* Add advanced options to LN payout form
* Complete amount calcs
* Temporary working solution for lnproxy web only (uses text instead of json)
* Update LNpayment model and logics to use user's routing budget
* Add handle lnproxyserver networks (i2p, tor, clearnet) / (mainnet,testnet)
* Small fixes
* Remove unused imports in python files
* Add black and isort dependencies
Also added pyproject.toml for isort config, but later can be used to
configure various other python tools
* Add flake8 in requirements.txt
* Add py-linter workflow
* Add /api/chat route and GET method
* Add message POST method
* Wrap /api/chat GET in /api/order GET
* Add send channel message on POST request
* Fix OAS schema bug
* Add initial api docs using drf-spectacular
This commit adds the inital and basic docs using drf-spectacular.
It also adds some serializers to be used for automatically
generating response objects by drf-spectacular
* Update api docs with correct request and response objects
- TODO: /order route
* Fix typo in api docs
* Separate OpenAPI schemas into it's own file
* Update drf-spectacular and add API intro and logo
* Update API docs for GET /order
* Add api docs for POST /order route
* Update serializers.py
* Add stealth invoice switch to profile
* Add stealth invoice including only order uuid
* Add explanatory tooltip for stealth invoices and fix code smells
* Add escrow/invoice time customization
* Add accordion for Expiry times
* Add current price on order maker
* Add deposit timeout limit on order page
* Minor aestetic fixes
* Implement pause/unpause and expiry reasons
* Add renew order
* Add highlight buy/sell on maker page
* Fix order renewal. Improve book visuals and response.
* Fix double renew requests
* Fix cancel orders. Fix paused status to delay
* Fix paused order layout and loading spinner
* Add telegram message: order is in chat
Added the Order model with a rough approxiation to the fields needed. The field status can be read lineally as the progression trough the app pipeline. The view serves POSTs requests to enter new orders into the db.