import // Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules. buildscript { ext { buildToolsVersion = "33.0.0" minSdkVersion = 26 compileSdkVersion = 33 targetSdkVersion = 33 kotlin_version = "2.1.0" if (['os.arch'] == "aarch64") { // For M1 Users we need to use the NDK 24 which added support for aarch64 ndkVersion = "25.1.8937393" } else { // Otherwise we default to the side-by-side NDK version from AGP. ndkVersion = "21.4.7075529" } } repositories { maven { // Replace AAR from original RN with AAR from react-native-v8 url("$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native-v8/dist") } maven { // prebuilt url("$rootDir/../node_modules/v8-android/dist") } google() mavenCentral() } dependencies { classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version" classpath('') classpath("com.facebook.react:react-native-gradle-plugin") classpath("de.undercouch:gradle-download-task:5.0.1") // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong // in the individual module build.gradle files } } allprojects { repositories { maven { // Android JSC is installed from npm url("$rootDir/../node_modules/jsc-android/dist") } mavenCentral() google() maven { url '' } } configurations.all { resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { DependencyResolveDetails details -> if ( == 'org.jetbrains.kotlin' &&"kotlin-stdlib")) { details.useVersion "1.8.21" } } } }