import React, { Component } from "react"; import { withTranslation, Trans} from "react-i18next"; import { Badge, Tooltip, Paper, Button, ListItemButton, Typography, Grid, Select, MenuItem, FormControl, FormHelperText, ListItemText, ListItemAvatar, IconButton} from "@mui/material"; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom' import { DataGrid } from '@mui/x-data-grid'; import currencyDict from '../../static/assets/currencies.json'; import MediaQuery from 'react-responsive' import Image from 'material-ui-image' import getFlags from './getFlags' import PaymentText from './PaymentText' class BookPage extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { orders: new Array({id:0,}), loading: true, pageSize: 6, }; this.getOrderDetails(this.props.type, this.props.currency) } getOrderDetails(type, currency) { fetch('/api/book' + '?currency=' + currency + "&type=" + type) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((data) => this.setState({ orders: data, not_found: data.not_found, loading: false, })); } handleRowClick=(e)=>{ this.props.history.push('/order/' + e); } handleTypeChange=(e)=>{ this.setState({ loading: true, }); this.props.setAppState({bookType:}) this.getOrderDetails(,this.props.currency); } handleCurrencyChange=(e)=>{ var currency =; this.setState({loading: true}) this.props.setAppState({ bookCurrency: currency, bookCurrencyCode: this.getCurrencyCode(currency), }) this.getOrderDetails(this.props.type, currency); } getCurrencyCode(val){ const { t } = this.props; if (val){ return val == 0 ? t('ANY_currency') : currencyDict[val.toString()] }else{ return t('ANY_currency') } } // pretty numbers pn(x) { if(x == null){ return 'null' }else{ var parts = x.toString().split("."); parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); return parts.join("."); } } // Colors for the status badges statusBadgeColor(status){ if(status=='Active'){return("success")} if(status=='Seen recently'){return("warning")} if(status=='Inactive'){return('error')} } amountToString = (amount,has_range,min_amount,max_amount) => { if (has_range){ return'-' }else{ return } } bookListTableDesktop=()=>{ const { t } = this.props; return (
({id:, avatar: window.location.origin +'/static/assets/avatars/' + order.maker_nick + '.png', robot: order.maker_nick, robot_status: order.maker_status, type: order.type ? t("Seller"): t("Buyer"), amount: order.amount, has_range: order.has_range, min_amount: order.min_amount, max_amount: order.max_amount, currency: this.getCurrencyCode(order.currency), payment_method: order.payment_method, price: order.price, premium: order.premium, }) )} loading={this.state.loading} columns={[ // { field: 'id', headerName: 'ID', width: 40 }, { field: 'robot', headerName: t("Robot"), width: 240, renderCell: (params) => {return (
); } }, { field: 'type', headerName: t("Is"), width: 60 }, { field: 'amount', headerName: t("Amount"), type: 'number', width: 90, renderCell: (params) => {return (
{this.amountToString(params.row.amount,params.row.has_range, params.row.min_amount, params.row.max_amount)}
)}}, { field: 'currency', headerName: t("Currency"), width: 100, renderCell: (params) => {return (
{params.row.currency+" "}{getFlags(params.row.currency)}
) }}, { field: 'payment_method', headerName: t("Payment Method"), width: 180 , renderCell: (params) => {return (
)} }, { field: 'price', headerName: t("Price"), type: 'number', width: 140, renderCell: (params) => {return (
{ + " " +params.row.currency+ "/BTC" }
)} }, { field: 'premium', headerName: t("Premium"), type: 'number', width: 100, renderCell: (params) => {return (
{parseFloat(parseFloat(params.row.premium).toFixed(4))+"%" }
)} }, ]} pageSize={this.state.loading ? 0 : this.state.pageSize} rowsPerPageOptions={[6,20,50]} onPageSizeChange={(newPageSize) => this.setState({pageSize:newPageSize})} onRowClick={(params) => this.handleRowClick(} // Whole row is clickable, but the mouse only looks clickly in some places. />
); } bookListTablePhone=()=>{ const { t } = this.props; return (
({id:, avatar: window.location.origin +'/static/assets/avatars/' + order.maker_nick + '.png', robot: order.maker_nick, robot_status: order.maker_status, type: order.type ? t("Seller"): t("Buyer"), amount: order.amount, has_range: order.has_range, min_amount: order.min_amount, max_amount: order.max_amount, currency: this.getCurrencyCode(order.currency), payment_method: order.payment_method, price: order.price, premium: order.premium, }) )} columns={[ // { field: 'id', headerName: 'ID', width: 40 }, { field: 'robot', headerName: t("Robot"), width: 64, renderCell: (params) => {return (
); } }, { field: 'type', headerName: t("Is"), width: 60, hide:'true'}, { field: 'amount', headerName: t("Amount"), type: 'number', width: 84, renderCell: (params) => {return (
{this.amountToString(params.row.amount,params.row.has_range, params.row.min_amount, params.row.max_amount)}
)} }, { field: 'currency', headerName: t("Currency"), width: 85, renderCell: (params) => {return ( //
{params.row.currency+" "}{getFlags(params.row.currency)}
)} }, { field: 'payment_method', headerName: t("Payment Method"), width: 180, hide:'true'}, { field: 'payment_icons', headerName: t("Pay"), width: 75 , renderCell: (params) => {return (
)} }, { field: 'price', headerName: t("Price"), type: 'number', width: 140, hide:'true', renderCell: (params) => {return (
{ + " " +params.row.currency+ "/BTC" }
)} }, { field: 'premium', headerName: t("Premium"), type: 'number', width: 85, renderCell: (params) => {return (
{parseFloat(parseFloat(params.row.premium).toFixed(4))+"%" }
)} }, ]} pageSize={this.state.loading ? 0 : this.state.pageSize} rowsPerPageOptions={[6,20,50]} onPageSizeChange={(newPageSize) => this.setState({pageSize:newPageSize})} onRowClick={(params) => this.handleRowClick(} // Whole row is clickable, but the mouse only looks clickly in some places. />
); } render() { const { t } = this.props; return ( {/* ORDER BOOK */} {t("I want to")} {this.props.type == 0 ? t("and receive") : (this.props.type == 1 ? t("and pay with") : t("and use") )} { this.state.not_found ? "" : {this.props.type == 0 ? t("You are SELLING BTC for {{currencyCode}}",{currencyCode:this.props.currencyCode}) : (this.props.type == 1 ? t("You are BUYING BTC for {{currencyCode}}",{currencyCode:this.props.currencyCode}) : t("You are looking at all") ) } } { this.state.not_found ? ( {this.props.type == 0 ? t("No orders found to sell BTC for {{currencyCode}}",{currencyCode:this.props.currencyCode}) : t("No orders found to buy BTC for {{currencyCode}}",{currencyCode:this.props.currencyCode}) }
{t("Be the first one to create an order")}

) : {/* Desktop Book */} {/* Smartphone Book */} }
); }; } export default withTranslation()(BookPage);