"You are not using RoboSats privately":"No est\u00e0s emprant RoboSats de forma privada",
"desktop_unsafe_alert":"Algunes funcions (com el xat) estan deshabilitades per protegir i sense elles no podr\u00e0s completar un intercanvi. Per protegir la teva privacitat i habilitar RoboSats per complet, fes servir <1>Tor Browser</1> i visita el <3>Onion</3> site.",
"phone_unsafe_alert":"No podr\u00e0s completar un intercanvi. Fes servir <1>Tor Browser</1> i vista el <3>Onion</3> site.",
"You are self-hosting RoboSats":"Est\u00e0s hostejant RoboSats",
"RoboSats client is served from your own node granting you the strongest security and privacy.":"El client RoboSats \u00e9s servit pel teu propi node, gaudeixes de la major seguretat i privacitat.",
"You are about to visit Learn RoboSats. It hosts tutorials and documentation to help you learn how to use RoboSats and understand how it works.":"Visitar\u00e0s la p\u00e0gina Learn RoboSats. Ha estat constru\u00efda per la comunitat i cont\u00e9 tutorials i documentaci\u00f3 que t'ajudar\u00e0 a aprendre como s'utilitza RoboSats i a entendre com funciona.",
"Enter your preferred fiat payment methods. Fast methods are highly recommended.":"Introdueix els teus m\u00e8todes de pagament. Es recomanen encaridament m\u00e8todes r\u00e0pids.",
"Must be shorter than 65 characters":"Ha de tenir menys de 65 car\u00e0cters",
"Swap Destination(s)":"Dest\u00ed(ns) del Swap",
"Fiat Payment Method(s)":"M\u00e8tode(s) de Pagament Fiat",
"You can add any method":"Pots afegir nous m\u00e8todes",
"Your order's current exchange rate. Rate will move with the market.":"La taxa de canvi de la teva ordre just en aquests moments. Es mour\u00e0 relativa al mercat.",
"Let the taker chose an amount within the range":"Permet que el prenedor tri\u00ef una suma dins el rang",
"You might need to recover your robot avatar in the future: store it safely. You can simply copy it into another application.":"Pot ser que necessitis recuperar el teu avatar robot al futur: fes c\u00f2pia de seguretat del token. Pots simplement copiar-ho a una altra aplicaci\u00f3.",
"Support is only offered via public channels. Join our Telegram community if you have questions or want to hang out with other cool robots. Please, use our Github Issues if you find a bug or want to see new features!":"Nom\u00e9s s\u2019ofereix suport a trav\u00e9s de canals p\u00fablics. Uneix-te a la nostra comunitat de Telegram si tens preguntes o vols passar l\u2019estona amb altres Robots genials. Si us plau, utilitza el nostre Github per notificar un error o proposar noves funcionalitats.",
"Stealth lightning invoices do not contain details about the trade except an order reference. Enable this setting if you don't want to disclose details to a custodial lightning wallet.":"Les factures sigil\u00b7loses no contenen informaci\u00f3 sobre la teva ordre excepte una refer\u00e8ncia a la mateixa. Activa-les per no revelar informaci\u00f3 al teu prove\u00efdor de wallet custodial.",
"The RoboSats coordinator is on version {{coordinatorVersion}}, but your client app is {{clientVersion}}. This version mismatch might lead to a bad user experience.":"El coordinador de RoboSats \u00e9s a la versi\u00f3 {{coordinatorVersion}}, per\u00f2 la app del teu client \u00e9s {{clientVersion}}. Aquesta discrep\u00e0ncia de versi\u00f3 pot provocar una mala experi\u00e8ncia d'usuari.",
"Check your node's store or update the Docker image yourself":"Comproveu la botiga del vostre node o actualitzeu vosaltres mateixos la imatge del Docker.",
"{{nickname}} is asking for a collaborative cancel":"{{nickname}} sol\u00b7licita cancel\u00b7lar col\u00b7laborativament",
"You asked for a collaborative cancellation":"Has sol\u00b7licitat cancel\u00b7lar col\u00b7laborativament",
"Invoice expired. You did not confirm publishing the order in time. Make a new order.":"Factura caducada: no vas confirmar la publicaci\u00f3 de l'ordre a temps. Pots crear una nova ordre.",
"This order has been cancelled by the maker":"El creador ha cancel\u00b7lat aquesta ordre",
"The maker is away":"El creador est\u00e0 ausent",
"By taking this order you risk wasting your time. If the maker does not proceed in time, you will be compensated in satoshis for 50% of the maker bond.":"Prenent aquesta ordre corres el risc de perdre el temps. Si el creador no procedeix a temps, se't compensar\u00e0 en Sats amb el 50% de la fian\u00e7a del creador.",
"Collaborative cancel the order?":"Cancel\u00b7lar l'ordre col\u00b7laborativament?",
"The trade escrow has been posted. The order can be cancelled only if both, maker and taker, agree to cancel.":"Donat que el col\u00b7lateral est\u00e0 bloquejat, l'ordre nom\u00e9s pot cancel\u00b7lar-se si tant creador com prenendor ho acorden.",
"Ask for Cancel":"Sol\u00b7licitar cancel\u00b7laci\u00f3",
"This order has been cancelled collaborativelly":"Aquesta ordre s'ha cancel\u00b7lat col\u00b7laborativament",
"You are not allowed to see this order":"No tens perm\u00eds per a veure aquesta ordre",
"The Robotic Satoshis working in the warehouse did not understand you. Please, fill a Bug Issue in Github https://github.com/reckless-satoshi/robosats/issues":"Els Satoshis Rob\u00f2tics del magatzem no t'han ent\u00e8s. Si us plau, omple un Bug Issue a Github https://github.com/reckless-satoshi/robosats/issues",
"Your communication is end-to-end encrypted with OpenPGP. You can verify the privacy of this chat using any tool based on the OpenPGP standard.":"La teva comunicaci\u00f3 s'encripta de punta-a-punta amb OpenPGP. Pots verificar la privacitat d'aquest xat amb qualsevol eina de tercer basada en l'est\u00e0ndard PGP.",
"Learn how to verify":"Apr\u00e8n a verificar",
"Your PGP public key. Your peer uses it to encrypt messages only you can read.":"Aquesta \u00e9s la teva clau p\u00fablica PGP. La teva contrapart la fa servir per encriptar missatges que nom\u00e9s tu pots llegir.",
"Your public key":"La teva clau p\u00fablica",
"Your peer PGP public key. You use it to encrypt messages only he can read and to verify your peer signed the incoming messages.":"La clau p\u00fablica PGP de la teva contrapart. La fas servir per encriptar missatges que nom\u00e9s ell pot llegir i verificar que \u00e9s ell qui va signar els missatges que reps.",
"Peer public key":"Clau p\u00fablica de la teva contrapart",
"Your encrypted private key. You use it to decrypt the messages that your peer encrypted for you. You also use it to sign the messages you send.":"La teva clau privada PGP encriptada. La fas servir per desencriptar els missatges que la teva contrapart t'envia. Tamb\u00e9 la fas servir per signar els missatges que li envies.",
"The passphrase to decrypt your private key. Only you know it! Do not share. It is also your robot token.":"La contrasenya per desencriptar la teva clau privada. Nom\u00e9s tu la saps! Mantingues-la en secret. Tamb\u00e9 \u00e9s el token del teu robot.",
"This is a hold invoice, it will freeze in your wallet. It will be charged only if you cancel or lose a dispute.":"Aix\u00f2 \u00e9s una factura retinguda, els Sats es bloquegen a la teva cartera. Nom\u00e9s es cobrar\u00e0 si cancel\u00b7les o si perds una disputa.",
"This is a hold invoice, it will freeze in your wallet. It will be released to the buyer once you confirm to have received the {{currencyCode}}.":"Aix\u00f2 \u00e9s una factura retinguda, els Sats es bloquegen a la teva cartera. Ser\u00e0 alliberada al comprador al confirmar que has rebut {{currencyCode}}.",
"Your maker bond is locked":"La teva fian\u00e7a de creador est\u00e0 bloquejada",
"Your taker bond is locked":"La teva fian\u00e7a de prenedor est\u00e0 bloquejada",
"Your maker bond was settled":"La teva fian\u00e7a s'ha cobrat",
"Your taker bond was settled":"La teva fian\u00e7a s'ha cobrat",
"Your maker bond was unlocked":"La teva fian\u00e7a s'ha desbloquejat",
"Your taker bond was unlocked":"La teva fian\u00e7a s'ha desbloquejat",
"Your order is public":"La teva ordre \u00e9s p\u00fablica",
"Be patient while robots check the book. This box will ring \ud83d\udd0a once a robot takes your order, then you will have {{deposit_timer_hours}}h {{deposit_timer_minutes}}m to reply. If you do not reply, you risk losing your bond.":"Sigues pacient fins que un robot prengui la teva ordre. Aquesta finestra sonar\u00e0 \ud83d\udd0a un cop algun robot prengui la teva ordre. Llavors tindr\u00e0s {{deposit_timer_hours}}h {{deposit_timer_minutes}}m per respondre, si no respons t'arrisques a perdre la fian\u00e7a.",
"If the order expires untaken, your bond will return to you (no action needed).":"Si la teva oferta expira sense ser presa, la teva fian\u00e7a ser\u00e0 desbloquejada a la teva cartera autom\u00e0ticament.",
"You will be taken to a conversation with RoboSats telegram bot. Simply open the chat and press Start. Note that by enabling telegram notifications you might lower your level of anonymity.":"Ser\u00e0s dut a un xat amb el bot de Telegram de Robosats. Simplement prem Comen\u00e7ar. Tingues en compte que si actives les notificaciones de Telegram reduir\u00e0s el teu anonimat.",
"Please wait for the taker to lock a bond. If the taker does not lock a bond in time, the order will be made public again.":"Si us plau, espera a que el prenedor bloquegi la seva fian\u00e7a. Si no ho fa a temps, l'ordre ser\u00e0 p\u00fablica de nou.",
"Your info looks good!":"La teva factura \u00e9s bona!",
"We are waiting for the seller lock the trade amount.":"Esperant a que el venedor bloquegi el col\u00b7lateral.",
"Just hang on for a moment. If the seller does not deposit, you will get your bond back automatically. In addition, you will receive a compensation (check the rewards in your profile).":"Espera un moment. Si el venedor no diposita, recuperar\u00e0s la teva fian\u00e7a autom\u00e0ticament. A m\u00e9s, rebr\u00e0s una compensaci\u00f3 (comprova les recompenses al teu perfil).",
"The trade collateral is locked!":"El col\u00b7lateral est\u00e0 bloquejat!",
"We are waiting for the buyer to post a lightning invoice. Once he does, you will be able to directly communicate the fiat payment details.":"Estem esperant a que el comprador envi\u00ef una factura Lightning. Quan ho faci, podr\u00e0s comunicar-li directament els detalls del pagament en fiat.",
"Just hang on for a moment. If the buyer does not cooperate, you will get back the trade collateral and your bond automatically. In addition, you will receive a compensation (check the rewards in your profile).":"Espera un moment. Si el comprador no coopera, se't retornar\u00e0 el col\u00b7lateral i la teva fian\u00e7a autom\u00e0ticament. A m\u00e9s, rebr\u00e0s una compensaci\u00f3 (comprova les recompenses al teu perfil).",
"Say hi! Be helpful and concise. Let them know how to send you {{amount}} {{currencyCode}}.":"Digues hola! Sigues clar i conc\u00eds. Escriu-li com pot enviarte {{amount}} {{currencyCode}}.",
"The buyer has sent the fiat. Click 'Confirm Received' once you receive it.":"El comprador a enviat el fiat. Presiona 'Confirmar rebut' quan ho hagis rebut.",
"Say hi! Ask for payment details and click 'Confirm Sent' as soon as the payment is sent.":"Digues hola! Demana els detalls de pagament i prem 'Confirmar enviat' en quant paguis.",
"Wait for the seller to confirm he has received the payment.":"Espera a que el vendedor confirmi que ha rebut el pagament.",
"Confirm you received {{amount}} {{currencyCode}}?":"Confirmes que has rebut {{amount}} {{currencyCode}}?",
"Confirming that you received the fiat will finalize the trade. The satoshis in the escrow will be released to the buyer. Only confirm after the {{amount}} {{currencyCode}} have arrived to your account. In addition, if you have received the payment and do not confirm it, you risk losing your bond.":"Confirmant que has rebut el fiat finalitzar\u00e0 l'intercanvi. Els Sats del collateral s'enviaran al comparador. Confirma nom\u00e9s despr\u00e9s d'assegurar que t'hagi arribat {{amount}} {{currencyCode}}. A m\u00e9s, si ho has rebut {{currencyCode}} i no confirmes la recepci\u00f3, t'arriesques a perdre la teva fian\u00e7a.",
"rate_robosats":"Qu\u00e8 opines de <1>RoboSats</1>?",
"Thank you! RoboSats loves you too \u2764\ufe0f":"Moltes gr\u00e0cies! RoboSats tamb\u00e9 t'estima \u2764\ufe0f",
"RoboSats gets better with more liquidity and users. Tell a bitcoiner friend about Robosats!":"RoboSats millora amb m\u00e9s liquiditat i usuaris. Explica-li a un amic bitcoiner sobre RoboSats!",
"Thank you for using Robosats!":"Gr\u00e0cies per fer servir RoboSats!",
"RoboSats is trying to pay your lightning invoice. Remember that lightning nodes must be online in order to receive payments.":"RoboSats est\u00e0 intentant pagar la teva factura de Lightning. Recorda que els nodes Lightning han d'estar en l\u00ednia per rebre pagaments.",
"Your invoice has expired or more than 3 payment attempts have been made. Muun wallet is not recommended. ":"La teva factura ha expirat o s'han fet m\u00e9s de 3 intents de pagament. La cartera Muun no est\u00e0 recomanada. ",
"RoboSats will try to pay your invoice 3 times with a one minute pause in between. If it keeps failing, you will be able to submit a new invoice. Check whether you have enough inbound liquidity. Remember that lightning nodes must be online in order to receive payments.":"RoboSats intentar\u00e0 pagar la teva factura 3 cops cada 1 minut. Si segueix fallant, podr\u00e0s presentar una nova factura. Comprova si tens suficient liquiditat entrant. Recorda que els nodes de Lightning han d'estar en l\u00ednia per poder rebre pagaments.",
"The RoboSats staff will examine the statements and evidence provided. You need to build a complete case, as the staff cannot read the chat. It is best to provide a burner contact method with your statement. The satoshis in the trade escrow will be sent to the dispute winner, while the dispute loser will lose the bond.":"L'equip de RoboSats examinar\u00e0 les declaracions i evid\u00e8ncies presentades. Com l'equip no pot llegir el xat necessites escriure una declaraci\u00f3 completa i exhaustiva. \u00c9s millor donar un m\u00e8tode de contacte d'usar i llen\u00e7ar amb la teva declaraci\u00f3. Els Sats del col\u00b7lateral seran enviats al guanyador de la disputa, mientres que el perdedor perder\u00e0 la seva fian\u00e7a.",
"Please, submit your statement. Be clear and specific about what happened and provide the necessary evidence. You MUST provide a contact method: burner email, XMPP or telegram username to follow up with the staff. Disputes are solved at the discretion of real robots (aka humans), so be as helpful as possible to ensure a fair outcome. Max 5000 chars.":"Si us plau, presenta la teva declaraci\u00f3. Sigues clar i conc\u00eds sobre que ja passat i entrega l'evid\u00e8ncia necess\u00e0ria. HAS DE donar un m\u00e8tode de contacte per comunicar-te amb l'equip: m\u00e8tode de contacte d'usar i llen\u00e7ar, XMPP o usuari de Telegram. Les disputes s\u00f3n resoltes amb la discreci\u00f3 dels Robots reals (tamb\u00e9 coneguts com humans), aix\u00ed doncs ajuda en el possible per assegurar un resultat just. 5000 car\u00e0cters m\u00e0x.",
"We have received your statement":"Hem rebut la teva declaraci\u00f3",
"We are waiting for your trade counterpart statement. If you are hesitant about the state of the dispute or want to add more information, contact robosats@protonmail.com.":"Estem esperant la declaraci\u00f3 del teu company. Si tens dubtes de l'estat de la disputa o si vols afegir m\u00e9s informaci\u00f3, contacta amb robosats@protonmail.com.",
"Please, save the information needed to identify your order and your payments: order ID; payment hashes of the bonds or escrow (check on your lightning wallet); exact amount of satoshis; and robot nickname. You will have to identify yourself as the user involved in this trade via email (or other contact methods).":"Si us plau, guarda l'informaci\u00f3 necess\u00e0ria per identificar la teva ordre i pagaments: ID de l'ordre; claus del pagament de la fian\u00e7a o el col\u00b7lateral (comprova la teva cartera Lightning); quantitat exacta de Sats; i nom del Robot. Tindr\u00e0s que identificar-te com l'usuari involucrat en aquest intercanvi per email (o altre m\u00e8tode de contacte).",
"We have the statements":"Tenim la declaraci\u00f3",
"Both statements have been received, wait for the staff to resolve the dispute. If you are hesitant about the state of the dispute or want to add more information, contact robosats@protonmail.com. If you did not provide a contact method, or are unsure whether you wrote it right, write us immediately.":"Ambdues declaracions se'han rebut, espera a que l'equipo resolgui la disputa. Si tens dubtes de l'estat de la disputa o si vols afegir m\u00e9s informaci\u00f3, contacta amb robosats@protonmail.com. Si no vas donar un m\u00e8tode de contacte, o dubtes de si ho vas escriure b\u00e9, escriu-nos immediatament.",
"You can claim the dispute resolution amount (escrow and fidelity bond) from your profile rewards. If there is anything the staff can help with, do not hesitate to contact to robosats@protonmail.com (or via your provided burner contact method).":"Pots retirar la quantitat de la resoluci\u00f3 de la disputa (fian\u00e7a i col\u00b7lateral) des de les recompenses del teu perfil. Si creus que l'equip pot fer alguna cosa m\u00e9s, no dubtis a contactar amb robosats@protonmail.com (o a trav\u00e9s del m\u00e8tode de contacte d'usar i llen\u00e7ar que vas especificar).",
"Unfortunately you have lost the dispute. If you think this is a mistake you can ask to re-open the case via email to robosats@protonmail.com. However, chances of it being investigated again are low.":"Desafortunadament has perdut la disputa. Si penses que \u00e9s un error tamb\u00e9 pots demanar reobrir el cas per email a robosats@protonmail.com. De todas formes, les probabilitats de ser investigat de nou s\u00f3n baixes.",
"Pause the public order":"Pausar l'ordre p\u00fablica",
"Your order is paused":"La teva ordre est\u00e0 pausada",
"Your public order has been paused. At the moment it cannot be seen or taken by other robots. You can choose to unpause it at any time.":"La teva ordre p\u00fablica va ser pausada. Ara mateix, l'ordre no pot ser vista ni presa per altres robots. Pots tornar a activarla quan desitgis.",
"You risk losing your bond if you do not lock the collateral. Total time available is {{deposit_timer_hours}}h {{deposit_timer_minutes}}m.":"Si no bloqueges el col\u00b7lateral t'arrisques a perdre la teva fian\u00e7a. Disposes en total de {{deposit_timer_hours}}h {{deposit_timer_minutes}}m.",
"There are more routes to try, but the payment timeout was exceeded.":"Queden rutes per provar, per\u00f2 el temps m\u00e0xim de l'intent ha estat excedit.",
"All possible routes were tried and failed permanently. Or there were no routes to the destination at all.":"Totes les rutes possibles han estat provades i han fallat de forma permanent. O potser no hi havia cap ruta.",
"A non-recoverable error has occurred.":"S'ha produ\u00eft un error no recuperable.",
"Payment details are incorrect (unknown hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).":"Els detalls del pagament s\u00f3n incorrectes (hash desconegut, quantitat inv\u00e0lida o CLTV delta final inv\u00e0lid).",
"Insufficient unlocked balance in RoboSats' node.":"Balan\u00e7 lliure de ser utilitzat al node de RoboSats insuficient.",
"The invoice submitted only has expensive routing hints, you are using an incompatible wallet (probably Muun?). Check the wallet compatibility guide at wallets.robosats.com":"La factura entregada sembla tenir nom\u00e9s rutes ocultes molt cares, est\u00e0s fent servir una bitlletera incomptable (Potser Muun?). Fes un cop d'ull a la llista de bitlleteres compatibles a wallets.robosats.com",
"The invoice provided has no explicit amount":"La factura entregada no cont\u00e9 una quantitat expl\u00edcita",
"Does not look like a valid lightning invoice":"No sembla ser una factura lightning v\u00e0lida",
"Make sure to EXPORT the chat log. The staff might request your exported chat log JSON in order to solve discrepancies. It is your responsibility to store it.":"Assegura't d' EXPORTAR el registre del xat. Els administradors poden demanar-te elregistre del xat en cas de discrep\u00e0ncies. \u00c9s la teva responsabilitat proveir-ho.",
"Invalid address":"Direcci\u00f3 inv\u00e0lida",
"Unable to validate address, check bitcoind backend":"No ha estat possible validar l'adre\u00e7a, comprovar el backend bitcoind",
"Submit payout info for {{amountSats}} Sats":"Envia info per rebre {{amountSats}} Sats",
"Submit a valid invoice for {{amountSats}} Satoshis.":"Envia una factura per {{amountSats}} Sats",
"Before letting you send {{amountFiat}} {{currencyCode}}, we want to make sure you are able to receive the BTC.":"Abans de deixar-te enviar {{amountFiat}} {{currencyCode}}, volem assegurar-nos que pots rebre BTC.",
"RoboSats will do a swap and send the Sats to your onchain address.":"RoboSats far\u00e0 un swap i enviar\u00e0 els Sats a la teva adre\u00e7a a la cadena.",
"Swap fee":"Comissi\u00f3 del swap",
"Mining fee":"Comissi\u00f3 minera",
"Mining Fee":"Comissi\u00f3 Minera",
"Final amount you will receive":"Suma final que rebr\u00e0s",
"It is a BTC/FIAT peer-to-peer exchange over lightning.":"\u00c9s un exchange P2P que facilita intercanvis bitcoin/fiat sobre Lightning.",
"RoboSats is an open source project ":"RoboSats \u00e9s un projecte de codi obert ",
"It simplifies matchmaking and minimizes the need of trust. RoboSats focuses in privacy and speed.":"Simplifica l'emparellament i minimitza la necessitat de confian\u00e7a. RoboSats es centra en la privacitat i la velocitat.",
"AnonymousAlice01 wants to sell bitcoin. She posts a sell order. BafflingBob02 wants to buy bitcoin and he takes Alice's order. Both have to post a small bond using lightning to prove they are real robots. Then, Alice posts the trade collateral also using a lightning hold invoice. RoboSats locks the invoice until Alice confirms she received the fiat, then the satoshis are released to Bob. Enjoy your satoshis, Bob!":"AnonymousAlice01 vol vendre bitcoin. Ella publica una ordre de venda. BafflingBob02 vol comprar bitcoin i escull l'ordre d'Alicia. Tots dos han de bloquejar una petita fian\u00e7a en Lightning per provar que s\u00f3n veritables Robots. Despr\u00e9s, Alicia envia el col\u00b7lateral fent \u00fas tamb\u00e9 d'una factura de Lightning. RoboSats bloqueja la factura fins que Alicia confirma haver rebut el fiat, despr\u00e9s el bitcoin s'allibera i s'envia a Bob. Gaudeix el teu bitcoin, Bob!",
"At no point, AnonymousAlice01 and BafflingBob02 have to entrust the bitcoin funds to each other. In case they have a conflict, RoboSats staff will help resolving the dispute.":"En cap moment AnonymousAlice01 ni BafflingBob02 han de confiar els fons de bitcoin a l'altra part. En cas de conflicte, el personal de RoboSats ajudar\u00e0 a resoldre la disputa.",
"You can find a step-by-step description of the trade pipeline in ":"Pots trobar una descripci\u00f3 pas a pas dels intercanvis a ",
"What payment methods are accepted?":"Quins m\u00e8todes de pagament s'accepten?",
"All of them as long as they are fast. You can write down your preferred payment method(s). You will have to match with a peer who also accepts that method. The step to exchange fiat has a expiry time of 24 hours before a dispute is automatically open. We highly recommend using instant fiat payment rails.":"Tots sempre que siguin r\u00e0pids. Pots escriure a sota el teu m\u00e8tode de pagament preferit(s). Haur\u00e0s de trobar un company que accepti aquest m\u00e8tode. El pas per intercanviar el fiat t\u00e9 un temps d'expiraci\u00f3 de 24 hores abans no s'obri una disputa autom\u00e0ticament. Et recomanem m\u00e8todes d'enviament de fiat.",
"Are there trade limits?":"Hi ha l\u00edmit d'intercanvis?",
"What are the fees?":"Quines s\u00f3n les comissions?",
"RoboSats total fee for an order is {{tradeFee}}%. This fee is split to be covered by both: the order maker ({{makerFee}}%) and the order taker ({{takerFee}}%). In case an onchain address is used to received the Sats a variable swap fee applies. Check the exchange details by tapping on the bottom bar icon to see the current swap fee.":"La comissi\u00f3 total d'un intercanvi \u00e9s {{tradeFee}}%. Aquesta comissi\u00f3 es divideix en: creador de l'ordre ({{makerFee}}%) i prenedor de l'ordre ({{takerFee}}%). En cas de que s'utilitzi una adre\u00e7a onchain per rebre els Sats tamb\u00e9 existeix una comissi\u00f3 variable per a cobrir el cost del swap (veure les estad\u00edstiques de l'exchange clickant a sota per veure el cost actual del swap).",
"Be aware your fiat payment provider might charge extra fees. In any case, the buyer bears the costs of sending fiat. That includes banking charges, transfer fees and foreign exchange spreads. The seller must receive exactly the amount stated in the order details.":"Tingues en compte que la teva pasarel\u00b7la de pagaments fiat pot cobrar-te comissions extra. En qualsevol cas, aquests costos sempre s\u00f3n coberts pel comprador. Aix\u00f2 inclou. comissions de transfer\u00e8ncia, costos bancaris i forquilla d'intercavis de divises. El venedor ha de rebre la quantitat exacte que es detalla a l'ordre.",
"Maximum single trade size is {{maxAmount}} Satoshis to minimize lightning routing failure. There is no limits to the number of trades per day. A robot can only have one order at a time. However, you can use multiple robots simultaneously in different browsers (remember to back up your robot tokens!).":"Per minimitzar problemes a l'enrutament Lightning, el m\u00e0xim per intercanvi \u00e9s de {{maxAmount}} Sats. No hi ha l\u00edmit d'intercanvis en el temps. Tot i que un Robot nom\u00e9s pot intervenir una ordre a la vegada, pots fer servir varis Robots a diferents navegadors (recorda guardar els tokens dels teus Robots!).",
"RoboSats will never ask you for your name, country or ID. RoboSats does not custody your funds and does not care who you are. RoboSats does not collect or custody any personal data. For best anonymity use Tor Browser and access the .onion hidden service.":"RoboSats no cust\u00f2dia els teus fons i no recol\u00b7lecta o cust\u00f2dia cap dada personal, doncs no li importa qui ets. RoboSats mai et preguntar\u00e0 pel teu nom, pa\u00eds o n\u00famero de document. Per millorar la teva privacitat, fes \u00fas del Navegador Tor i visita el lloc ceba.",
"Your trading peer is the only one who can potentially guess anything about you. Keep your chat short and concise. Avoid providing non-essential information other than strictly necessary for the fiat payment.":"El teu company d'intercanvi \u00e9s l'\u00fanic que pot potencialment esbrinar quelcom sobre tu. Mantingues una conversa curta i concisa. Evita donar dades que no siguin estrictament necess\u00e0ries pel pagament del fiat.",
"What are the risks?":"Quins s\u00f3n els riscos?",
"This is an experimental application, things could go wrong. Trade small amounts!":"Aquesta \u00e9s una aplicaci\u00f3 experimental, quelcom pot no sortir b\u00e9. Intercanvia petites quantitats!",
"The seller faces the same charge-back risk as with any other peer-to-peer service. Paypal or credit cards are not recommended.":"El venedor t\u00e9 els mateixos riscos de devoluci\u00f3 que amb qualsevol altre servei P2P. PayPal o targetes de cr\u00e8dit no s\u00f3n recomanades.",
"What is the trust model?":"Quin \u00e9s el model de confian\u00e7a?",
"The buyer and the seller never have to trust each other. Some trust on RoboSats is needed since linking the seller's hold invoice and buyer payment is not atomic (yet). In addition, disputes are solved by the RoboSats staff.":"Comprador i venedor mai han de confiar l'un en l'altre. Una m\u00ednima confian\u00e7a en RoboSats \u00e9s necess\u00e0ria, doncs \u00e9s l'enlla\u00e7 entre la fian\u00e7a del venedor i el pagament del comprador, que no \u00e9s at\u00f2mic (encara). A m\u00e9s, les disputes es resolen pel personal de RoboSats.",
"To be totally clear. Trust requirements are minimized. However, there is still one way RoboSats could run away with your satoshis: by not releasing the satoshis to the buyer. It could be argued that such move is not in RoboSats' interest as it would damage the reputation for a small payout. However, you should hesitate and only trade small quantities at a time. For large amounts use an onchain escrow service such as Bisq":"Amb total claredat, els requeriments de confian\u00e7a s\u00f3n minimitzats. No obstant, encara hi ha una manera de que RoboSats fugi amb els teus Sats: no enviant-li al comprador. Es podria argumentar que aquest moviment malmetria la reputaci\u00f3 de RoboSats per nom\u00e9s un petit import. De totes formes, hauries de dubtar i nom\u00e9s intercanviar petites sumes cada cop. Per grans sumes fes servir un exchange de primera capa com Bisq",
"You can build more trust on RoboSats by inspecting the source code.":"Pots augmentar la confian\u00e7a en RoboSats inspeccionant el codi font.",
"What happens if RoboSats suddenly disappears?":"Qu\u00e8 passaria si RoboSats desaparegu\u00e9s?",
"Your sats will return to you. Any hold invoice that is not settled would be automatically returned even if RoboSats goes down forever. This is true for both, locked bonds and trading escrows. However, there is a small window between the seller confirms FIAT RECEIVED and the moment the buyer receives the satoshis when the funds could be permanently lost if RoboSats disappears. This window is about 1 second long. Make sure to have enough inbound liquidity to avoid routing failures. If you have any problem, reach out trough the RoboSats public channels.":"Els teus Sats et seran retornats. Qualsevol factura no assentada ser\u00e0 autom\u00e0ticament retornada encara que RoboSats desaparegui. Aix\u00f2 \u00e9s cert tant per fiances com pels col\u00b7laterals. De totes formes, des de que el venedor confirma haver rebut el fiat i el comprador rep els Sats, hi ha un temps d'aprox. 1 segon en que los fons podrien perdre's si RoboSats desaparegu\u00e9s. Assegura't de tenir suficient liquiditat entrant per evitar errors d'enrutament. Si tens algun problema, busca als canals p\u00fablics de RoboSats.",
"In many countries using RoboSats is no different than using Ebay or Craiglist. Your regulation may vary. It is your responsibility to comply.":"A molts pa\u00efsos utilitzar RoboSats no \u00e9s diferent a fer servir Ebay o WallaPop. La teva regulaci\u00f3 pot variar, \u00e9s responsabilitat teva el seu compliment.",
"Is RoboSats legal in my country?":"\u00c9s RoboSats legal al meu pa\u00eds?",
"This lightning application is provided as is. It is in active development: trade with the utmost caution. There is no private support. Support is only offered via public channels ":"Aquesta aplicaci\u00f3 de Lightning est\u00e0 en desenvolupament continu i s'entrega tal qual: intercanvia amb la m\u00e0xima precauci\u00f3. No hi ha suport privat. El suport s'ofereix nom\u00e9s a canals p\u00fablics.",
". RoboSats will never contact you. RoboSats will definitely never ask for your robot token.":". RoboSats mai et contactar\u00e0. RoboSats mai et preguntar\u00e0 pel token del teu Robot."