import grpc, os, hashlib, secrets, ring from . import lightning_pb2 as lnrpc, lightning_pb2_grpc as lightningstub from . import invoices_pb2 as invoicesrpc, invoices_pb2_grpc as invoicesstub from . import router_pb2 as routerrpc, router_pb2_grpc as routerstub from decouple import config from base64 import b64decode from datetime import timedelta, datetime from django.utils import timezone ####### # Should work with LND (c-lightning in the future if there are features that deserve the work) ####### # Read tls.cert from file or .env variable string encoded as base64 try: CERT = open(os.path.join(config("LND_DIR"), "tls.cert"), "rb").read() except: CERT = b64decode(config("LND_CERT_BASE64")) # Read macaroon from file or .env variable string encoded as base64 try: MACAROON = open( os.path.join(config("LND_DIR"), config("MACAROON_path")), "rb" ).read() except: MACAROON = b64decode(config("LND_MACAROON_BASE64")) LND_GRPC_HOST = config("LND_GRPC_HOST") class LNNode: os.environ["GRPC_SSL_CIPHER_SUITES"] = "HIGH+ECDSA" creds = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials(CERT) channel = grpc.secure_channel(LND_GRPC_HOST, creds) lightningstub = lightningstub.LightningStub(channel) invoicesstub = invoicesstub.InvoicesStub(channel) routerstub = routerstub.RouterStub(channel) lnrpc = lnrpc invoicesrpc = invoicesrpc routerrpc = routerrpc payment_failure_context = { 0: "Payment isn't failed (yet)", 1: "There are more routes to try, but the payment timeout was exceeded.", 2: "All possible routes were tried and failed permanently. Or were no routes to the destination at all.", 3: "A non-recoverable error has occured.", 4: "Payment details incorrect (unknown hash, invalid amt or invalid final cltv delta)", 5: "Insufficient local balance.", } @classmethod def decode_payreq(cls, invoice): """Decodes a lightning payment request (invoice)""" request = lnrpc.PayReqString(pay_req=invoice) response = cls.lightningstub.DecodePayReq( request, metadata=[("macaroon", MACAROON.hex())] ) return response @classmethod def estimate_fee(cls, amount_sats, target_conf=2, min_confs=1): """Returns estimated fee for onchain payouts""" # We assume segwit. Use robosats donation address as shortcut so there is no need of user inputs request = lnrpc.EstimateFeeRequest( AddrToAmount={"bc1q3cpp7ww92n6zp04hv40kd3eyy5avgughx6xqnx": amount_sats}, target_conf=target_conf, min_confs=min_confs, spend_unconfirmed=False, ) response = cls.lightningstub.EstimateFee( request, metadata=[("macaroon", MACAROON.hex())] ) return { "mining_fee_sats": response.fee_sat, "mining_fee_rate": response.sat_per_vbyte, } wallet_balance_cache = {} @ring.dict(wallet_balance_cache, expire=10) # keeps in cache for 10 seconds @classmethod def wallet_balance(cls): """Returns onchain balance""" request = lnrpc.WalletBalanceRequest() response = cls.lightningstub.WalletBalance( request, metadata=[("macaroon", MACAROON.hex())] ) return { "total_balance": response.total_balance, "confirmed_balance": response.confirmed_balance, "unconfirmed_balance": response.unconfirmed_balance, } channel_balance_cache = {} @ring.dict(channel_balance_cache, expire=10) # keeps in cache for 10 seconds @classmethod def channel_balance(cls): """Returns channels balance""" request = lnrpc.ChannelBalanceRequest() response = cls.lightningstub.ChannelBalance( request, metadata=[("macaroon", MACAROON.hex())] ) return { "local_balance": response.local_balance.sat, "remote_balance": response.remote_balance.sat, "unsettled_local_balance": response.unsettled_local_balance.sat, "unsettled_remote_balance": response.unsettled_remote_balance.sat, } @classmethod def pay_onchain(cls, onchainpayment): """Send onchain transaction for buyer payouts""" if config("DISABLE_ONCHAIN", cast=bool): return False request = lnrpc.SendCoinsRequest( addr=onchainpayment.address, amount=int(onchainpayment.sent_satoshis), sat_per_vbyte=int(onchainpayment.mining_fee_rate), label=str("Payout order #" + str(, spend_unconfirmed=True, ) response = cls.lightningstub.SendCoins( request, metadata=[("macaroon", MACAROON.hex())] ) onchainpayment.txid = response.txid return True @classmethod def cancel_return_hold_invoice(cls, payment_hash): """Cancels or returns a hold invoice""" request = invoicesrpc.CancelInvoiceMsg(payment_hash=bytes.fromhex(payment_hash)) response = cls.invoicesstub.CancelInvoice( request, metadata=[("macaroon", MACAROON.hex())] ) # Fix this: tricky because canceling sucessfully an invoice has no response. TODO return str(response) == "" # True if no response, false otherwise. @classmethod def settle_hold_invoice(cls, preimage): """settles a hold invoice""" request = invoicesrpc.SettleInvoiceMsg(preimage=bytes.fromhex(preimage)) response = cls.invoicesstub.SettleInvoice( request, metadata=[("macaroon", MACAROON.hex())] ) # Fix this: tricky because settling sucessfully an invoice has None response. TODO return str(response) == "" # True if no response, false otherwise. @classmethod def gen_hold_invoice( cls, num_satoshis, description, invoice_expiry, cltv_expiry_blocks ): """Generates hold invoice""" hold_payment = {} # The preimage is a random hash of 256 bits entropy preimage = hashlib.sha256(secrets.token_bytes(nbytes=32)).digest() # Its hash is used to generate the hold invoice r_hash = hashlib.sha256(preimage).digest() request = invoicesrpc.AddHoldInvoiceRequest( memo=description, value=num_satoshis, hash=r_hash, expiry=int( invoice_expiry * 1.5 ), # actual expiry is padded by 50%, if tight, wrong client system clock will say invoice is expired. cltv_expiry=cltv_expiry_blocks, ) response = cls.invoicesstub.AddHoldInvoice( request, metadata=[("macaroon", MACAROON.hex())] ) hold_payment["invoice"] = response.payment_request payreq_decoded = cls.decode_payreq(hold_payment["invoice"]) hold_payment["preimage"] = preimage.hex() hold_payment["payment_hash"] = payreq_decoded.payment_hash hold_payment["created_at"] = timezone.make_aware( datetime.fromtimestamp(payreq_decoded.timestamp) ) hold_payment["expires_at"] = hold_payment["created_at"] + timedelta( seconds=payreq_decoded.expiry ) hold_payment["cltv_expiry"] = cltv_expiry_blocks return hold_payment @classmethod def validate_hold_invoice_locked(cls, lnpayment): """Checks if hold invoice is locked""" from api.models import LNPayment request = invoicesrpc.LookupInvoiceMsg( payment_hash=bytes.fromhex(lnpayment.payment_hash) ) response = cls.invoicesstub.LookupInvoiceV2( request, metadata=[("macaroon", MACAROON.hex())] ) # Will fail if 'unable to locate invoice'. Happens if invoice expiry # time has passed (but these are 15% padded at the moment). Should catch it # and report back that the invoice has expired (better robustness) if response.state == 0: # OPEN pass if response.state == 1: # SETTLED pass if response.state == 2: # CANCELLED pass if response.state == 3: # ACCEPTED (LOCKED) lnpayment.expiry_height = response.htlcs[0].expiry_height lnpayment.status = LNPayment.Status.LOCKED return True @classmethod def resetmc(cls): request = routerrpc.ResetMissionControlRequest() response = cls.routerstub.ResetMissionControl( request, metadata=[("macaroon", MACAROON.hex())] ) return True @classmethod def validate_ln_invoice(cls, invoice, num_satoshis): """Checks if the submited LN invoice comforms to expectations""" payout = { "valid": False, "context": None, "description": None, "payment_hash": None, "created_at": None, "expires_at": None, } try: payreq_decoded = cls.decode_payreq(invoice) except: payout["context"] = { "bad_invoice": "Does not look like a valid lightning invoice" } return payout ## Some wallet providers (e.g. Muun) force routing through a private channel with high fees >1500ppm ## These payments will fail. So it is best to let the user know in advance this invoice is not valid. route_hints = payreq_decoded.route_hints # Max amount RoboSats will pay for routing max_routing_fee_sats = max( num_satoshis * float(config("PROPORTIONAL_ROUTING_FEE_LIMIT")), float(config("MIN_FLAT_ROUTING_FEE_LIMIT_REWARD")), ) if route_hints: routes_cost = [] # For every hinted route... for hinted_route in route_hints: route_cost = 0 # ...add up the cost of every hinted hop... for hop_hint in hinted_route.hop_hints: route_cost += hop_hint.fee_base_msat / 1000 route_cost += ( hop_hint.fee_proportional_millionths * num_satoshis / 1000000 ) # ...and store the cost of the route to the array routes_cost.append(route_cost) # If the cheapest possible private route is more expensive than what RoboSats is willing to pay if min(routes_cost) >= max_routing_fee_sats: payout["context"] = { "bad_invoice": "The invoice submitted only has a trick on the routing hints, you might be using an incompatible wallet (probably Muun? Use an onchain address instead!). Check the wallet compatibility guide at" } return payout if payreq_decoded.num_satoshis == 0: payout["context"] = { "bad_invoice": "The invoice provided has no explicit amount" } return payout if not payreq_decoded.num_satoshis == num_satoshis: payout["context"] = { "bad_invoice": "The invoice provided is not for " + "{:,}".format(num_satoshis) + " Sats" } return payout payout["created_at"] = timezone.make_aware( datetime.fromtimestamp(payreq_decoded.timestamp) ) payout["expires_at"] = payout["created_at"] + timedelta( seconds=payreq_decoded.expiry ) if payout["expires_at"] < payout["context"] = { "bad_invoice": "The invoice provided has already expired" } return payout payout["valid"] = True payout["description"] = payreq_decoded.description payout["payment_hash"] = payreq_decoded.payment_hash return payout @classmethod def pay_invoice(cls, lnpayment): """Sends sats. Used for rewards payouts""" from api.models import LNPayment fee_limit_sat = int( max( lnpayment.num_satoshis * float(config("PROPORTIONAL_ROUTING_FEE_LIMIT")), float(config("MIN_FLAT_ROUTING_FEE_LIMIT_REWARD")), ) ) # 200 ppm or 10 sats timeout_seconds = int(config("REWARDS_TIMEOUT_SECONDS")) request = routerrpc.SendPaymentRequest( payment_request=lnpayment.invoice, fee_limit_sat=fee_limit_sat, timeout_seconds=timeout_seconds, ) for response in cls.routerstub.SendPaymentV2( request, metadata=[("macaroon", MACAROON.hex())] ): if response.status == 0: # Status 0 'UNKNOWN' # Not sure when this status happens pass if response.status == 1: # Status 1 'IN_FLIGHT' pass if response.status == 3: # Status 3 'FAILED' """0 Payment isn't failed (yet). 1 There are more routes to try, but the payment timeout was exceeded. 2 All possible routes were tried and failed permanently. Or were no routes to the destination at all. 3 A non-recoverable error has occured. 4 Payment details incorrect (unknown hash, invalid amt or invalid final cltv delta) 5 Insufficient local balance. """ failure_reason = cls.payment_failure_context[response.failure_reason] lnpayment.failure_reason = response.failure_reason lnpayment.status = LNPayment.Status.FAILRO return False, failure_reason if response.status == 2: # STATUS 'SUCCEEDED' lnpayment.status = LNPayment.Status.SUCCED lnpayment.fee = float(response.fee_msat) / 1000 lnpayment.preimage = response.payment_preimage return True, None return False @classmethod def double_check_htlc_is_settled(cls, payment_hash): """Just as it sounds. Better safe than sorry!""" request = invoicesrpc.LookupInvoiceMsg(payment_hash=bytes.fromhex(payment_hash)) response = cls.invoicesstub.LookupInvoiceV2( request, metadata=[("macaroon", MACAROON.hex())] ) return ( response.state == 1 ) # LND states: 0 OPEN, 1 SETTLED, 3 ACCEPTED, GRPC_ERROR status 5 when cancelled/returned