2023-10-23 22:48:38 +00:00
from unittest . mock import MagicMock , Mock , mock_open , patch
import numpy as np
from decouple import config
from django . test import TestCase
from api . models import Order
from api . utils import (
base91_to_hex ,
bitcoind_rpc ,
compute_premium_percentile ,
get_cln_version ,
get_exchange_rates ,
get_lnd_version ,
get_robosats_commit ,
get_session ,
hex_to_base91 ,
is_valid_token ,
objects_to_hyperlinks ,
validate_onchain_address ,
validate_pgp_keys ,
verify_signed_message ,
weighted_median ,
class TestUtils ( TestCase ) :
@patch ( " api.utils.config " )
@patch ( " api.utils.requests.session " )
def test_get_session ( self , mock_session , mock_config ) :
mock_config . return_value = True
session = get_session ( )
self . assertEqual ( session , mock_session . return_value )
@patch ( " api.utils.config " )
@patch ( " api.utils.requests.post " )
def test_bitcoind_rpc ( self , mock_post , mock_config ) :
mock_config . side_effect = [ " url " , " user " , " password " ]
mock_post . return_value . json . return_value = { " result " : " response " }
response = bitcoind_rpc ( " method " , [ " params " ] )
self . assertEqual ( response , " response " )
@patch ( " api.utils.bitcoind_rpc " )
def test_validate_onchain_address ( self , mock_bitcoind_rpc ) :
mock_bitcoind_rpc . return_value = { " isvalid " : True }
result , error = validate_onchain_address ( " address " )
self . assertTrue ( result )
self . assertIsNone ( error )
@patch ( " api.utils.config " )
@patch ( " api.utils.get_session " )
def test_get_exchange_rates ( self , mock_get_session , mock_config ) :
# Mock the config function to return the list of API URLs
mock_config . return_value = [
" https://api.yadio.io/exrates/BTC " ,
" https://blockchain.info/ticker " ,
# Mock the get_session function to return a mock session object
mock_session = mock_get_session . return_value
# Mock the get method of the session object to return a mock response
mock_response_blockchain = Mock ( )
mock_response_yadio = Mock ( )
mock_session . get . side_effect = [ mock_response_yadio , mock_response_blockchain ]
# Mock the json method of the response object to return a dictionary of exchange rates
mock_response_blockchain . json . return_value = {
" USD " : {
" 15m " : 10001 ,
" last " : 10001 ,
" buy " : 10001 ,
" sell " : 10001 ,
" symbol " : " USD " ,
mock_response_yadio . json . return_value = { " BTC " : { " USD " : 10000 } }
# Call the get_exchange_rates function with a list of currencies
currencies = [ " USD " ]
rates = get_exchange_rates ( currencies )
# Assert that the function returns a list of exchange rates
self . assertIsInstance ( rates , list )
self . assertEqual ( len ( rates ) , len ( currencies ) )
self . assertEqual (
rates [ 0 ] , np . median ( [ 10000 , 10001 ] )
) # Check if the median is correctly calculated
# Assert that the get method of the session object was called with the correct arguments
mock_session . get . assert_any_call ( " https://blockchain.info/ticker " )
mock_session . get . assert_any_call ( " https://api.yadio.io/exrates/BTC " )
# Assert that the json method of the response object was called
mock_response_blockchain . json . assert_called_once ( )
mock_response_yadio . json . assert_called_once ( )
LNVENDOR = config ( " LNVENDOR " , cast = str , default = " LND " )
if LNVENDOR == " LND " :
@patch ( " api.lightning.lnd.LNDNode.get_version " )
def test_get_lnd_version ( self , mock_get_version ) :
mock_get_version . return_value = " v0.17.0-beta "
version = get_lnd_version ( )
self . assertEqual ( version , " v0.17.0-beta " )
elif LNVENDOR == " CLN " :
@patch ( " api.lightning.cln.CLNNode.get_version " )
def test_get_cln_version ( self , mock_get_version ) :
mock_get_version . return_value = " v23.08.1 "
version = get_cln_version ( )
self . assertEqual ( version , " v23.08.1 " )
@patch ( " builtins.open " , new_callable = mock_open , read_data = " test_commit_hash " )
def test_get_robosats_commit ( self , mock_file ) :
# Call the get_robosats_commit function
commit_hash = get_robosats_commit ( )
# Assert that the function returns a string
self . assertIsInstance ( commit_hash , str )
# Assert that the open function was called with the correct arguments
mock_file . assert_called_once_with ( " commit_sha " )
# Assert that the read method of the file object was called
mock_file ( ) . read . assert_called_once ( )
@patch ( " api.utils.Order.objects.filter " )
def test_compute_premium_percentile ( self , mock_filter ) :
# Mock the filter method to return a mock queryset
mock_queryset = MagicMock ( )
mock_filter . return_value = mock_queryset
# Mock the exclude method of the queryset to return the same mock queryset
mock_queryset . exclude . return_value = mock_queryset
# Mock the count method of the queryset to return a specific number
mock_queryset . count . return_value = 2
# Mock the order object
order = MagicMock ( )
order . currency = " USD "
order . status = Order . Status . PUB
order . type = " type "
order . id = 1
order . amount = 1000
order . has_range = False
order . max_amount = 2000
order . last_satoshis = 10000
# Call the compute_premium_percentile function with the mock order object
percentile = compute_premium_percentile ( order )
# Assert that the function returns a float
self . assertIsInstance ( percentile , float )
# Assert that the filter method of the queryset was called with the correct arguments
mock_filter . assert_called_once_with (
currency = order . currency , status = Order . Status . PUB , type = order . type
# Assert that the exclude method of the queryset was called with the correct arguments
mock_queryset . exclude . assert_called_once_with ( id = order . id )
def test_weighted_median ( self ) :
values = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ]
weights = [ 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ]
median = weighted_median ( values , sample_weight = weights )
self . assertEqual ( median , 3 )
def test_validate_pgp_keys ( self ) :
# Example test client generated GPG keys
client_pub_key = r " -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- \\ xjMEZTWJ1xYJKwYBBAHaRw8BAQdAsfdKb90BurKniu+pBPBDHCkzg08S51W0 \ mUR0SKqLmdjNTFJvYm9TYXRzIElEIDU1MmRkMWE2NjFhN2FjYTRhNDFmODg5 \ MTBmZjM0YWMzYjFhYzgwYmI3Nzk0ZWQ5ZmQ1NWQ4Yjc2Yjk3YWFkOTfCjAQQ \ FgoAPgWCZTWJ1wQLCQcICZA3N7au4gi/zgMVCAoEFgACAQIZAQKbAwIeARYh \ BO5iBLnj0J/E6sntEDc3tq7iCL/OAADkVwEA/tBt9FPqrxLHOPFtyUypppr0 \ /t6vrl3RrLzCLqqE1nUA/0fmhir2F88KcsxmCJwADo/FglwXGFkjrV4sP6Fj \ YBEBzjgEZTWJ1xIKKwYBBAGXVQEFAQEHQCyUIe3sQTaYa/IFNKGNmXz/+hrH \ ukcot4TOvi2bD9p8AwEIB8J4BBgWCAAqBYJlNYnXCZA3N7au4gi/zgKbDBYh \ BO5iBLnj0J/E6sntEDc3tq7iCL/OAACaFAD7BG3E7TkUoWKtJe5OPzTwX+bM \ Xy7hbPSQw0zM9Re8KP0BAIeTG8d280dTK63h/seQAKeMj0zf7AYXr0CscvS7 \ f38D \ =h03E \ -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- "
client_enc_priv_key = r " -----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK----- \\ xYYEZTWJ1xYJKwYBBAHaRw8BAQdAsfdKb90BurKniu+pBPBDHCkzg08S51W0 \ mUR0SKqLmdj+CQMICrS3TNCA/LHgxckC+iTUMxkqQJ9GpXWCDacx1rBQCztu \ PDgUHNvWdcvW1wWVxU/aJaQLqBTtRVYkJTz332jrKvsSl/LnrfwmUfKgN4nG \ Oc1MUm9ib1NhdHMgSUQgNTUyZGQxYTY2MWE3YWNhNGE0MWY4ODkxMGZmMzRh \ YzNiMWFjODBiYjc3OTRlZDlmZDU1ZDhiNzZiOTdhYWQ5N8KMBBAWCgA+BYJl \ NYnXBAsJBwgJkDc3tq7iCL/OAxUICgQWAAIBAhkBApsDAh4BFiEE7mIEuePQ \ n8Tqye0QNze2ruIIv84AAORXAQD+0G30U+qvEsc48W3JTKmmmvT+3q+uXdGs \ vMIuqoTWdQD/R+aGKvYXzwpyzGYInAAOj8WCXBcYWSOtXiw/oWNgEQHHiwRl \ NYnXEgorBgEEAZdVAQUBAQdALJQh7exBNphr8gU0oY2ZfP/6Gse6Ryi3hM6+ \ LZsP2nwDAQgH/gkDCPPoYWyzm4mT4N/TDBF11GVq0xSEEcubFqjArFKyibRy \ TDnB8+o8BlkRuGClcfRyKkR5/Rp1v5B0n1BuMsc8nY4Yg4BJv4KhsPfXRp4m \ 31zCeAQYFggAKgWCZTWJ1wmQNze2ruIIv84CmwwWIQTuYgS549CfxOrJ7RA3 \ N7au4gi/zgAAmhQA+wRtxO05FKFirSXuTj808F/mzF8u4Wz0kMNMzPUXvCj9 \ AQCHkxvHdvNHUyut4f7HkACnjI9M3+wGF69ArHL0u39/Aw== \ =1hCT \ -----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK----- "
# Example valid formatted GPG keys
2023-11-06 14:01:56 +00:00
with open ( " tests/robots/1/pub_key " , " r " ) as file :
2023-10-23 22:48:38 +00:00
# Read the contents of the file
pub_key = file . read ( )
2023-11-06 14:01:56 +00:00
with open ( " tests/robots/1/enc_priv_key " , " r " ) as file :
2023-10-23 22:48:38 +00:00
# Read the contents of the file
enc_priv_key = file . read ( )
# Test for success
is_valid , error , returned_pub_key , returned_enc_priv_key = validate_pgp_keys (
client_pub_key , client_enc_priv_key
self . assertTrue ( is_valid )
self . assertIsNone ( error )
self . assertEqual ( returned_pub_key , pub_key )
self . assertEqual ( returned_enc_priv_key , enc_priv_key )
# Test for failure
is_valid , error , returned_pub_key , returned_enc_priv_key = validate_pgp_keys (
client_pub_key [ : 50 ] , client_enc_priv_key + " invalid "
self . assertFalse ( is_valid )
self . assertIsNotNone ( error )
self . assertIsNone ( returned_pub_key )
self . assertIsNone ( returned_enc_priv_key )
def test_verify_signed_message ( self ) :
# Call the verify_signed_message function with a mock public key and a mock signed message
2023-11-06 14:01:56 +00:00
with open ( " tests/robots/1/pub_key " , " r " ) as file :
2023-10-23 22:48:38 +00:00
# Read the contents of the file
pub_key = file . read ( )
2023-11-06 14:01:56 +00:00
with open ( " tests/robots/1/signed_message " , " r " ) as file :
2023-10-23 22:48:38 +00:00
# Read the contents of the file
signed_message = file . read ( )
valid , message = verify_signed_message ( pub_key , signed_message )
# Assert that the function returns True and a string
self . assertTrue ( valid )
self . assertIsInstance ( message , str )
unsigned_message = " This message is unsigned cleartext "
valid , message = verify_signed_message ( pub_key , unsigned_message )
# Assert that the function returns False and None tuple of a boolean and a string
self . assertFalse ( valid )
self . assertIsNone ( message )
def test_base91_to_hex ( self ) :
base91_str = " base91_string "
with patch ( " api.utils.decode " ) as mock_decode :
mock_decode . return_value = b " hex_string "
hex_str = base91_to_hex ( base91_str )
self . assertEqual ( hex_str , " 6865785f737472696e67 " ) # 'hex_string' in hex
def test_hex_to_base91 ( self ) :
hex_str = " 6865785f737472696e67 " # 'hex_string' in hex
with patch ( " api.utils.encode " ) as mock_encode :
mock_encode . return_value = " base91_string "
base91_str = hex_to_base91 ( hex_str )
self . assertEqual ( base91_str , " base91_string " )
def test_is_valid_token ( self ) :
valid_token_1 = " Tl1S(#SvZ&I$sF9w=qQ|lG<8!JAqT8d}~jnVXX4E "
valid_token_2 = ' 8Wo`Vy*<DiJ " kGO2v1xhJkVW]b { NPITio:s2<JkC '
valid_token_3 = " c3g { U#M(.:OIEt)(hj6<Zk3/z`5MMMxu:v,V^R[C "
self . assertTrue ( is_valid_token ( valid_token_1 ) )
self . assertTrue ( is_valid_token ( valid_token_2 ) )
self . assertTrue ( is_valid_token ( valid_token_3 ) )
invalid_token_1 = " Tl1S(#SvZ&I$sF9w=qQ|lG<8!JAqT8d}~jnVXX4EA "
invalid_token_2 = " Tl1S(#SvZ&I$sF9w=qQ|lG<8!JAqT8d}~jnVXX "
invalid_token_3 = " ,B,,NU|(_Ba "
self . assertFalse ( is_valid_token ( invalid_token_1 ) )
self . assertFalse ( is_valid_token ( invalid_token_2 ) )
self . assertFalse ( is_valid_token ( invalid_token_3 ) )
def test_objects_to_hyperlinks ( self ) :
logs = " Robot(1, robot_name) "
linked_logs = objects_to_hyperlinks ( logs )
self . assertEqual (
linked_logs , ' <b><a href= " /coordinator/api/robot/1 " >robot_name</a></b> '