2023-10-27 10:01:59 +00:00
import React , { useContext } from 'react' ;
import {
Grid ,
Select ,
MenuItem ,
Box ,
Tooltip ,
Typography ,
type SelectChangeEvent ,
} from '@mui/material' ;
import RobotAvatar from '../RobotAvatar' ;
import { AppContext , type UseAppStoreType } from '../../contexts/AppContext' ;
import { useTheme } from '@emotion/react' ;
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next' ;
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import { FederationContext , type UseFederationStoreType } from '../../contexts/FederationContext' ;
2023-10-27 10:01:59 +00:00
interface SelectCoordinatorProps {
coordinator : string ;
setCoordinator : ( coordinator : string ) = > void ;
const SelectCoordinator : React.FC < SelectCoordinatorProps > = ( { coordinator , setCoordinator } ) = > {
const { setOpen , hostUrl } = useContext < UseAppStoreType > ( AppContext ) ;
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const { federation , sortedCoordinators } = useContext < UseFederationStoreType > ( FederationContext ) ;
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const theme = useTheme ( ) ;
const { t } = useTranslation ( ) ;
const onClickCurrentCoordinator = function ( shortAlias : string ) : void {
setOpen ( ( open ) = > {
2023-11-20 14:45:58 +00:00
return { . . . open , coordinator : shortAlias } ;
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} ) ;
} ;
const handleCoordinatorChange = ( e : SelectChangeEvent < string > ) : void = > {
setCoordinator ( e . target . value ) ;
} ;
return (
< Grid item >
< Tooltip
placement = 'top'
enterTouchDelay = { 500 }
enterDelay = { 700 }
enterNextDelay = { 2000 }
title = { t (
'The provider the lightning and communication infrastructure. The host will be in charge of providing support and solving disputes. The trade fees are set by the host. Make sure to only select order hosts that you trust!' ,
) }
< Box
sx = { {
backgroundColor : 'background.paper' ,
border : '1px solid' ,
borderRadius : '4px' ,
borderColor : theme.palette.mode === 'dark' ? '#434343' : '#c4c4c4' ,
'&:hover' : {
borderColor : theme.palette.mode === 'dark' ? '#ffffff' : '#2f2f2f' ,
} ,
} }
< Typography variant = 'caption' color = 'text.secondary' >
& nbsp ; { t ( 'Order Host' ) }
< / Typography >
< Grid container >
< Grid
xs = { 3 }
sx = { { cursor : 'pointer' , position : 'relative' , left : '0.3em' , bottom : '0.1em' } }
onClick = { ( ) = > {
onClickCurrentCoordinator ( coordinator ) ;
} }
< Grid item >
< RobotAvatar
nickname = { coordinator }
coordinator = { true }
style = { { width : '3em' , height : '3em' } }
smooth = { true }
flipHorizontally = { true }
baseUrl = { hostUrl }
small = { true }
/ >
< / Grid >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 9 } >
< Select
variant = 'standard'
required = { true }
inputProps = { {
style : { textAlign : 'center' } ,
} }
value = { coordinator }
onChange = { handleCoordinatorChange }
{ sortedCoordinators . map ( ( shortAlias : string ) : JSX . Element | null = > {
let row : JSX.Element | null = null ;
if (
shortAlias === coordinator ||
( federation . getCoordinator ( shortAlias ) . enabled === true &&
federation . getCoordinator ( shortAlias ) . info !== undefined )
) {
row = (
< MenuItem key = { shortAlias } value = { shortAlias } >
< Typography > { federation . getCoordinator ( shortAlias ) . longAlias } < / Typography >
< / MenuItem >
) ;
return row ;
} ) }
< / Select >
< / Grid >
< / Grid >
< / Box >
< / Tooltip >
< / Grid >
) ;
} ;
export default SelectCoordinator ;