from datetime import timedelta from django.utils import timezone import random import string ####### # Placeholder functions # Should work with LND (maybe c-lightning in the future) class LNNode(): ''' Place holder functions to interact with Lightning Node ''' def gen_hodl_invoice(num_satoshis, description, expiry): '''Generates hodl invoice to publish an order''' # TODO invoice = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=80)) #FIX payment_hash = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=40)) #FIX expires_at = + timedelta(hours=8) ##FIX return invoice, payment_hash, expires_at def validate_hodl_invoice_locked(payment_hash): '''Generates hodl invoice to publish an order''' return True def validate_ln_invoice(invoice, num_satoshis): # num_satoshis '''Checks if the submited LN invoice is as expected''' valid = True context = None description = 'Placeholder desc' # TODO decrypt from LN invoice payment_hash = '567&*GIHU126' # TODO decrypt expires_at = # TODO decrypt return valid, context, description, payment_hash, expires_at def pay_invoice(invoice): '''Sends sats to buyer, or cancelinvoices''' return True def settle_hodl_htlcs(payment_hash): '''Charges a LN hodl invoice''' return True def return_hodl_htlcs(payment_hash): '''Returns sats''' return True def double_check_htlc_is_settled(payment_hash): ''' Just as it sounds. Better safe than sorry!''' return True