import json import os import numpy as np import requests, ring, logging from decouple import config from api.models import Order logger = logging.getLogger('api.utils') TOR_PROXY = config('TOR_PROXY', default='') USE_TOR = config('USE_TOR', cast=bool, default=True) def get_session(): session = requests.session() # Tor uses the 9050 port as the default socks port if USE_TOR: session.proxies = {'http': 'socks5://' + TOR_PROXY, 'https': 'socks5://' + TOR_PROXY} return session def bitcoind_rpc(method, params=None): """ Makes a RPC call to bitcoin core daemon :param method: RPC method to call :param params: list of params required by the calling RPC method :return: """ BITCOIND_RPCURL = config('BITCOIND_RPCURL') BITCOIND_RPCUSER = config('BITCOIND_RPCUSER') BITCOIND_RPCPASSWORD = config('BITCOIND_RPCPASSWORD') if params is None: params = [] payload = json.dumps( { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "robosats", "method": method, "params": params } ) return, auth=(BITCOIND_RPCUSER, BITCOIND_RPCPASSWORD), data=payload).json()['result'] def validate_onchain_address(address): """ Validates an onchain address """ try: validation = bitcoind_rpc('validateaddress', [address]) if not validation['isvalid']: return False, {"bad_address": "Invalid address"} except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return False, {"bad_address": 'Unable to validate address, check bitcoind backend'} return True, None market_cache = {} @ring.dict(market_cache, expire=3) # keeps in cache for 3 seconds def get_exchange_rates(currencies): """ Params: list of currency codes. Checks for exchange rates in several public APIs. Returns the median price list. """ session = get_session() APIS = config("MARKET_PRICE_APIS", cast=lambda v: [s.strip() for s in v.split(",")]) api_rates = [] for api_url in APIS: try: # If one API is unavailable pass if "" in api_url: blockchain_prices = session.get(api_url).json() blockchain_rates = [] for currency in currencies: try: # If a currency is missing place a None blockchain_rates.append( float(blockchain_prices[currency]["last"])) except: blockchain_rates.append(np.nan) api_rates.append(blockchain_rates) elif "" in api_url: yadio_prices = session.get(api_url).json() yadio_rates = [] for currency in currencies: try: yadio_rates.append(float( yadio_prices["BTC"][currency])) except: yadio_rates.append(np.nan) api_rates.append(yadio_rates) except: pass if len(api_rates) == 0: return None # Wops there is not API available! exchange_rates = np.array(api_rates) median_rates = np.nanmedian(exchange_rates, axis=0) return median_rates.tolist() def get_lnd_version(): # If dockerized, return LND_VERSION envvar used for docker image. # Otherwise it would require LND's version.grpc libraries... try: lnd_version = config("LND_VERSION") return lnd_version except: pass # If not dockerized and LND is local, read from CLI try: stream = os.popen("lnd --version") lnd_version =[:-1] return lnd_version except: return "" robosats_commit_cache = {} @ring.dict(robosats_commit_cache, expire=3600) def get_commit_robosats(): commit = os.popen('git log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%H"') commit_hash = # .git folder is included in .dockerignore. But automatic build will drop in a commit_sha.txt file on root if commit_hash == None or commit_hash =="": with open("commit_sha.txt") as f: commit_hash = return commit_hash premium_percentile = {} @ring.dict(premium_percentile, expire=300) def compute_premium_percentile(order): queryset = Order.objects.filter( currency=order.currency, status=Order.Status.PUB, type=order.type).exclude( print(len(queryset)) if len(queryset) <= 1: return 0.5 amount = order.amount if not order.has_range else order.max_amount order_rate = float(order.last_satoshis) / float(amount) rates = [] for similar_order in queryset: similar_order_amount = similar_order.amount if not similar_order.has_range else similar_order.max_amount rates.append( float(similar_order.last_satoshis) / float(similar_order_amount)) rates = np.array(rates) return round(np.sum(rates < order_rate) / len(rates), 2) def weighted_median(values, sample_weight=None, quantiles= 0.5, values_sorted=False): """Very close to numpy.percentile, but it supports weights. NOTE: quantiles should be in [0, 1]! :param values: numpy.array with data :param quantiles: array-like with many quantiles needed. For weighted median 0.5 :param sample_weight: array-like of the same length as `array` :param values_sorted: bool, if True, then will avoid sorting of initial array assuming array is already sorted :return: numpy.array with computed quantiles. """ values = np.array(values) quantiles = np.array(quantiles) if sample_weight is None: sample_weight = np.ones(len(values)) sample_weight = np.array(sample_weight) assert np.all(quantiles >= 0) and np.all(quantiles <= 1), \ 'quantiles should be in [0, 1]' if not values_sorted: sorter = np.argsort(values) values = values[sorter] sample_weight = sample_weight[sorter] weighted_quantiles = np.cumsum(sample_weight) - 0.5 * sample_weight weighted_quantiles -= weighted_quantiles[0] weighted_quantiles /= weighted_quantiles[-1] return np.interp(quantiles, weighted_quantiles, values) def compute_avg_premium(queryset): premiums = [] volumes = [] # We exclude BTC, as LN <-> BTC swap premiums should not be mixed with FIAT. for tick in queryset.exclude(currency=1000): premiums.append(float(tick.premium)) volumes.append(float(tick.volume)) total_volume = sum(volumes) # weighted_median_premium is the weighted median of the premiums by volume if len(premiums) > 0 and len(volumes)>0: weighted_median_premium = weighted_median(values=premiums, sample_weight=volumes, quantiles=0.5, values_sorted=False) else: weighted_median_premium = 0.0 return weighted_median_premium, total_volume