import hashlib import time from .utils import human_format """ Deterministic nick generator from SHA256 hash. It builds Nicknames as: Adverb + Adjective + Noun + Numeric(0-999) With the current English dictionaries there is a total of to 450*4800*12500*1000 = 28 Trillion deterministic nicks """ class NickGenerator: def __init__( self, lang="English", use_adv=True, use_adj=True, use_noun=True, max_num=999, verbose=False, ): """ used_adv: bool , True if adverbs are used in the nick. used_adj: bool , True if adjectives are used in the nick. use_noun: bool , True if nouns are used in the nick. max_num: int, max integer to be used in nick (at least 1) """ if lang == "English": from .dicts.en.adjectives import adjectives from .dicts.en.adverbs import adverbs from .dicts.en.nouns import nouns elif lang == "Spanish": from import adjectives from import adverbs from import nouns else: raise ValueError("Language not implemented.") if verbose: print( f"{lang} SHA256 Nick Generator initialized with:" + f"\nUp to {len(adverbs)} adverbs." + f"\nUp to {len(adjectives)} adjectives." + f"\nUp to {len(nouns)} nouns." + f"\nUp to {max_num+1} numerics.\n" ) self.use_adv = use_adv self.use_adj = use_adj self.use_noun = use_noun self.max_num = max_num self.verbose = verbose self.adverbs = adverbs self.adjectives = adjectives self.nouns = nouns def from_SHA256(self, hash=None): """ Converts hash to int, min-max scales it to the pool size of nicks, uses it as index to construct the nick element by element. hash; SHA256 hash as bytes """ # Get size of dictionaries for each element num_adv = len(self.adverbs) if self.use_adv else 1 num_adj = len(self.adjectives) if self.use_adj else 1 num_nouns = len(self.nouns) if self.use_noun else 1 # Compute pool size by combinatorics pool_size = self.max_num * num_nouns * num_adj * num_adv # Min-Max scale the hash relative to the pool size max_int_hash = 2**256 int_hash = int(hash, 16) nick_id = int((int_hash / max_int_hash) * pool_size) # Compute adverb id if self.use_adv: adv_id = int(nick_id / (self.max_num * num_nouns * num_adj)) adv = self.adverbs[adv_id] remainder = nick_id - adv_id * self.max_num * num_nouns * num_adj if self.verbose: print(f"Adverb: {adv}, id {adv_id}.") else: adv_id, adv, remainder = 0, "", nick_id # Compute adjective id if self.use_adj: adj_id = int(remainder / (self.max_num * num_nouns)) adj = self.adjectives[adj_id] remainder = remainder - adj_id * self.max_num * num_nouns if self.verbose: print(f"Adjective: {adj}, id {adj_id}.") else: adj_id, adj = 0, "" # Compute noun id if self.use_noun: noun_id = int(remainder / self.max_num) noun = self.nouns[noun_id] if self.verbose: print(f"Noun: {noun}, id {noun_id}.\n") else: noun_id, noun = 0, "" # Remainder is the numeric element if self.max_num > 0: num_id = remainder - noun_id * self.max_num number = str(num_id) else: num_id, number = 0, "" # Build nick nick = adv + adj + noun + number return nick, nick_id, pool_size def short_from_SHA256( self, primer_hash=None, max_length=25, max_iter=10000, ): """ Generates Nicks that are short. Iterates trough hashes deterministically until it finds a nick that satisfies the lenght restriction. """ hash = primer_hash i = 0 while i < max_iter: nick, nick_id, pool_size = self.from_SHA256(hash) if len(nick) <= max_length: return nick, nick_id, pool_size, i else: string = str(hash) + str(42) hash = hashlib.sha256(str.encode(string)).hexdigest() i = i + 1 return "", 0, 0, i def compute_pool_size_loss(self, max_length=22, max_iter=1000000, num_runs=5000): """ Computes median an average loss of nick pool diversity due to max_lenght restrictions. """ import random import statistics attempts = [] for i in range(num_runs): string = str(random.uniform(0, 1000000)) hash = hashlib.sha256(str.encode(string)).hexdigest() _, _, pool_size, tries = self.short_from_SHA256(hash, max_length) attempts.append(tries) median = statistics.median(attempts) mean = statistics.mean(attempts) print(f"\nFor max_length of {max_length}:") print(f"Median loss of entropy factor is {median}.") print(f"Mean loss of entropy factor is {mean}.") print( f"Approximate real pool is {human_format( int(pool_size/(mean+1)))} nicks in size." ) if __name__ == "__main__": # Just for code timming t0 = time.time() # Hardcoded example text and hashing nick_lang = "English" # Spanish hash = hashlib.sha256(b"No one expected such cool nick!!").hexdigest() max_length = 22 max_iter = 100000000 # Initialized nick generator GenNick = NickGenerator(lang=nick_lang) # Generates a short nick with length limit from SHA256 nick, nick_id, pool_size, iterations = GenNick.short_from_SHA256( hash, max_length, max_iter ) # Output print( f"Nick number {nick_id} has been selected among" + f" {human_format(pool_size)} possible nicks.\n" + f"Needed {iterations} iterations to find one " + f"this short.\nYour nick is {nick} !\n" ) print(f"Nick lenght is {len(nick)} characters.") print(f"Nick landed at height {nick_id/(pool_size+1)} on the pool.") print(f"Took {time.time()-t0} secs.\n") # Print many nicks import random random.seed(1) for i in range(100): string = str(random.uniform(0, 1000000)) hash = hashlib.sha256(str.encode(string)).hexdigest() print( GenNick.short_from_SHA256(hash, max_length=max_length, max_iter=max_iter)[0] ) # Other analysis GenNick.compute_pool_size_loss(max_length, max_iter, 200)