import os from re import T from django.db.models import Sum, Q from drf_spectacular.types import OpenApiTypes from drf_spectacular.utils import OpenApiExample, OpenApiParameter, extend_schema from rest_framework import status, viewsets from rest_framework.exceptions import bad_request from rest_framework.generics import CreateAPIView, ListAPIView, UpdateAPIView from rest_framework.views import APIView from rest_framework.response import Response from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login, logout from django.contrib.auth.models import User from api.oas_schemas import BookViewSchema, HistoricalViewSchema, InfoViewSchema, LimitViewSchema, MakerViewSchema, OrderViewSchema, PriceViewSchema, RewardViewSchema, StealthViewSchema, TickViewSchema, UserViewSchema from chat.views import ChatView from api.serializers import InfoSerializer, ListOrderSerializer, MakeOrderSerializer, OrderPublicSerializer, UpdateOrderSerializer, ClaimRewardSerializer, PriceSerializer, UserGenSerializer, TickSerializer, StealthSerializer from api.models import LNPayment, MarketTick, OnchainPayment, Order, Currency, Profile from control.models import AccountingDay, BalanceLog from api.logics import Logics from api.messages import Telegram from secrets import token_urlsafe from api.utils import get_lnd_version, get_robosats_commit, get_robosats_version, compute_premium_percentile, compute_avg_premium from .nick_generator.nick_generator import NickGenerator from robohash import Robohash from scipy.stats import entropy from math import log2 import hashlib from pathlib import Path from datetime import timedelta, datetime from django.utils import timezone from django.conf import settings from decouple import config EXP_MAKER_BOND_INVOICE = int(config("EXP_MAKER_BOND_INVOICE")) RETRY_TIME = int(config("RETRY_TIME")) PUBLIC_DURATION = 60*60*int(config("DEFAULT_PUBLIC_ORDER_DURATION"))-1 ESCROW_DURATION = 60 * int(config("INVOICE_AND_ESCROW_DURATION")) BOND_SIZE = int(config("DEFAULT_BOND_SIZE")) avatar_path = Path(settings.AVATAR_ROOT) avatar_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Create your views here. class MakerView(CreateAPIView): serializer_class = MakeOrderSerializer @extend_schema(** def post(self, request): serializer = self.serializer_class( if not request.user.is_authenticated: return Response( { "bad_request": "Woops! It seems you do not have a robot avatar" }, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, ) if not serializer.is_valid(): return Response(status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) # In case it gets overwhelming. Limit the number of public orders. if Order.objects.filter(status=Order.Status.PUB).count() >= int(config("MAX_PUBLIC_ORDERS")): return Response( { "bad_request": "Woah! RoboSats' book is at full capacity! Try again later" }, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, ) # Only allow users who are not already engaged in an order valid, context, _ = Logics.validate_already_maker_or_taker(request.user) if not valid: return Response(context, status.HTTP_409_CONFLICT) type ="type") currency ="currency") amount ="amount") has_range ="has_range") min_amount ="min_amount") max_amount ="max_amount") payment_method ="payment_method") premium ="premium") satoshis ="satoshis") is_explicit ="is_explicit") public_duration ="public_duration") escrow_duration ="escrow_duration") bond_size ="bond_size") bondless_taker ="bondless_taker") # Optional params if public_duration == None: public_duration = PUBLIC_DURATION if escrow_duration == None: escrow_duration = ESCROW_DURATION if bond_size == None: bond_size = BOND_SIZE if bondless_taker == None: bondless_taker = False if has_range == None: has_range = False # TODO add a check - if `is_explicit` is true then `satoshis` need to be specified # An order can either have an amount or a range (min_amount and max_amount) if has_range: amount = None else: min_amount = None max_amount = None # Either amount or min_max has to be specified. if has_range and (min_amount == None or max_amount == None): return Response( { "bad_request": "You must specify min_amount and max_amount for a range order" }, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, ) elif not has_range and amount == None: return Response( { "bad_request": "You must specify an order amount" }, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, ) # Creates a new order order = Order( type=type, currency=Currency.objects.get(id=currency), amount=amount, has_range=has_range, min_amount=min_amount, max_amount=max_amount, payment_method=payment_method, premium=premium, satoshis=satoshis, is_explicit=is_explicit, + timedelta( seconds=EXP_MAKER_BOND_INVOICE), maker=request.user, public_duration=public_duration, escrow_duration=escrow_duration, bond_size=bond_size, bondless_taker=bondless_taker, ) order.last_satoshis = order.t0_satoshis = Logics.satoshis_now(order) valid, context = Logics.validate_order_size(order) if not valid: return Response(context, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) return Response(ListOrderSerializer(order).data, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED) class OrderView(viewsets.ViewSet): serializer_class = UpdateOrderSerializer lookup_url_kwarg = "order_id" @extend_schema(**OrderViewSchema.get) def get(self, request, format=None): """ Full trade pipeline takes place while looking/refreshing the order page. """ order_id = request.GET.get(self.lookup_url_kwarg) if not request.user.is_authenticated: return Response( { "bad_request": "You must have a robot avatar to see the order details" }, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, ) if order_id == None: return Response( {"bad_request": "Order ID parameter not found in request"}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, ) order = Order.objects.filter(id=order_id) # check if exactly one order is found in the db if len(order) != 1: return Response({"bad_request": "Invalid Order Id"}, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) # This is our order. order = order[0] # 2) If order has been cancelled if order.status == Order.Status.UCA: return Response( {"bad_request": "This order has been cancelled by the maker"}, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, ) if order.status == Order.Status.CCA: return Response( { "bad_request": "This order has been cancelled collaborativelly" }, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, ) data = ListOrderSerializer(order).data data["total_secs_exp"] = order.t_to_expire(order.status) # if user is under a limit (penalty), inform him. is_penalized, time_out = Logics.is_penalized(request.user) if is_penalized: data["penalty"] = request.user.profile.penalty_expiration # Add booleans if user is maker, taker, partipant, buyer or seller data["is_maker"] = order.maker == request.user data["is_taker"] = order.taker == request.user data["is_participant"] = data["is_maker"] or data["is_taker"] # 3.a) If not a participant and order is not public, forbid. if not data["is_participant"] and order.status != Order.Status.PUB: return Response( {"bad_request": "This order is not available"}, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, ) # WRITE Update last_seen for maker and taker. # Note down that the taker/maker was here recently, so counterpart knows if the user is paying attention. data["maker_nick"] = str(order.maker) if order.maker == request.user: order.maker_last_seen = if order.taker == request.user: order.taker_last_seen = # Add activity status of participants based on last_seen if order.taker_last_seen != None: data["taker_status"] = Logics.user_activity_status( order.taker_last_seen) if order.maker_last_seen != None: data["maker_status"] = Logics.user_activity_status( order.maker_last_seen) # 3.b) Non participants can view details (but only if PUB) if not data["is_participant"] and order.status == Order.Status.PUB: return Response(data, status=status.HTTP_200_OK) # 4) If order is between public and WF2 if order.status >= Order.Status.PUB and order.status < Order.Status.WF2: data["price_now"], data["premium_now"] = Logics.price_and_premium_now(order) # 4. a) If maker and Public/Paused, add premium percentile # num similar orders, and maker information to enable telegram notifications. if data["is_maker"] and order.status in [Order.Status.PUB, Order.Status.PAU]: data["premium_percentile"] = compute_premium_percentile(order) data["num_similar_orders"] = len( Order.objects.filter(currency=order.currency, status=Order.Status.PUB)) # Adds/generate telegram token and whether it is enabled # Deprecated data = {**data,**Telegram.get_context(request.user)} # For participants add positions, nicks and status as a message and hold invoices status data["is_buyer"] = Logics.is_buyer(order, request.user) data["is_seller"] = Logics.is_seller(order, request.user) data["taker_nick"] = str(order.taker) data["status_message"] = Order.Status(order.status).label data["is_fiat_sent"] = order.is_fiat_sent data["is_disputed"] = order.is_disputed data["ur_nick"] = request.user.username # Add whether hold invoices are LOCKED (ACCEPTED) # Is there a maker bond? If so, True if locked, False otherwise if order.maker_bond: data["maker_locked"] = order.maker_bond.status == LNPayment.Status.LOCKED else: data["maker_locked"] = False # Is there a taker bond? If so, True if locked, False otherwise if order.taker_bond: data["taker_locked"] = order.taker_bond.status == LNPayment.Status.LOCKED else: data["taker_locked"] = False # Is there an escrow? If so, True if locked, False otherwise if order.trade_escrow: data["escrow_locked"] = order.trade_escrow.status == LNPayment.Status.LOCKED else: data["escrow_locked"] = False # If both bonds are locked, participants can see the final trade amount in sats. if order.taker_bond: if (order.maker_bond.status == order.taker_bond.status == LNPayment.Status.LOCKED): # Seller sees the amount he sends if data["is_seller"]: data["trade_satoshis"] = Logics.escrow_amount( order, request.user)[1]["escrow_amount"] # Buyer sees the amount he receives elif data["is_buyer"]: data["trade_satoshis"] = Logics.payout_amount( order, request.user)[1]["invoice_amount"] # 5) If status is 'waiting for maker bond' and user is MAKER, reply with a MAKER hold invoice. if order.status == Order.Status.WFB and data["is_maker"]: valid, context = Logics.gen_maker_hold_invoice(order, request.user) if valid: data = {**data, **context} else: return Response(context, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) # 6) If status is 'waiting for taker bond' and user is TAKER, reply with a TAKER hold invoice. elif order.status == Order.Status.TAK and data["is_taker"]: valid, context = Logics.gen_taker_hold_invoice(order, request.user) if valid: data = {**data, **context} else: return Response(context, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) # 7 a. ) If seller and status is 'WF2' or 'WFE' elif data["is_seller"] and (order.status == Order.Status.WF2 or order.status == Order.Status.WFE): # If the two bonds are locked, reply with an ESCROW hold invoice. if (order.maker_bond.status == order.taker_bond.status == LNPayment.Status.LOCKED): valid, context = Logics.gen_escrow_hold_invoice( order, request.user) if valid: data = {**data, **context} else: return Response(context, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) # 7.b) If user is Buyer and status is 'WF2' or 'WFI' elif data["is_buyer"] and (order.status == Order.Status.WF2 or order.status == Order.Status.WFI): # If the two bonds are locked, reply with an AMOUNT and onchain swap cost so he can send the buyer invoice/address. if (order.maker_bond.status == order.taker_bond.status == LNPayment.Status.LOCKED): valid, context = Logics.payout_amount(order, request.user) if valid: data = {**data, **context} else: return Response(context, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) # 8) If status is 'CHA' or 'FSE' and all HTLCS are in LOCKED elif order.status in [ Order.Status.WFI, Order.Status.CHA, Order.Status.FSE ]: # If all bonds are locked. if (order.maker_bond.status == order.taker_bond.status == order.trade_escrow.status == LNPayment.Status.LOCKED): # add whether a collaborative cancel is pending or has been asked if (data["is_maker"] and order.taker_asked_cancel) or ( data["is_taker"] and order.maker_asked_cancel): data["pending_cancel"] = True elif (data["is_maker"] and order.maker_asked_cancel) or ( data["is_taker"] and order.taker_asked_cancel): data["asked_for_cancel"] = True else: data["asked_for_cancel"] = False offset = request.GET.get('offset', None) if offset: data["chat"] = ChatView.get(None, request).data # 9) If status is 'DIS' and all HTLCS are in LOCKED elif order.status == Order.Status.DIS: # add whether the dispute statement has been received if data["is_maker"]: data["statement_submitted"] = (order.maker_statement != None and order.maker_statement != "") elif data["is_taker"]: data["statement_submitted"] = (order.taker_statement != None and order.taker_statement != "") # 9) If status is 'Failed routing', reply with retry amounts, time of next retry and ask for invoice at third. elif (order.status == Order.Status.FAI and order.payout.receiver == request.user ): # might not be the buyer if after a dispute where winner wins data["retries"] = order.payout.routing_attempts data["next_retry_time"] = order.payout.last_routing_time + timedelta( minutes=RETRY_TIME) if order.payout.failure_reason: data["failure_reason"] = LNPayment.FailureReason(order.payout.failure_reason).label if order.payout.status == LNPayment.Status.EXPIRE: data["invoice_expired"] = True # Add invoice amount once again if invoice was expired. data["invoice_amount"] = Logics.payout_amount(order,request.user)[1]["invoice_amount"] # 10) If status is 'Expired', "Sending", "Finished" or "failed routing", add info for renewal: elif order.status in [Order.Status.EXP, Order.Status.SUC, Order.Status.PAY, Order.Status.FAI]: data["public_duration"] = order.public_duration data["bond_size"] = order.bond_size data["bondless_taker"] = order.bondless_taker # Adds trade summary if order.status in [Order.Status.SUC, Order.Status.PAY, Order.Status.FAI]: valid, context = Logics.summarize_trade(order, request.user) if valid: data = {**data, **context} # If status is 'Expired' add expiry reason if order.status == Order.Status.EXP: data["expiry_reason"] = order.expiry_reason data["expiry_message"] = Order.ExpiryReasons(order.expiry_reason).label # If status is 'Succes' add final stats and txid if it is a swap if order.status == Order.Status.SUC: # If buyer and is a swap, add TXID if Logics.is_buyer(order,request.user): if order.is_swap: data["num_satoshis"] = order.payout_tx.num_satoshis data["sent_satoshis"] = order.payout_tx.sent_satoshis if order.payout_tx.status in [OnchainPayment.Status.MEMPO, OnchainPayment.Status.CONFI]: data["txid"] = order.payout_tx.txid data["network"] = str(config("NETWORK")) return Response(data, status.HTTP_200_OK) @extend_schema(**OrderViewSchema.take_update_confirm_dispute_cancel) def take_update_confirm_dispute_cancel(self, request, format=None): """ Here takes place all of the updates to the order object. That is: take, confim, cancel, dispute, update_invoice or rate. """ order_id = request.GET.get(self.lookup_url_kwarg) serializer = UpdateOrderSerializer( if not serializer.is_valid(): return Response(status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) order = Order.objects.get(id=order_id) # action is either 1)'take', 2)'confirm', 3)'cancel', 4)'dispute' , 5)'update_invoice' # 5.b)'update_address' 6)'submit_statement' (in dispute), 7)'rate_user' , 8)'rate_platform' action ="action") invoice ="invoice") address ="address") mining_fee_rate ="mining_fee_rate") statement ="statement") rating ="rating") # 1) If action is take, it is a taker request! if action == "take": if order.status == Order.Status.PUB: valid, context, _ = Logics.validate_already_maker_or_taker( request.user) if not valid: return Response(context, status=status.HTTP_409_CONFLICT) # For order with amount range, set the amount now. if order.has_range: amount = float("amount")) valid, context = Logics.validate_amount_within_range(order, amount) if not valid: return Response(context, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) valid, context = Logics.take(order, request.user, amount) else: valid, context = Logics.take(order, request.user) if not valid: return Response(context, status=status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN) return self.get(request) else: Response( {"bad_request": "This order is not public anymore."}, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, ) # Any other action is only allowed if the user is a participant if not (order.maker == request.user or order.taker == request.user): return Response( {"bad_request": "You are not a participant in this order"}, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, ) # 2) If action is 'update invoice' elif action == "update_invoice": valid, context = Logics.update_invoice(order, request.user, invoice) if not valid: return Response(context, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) # 2.b) If action is 'update address' elif action == "update_address": valid, context = Logics.update_address(order, request.user, address, mining_fee_rate) if not valid: return Response(context, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) # 3) If action is cancel elif action == "cancel": valid, context = Logics.cancel_order(order, request.user) if not valid: return Response(context, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) # 4) If action is confirm elif action == "confirm": valid, context = Logics.confirm_fiat(order, request.user) if not valid: return Response(context, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) # 5) If action is dispute elif action == "dispute": valid, context = Logics.open_dispute(order, request.user) if not valid: return Response(context, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) elif action == "submit_statement": valid, context = Logics.dispute_statement(order, request.user, statement) if not valid: return Response(context, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) # 6) If action is rate elif action == "rate_user" and rating: valid, context = Logics.rate_counterparty(order, request.user, rating) if not valid: return Response(context, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) # 7) If action is rate_platform elif action == "rate_platform" and rating: valid, context = Logics.rate_platform(request.user, rating) if not valid: return Response(context, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) # 8) If action is rate_platform elif action == "pause": valid, context = Logics.pause_unpause_public_order(order, request.user) if not valid: return Response(context, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) # If nothing of the above... something else is going on. Probably not allowed! else: return Response( { "bad_request": "The Robotic Satoshis working in the warehouse did not understand you. " + "Please, fill a Bug Issue in Github" }, status.HTTP_501_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, ) return self.get(request) class UserView(APIView): NickGen = NickGenerator(lang="English", use_adv=False, use_adj=True, use_noun=True, max_num=999) serializer_class = UserGenSerializer def post(self, request, format=None): """ Get a new user derived from a high entropy token - Request has a hash of a high-entropy token - Request includes pubKey and encrypted privKey - Generates new nickname and avatar. - Creates login credentials (new User object) Response with Avatar, Nickname, pubKey, privKey. """ context = {} serializer = self.serializer_class( # Return bad request if serializer is not valid if not serializer.is_valid(): context = {"bad_request": "Invalid serializer"} return Response(context, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) # If an existing user opens the main page by mistake, we do not want it to create a new nickname/profile for him if request.user.is_authenticated: context = {"nickname": request.user.username} not_participant, _, order = Logics.validate_already_maker_or_taker( request.user) # Does not allow this 'mistake' if an active order if not not_participant: context["active_order_id"] = context["bad_request"] = f"You are already logged in as {request.user} and have an active order" return Response(context, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) # The new way. The token is never sent. Only its SHA256 token_sha256 ="token_sha256") public_key ="public_key") encrypted_private_key ="encrypted_private_key") ref_code ="ref_code") if not public_key or not encrypted_private_key: context["bad_request"] = "Must provide valid 'pub' and 'enc_priv' PGP keys" return Response(context, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) valid, bad_keys_context, public_key, encrypted_private_key = Logics.validate_pgp_keys(public_key, encrypted_private_key) if not valid: return Response(bad_keys_context, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) # Now the server only receives a hash of the token. So server trusts the client # with computing length, counts and unique_values to confirm the high entropy of the token # In any case, it is up to the client if they want to create a bad high entropy token. # Submitting the three params needed to compute token entropy is not mandatory # If not submitted, avatars can be created with garbage entropy token. Frontend will always submit them. try: unique_values ="unique_values") counts ="counts") length ="length") shannon_entropy = entropy(counts, base=62) bits_entropy = log2(unique_values**length) # Payload context = { "token_shannon_entropy": shannon_entropy, "token_bits_entropy": bits_entropy, } # Deny user gen if entropy below 128 bits or 0.7 shannon heterogeneity if bits_entropy < 128 or shannon_entropy < 0.7: context["bad_request"] = "The token does not have enough entropy" return Response(context, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) except: pass # Hash the token_sha256, only 1 iteration. (this is the second SHA256 of the user token, aka RoboSats ID) hash = hashlib.sha256(token_sha256.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() # Generate nickname deterministically nickname = self.NickGen.short_from_SHA256(hash, max_length=18)[0] context["nickname"] = nickname # Generate avatar rh = Robohash(hash) rh.assemble(roboset="set1", bgset="any") # for backgrounds ON # Does not replace image if existing (avoid re-avatar in case of nick collusion) image_path = avatar_path.joinpath(nickname + ".png") if not image_path.exists(): with open(image_path, "wb") as f:, format="png", optimize=True) # Create new credentials and login if nickname is new if len(User.objects.filter(username=nickname)) == 0: User.objects.create_user(username=nickname, password=token_sha256, is_staff=False) user = authenticate(request, username=nickname, password=token_sha256) login(request, user) context['referral_code'] = token_urlsafe(8) user.profile.referral_code = context['referral_code'] user.profile.avatar = "static/assets/avatars/" + nickname + ".png" # Noticed some PGP keys replaced at re-login. Should not happen. # Let's implement this sanity check "If profile has not keys..." if not user.profile.public_key: user.profile.public_key = public_key if not user.profile.encrypted_private_key: user.profile.encrypted_private_key = encrypted_private_key # If the ref_code was created by another robot, this robot was referred. queryset = Profile.objects.filter(referral_code=ref_code) if len(queryset) == 1: user.profile.is_referred = True user.profile.referred_by = queryset[0] context["public_key"] = user.profile.public_key context["encrypted_private_key"] = user.profile.encrypted_private_key context["wants_stealth"] = user.profile.wants_stealth return Response(context, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED) # log in user and return pub/priv keys if existing else: user = authenticate(request, username=nickname, password=token_sha256) if user is not None: login(request, user) context["public_key"] = user.profile.public_key context["encrypted_private_key"] = user.profile.encrypted_private_key context["earned_rewards"] = user.profile.earned_rewards context["referral_code"] = str(user.profile.referral_code) context["wants_stealth"] = user.profile.wants_stealth # Adds/generate telegram token and whether it is enabled context = {**context,**Telegram.get_context(user)} # return active order or last made order if any has_no_active_order, _, order = Logics.validate_already_maker_or_taker(request.user) if not has_no_active_order: context["active_order_id"] = else: last_order = Order.objects.filter(Q(maker=request.user) | Q(taker=request.user)).last() if last_order: context["last_order_id"] = # Sends the welcome back message, only if created +3 mins ago if request.user.date_joined < ( - timedelta(minutes=3)): context["found"] = "We found your Robot avatar. Welcome back!" return Response(context, status=status.HTTP_202_ACCEPTED) else: # It is unlikely, but maybe the nickname is taken (1 in 20 Billion chance) context["found"] = "Bad luck, this nickname is taken" context["bad_request"] = "Enter a different token" return Response(context, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN) @extend_schema(**UserViewSchema.delete) def delete(self, request): """Pressing "give me another" deletes the logged in user""" user = request.user if not user.is_authenticated: return Response(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN) # Only delete if user life is shorter than 30 minutes. Helps to avoid deleting users by mistake if user.date_joined < ( - timedelta(minutes=30)): return Response(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) # Check if it is not a maker or taker! not_participant, _, _ = Logics.validate_already_maker_or_taker(user) if not not_participant: return Response( { "bad_request": "Maybe a mistake? User cannot be deleted while he is part of an order" }, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, ) # Check if has already a profile with if user.profile.total_contracts > 0: return Response( { "bad_request": "Maybe a mistake? User cannot be deleted as it has completed trades" }, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, ) logout(request) user.delete() return Response( {"user_deleted": "User deleted permanently"}, status.HTTP_301_MOVED_PERMANENTLY, ) class BookView(ListAPIView): serializer_class = OrderPublicSerializer queryset = Order.objects.filter(status=Order.Status.PUB) @extend_schema(**BookViewSchema.get) def get(self, request, format=None): currency = request.GET.get("currency", 0) type = request.GET.get("type", 2) queryset = Order.objects.filter(status=Order.Status.PUB) # Currency 0 and type 2 are special cases treated as "ANY". (These are not really possible choices) if int(currency) == 0 and int(type) != 2: queryset = Order.objects.filter(type=type, status=Order.Status.PUB) elif int(type) == 2 and int(currency) != 0: queryset = Order.objects.filter(currency=currency, status=Order.Status.PUB) elif not (int(currency) == 0 and int(type) == 2): queryset = Order.objects.filter(currency=currency, type=type, status=Order.Status.PUB) if len(queryset) == 0: return Response( {"not_found": "No orders found, be the first to make one"}, status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, ) book_data = [] for order in queryset: data = ListOrderSerializer(order).data data["maker_nick"] = str(order.maker) data["satoshis_now"] = Logics.satoshis_now(order) # Compute current premium for those orders that are explicitly priced. data["price"], data["premium"] = Logics.price_and_premium_now( order) data["maker_status"] = Logics.user_activity_status( order.maker_last_seen) for key in ("status","taker"): # Non participants should not see the status or who is the taker del data[key] book_data.append(data) return Response(book_data, status=status.HTTP_200_OK) class InfoView(ListAPIView): serializer_class = InfoSerializer @extend_schema(**InfoViewSchema.get) def get(self, request): context = {} context["num_public_buy_orders"] = len( Order.objects.filter(type=Order.Types.BUY, status=Order.Status.PUB)) context["num_public_sell_orders"] = len( Order.objects.filter(type=Order.Types.SELL, status=Order.Status.PUB)) context["book_liquidity"] = Order.objects.filter(status=Order.Status.PUB).aggregate(Sum('last_satoshis'))['last_satoshis__sum'] context["book_liquidity"] = 0 if context["book_liquidity"] == None else context["book_liquidity"] # Number of active users (logged in in last 30 minutes) today = context["active_robots_today"] = len( User.objects.filter( # Compute average premium and volume of today last_day = - timedelta(days=1) queryset = MarketTick.objects.filter(timestamp__gt=last_day) if not len(queryset) == 0: avg_premium, total_volume = compute_avg_premium(queryset) # If no contracts, fallback to lifetime avg premium else: queryset = MarketTick.objects.all() avg_premium, _ = compute_avg_premium(queryset) total_volume = 0 queryset = MarketTick.objects.all() if not len(queryset) == 0: volume_contracted = [] for tick in queryset: volume_contracted.append(tick.volume) lifetime_volume = sum(volume_contracted) else: lifetime_volume = 0 context["last_day_nonkyc_btc_premium"] = round(avg_premium, 2) context["last_day_volume"] = round(total_volume, 8) context["lifetime_volume"] = round(lifetime_volume, 8) context["lnd_version"] = get_lnd_version() context["robosats_running_commit_hash"] = get_robosats_commit() context["version"] = get_robosats_version() context["alternative_site"] = config("ALTERNATIVE_SITE") context["alternative_name"] = config("ALTERNATIVE_NAME") context["node_alias"] = config("NODE_ALIAS") context["node_id"] = config("NODE_ID") context["network"] = config("NETWORK") context["maker_fee"] = float(config("FEE"))*float(config("MAKER_FEE_SPLIT")) context["taker_fee"] = float(config("FEE"))*(1 - float(config("MAKER_FEE_SPLIT"))) context["bond_size"] = float(config("DEFAULT_BOND_SIZE")) context["current_swap_fee_rate"] = Logics.compute_swap_fee_rate(BalanceLog.objects.latest('time')) if request.user.is_authenticated: context["nickname"] = request.user.username context["referral_code"] = str(request.user.profile.referral_code) context["earned_rewards"] = request.user.profile.earned_rewards context["wants_stealth"] = request.user.profile.wants_stealth # Adds/generate telegram token and whether it is enabled context = {**context,**Telegram.get_context(request.user)} has_no_active_order, _, order = Logics.validate_already_maker_or_taker( request.user) if not has_no_active_order: context["active_order_id"] = else: last_order = Order.objects.filter(Q(maker=request.user) | Q(taker=request.user)).last() if last_order: context["last_order_id"] = return Response(context, status.HTTP_200_OK) class RewardView(CreateAPIView): serializer_class = ClaimRewardSerializer @extend_schema(** def post(self, request): serializer = self.serializer_class( if not request.user.is_authenticated: return Response( { "bad_request": "Woops! It seems you do not have a robot avatar" }, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, ) if not serializer.is_valid(): return Response(status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) invoice ="invoice") valid, context = Logics.withdraw_rewards(request.user, invoice) if not valid: context['successful_withdrawal'] = False return Response(context, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) return Response({"successful_withdrawal": True}, status.HTTP_200_OK) class PriceView(ListAPIView): serializer_class = PriceSerializer @extend_schema(**PriceViewSchema.get) def get(self, request): payload = {} queryset = Currency.objects.all().order_by('currency') for currency in queryset: code = Currency.currency_dict[str(currency.currency)] try: last_tick = MarketTick.objects.filter(currency=currency).latest('timestamp') payload[code] = { 'price': last_tick.price, 'volume': last_tick.volume, 'premium': last_tick.premium, 'timestamp': last_tick.timestamp, } except: payload[code] = None return Response(payload, status.HTTP_200_OK) class TickView(ListAPIView): queryset = MarketTick.objects.all() serializer_class = TickSerializer @extend_schema(**TickViewSchema.get) def get(self, request): data = self.serializer_class(self.queryset.all(), many=True, read_only=True).data return Response(data, status=status.HTTP_200_OK) class LimitView(ListAPIView): @extend_schema(**LimitViewSchema.get) def get(self, request): # Trade limits as BTC min_trade = float(config('MIN_TRADE')) / 100000000 max_trade = float(config('MAX_TRADE')) / 100000000 max_bondless_trade = float(config('MAX_TRADE_BONDLESS_TAKER')) / 100000000 payload = {} queryset = Currency.objects.all().order_by('currency') for currency in queryset: code = Currency.currency_dict[str(currency.currency)] exchange_rate = float(currency.exchange_rate) payload[currency.currency] = { 'code': code, 'price': exchange_rate, 'min_amount': min_trade * exchange_rate, 'max_amount': max_trade * exchange_rate, 'max_bondless_amount': max_bondless_trade * exchange_rate, } return Response(payload, status.HTTP_200_OK) class HistoricalView(ListAPIView): @extend_schema(**HistoricalViewSchema.get) def get(self, request): payload = {} queryset = AccountingDay.objects.all().order_by('day') for accounting_day in queryset: payload[str(] = { 'volume': accounting_day.contracted, 'num_contracts': accounting_day.num_contracts, } return Response(payload, status.HTTP_200_OK) class StealthView(UpdateAPIView): serializer_class = StealthSerializer @extend_schema(**StealthViewSchema.put) def put(self, request): serializer = self.serializer_class( if not request.user.is_authenticated: return Response( { "bad_request": "Woops! It seems you do not have a robot avatar" }, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, ) if not serializer.is_valid(): return Response(status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) stealth ="wantsStealth") request.user.profile.wants_stealth = stealth return Response({"wantsStealth": stealth})