mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 12:19:00 +00:00
Rework lightning module. Add version info
This commit is contained in:
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class LNNode():
def settle_hold_invoice(cls, preimage):
'''settles a hold invoice'''
request = invoicesrpc.SettleInvoiceMsg(preimage=preimage)
response = invoicesstub.SettleInvoice(request, metadata=[('macaroon', MACAROON.hex())])
# Fix this: tricky because settling sucessfully an invoice has no response. TODO
@ -58,88 +58,111 @@ class LNNode():
def gen_hold_invoice(cls, num_satoshis, description, expiry):
'''Generates hold invoice'''
hold_payment = {}
# The preimage is a random hash of 256 bits entropy
preimage = hashlib.sha256(secrets.token_bytes(nbytes=32)).digest()
# Its hash is used to generate the hold invoice
preimage_hash = hashlib.sha256(preimage).digest()
r_hash = hashlib.sha256(preimage).digest()
request = invoicesrpc.AddHoldInvoiceRequest(
response = cls.invoicesstub.AddHoldInvoice(request, metadata=[('macaroon', MACAROON.hex())])
invoice = response.payment_request
payreq_decoded = cls.decode_payreq(invoice)
preimage = preimage.hex()
payment_hash = payreq_decoded.payment_hash
created_at = timezone.make_aware(datetime.fromtimestamp(payreq_decoded.timestamp))
expires_at = created_at + timedelta(seconds=payreq_decoded.expiry)
hold_payment['invoice'] = response.payment_request
payreq_decoded = cls.decode_payreq(hold_payment['invoice'])
hold_payment['preimage'] = preimage.hex()
hold_payment['payment_hash'] = payreq_decoded.payment_hash
hold_payment['created_at'] = timezone.make_aware(datetime.fromtimestamp(payreq_decoded.timestamp))
hold_payment['expires_at'] = hold_payment['created_at'] + timedelta(seconds=payreq_decoded.expiry)
return invoice, preimage, payment_hash, created_at, expires_at
return hold_payment
def validate_hold_invoice_locked(cls, payment_hash):
'''Checks if hodl invoice is locked'''
'''Checks if hold invoice is locked'''
request = invoicesrpc.LookupInvoiceMsg(payment_hash=payment_hash)
response = invoicesstub.LookupInvoiceV2(request, metadata=[('macaroon', MACAROON.hex())])
# What is the state for locked ???
if response.state == 'OPEN' or response.state == 'SETTLED':
return False
return True
return True
def check_until_invoice_locked(cls, payment_hash, expiration):
'''Checks until hodl invoice is locked'''
'''Checks until hold invoice is locked.
When invoice is locked, returns true.
If time expires, return False.'''
request = invoicesrpc.SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest(r_hash=payment_hash)
for invoice in invoicesstub.SubscribeSingleInvoice(request):
if timezone.now > expiration:
if invoice.state == 'LOCKED':
return True
# request = ln.InvoiceSubscription()
# When invoice is settled, return true. If time expires, return False.
# for invoice in stub.SubscribeInvoices(request):
# print(invoice)
return True
return False
def validate_ln_invoice(cls, invoice, num_satoshis):
'''Checks if the submited LN invoice comforms to expectations'''
buyer_invoice = {
'valid': False,
'context': None,
'description': None,
'payment_hash': None,
'created_at': None,
'expires_at': None,
payreq_decoded = cls.decode_payreq(invoice)
return False, {'bad_invoice':'Does not look like a valid lightning invoice'}, None, None, None, None
buyer_invoice['context'] = {'bad_invoice':'Does not look like a valid lightning invoice'}
return buyer_invoice
if not payreq_decoded.num_satoshis == num_satoshis:
context = {'bad_invoice':'The invoice provided is not for '+'{:,}'.format(num_satoshis)+ ' Sats'}
return False, context, None, None, None, None
buyer_invoice['context'] = {'bad_invoice':'The invoice provided is not for '+'{:,}'.format(num_satoshis)+ ' Sats'}
return buyer_invoice
created_at = timezone.make_aware(datetime.fromtimestamp(payreq_decoded.timestamp))
expires_at = created_at + timedelta(seconds=payreq_decoded.expiry)
buyer_invoice['created_at'] = timezone.make_aware(datetime.fromtimestamp(payreq_decoded.timestamp))
buyer_invoice['expires_at'] = buyer_invoice['created_at'] + timedelta(seconds=payreq_decoded.expiry)
if expires_at < timezone.now():
context = {'bad_invoice':f'The invoice provided has already expired'}
return False, context, None, None, None, None
if buyer_invoice['expires_at'] < timezone.now():
buyer_invoice['context'] = {'bad_invoice':f'The invoice provided has already expired'}
return buyer_invoice
description = payreq_decoded.description
payment_hash = payreq_decoded.payment_hash
buyer_invoice['valid'] = True
buyer_invoice['description'] = payreq_decoded.description
buyer_invoice['payment_hash'] = payreq_decoded.payment_hash
return True, None, description, payment_hash, created_at, expires_at
return buyer_invoice
def pay_invoice(cls, invoice):
'''Sends sats to buyer, or cancelinvoices'''
return True
'''Sends sats to buyer'''
def check_if_hold_invoice_is_locked(cls, payment_hash):
'''Every hodl invoice that is in state INVGEN
Has to be checked for payment received until
the window expires'''
return True
def double_check_htlc_is_settled(cls, payment_hash):
''' Just as it sounds. Better safe than sorry!'''
return True
request = invoicesrpc.LookupInvoiceMsg(payment_hash=payment_hash)
response = invoicesstub.LookupInvoiceV2(request, metadata=[('macaroon', MACAROON.hex())])
if response.state == 'SETTLED':
return True
return False
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ from .models import Order, LNPayment, MarketTick, User
from decouple import config
from .utils import get_exchange_rate
import math
FEE = float(config('FEE'))
BOND_SIZE = float(config('BOND_SIZE'))
@ -80,13 +82,16 @@ class Logics():
exchange_rate = get_exchange_rate(Order.currency_dict[str(order.currency)])
if not order.is_explicit:
premium = order.premium
price = exchange_rate
price = exchange_rate * (1+float(premium)/100)
exchange_rate = get_exchange_rate(Order.currency_dict[str(order.currency)])
order_rate = float(order.amount) / (float(order.satoshis) / 100000000)
premium = order_rate / exchange_rate - 1
premium = int(premium*100) # 2 decimals left
price = order_rate
significant_digits = 6
price = round(price, significant_digits - int(math.floor(math.log10(abs(price)))) - 1)
return price, premium
@ -118,10 +123,10 @@ class Logics():
return False, {'bad_request':'You cannot a invoice while bonds are not posted.'}
num_satoshis = cls.buyer_invoice_amount(order, user)[1]['invoice_amount']
valid, context, description, payment_hash, created_at, expires_at = LNNode.validate_ln_invoice(invoice, num_satoshis)
buyer_invoice = LNNode.validate_ln_invoice(invoice, num_satoshis)
if not valid:
return False, context
if not buyer_invoice['valid']:
return False, buyer_invoice['context']
order.buyer_invoice, _ = LNPayment.objects.update_or_create(
concept = LNPayment.Concepts.PAYBUYER,
@ -133,10 +138,10 @@ class Logics():
'invoice' : invoice,
'status' : LNPayment.Status.VALIDI,
'num_satoshis' : num_satoshis,
'description' : description,
'payment_hash' : payment_hash,
'created_at' : created_at,
'expires_at' : expires_at}
'description' : buyer_invoice['description'],
'payment_hash' : buyer_invoice['payment_hash'],
'created_at' : buyer_invoice['created_at'],
'expires_at' : buyer_invoice['expires_at']}
# If the order status is 'Waiting for escrow'. Move forward to 'chat'
@ -206,7 +211,14 @@ class Logics():
Maker is charged the bond to prevent DDOS
on the LN node and order book. TODO Only charge a small part
of the bond (requires maker submitting an invoice)'''
elif order.status == Order.Status.PUB and order.maker == user:
#Settle the maker bond (Maker loses the bond for a public order)
valid = cls.settle_maker_bond(order)
if valid:
order.maker = None
order.status = Order.Status.UCA
return True, None
# 3) When taker cancels before bond
''' The order goes back to the book as public.
@ -227,6 +239,29 @@ class Logics():
The order goes into the public book if taker cancels.
In both cases there is a small fee.'''
# 4.a) When maker cancel after bond (before escrow)
'''The order into cancelled status if maker cancels.'''
elif order.status > Order.Status.PUB and order.status < Order.Status.CHA and order.maker == user:
#Settle the maker bond (Maker loses the bond for canceling an ongoing trade)
valid = cls.settle_maker_bond(order)
if valid:
order.maker = None
order.status = Order.Status.UCA
return True, None
# 4.b) When taker cancel after bond (before escrow)
'''The order into cancelled status if maker cancels.'''
elif order.status > Order.Status.TAK and order.status < Order.Status.CHA and order.taker == user:
#Settle the maker bond (Maker loses the bond for canceling an ongoing trade)
valid = cls.settle_taker_bond(order)
if valid:
order.taker = None
order.status = Order.Status.PUB
# order.taker_bond = None # TODO fix this, it overrides the information about the settled taker bond. Might make admin tasks hard.
return True, None
# 5) When trade collateral has been posted (after escrow)
'''Always goes to cancelled status. Collaboration is needed.
When a user asks for cancel, 'order.is_pending_cancel' goes True.
@ -253,27 +288,28 @@ class Logics():
order.last_satoshis = cls.satoshis_now(order)
bond_satoshis = int(order.last_satoshis * BOND_SIZE)
description = f'RoboSats - Publishing {str(order)} - This bond will return to you if you do not cheat or unilaterally cancel'
description = f"RoboSats - Publishing '{str(order)}' - This is a maker bond. It will automatically return if you do not cancel or cheat"
# Gen hold Invoice
invoice, preimage, payment_hash, created_at, expires_at = LNNode.gen_hold_invoice(bond_satoshis, description, BOND_EXPIRY*3600)
hold_payment = LNNode.gen_hold_invoice(bond_satoshis, description, BOND_EXPIRY*3600)
order.maker_bond = LNPayment.objects.create(
concept = LNPayment.Concepts.MAKEBOND,
type = LNPayment.Types.hold,
type = LNPayment.Types.HOLD,
sender = user,
receiver = User.objects.get(username=ESCROW_USERNAME),
invoice = invoice,
preimage = preimage,
invoice = hold_payment['invoice'],
preimage = hold_payment['preimage'],
status = LNPayment.Status.INVGEN,
num_satoshis = bond_satoshis,
description = description,
payment_hash = payment_hash,
created_at = created_at,
expires_at = expires_at)
payment_hash = hold_payment['payment_hash'],
created_at = hold_payment['created_at'],
expires_at = hold_payment['expires_at'])
return True, {'bond_invoice':invoice,'bond_satoshis':bond_satoshis}
return True, {'bond_invoice':hold_payment['invoice'], 'bond_satoshis':bond_satoshis}
def gen_taker_hold_invoice(cls, order, user):
@ -294,28 +330,30 @@ class Logics():
order.last_satoshis = cls.satoshis_now(order) # LOCKS THE AMOUNT OF SATOSHIS FOR THE TRADE
bond_satoshis = int(order.last_satoshis * BOND_SIZE)
description = f'RoboSats - Taking {str(order)} - This bond will return to you if you do not cheat or unilaterally cancel'
description = f"RoboSats - Taking '{str(order)}' - This is a taker bond. It will automatically return if you do not cancel or cheat"
# Gen hold Invoice
invoice, payment_hash, expires_at = LNNode.gen_hold_invoice(bond_satoshis, description, BOND_EXPIRY*3600)
hold_payment = LNNode.gen_hold_invoice(bond_satoshis, description, BOND_EXPIRY*3600)
order.taker_bond = LNPayment.objects.create(
concept = LNPayment.Concepts.TAKEBOND,
type = LNPayment.Types.hold,
type = LNPayment.Types.HOLD,
sender = user,
receiver = User.objects.get(username=ESCROW_USERNAME),
invoice = invoice,
invoice = hold_payment['invoice'],
preimage = hold_payment['preimage'],
status = LNPayment.Status.INVGEN,
num_satoshis = bond_satoshis,
description = description,
payment_hash = payment_hash,
expires_at = expires_at)
payment_hash = hold_payment['payment_hash'],
created_at = hold_payment['created_at'],
expires_at = hold_payment['expires_at'])
# Extend expiry time to allow for escrow deposit
## Not here, on func for confirming taker collar. order.expires_at = timezone.now() + timedelta(minutes=EXP_TRADE_ESCR_INVOICE)
return True, {'bond_invoice':invoice,'bond_satoshis': bond_satoshis}
return True, {'bond_invoice': hold_payment['invoice'], 'bond_satoshis': bond_satoshis}
def gen_escrow_hold_invoice(cls, order, user):
@ -334,38 +372,63 @@ class Logics():
return False, None # Does not return any context of a healthy locked escrow
escrow_satoshis = order.last_satoshis # Trade sats amount was fixed at the time of taker bond generation (order.last_satoshis)
description = f'RoboSats - Escrow amount for {str(order)} - This escrow will be released to the buyer once you confirm you received the fiat.'
description = f"RoboSats - Escrow amount for '{str(order)}' - The escrow will be released to the buyer once you confirm you received the fiat. It will automatically return if buyer does not pay."
# Gen hold Invoice
invoice, payment_hash, expires_at = LNNode.gen_hold_invoice(escrow_satoshis, description, ESCROW_EXPIRY*3600)
hold_payment = LNNode.gen_hold_invoice(escrow_satoshis, description, ESCROW_EXPIRY*3600)
order.trade_escrow = LNPayment.objects.create(
concept = LNPayment.Concepts.TRESCROW,
type = LNPayment.Types.hold,
type = LNPayment.Types.HOLD,
sender = user,
receiver = User.objects.get(username=ESCROW_USERNAME),
invoice = invoice,
invoice = hold_payment['invoice'],
preimage = hold_payment['preimage'],
status = LNPayment.Status.INVGEN,
num_satoshis = escrow_satoshis,
description = description,
payment_hash = payment_hash,
expires_at = expires_at)
payment_hash = hold_payment['payment_hash'],
created_at = hold_payment['created_at'],
expires_at = hold_payment['expires_at'])
return True, {'escrow_invoice':invoice,'escrow_satoshis': escrow_satoshis}
return True, {'escrow_invoice':hold_payment['invoice'],'escrow_satoshis': escrow_satoshis}
def settle_escrow(order):
''' Settles the trade escrow HTLC'''
''' Settles the trade escrow hold invoice'''
valid = LNNode.settle_hold_invoice(order.trade_escrow.preimage)
if valid:
order.trade_escrow.status = LNPayment.Status.SETLED
return valid
def settle_maker_bond(order):
''' Settles the maker bond hold invoice'''
valid = LNNode.settle_hold_invoice(order.maker_bond.preimage)
if valid:
order.maker_bond.status = LNPayment.Status.SETLED
return valid
def settle_taker_bond(order):
''' Settles the taker bond hold invoice'''
valid = LNNode.settle_hold_invoice(order.taker_bond.preimage)
if valid:
order.taker_bond.status = LNPayment.Status.SETLED
valid = LNNode.settle_hold_htlcs(order.trade_escrow.payment_hash)
return valid
def pay_buyer_invoice(order):
''' Settles the trade escrow HTLC'''
''' Pay buyer invoice'''
valid = LNNode.pay_invoice(order.buyer_invoice.payment_hash)
valid = LNNode.pay_invoice(order.buyer_invoice.invoice)
return valid
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ BOND_SIZE = float(config('BOND_SIZE'))
class LNPayment(models.Model):
class Types(models.IntegerChoices):
NORM = 0, 'Regular invoice' # Only outgoing HTLCs will be regular invoices (Non-hold)
hold = 1, 'hold invoice'
NORM = 0, 'Regular invoice' # Only outgoing buyer payment will be a regular invoice (Non-hold)
HOLD = 1, 'hold invoice'
class Concepts(models.IntegerChoices):
MAKEBOND = 0, 'Maker bond'
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class LNPayment(models.Model):
FAILRO = 7, 'Failed routing'
# payment use details
type = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(choices=Types.choices, null=False, default=Types.hold)
type = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(choices=Types.choices, null=False, default=Types.HOLD)
concept = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(choices=Concepts.choices, null=False, default=Concepts.MAKEBOND)
status = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(choices=Status.choices, null=False, default=Status.INVGEN)
routing_retries = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(null=False, default=0)
@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
import requests, ring, os
from decouple import config
import requests
import ring
storage = {}
market_cache = {}
@ring.dict(storage, expire=30) #keeps in cache for 30 seconds
@ring.dict(market_cache, expire=30) #keeps in cache for 30 seconds
def get_exchange_rate(currency):
# TODO Add fallback Public APIs and error handling
# Think about polling price data in a different way (e.g. store locally every t seconds)
@ -13,4 +12,25 @@ def get_exchange_rate(currency):
market_prices = requests.get(config('MARKET_PRICE_API')).json()
exchange_rate = float(market_prices[currency]['last'])
return exchange_rate
return exchange_rate
lnd_v_cache = {}
@ring.dict(lnd_v_cache, expire=3600) #keeps in cache for 3600 seconds
def get_lnd_version():
stream = os.popen('lnd --version')
lnd_version = stream.read()[:-1]
return lnd_version
robosats_commit_cache = {}
@ring.dict(robosats_commit_cache, expire=3600)
def get_commit_robosats():
stream = os.popen('git log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%H"')
lnd_version = stream.read()
return lnd_version
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from .serializers import ListOrderSerializer, MakeOrderSerializer, UpdateOrderSerializer
from .models import LNPayment, MarketTick, Order
from .logics import Logics
from .utils import get_lnd_version, get_commit_robosats
from .nick_generator.nick_generator import NickGenerator
from robohash import Robohash
@ -415,8 +416,10 @@ class InfoView(ListAPIView):
avg_premium = None
total_volume = None
context['last_day_avg_btc_premium'] = avg_premium
context['total_volume_today'] = total_volume
context['today_avg_nonkyc_btc_premium'] = avg_premium
context['today_total_volume'] = total_volume
context['lnd_version'] = get_lnd_version()
context['robosats_running_commit_hash'] = get_commit_robosats()
return Response(context, status.HTTP_200_OK)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user