mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 21:29:06 +00:00
Remove Twitter links
This commit is contained in:
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ baidu_site_verification :
# Social Sharing
username : robosats
username :
username :
app_id :
@ -125,9 +125,6 @@ author:
location : "Somewhere in the world"
email :
- label: "Twitter"
icon: "fab fa-fw fa-twitter-square"
url: "https://twitter.com/recksato"
- label: "GitHub"
icon: "fab fa-fw fa-github"
url: "https://github.com/RoboSats"
@ -138,9 +135,6 @@ author:
# Site Footer
- label: "Twitter"
icon: "fab fa-fw fa-twitter-square"
url: "https://twitter.com/robosats"
- label: "Reddit"
icon: "fa-brands fa-reddit-square"
url: "https://reddit.com/r/robosats"
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ This contributing guide is based on the [Bisq contributing guide](https://github
- **Nostr:** [RoboSats General 0xGroup](nostr:naddr1qpqrjv34vgckzcfjxp3kgvtzxcuxgepevycrzvesv5en2wps8pjrvd3hxuexvefs8qexxe3nvcun2v3ex3jxgdfhx56kxdm9vyck2ep48yq3wamnwvaz7tm8wfhh2urn9cc8scmgv96zucm0d5pqqqcyqqqfskq06gxuf). Hang out with other cool robots and do not hesitate to ask questions about RoboSats! Also, the [RoboSats Nostr account](https://njump.me/npub1p2psats79rypr8lpnl9t5qdekfp700x660qsgw284xvq4s09lqrqqk3m82) (npub1p2psats79rypr8lpnl9t5qdekfp700x660qsgw284xvq4s09lqrqqk3m82) provides important project updates, tips and tricks of using RoboSats, and other privacy-centric commentary. Questions and engagement are welcome. Keep in mind: problems requiring RoboSats staff support should be directed to the main SimpleX group chat instead, where responses are quicker and staff can further investigate your problem.
- **Twitter:** [RoboSats](https://twitter.com/RoboSats). Announces project updates, shares tips and tricks of using RoboSats, and discusses other privacy-related topics. Feel free to ask questions and to share your experience using RoboSats! The psuedonymous "Robotoshi" character, a privacy-loving and sometimes sassy robot, runs the RoboSats Twitter and tries his best to answer questions! Keep in mind that the aforementioned public Simplex group chat may be more effective in seeking technical help and users seeking dispute help will be directed to the SimpleX chat.
## Contributor Workflow
@ -95,3 +94,7 @@ The [.editorconfig](.editorconfig) settings in this repository ensure consistent
### Keep the git history clean
It's very important to keep the git history clear, light and easily browsable. This means contributors must make sure their pull requests include only meaningful commits (if they are redundant or were added after a review, they should be removed) and _no merge commits_.
### Mirros
- https://git.robosats.org/Robosats
- https://codeberg.org/Robosats
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ The best we can do is reason with users of why they should value their privacy a
Social media is a great opportunity for word-of-mouth advertising of RoboSats. If you had a great experience using RoboSats or have interesting insight to share about the project, please do say something! Shout it from the robo-heavens!
For example, you could post on Nostr and tag the RoboSats Nostr account (npub1p2psats79rypr8lpnl9t5qdekfp700x660qsgw284xvq4s09lqrqqk3m82) so that it can be shared with others! Or, if you are on Twitter, create a tweet and tag the [RoboSats Twitter](https://twitter.com/RoboSats) account.
For example, you could post on Nostr and tag the RoboSats Nostr account (npub1p2psats79rypr8lpnl9t5qdekfp700x660qsgw284xvq4s09lqrqqk3m82) so that it can be shared with others!
Any help would be greatly appreciated in this sector! More order book liquidity attracts more users and thus more users get to take advantage of buying and selling bitcoin privately!
@ -24,8 +24,6 @@ Esta guía de contribución se basa en la [Guía de contribución de Bisq](https
- **Nostr:** [Grupo General RoboSats](https://njump.me/note1tfwvglg8xz8420pfgav0dc9mqekv02nkpck2axefklrema7lk6wszmwxdy). Pasa el rato con otros robots geniales y no dudes en hacer preguntas sobre RoboSats. Además, la cuenta [Nostr RoboSats](https://njump.me/npub1p2psats79rypr8lpnl9t5qdekfp700x660qsgw284xvq4s09lqrqqk3m82) (npub1p2psats79rypr8lpnl9t5qdekfp700x660qsgw284xvq4s09lqrqqk3m82) proporciona actualizaciones importantes del proyecto, consejos y trucos sobre el uso de RoboSats y otros comentarios centrados en la privacidad. Las preguntas y la participación son bienvenidas. Recuerda: los problemas que requieran la ayuda del personal de RoboSats deben dirigirse al chat principal del grupo SimpleX, donde las respuestas son más rápidas y el personal puede investigar más a fondo su problema.
- **Twitter:** [RoboSats](https://twitter.com/RoboSats). Anuncia actualizaciones del proyecto, comparte consejos y trucos sobre el uso de RoboSats y debate otros temas relacionados con la privacidad. No dudes en hacer preguntas y compartir tu experiencia con RoboSats. El personaje "Robotoshi", un robot amante de la privacidad y a veces descarado, dirige el Twitter de RoboSats e intenta responder a todas las preguntas. Ten en cuenta que el chat público del grupo Simplex antes mencionado puede ser más eficaz para buscar ayuda técnica y que los usuarios que busquen ayuda en disputas serán dirigidos al chat SimpleX.
## Flujo de trabajo de los colaboradores
Todos los colaboradores de RoboSats envían cambios a través de pull requests. El flujo de trabajo es el siguiente:
@ -95,3 +93,7 @@ La configuración [.editorconfig](.editorconfig) de este repositorio asegura una
### Mantener limpio el historial de git
Es muy importante mantener el historial git claro, ligero y fácilmente navegable. Esto significa que los contribuidores deben asegurarse de que sus pull requests incluyen sólo commits significativos (si son redundantes o fueron añadidas después de una revisión, deben ser eliminadas) y _no merge commits_.
### Mirros
- https://git.robosats.org/Robosats
- https://codeberg.org/Robosats
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Lo mejor que podemos hacer es razonar con los usuarios por qué deben valorar su
Las redes sociales son una gran oportunidad para la publicidad boca a boca de RoboSats. Si has tenido una buena experiencia con RoboSats o tienes algo interesante que decir sobre el proyecto, ¡hazlo saber! Grítalo desde el cielo de los robots.
Por ejemplo, puedes publicarlo en Nostr y etiquetar la cuenta de Nostr de RoboSats (npub1p2psats79rypr8lpnl9t5qdekfp700x660qsgw284xvq4s09lqrqk3m82) para que pueda compartirse con los demás. O, si estás en Twitter, crea un tweet y etiqueta la cuenta [RoboSats Twitter](https://twitter.com/RoboSats).
Por ejemplo, puedes publicarlo en Nostr y etiquetar la cuenta de Nostr de RoboSats (npub1p2psats79rypr8lpnl9t5qdekfp700x660qsgw284xvq4s09lqrqk3m82) para que pueda compartirse con los demás.
¡Cualquier ayuda será muy apreciada en este sector! Más liquidez en el libro de órdenes atrae a más usuarios y, por lo tanto, ¡más usuarios pueden aprovechar las ventajas de comprar y vender bitcoin de forma privada!
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ header:
cta_label: '<svg style="width:30px;height:26px;vertical-align:middle;fill:currentColor;filter:drop-shadow(1px 1px 2px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.4))" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M188.3 147.1C195.8 142.8 205.1 142.1 212.5 147.5L356.5 235.5C363.6 239.9 368 247.6 368 256C368 264.4 363.6 272.1 356.5 276.5L212.5 364.5C205.1 369 195.8 369.2 188.3 364.9C180.7 360.7 176 352.7 176 344V167.1C176 159.3 180.7 151.3 188.3 147.1V147.1zM512 256C512 397.4 397.4 512 256 512C114.6 512 0 397.4 0 256C0 114.6 114.6 0 256 0C397.4 0 512 114.6 512 256zM256 48C141.1 48 48 141.1 48 256C48 370.9 141.1 464 256 464C370.9 464 464 370.9 464 256C464 141.1 370.9 48 256 48z"/></svg> Aprende a usarlo ahora'
cta_url: "/watch/es/"
excerpt: 'Una forma sencilla y privada de cambiar bitcoin por monedas nacionales.<br /> <svg style="width:26px;height:26px;vertical-align:middle;fill:currentColor;filter:drop-shadow(1px 1px 2px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.4))" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 384 512"><!--! Font Awesome Free 6.1.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M240.5 224H352C365.3 224 377.3 232.3 381.1 244.7C386.6 257.2 383.1 271.3 373.1 280.1L117.1 504.1C105.8 513.9 89.27 514.7 77.19 505.9C65.1 497.1 60.7 481.1 66.59 467.4L143.5 288H31.1C18.67 288 6.733 279.7 2.044 267.3C-2.645 254.8 .8944 240.7 10.93 231.9L266.9 7.918C278.2-1.92 294.7-2.669 306.8 6.114C318.9 14.9 323.3 30.87 317.4 44.61L240.5 224z"/></svg><small> <a href="https://robosats.org">Usa RoboSats con el navegador Tor</a></small> <br/> <svg style="width:26px;height:26px;vertical-align:middle;fill:currentColor;filter:drop-shadow(1px 1px 2px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.4))" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 480 512"><!--! Font Awesome Free 6.1.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M186.1 328.7c0 20.9-10.9 55.1-36.7 55.1s-36.7-34.2-36.7-55.1 10.9-55.1 36.7-55.1 36.7 34.2 36.7 55.1zM480 278.2c0 31.9-3.2 65.7-17.5 95-37.9 76.6-142.1 74.8-216.7 74.8-75.8 0-186.2 2.7-225.6-74.8-14.6-29-20.2-63.1-20.2-95 0-41.9 13.9-81.5 41.5-113.6-5.2-15.8-7.7-32.4-7.7-48.8 0-21.5 4.9-32.3 14.6-51.8 45.3 0 74.3 9 108.8 36 29-6.9 58.8-10 88.7-10 27 0 54.2 2.9 80.4 9.2 34-26.7 63-35.2 107.8-35.2 9.8 19.5 14.6 30.3 14.6 51.8 0 16.4-2.6 32.7-7.7 48.2 27.5 32.4 39 72.3 39 114.2zm-64.3 50.5c0-43.9-26.7-82.6-73.5-82.6-18.9 0-37 3.4-56 6-14.9 2.3-29.8 3.2-45.1 3.2-15.2 0-30.1-.9-45.1-3.2-18.7-2.6-37-6-56-6-46.8 0-73.5 38.7-73.5 82.6 0 87.8 80.4 101.3 150.4 101.3h48.2c70.3 0 150.6-13.4 150.6-101.3zm-82.6-55.1c-25.8 0-36.7 34.2-36.7 55.1s10.9 55.1 36.7 55.1 36.7-34.2 36.7-55.1-10.9-55.1-36.7-55.1z"/></svg><small> <a href="https://github.com/RoboSats/robosats">Página del proyecto en Github</a></small>'
excerpt: 'Una forma sencilla y privada de cambiar bitcoin por monedas nacionales.<br /> <svg style="width:26px;height:26px;vertical-align:middle;fill:currentColor;filter:drop-shadow(1px 1px 2px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.4))" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 384 512"><!--! Font Awesome Free 6.1.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M240.5 224H352C365.3 224 377.3 232.3 381.1 244.7C386.6 257.2 383.1 271.3 373.1 280.1L117.1 504.1C105.8 513.9 89.27 514.7 77.19 505.9C65.1 497.1 60.7 481.1 66.59 467.4L143.5 288H31.1C18.67 288 6.733 279.7 2.044 267.3C-2.645 254.8 .8944 240.7 10.93 231.9L266.9 7.918C278.2-1.92 294.7-2.669 306.8 6.114C318.9 14.9 323.3 30.87 317.4 44.61L240.5 224z"/></svg><small> <a href="https://learn.robosats.org/docs/access">Usa RoboSats con el navegador Tor</a></small> <br/> <svg style="width:26px;height:26px;vertical-align:middle;fill:currentColor;filter:drop-shadow(1px 1px 2px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.4))" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 480 512"><!--! Font Awesome Free 6.1.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M186.1 328.7c0 20.9-10.9 55.1-36.7 55.1s-36.7-34.2-36.7-55.1 10.9-55.1 36.7-55.1 36.7 34.2 36.7 55.1zM480 278.2c0 31.9-3.2 65.7-17.5 95-37.9 76.6-142.1 74.8-216.7 74.8-75.8 0-186.2 2.7-225.6-74.8-14.6-29-20.2-63.1-20.2-95 0-41.9 13.9-81.5 41.5-113.6-5.2-15.8-7.7-32.4-7.7-48.8 0-21.5 4.9-32.3 14.6-51.8 45.3 0 74.3 9 108.8 36 29-6.9 58.8-10 88.7-10 27 0 54.2 2.9 80.4 9.2 34-26.7 63-35.2 107.8-35.2 9.8 19.5 14.6 30.3 14.6 51.8 0 16.4-2.6 32.7-7.7 48.2 27.5 32.4 39 72.3 39 114.2zm-64.3 50.5c0-43.9-26.7-82.6-73.5-82.6-18.9 0-37 3.4-56 6-14.9 2.3-29.8 3.2-45.1 3.2-15.2 0-30.1-.9-45.1-3.2-18.7-2.6-37-6-56-6-46.8 0-73.5 38.7-73.5 82.6 0 87.8 80.4 101.3 150.4 101.3h48.2c70.3 0 150.6-13.4 150.6-101.3zm-82.6-55.1c-25.8 0-36.7 34.2-36.7 55.1s10.9 55.1 36.7 55.1 36.7-34.2 36.7-55.1-10.9-55.1-36.7-55.1z"/></svg><small> <a href="https://github.com/RoboSats/robosats">Página del proyecto en Github</a></small>'
- image_path: /assets/images/misc/feature-fast.png
alt: "fast"
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ This contributing guide is based on the [Bisq contributing guide](https://github
- **Nostr:** [RoboSats General Group](https://njump.me/note1tfwvglg8xz8420pfgav0dc9mqekv02nkpck2axefklrema7lk6wszmwxdy). Hang out with other cool robots and do not hesitate to ask questions about RoboSats! Also, the [RoboSats Nostr account](https://njump.me/npub1p2psats79rypr8lpnl9t5qdekfp700x660qsgw284xvq4s09lqrqqk3m82) (npub1p2psats79rypr8lpnl9t5qdekfp700x660qsgw284xvq4s09lqrqqk3m82) provides important project updates, tips and tricks of using RoboSats, and other privacy-centric commentary. Questions and engagement are welcome. Keep in mind: problems requiring RoboSats staff support should be directed to the main SimpleX group chat instead, where responses are quicker and staff can further investigate your problem.
- **Twitter:** [RoboSats](https://twitter.com/RoboSats). Announces project updates, shares tips and tricks of using RoboSats, and discusses other privacy-related topics. Feel free to ask questions and to share your experience using RoboSats! The psuedonymous "Robotoshi" character, a privacy-loving and sometimes sassy robot, runs the RoboSats Twitter and tries his best to answer questions! Keep in mind that the aforementioned public Simplex group chat may be more effective in seeking technical help and users seeking dispute help will be directed to the SimpleX chat.
## Contributor Workflow
@ -95,3 +94,7 @@ The [.editorconfig](.editorconfig) settings in this repository ensure consistent
### Keep the git history clean
It's very important to keep the git history clear, light and easily browsable. This means contributors must make sure their pull requests include only meaningful commits (if they are redundant or were added after a review, they should be removed) and _no merge commits_.
### Mirros
- https://git.robosats.org/Robosats
- https://codeberg.org/Robosats
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ The best we can do is reason with users of why they should value their privacy a
Social media is a great opportunity for word-of-mouth advertising of RoboSats. If you had a great experience using RoboSats or have interesting insight to share about the project, please do say something! Shout it from the robo-heavens!
For example, you could post on Nostr and tag the RoboSats Nostr account (npub1p2psats79rypr8lpnl9t5qdekfp700x660qsgw284xvq4s09lqrqqk3m82) so that it can be shared with others! Or, if you are on Twitter, create a tweet and tag the [RoboSats Twitter](https://twitter.com/RoboSats) account.
For example, you could post on Nostr and tag the RoboSats Nostr account (npub1p2psats79rypr8lpnl9t5qdekfp700x660qsgw284xvq4s09lqrqqk3m82) so that it can be shared with others!
Any help would be greatly appreciated in this sector! More order book liquidity attracts more users and thus more users get to take advantage of buying and selling bitcoin privately!
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ header:
cta_label: '<svg style="width:30px;height:26px;vertical-align:middle;fill:currentColor;filter:drop-shadow(1px 1px 2px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.4))" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M188.3 147.1C195.8 142.8 205.1 142.1 212.5 147.5L356.5 235.5C363.6 239.9 368 247.6 368 256C368 264.4 363.6 272.1 356.5 276.5L212.5 364.5C205.1 369 195.8 369.2 188.3 364.9C180.7 360.7 176 352.7 176 344V167.1C176 159.3 180.7 151.3 188.3 147.1V147.1zM512 256C512 397.4 397.4 512 256 512C114.6 512 0 397.4 0 256C0 114.6 114.6 0 256 0C397.4 0 512 114.6 512 256zM256 48C141.1 48 48 141.1 48 256C48 370.9 141.1 464 256 464C370.9 464 464 370.9 464 256C464 141.1 370.9 48 256 48z"/></svg> Learn How to Use Now'
cta_url: "/watch/en/"
excerpt: 'A simple and private way to exchange bitcoin for national currencies.<br /> <svg style="width:26px;height:26px;vertical-align:middle;fill:currentColor;filter:drop-shadow(1px 1px 2px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.4))" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 384 512"><!--! Font Awesome Free 6.1.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M240.5 224H352C365.3 224 377.3 232.3 381.1 244.7C386.6 257.2 383.1 271.3 373.1 280.1L117.1 504.1C105.8 513.9 89.27 514.7 77.19 505.9C65.1 497.1 60.7 481.1 66.59 467.4L143.5 288H31.1C18.67 288 6.733 279.7 2.044 267.3C-2.645 254.8 .8944 240.7 10.93 231.9L266.9 7.918C278.2-1.92 294.7-2.669 306.8 6.114C318.9 14.9 323.3 30.87 317.4 44.61L240.5 224z"/></svg><small> <a href="https://robosats.org">Use RoboSats with Tor Browser</a></small> <br/> <svg style="width:26px;height:26px;vertical-align:middle;fill:currentColor;filter:drop-shadow(1px 1px 2px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.4))" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 480 512"><!--! Font Awesome Free 6.1.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M186.1 328.7c0 20.9-10.9 55.1-36.7 55.1s-36.7-34.2-36.7-55.1 10.9-55.1 36.7-55.1 36.7 34.2 36.7 55.1zM480 278.2c0 31.9-3.2 65.7-17.5 95-37.9 76.6-142.1 74.8-216.7 74.8-75.8 0-186.2 2.7-225.6-74.8-14.6-29-20.2-63.1-20.2-95 0-41.9 13.9-81.5 41.5-113.6-5.2-15.8-7.7-32.4-7.7-48.8 0-21.5 4.9-32.3 14.6-51.8 45.3 0 74.3 9 108.8 36 29-6.9 58.8-10 88.7-10 27 0 54.2 2.9 80.4 9.2 34-26.7 63-35.2 107.8-35.2 9.8 19.5 14.6 30.3 14.6 51.8 0 16.4-2.6 32.7-7.7 48.2 27.5 32.4 39 72.3 39 114.2zm-64.3 50.5c0-43.9-26.7-82.6-73.5-82.6-18.9 0-37 3.4-56 6-14.9 2.3-29.8 3.2-45.1 3.2-15.2 0-30.1-.9-45.1-3.2-18.7-2.6-37-6-56-6-46.8 0-73.5 38.7-73.5 82.6 0 87.8 80.4 101.3 150.4 101.3h48.2c70.3 0 150.6-13.4 150.6-101.3zm-82.6-55.1c-25.8 0-36.7 34.2-36.7 55.1s10.9 55.1 36.7 55.1 36.7-34.2 36.7-55.1-10.9-55.1-36.7-55.1z"/></svg><small> <a href="https://github.com/RoboSats/robosats">GitHub Project Page</a></small>'
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