from statistics import median from django.contrib import admin, messages from django.contrib.auth.admin import UserAdmin from django.contrib.auth.models import Group, User from django.utils.html import format_html from django_admin_relation_links import AdminChangeLinksMixin from rest_framework.authtoken.admin import TokenAdmin from rest_framework.authtoken.models import TokenProxy from api.logics import Logics from api.models import Currency, LNPayment, MarketTick, OnchainPayment, Order, Robot from api.utils import objects_to_hyperlinks class RobotInline(admin.StackedInline): model = Robot can_delete = False fields = ("avatar_tag",) readonly_fields = ["avatar_tag"] show_change_link = True # extended users with avatars @admin.register(User) class EUserAdmin(AdminChangeLinksMixin, UserAdmin): inlines = [RobotInline] list_display = ( "avatar_tag", "id", "robot_link", "username", "last_login", "date_joined", "is_staff", ) list_display_links = ("id", "username") change_links = ("robot",) ordering = ("-id",) def avatar_tag(self, obj): return obj.robot.avatar_tag() # extended tokens with raw id fields and avatars @admin.register(TokenProxy) class ETokenAdmin(AdminChangeLinksMixin, TokenAdmin): raw_id_fields = ["user"] list_display = ( "avatar_tag", "key", "user_link", ) list_display_links = ("key",) change_links = ("user",) def avatar_tag(self, obj): return obj.user.robot.avatar_tag() @admin.register(Order) class OrderAdmin(AdminChangeLinksMixin, admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ( "id", "type", "maker_link", "taker_link", "status", "amt", "currency_link", "t0_satoshis", "is_disputed", "is_fiat_sent", "created_at", "expires_at", "payout_tx_link", "payout_link", "maker_bond_link", "taker_bond_link", "trade_escrow_link", ) list_display_links = ("id", "type") change_links = ( "maker", "taker", "currency", "payout_tx", "payout", "maker_bond", "taker_bond", "trade_escrow", ) raw_id_fields = ( "maker", "taker", "payout_tx", "payout", "maker_bond", "taker_bond", "trade_escrow", ) list_filter = ( "is_disputed", "is_fiat_sent", "is_swap", "type", "currency", "status", ) search_fields = [ "id", "reference", "maker__username", "taker__username", "amount", "payout__payment_hash", "maker_bond__payment_hash", "taker_bond__payment_hash", "trade_escrow__payment_hash", "payout_tx__txid", "payout_tx__address", "min_amount", "max_amount", ] readonly_fields = ("reference", "_logs") def _logs(self, obj): if not obj.logs: return format_html("<b>No logs were recorded</b>") with_hyperlinks = objects_to_hyperlinks(obj.logs) return format_html(f'<table style="width: 100%">{with_hyperlinks}</table>') actions = [ "maker_wins", "taker_wins", "return_everything", "successful_trade", "compute_median_trade_time", ] @admin.action(description="Solve dispute: maker wins") def maker_wins(self, request, queryset): """ Solves a dispute on favor of the maker. Adds Sats to compensations (earned_rewards) of the maker robot. """ for order in queryset: if ( order.status in [Order.Status.DIS, Order.Status.WFR] and order.is_disputed ): own_bond_sats = order.maker_bond.num_satoshis if Logics.is_buyer(order, order.maker): if order.is_swap: trade_sats = order.payout_tx.num_satoshis else: trade_sats = order.payout.num_satoshis else: trade_sats = order.trade_escrow.num_satoshis order.maker.robot.earned_rewards = own_bond_sats + trade_sats["earned_rewards"]) order.update_status(Order.Status.TLD) self.message_user( request, f"Dispute of order {} solved successfully on favor of the maker", messages.SUCCESS, ) else: self.message_user( request, f"Order {} is not in a disputed state", messages.ERROR, ) @admin.action(description="Solve dispute: taker wins") def taker_wins(self, request, queryset): """ Solves a dispute on favor of the taker. Adds Sats to compensations (earned_rewards) of the taker robot. """ for order in queryset: if ( order.status in [Order.Status.DIS, Order.Status.WFR] and order.is_disputed ): own_bond_sats = order.maker_bond.num_satoshis if Logics.is_buyer(order, order.taker): if order.is_swap: trade_sats = order.payout_tx.num_satoshis else: trade_sats = order.payout.num_satoshis else: trade_sats = order.trade_escrow.num_satoshis order.taker.robot.earned_rewards = own_bond_sats + trade_sats["earned_rewards"]) order.update_status(Order.Status.MLD) self.message_user( request, f"Dispute of order {} solved successfully on favor of the taker", messages.SUCCESS, ) else: self.message_user( request, f"Order {} is not in a disputed state", messages.ERROR, ) @admin.action(description="Solve dispute: return everything") def return_everything(self, request, queryset): """ Solves a dispute by pushing back every bond and escrow to their sender. """ for order in queryset: if ( order.status in [Order.Status.DIS, Order.Status.WFR] and order.is_disputed ): order.maker_bond.sender.robot.earned_rewards += ( order.maker_bond.num_satoshis )["earned_rewards"]) order.taker_bond.sender.robot.earned_rewards += ( order.taker_bond.num_satoshis )["earned_rewards"]) order.trade_escrow.sender.robot.earned_rewards += ( order.trade_escrow.num_satoshis )["earned_rewards"]) order.update_status(Order.Status.CCA) self.message_user( request, f"Dispute of order {} solved successfully, everything returned as compensations", messages.SUCCESS, ) else: self.message_user( request, f"Order {} is not in a disputed state", messages.ERROR, ) @admin.action(description="Solve dispute: successful trade") def successful_trade(self, request, queryset): """ Solves a dispute as if the trade had been successful, i.e., returns both bonds (added as compensations) and triggers the payout. """ for order in queryset: if ( order.status in [Order.Status.DIS, Order.Status.WFR] and order.is_disputed ): order.maker.robot.earned_rewards = order.maker_bond.num_satoshis["earned_rewards"]) order.taker.robot.earned_rewards = order.taker_bond.num_satoshis["earned_rewards"]) if order.is_swap: order.payout_tx.status = OnchainPayment.Status.VALID["status"]) order.update_status(Order.Status.SUC) else: order.update_status(Order.Status.PAY) Logics.pay_buyer(order) self.message_user( request, f"Dispute of order {} solved as successful trade", messages.SUCCESS, ) else: self.message_user( request, f"Order {} is not in a disputed state", messages.ERROR, ) @admin.action(description="Compute median trade completion time") def compute_median_trade_time(self, request, queryset): """ Computes the median time from an order taken to finishing successfully for the set of selected orders. """ times = [] for order in queryset: if order.contract_finalization_time: timedelta = order.contract_finalization_time - order.last_satoshis_time times.append(timedelta.total_seconds()) if len(times) > 0: median_time_secs = median(times) mins = int(median_time_secs / 60) secs = int(median_time_secs - mins * 60) self.message_user( request, f"The median time to complete the trades is {mins}m {secs}s", messages.SUCCESS, ) else: self.message_user( request, "There is no successfully finished orders in the selection", messages.ERROR, ) def amt(self, obj): if obj.has_range and obj.amount is None: return str(float(obj.min_amount)) + "-" + str(float(obj.max_amount)) else: return float(obj.amount) @admin.register(LNPayment) class LNPaymentAdmin(AdminChangeLinksMixin, admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ( "hash", "concept", "status", "num_satoshis", "fee", "type", "expires_at", "expiry_height", "sender_link", "receiver_link", "order_made_link", "order_taken_link", "order_escrow_link", "order_paid_LN_link", "order_donated_link", ) list_display_links = ("hash", "concept") change_links = ( "sender", "receiver", "order_made", "order_taken", "order_escrow", "order_paid_LN", "order_donated", ) raw_id_fields = ( "receiver", "sender", "order_donated", ) list_filter = ("type", "concept", "status") ordering = ("-expires_at",) search_fields = [ "payment_hash", "preimage", "num_satoshis", "sender__username", "receiver__username", "description", ] @admin.register(OnchainPayment) class OnchainPaymentAdmin(AdminChangeLinksMixin, admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ( "id", "address", "concept", "status", "broadcasted", "num_satoshis", "hash", "swap_fee_rate", "mining_fee_sats", "balance_link", "order_paid_TX_link", ) change_links = ( "balance", "order_paid_TX", ) raw_id_fields = ( "receiver", "balance", ) list_display_links = ("id", "address", "concept") list_filter = ("concept", "status") search_fields = ["address", "num_satoshis", "receiver__username", "txid"] @admin.register(Robot) class UserRobotAdmin(AdminChangeLinksMixin, admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ( "avatar_tag", "id", "user_link", "telegram_enabled", "total_contracts", "earned_rewards", "claimed_rewards", "platform_rating", "num_disputes", "lost_disputes", ) raw_id_fields = ("user",) list_editable = ["earned_rewards"] list_display_links = ("avatar_tag", "id") change_links = ["user"] readonly_fields = ["avatar_tag"] search_fields = ["user__username", "id"] readonly_fields = ("hash_id", "public_key", "encrypted_private_key") @admin.register(Currency) class CurrencieAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ("id", "currency", "exchange_rate", "timestamp") list_display_links = ("id", "currency") readonly_fields = ("currency", "exchange_rate", "timestamp") ordering = ("id",) @admin.register(MarketTick) class MarketTickAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ("timestamp", "price", "volume", "premium", "currency", "fee") readonly_fields = ("timestamp", "price", "volume", "premium", "currency", "fee") list_filter = ["currency"] ordering = ("-timestamp",)