import React, { Component } from "react"; import { withTranslation } from "react-i18next"; import { Button , Tooltip, Grid, Typography, TextField, ButtonGroup, CircularProgress, IconButton} from "@mui/material" import { Link } from 'react-router-dom' import Image from 'material-ui-image' import { InfoDialog } from './Dialogs' import SmartToyIcon from '@mui/icons-material/SmartToy'; import CasinoIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Casino'; import ContentCopy from "@mui/icons-material/ContentCopy"; import BoltIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Bolt'; import { RoboSatsNoTextIcon } from "./Icons"; import { sha256 } from 'js-sha256'; import { genBase62Token, tokenStrength } from "../utils/token"; import { getCookie, writeCookie } from "../utils/cookies"; class UserGenPage extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { openInfo: false, tokenHasChanged: false, token: "" }; this.refCode = this.props.match.params.refCode; } componentDidMount() { // Checks in parent HomePage if there is already a nick and token // Displays the existing one if (this.props.nickname != null){ this.setState({ nickname: this.props.nickname, token: this.props.token? this.props.token : "", avatar_url: '/static/assets/avatars/' + this.props.nickname + '.png', loadingRobot: false }); } else{ var newToken = genBase62Token(36) this.setState({ token: newToken }); this.getGeneratedUser(newToken); } } getGeneratedUser=(token)=>{ var strength = tokenStrength(token) fetch('/api/user' + '?token_sha256=' + sha256(token) + '&unique_values=' + strength.uniqueValues +'&counts=' + strength.counts +'&length=' + token.length + '&ref_code=' + this.refCode) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((data) => { this.setState({ nickname: data.nickname, bit_entropy: data.token_bits_entropy, avatar_url: '/static/assets/avatars/' + data.nickname + '.png', shannon_entropy: data.token_shannon_entropy, bad_request: data.bad_request, found: data.found, loadingRobot:false, }) & // Add nick and token to App state (token only if not a bad request) (data.bad_request ? this.props.setAppState({ nickname: data.nickname, avatarLoaded: false, }) : (this.props.setAppState({ nickname: data.nickname, token: token, avatarLoaded: false, })) & writeCookie("robot_token",token)) & // If the robot has been found (recovered) we assume the token is backed up (data.found ? this.props.setAppState({copiedToken:true}) : null) }); } delGeneratedUser() { const requestOptions = { method: 'DELETE', headers: {'Content-Type':'application/json', 'X-CSRFToken': getCookie('csrftoken')}, }; fetch("/api/user", requestOptions) .then((response) => response.json()); } handleClickNewRandomToken=()=>{ var token = genBase62Token(36); this.setState({ token: token, tokenHasChanged: true, }); this.props.setAppState({copiedToken: true}) } handleChangeToken=(e)=>{ this.setState({ token:, tokenHasChanged: true, }) } handleClickSubmitToken=()=>{ this.delGeneratedUser(); this.getGeneratedUser(this.state.token); this.setState({loadingRobot: true, tokenHasChanged: false}); this.props.setAppState({avatarLoaded: false, nickname: null, token: null, copiedToken: false}); } handleClickOpenInfo = () => { this.setState({openInfo: true}); }; handleCloseInfo = () => { this.setState({openInfo: false}); }; render() { const { t, i18n} = this.props; return (
{!this.state.loadingRobot ?
{this.state.nickname ? : ""}

: }
{ this.state.found ? {this.state.found ? t("A robot avatar was found, welcome back!"):null}
: "" } { if (e.key === 'Enter') { this.handleClickSubmitToken(); } }} InputProps={{ startAdornment: (navigator.clipboard.writeText(this.state.token) & this.props.setAppState({copiedToken:true}))}> , endAdornment: , }} /> {this.state.tokenHasChanged ? :
{t("Simple and Private LN P2P Exchange")}
); } } export default withTranslation()(UserGenPage);