago: eskaera egilea ({{makerFee}}%) eta eskaera hartzailea ({{takerFee}}%). Onchain helbidea erabiltzen bada Satoshiak jasotzeko, kuota aldakor bat aplikatzen da. Begiratu trukearen xehetasunak beheko ikonoan klik egiten, eta ikusi momentuko swap-kuota.",
"RoboSats will never ask you for your name, country or ID. RoboSats does not custody your funds and does not care who you are. RoboSats does not collect or custody any personal data. For best anonymity use Tor Browser and access the .onion hidden service.":"RoboSatsek ez dizu inoiz zure izena, aberria edo nortasun agiria eskatuko. RoboSatsek ez ditu zure funtsak zaintzen eta berdin dio nor zaren. RoboSatsek ez du datu pertsonalik jasotzen edo gordetzen. Anonimatu onena izateko Tor Browser erabili eta .onion zerbitzu ezkutu bidez sartu.",
"The seller faces the same charge-back risk as with any other peer-to-peer service. Paypal or credit cards are not recommended.":"Saltzaileak edozein P2P zerbitzuren itzultze-arrisku berak ditu. PayPal edo kreditu txartelak ez dira gomendagarriak.",
"This is an experimental application, things could go wrong. Trade small amounts!":"Aplikazio esperimental bat da, gauzak okertu daitezke. Kopuru txikiak trukatu!",
"This lightning application is provided as is. It is in active development: trade with the utmost caution. There is no private support. Support is only offered via public channels ":"Lightning aplikazio hau etengabe garatzen ari da eta bere horretan entregatzen da: kontu handiz egin trukeak. Ez dago euskarri pribaturik. Euskarria kanal publikoetan bakarrik eskaintzen da ",
"What are the fees?":"Zenbatekoak dira kuotak?",
"What are the risks?":"Zein dira arriskuak?",
"What happens if RoboSats suddenly disappears?":"Zer gertatzen da RoboSats bat-batean desagertzen bada?",
"You can find a step-by-step description of the trade pipeline in ":"Salerosketaren pausoz-pausoko deskribapen bat aurki dezakezu ondorengo helbidean ",
"Your sats will return to you. Any hold invoice that is not settled would be automatically returned even if RoboSats goes down forever. This is true for both, locked bonds and trading escrows. However, there is a small window between the seller confirms FIAT RECEIVED and the moment the buyer receives the satoshis when the funds could be permanently lost if RoboSats disappears. This window is about 1 second long. Make sure to have enough inbound liquidity to avoid routing failures. If you have any problem, reach out trough the RoboSats public channels.":"Zure satoshiak zuregana itzuliko dira. Ebatzita ez dagoen edozein faktura automatikoki itzuliko litzateke RoboSats betiko eroriko balitz ere. Hau horrela da bai fidantza eta baita gordailuentzat ere. Hala ere, leiho txiki bat dago saltzaileak FIAT JASOA berresten duen eta erosleak satoshiak jasotzen dituen momentuaren artean, zeinetan funtsak galdu ahal izango liratekeen RoboSats desagertuz gero. Leiho hau segundo batekoa da. Ziurtatu sarrerako likidezia nahikoa izatea akatsak saihesteko. Arazorik baduzu, jarri gurekin harremanetan RoboSats kanal publikoen bitartez.",
"Your trading peer is the only one who can potentially guess anything about you. Keep your chat short and concise. Avoid providing non-essential information other than strictly necessary for the fiat payment.":"Zure parea da zutaz zerbait asmatzeko gai den bakarra. Mantendu elkarrizketa labur eta zehatza. Behar-beharrezkoa ez den informaziorik ez eman, ez bada fiat ordainketaren xehetasunentzako.",
"You are about to visit Learn RoboSats. It hosts tutorials and documentation to help you learn how to use RoboSats and understand how it works.":"Learn Robosats bisitatu behar duzu. Bertan, Robosats erabiltzen ikasteko eta nola dabilen ulertzeko tutorialak eta dokumentazioa aurkituko dituzu.",
"Store your robot token":"Gorde zure robot tokena",
"You might need to recover your robot avatar in the future: store it safely. You can simply copy it into another application.":"Zure robot avatarra berreskuratu nahi izango duzu: gorde seguru. Beste aplikazio batean kopia dezakezu",
"On Tor Browser client simply refresh your tab (click here or press Ctrl+Shift+R)":"On Tor Browser client simply refresh your tab (click here or press Ctrl+Shift+R)",
"On remotely served browser client":"On remotely served browser client",
"On your own soverign node":"On your own soverign node",
"The RoboSats coordinator is on version {{coordinatorVersion}}, but your client app is {{clientVersion}}. This version mismatch might lead to a bad user experience.":"RoboSats koordinatzailea {{coordinatorVersion}} bertsioan dago, baina zure bezero-aplikazioa {{clientVersion}} da. Bertsio desegoki honek erabiltzailearen esperientzia txarra ekar dezake.",
"Update your RoboSats client":"Eguneratu zure RoboSats web bezeroa",
"RoboSats client is served from your own node granting you the strongest security and privacy.":"RoboSats webgunea zure nodotik zerbitzatzen da beraz segurtasun eta pribatutasun sendoena eskaintzen dizu.",
"You are self-hosting RoboSats":"You are self-hosting RoboSats",
"By taking this order you risk wasting your time. If the maker does not proceed in time, you will be compensated in satoshis for 50% of the maker bond.":"Eskaera hau onartuz gero, denbora galtzea arriskatzen duzu. Egileak ez badu garaiz jarraitzen, satoshietan konpentsatua izango zara egilearen fidantzaren %50arekin",
"Enter amount of fiat to exchange for bitcoin":"Sartu bitcongatik aldatu nahi duzun fiat kopurua",
"Sounds fine":"Sounds fine",
"Take Order":"Eskaera hartu",
"The maker is away":"Hartzailea ez dago",
"Too high":"Altuegia",
"Too low":"Baxuegia",
"Wait until you can take an order":"Itxaron eskaera hartu ahal izan arte",
"You must specify an amount first":"Aurrena kopurua zehaztu behar duzu",
"You will receive {{satoshis}} Sats (Approx)":"You will receive {{satoshis}} Sats (Approx)",
"You will send {{satoshis}} Sats (Approx)":"You will send {{satoshis}} Sats (Approx)",
"Collaborative cancel the order?":"Eskaera lankidetzaz ezeztatu?",
"The trade escrow has been posted. The order can be cancelled only if both, maker and taker, agree to cancel.":"Eskaeraren fidantza bidali da. Eskaera ezeztatu daiteke bakarrik egileak eta hartzaileak hala adosten badute.",
"Do you want to open a dispute?":"Eztabaida bat ireki nahi duzu?",
"Make sure to EXPORT the chat log. The staff might request your exported chat log JSON in order to solve discrepancies. It is your responsibility to store it.":"Ziurtatu txata ESPORTATU duzula. Baliteke langileek zure txat log JSON esportatua eskatzea desadostasunak konpontzeko. Zure ardura da gordetzea.",
"The RoboSats staff will examine the statements and evidence provided. You need to build a complete case, as the staff cannot read the chat. It is best to provide a burner contact method with your statement. The satoshis in the trade escrow will be sent to the dispute winner, while the dispute loser will lose the bond.":"RoboSatseko langileek baieztapenak eta frogak aztertuko dituzte. Kasu oso bat eraiki behar duzu, langileek ezin baitute txateko berriketa irakurri. Hobe da behin erabiltzeko kontaktu metodo bat ematea zure adierazpenarekin. Blokeatutako Satosiak eztabaidako irabazleari bidaliko zaizkio, eta galtzaileak, berriz, fidantza galduko du.",
"Confirming that you received {{amount}} {{currencyCode}} will finalize the trade. The satoshis in the escrow will be released to the buyer. Only confirm after {{amount}} {{currencyCode}} have arrived to your account. Note that if you have received the payment and do not click confirm, you risk losing your bond.":"Confirming that you received {{amount}} {{currencyCode}} will finalize the trade. The satoshis in the escrow will be released to the buyer. Only confirm after {{amount}} {{currencyCode}} have arrived to your account. Note that if you have received the payment and do not click confirm, you risk losing your bond.",
"Confirm you sent {{amount}} {{currencyCode}}?":"Confirm you sent {{amount}} {{currencyCode}}?",
"Confirming that you sent {{amount}} {{currencyCode}} will allow your peer to finalize the trade. If you have not yet sent it and you still proceed to falsely confirm, you risk losing your bond.":"Confirming that you sent {{amount}} {{currencyCode}} will allow your peer to finalize the trade. If you have not yet sent it and you still proceed to falsely confirm, you risk losing your bond.",
"READ. In case your payment to the seller has been blocked and it is absolutely impossible to finish the trade, you can revert your confirmation of \"Fiat sent\". Do so only if you and the seller have ALREADY AGREED in the chat to proceed to a collaborative cancellation. After confirming, the \"Collaborative cancel\" button will be visible again. Only click this button if you know what you are doing. First time users of RoboSats are highly discouraged from performing this action! Make 100% sure your payment has failed and the amount is in your account.":"READ. In case your payment to the seller has been blocked and it is absolutely impossible to finish the trade, you can revert your confirmation of \"Fiat sent\". Do so only if you and the seller have ALREADY AGREED in the chat to proceed to a collaborative cancellation. After confirming, the \"Collaborative cancel\" button will be visible again. Only click this button if you know what you are doing. First time users of RoboSats are highly discouraged from performing this action! Make 100% sure your payment has failed and the amount is in your account.",
"Revert the confirmation of fiat sent?":"Revert the confirmation of fiat sent?",
"Attaching chat logs helps the dispute resolution process and adds transparency. However, it might compromise your privacy.":"Attaching chat logs helps the dispute resolution process and adds transparency. However, it might compromise your privacy.",
"Final amount you will receive":"Jasoko duzun azken kopurua",
"Mining Fee":"Meatzaritza Kuota",
"RoboSats coordinator will do a swap and send the Sats to your onchain address.":"RoboSats coordinator will do a swap and send the Sats to your onchain address.",
"Confirm {{amount}} {{currencyCode}} received":"Baieztatu {{amount}} {{currencyCode}} jaso dela",
"Confirm {{amount}} {{currencyCode}} sent":"Baieztatu {{amount}} {{currencyCode}} bidali dela",
"Open Dispute":"Eztabaida Ireki",
"Payment failed?":"Payment failed?",
"Say hi! Be helpful and concise. Let them know how to send you {{amount}} {{currencyCode}}.":"Agurtu! Lagungarri eta labur izan. Jakin dezatela {{amount}} {{currencyCode}}ak nola bidali.",
"To open a dispute you need to wait":"To open a dispute you need to wait",
"Wait for the seller to confirm he has received the payment.":"Itxaron saltzaileak ordainketa jaso duela baieztatu arte.",
"Please, submit your statement. Be clear and specific about what happened and provide the necessary evidence. You MUST provide a contact method: burner email, XMPP or telegram username to follow up with the staff. Disputes are solved at the discretion of real robots (aka humans), so be as helpful as possible to ensure a fair outcome. Max 5000 chars.":"Mesedez, aurkeztu zure adierazpena. Argitu eta zehaztu gertatutakoa eta eman frogak. Kontaktu metodo bat jarri BEHAR duzu: Behin erabiltzeko posta elektronikoa, XMPP edo telegram erabiltzailea langileekin jarraitzeko. Benetako roboten (hau da, gizakien) diskrezioz konpontzen dira eztabaidak, eta, beraz, ahalik eta lagungarrien izan zaitez emaitza on bat bermatzeko. Gehienez 5000 karaktere.",
"Unfortunately you have lost the dispute. If you think this is a mistake you can ask to re-open the case via email to robosats@protonmail.com. However, chances of it being investigated again are low.":"Tamalez, eztabaida galdu duzu. Akatsen bat dagoela uste baduzu kasua berriz ere irekitzea eska dezakezu robosats@protonmail.com helbidera idatziz. Hala ere, berriro ikertzeko aukerak eskasak dira.",
"Please, save the information needed to identify your order and your payments: order ID; payment hashes of the bonds or escrow (check on your lightning wallet); exact amount of satoshis; and robot nickname. You will have to identify yourself as the user involved in this trade via email (or other contact methods).":"Mesedez, gorde zure agindua eta zure ordainketak identifikatzeko behar duzun informazioa: eskaera IDa; fidantzaren edo gordailuaren ordainagiriak (begira ezazu zure lightning karteran); satosi kopuru zehatza; eta robot ezizena. Zure burua identifikatu beharko duzu salerosketa honetako partehartzaile moduan posta elektroniko bidez (edo beste kontaktu metodo baten bitartez).",
"We are waiting for your trade counterpart statement. If you are hesitant about the state of the dispute or want to add more information, contact robosats@protonmail.com.":"Zure kidearen baieztapenaren zain gaude. Zalantzan bazaude eztabaidaren egoeraz edo informazio gehiago erantsi nahi baduzu, kontaktatu robosats@protonmail.com.",
"Both statements have been received, wait for the staff to resolve the dispute. If you are hesitant about the state of the dispute or want to add more information, contact robosats@protonmail.com. If you did not provide a contact method, or are unsure whether you wrote it right, write us immediately.":"Bi adierazpenak jaso dira. Itxaron langileek eztabaida ebatzi arte. Eztabaidaren egoeraz zalantzak badituzu edo informazio gehiago eman nahi baduzu, jarri robosatekin harremanetan. Ez baduzu kontaktu metodo bat eman edo ez bazaude ziur ondo idatzi duzun, idatzi berehala.",
"You can claim the dispute resolution amount (escrow and fidelity bond) from your profile rewards. If there is anything the staff can help with, do not hesitate to contact to robosats@protonmail.com (or via your provided burner contact method).":"Eztabaidaren ebazpen-kopurua jaso dezakezu (fidantza eta kolaterala) zure profileko sarien atalean. Langileek egin dezaketen beste zerbait badago, ez izan zalantzarik harremanetan jartzeko robosat@protonmail.com bidez (edo zure behin erabiltzeko metodoarekin).",
"Just hang on for a moment. If the seller does not deposit, you will get your bond back automatically. In addition, you will receive a compensation (check the rewards in your profile).":"Itxaron pixka bat. Saltzaileak ez badu gordailatzen, automatikoki berreskuratuko duzu zure fidantza. Gainera, konpentsazio bat jasoko duzu (begiratu sariak zure profilean).",
"We are waiting for the seller to lock the trade amount.":"Saltzaileak adostutako kopurua blokeatu zain gaude.",
"This is a hold invoice, it will freeze in your wallet. It will be charged only if you cancel or lose a dispute.":"Atxikitako faktura bat da hau, zure karteran blokeatuko da. Eztabaida bat bertan behera utzi edo galtzen baduzu bakarrik kobratuko da.",
"This is a hold invoice, it will freeze in your wallet. It will be released to the buyer once you confirm to have received the {{currencyCode}}.":"Atxikitako faktura bat da hau, zure karteran blokeatuko da. Erosleari emango zaio, behin {{currencyCode}}ak jaso dituzula baieztatuta.",
"Your public order has been paused. At the moment it cannot be seen or taken by other robots. You can choose to unpause it at any time.":"Zure ordena publikoa eten egin da. Oraingoz beste robot batzuek ezin dute ez ikusi ez hartu. Noiznahi aktibatu dezakezu.",
"Before letting you send {{amountFiat}} {{currencyCode}}, we want to make sure you are able to receive the BTC.":"{{amountFiat}} {{currencyCode}} bidaltzea baimendu aurretik, ziurtatu nahi dugu BTC jaso dezakezula.",
"Just hang on for a moment. If the buyer does not cooperate, you will get back the trade collateral and your bond automatically. In addition, you will receive a compensation (check the rewards in your profile).":"Itxaron pixka bat. Erosleak ez badu kooperatzen, kolaterala eta zure fidantza automatikoki jasoko dituzu. Gainera, konpentsazio bat jasoko duzu (begiratu sariak zure profilean).",
"We are waiting for the buyer to post a lightning invoice. Once he does, you will be able to directly communicate the payment details.":"Erosleak lightning faktura bat partekatu zain gaude. Behin hori eginda, zuzenean ordainketaren xehetasunak komunikatu ahalko dizkiozu.",
"Among public {{currencyCode}} orders (higher is cheaper)":"{{currencyCode}} eskaera publikoen artean (altuagoa merkeagoa da)",
"If the order expires untaken, your bond will return to you (no action needed).":"Eskaera hartu gabe amaitzen bada, fidantza automatikoki itzuliko zaizu.",
"Pause the public order":"Eskaera publikoa eten",
"Premium rank":"Prima maila",
"Public orders for {{currencyCode}}":"Eskaera publikoak {{currencyCode}}entzat",
"RoboSats will try to pay your invoice 3 times with a one minute pause in between. If it keeps failing, you will be able to submit a new invoice. Check whether you have enough inbound liquidity. Remember that lightning nodes must be online in order to receive payments.":"RoboSats 3 aldiz saiatuko da zure faktura ordaintzen, tartean minutu bateko etenaldiarekin. Akatsa ematen jarraitzen badu, faktura berri bat aurkeztu ahal izango duzu. Begiratu ea nahikoa sarrerako likidezia daukazun. Gogoratu lightning nodoak online egon behar direla ordainketak jaso ahal izateko.",
"Your invoice has expired or more than 3 payment attempts have been made. Submit a new invoice.":"Zure faktura iraungi da edo 3 ordainketa saiakera baino gehiago egin dira. Aurkeztu faktura berri bat.",
"RoboSats is trying to pay your lightning invoice. Remember that lightning nodes must be online in order to receive payments.":"RoboSats zure Lightning faktura ordaintzen saiatzen ari da. Gogoratu lightning nodoak online egon behar direla ordainketak jaso ahal izateko.",
"RoboSats gets better with more liquidity and users. Tell a bitcoiner friend about Robosats!":"RoboSats hobetu egiten da likidezia eta erabiltzaile gehiagorekin. Aipatu Robosats lagun bitcoiner bati!",
"Please wait for the taker to lock a bond. If the taker does not lock a bond in time, the order will be made public again.":"Mesedez itxaron hartzaileak fidantza blokeatu harte. Hartzaileak fidantza garaiz blokeatzen ez badu, eskaera berriz publikatuko da.",
"A robot technician has arrived!":"A robot technician has arrived!",
"I bring my own robots, here they are. (Drag and drop workspace.json)":"I bring my own robots, here they are. (Drag and drop workspace.json)",
"My first time here. Generate a new Robot Garage and extended robot token (xToken).":"My first time here. Generate a new Robot Garage and extended robot token (xToken).",
"desktop_unsafe_alert":"Ezaugarri batzuk ezgaituta daude zure babeserako (adib. txata) eta ezingo duzu trukea osatu haiek gabe. Zure pribatutasuna babesteko eta Robosats osoki gaitzeko, erabili <1>Tor Browser</1> eta bisitatu <3>Onion</3> gunea.",
"phone_unsafe_alert":"Ezingo duzu trukea osatu. Erabili <1>Tor Browser</1> eta bisitatu <3>Onion</3> gunea.",
"Wait for dispute resolution":"Wait for dispute resolution",
"Maker lost dispute":"Maker lost dispute",
"Taker lost dispute":"Taker lost dispute",
"Invoice expired. You did not confirm publishing the order in time. Make a new order.":"Invoice expired. You did not confirm publishing the order in time. Make a new order.",
"This order has been cancelled by the maker":"This order has been cancelled by the maker",
"Invoice expired. You did not confirm taking the order in time.":"Invoice expired. You did not confirm taking the order in time.",
"Invalid Order Id":"Invalid Order Id",
"You must have a robot avatar to see the order details":"You must have a robot avatar to see the order details",
"This order has been cancelled collaborativelly":"This order has been cancelled collaboratively",
"This order is not available":"This order is not available",
"The Robotic Satoshis working in the warehouse did not understand you. Please, fill a Bug Issue in Github https://github.com/RoboSats/robosats/issues":"The Robotic Satoshis working in the warehouse did not understand you. Please, fill a Bug Issue in Github https://github.com/RoboSats/robosats/issues"