#!/bin/sh # Apply migrations python manage.py migrate # Collect static files if [ $SKIP_COLLECT_STATIC ]; then echo "Skipping collection of static files." else python manage.py collectstatic --noinput fi # Collect static files if [ $DEVELOPMENT ]; then echo "Installing python development dependencies" pip install -r requirements_dev.txt fi # Print first start up message when pb2/grpc files if they do exist if [ ! -f "/usr/src/robosats/api/lightning/lightning_pb2.py" ]; then echo "Looks like the first run of this container. pb2 and gRPC files were not detected on the attached volume, copying them into the attached volume /robosats/api/lightning ." fi # Copy and overwrite all existing pb2/grpc files always. Therefore, running # /scripts/generate_grpc.sh only makes sense if done during Dockerfile build cp -R /tmp/* /usr/src/robosats/api/lightning/ # Start server / gunicorn / daphne / command exec "$@"