2022-10-25 11:04:12 -07:00

496 lines
53 KiB

"UNSAFE ALERT - UnsafeAlert.js": "Alert that shows on top when browsing from the unsafe clearnet sites",
"You are not using RoboSats privately": "Nepou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1\u0161 Robosats bezpe\u010dn\u011b.",
"desktop_unsafe_alert": "N\u011bkter\u00e9 funkce byly vypnuty pro tvou bezpe\u010dnost (nap\u0159. chat) bez n\u00edch\u017e nebude\u0161 moct dokon\u010dit obchod. Abys vyu\u017eil v\u0161echny funkce a ochranil sv\u00e9 soukrom\u00ed, pou\u017eij <1>Tor Browser</1> a nav\u0161\u0165iv <3>Onion</3> str\u00e1nku.",
"phone_unsafe_alert": "Nebude\u0161 moct dokon\u010dit obchod. Pou\u017eij <1>Tor Browser</1> a nav\u0161\u0165iv <3>Onion</3> str\u00e1nku.",
"Hide": "Skr\u00fdt",
"USER GENERATION PAGE - UserGenPage.js": "Landing Page and User Generation",
"Simple and Private LN P2P Exchange": "Jednoduch\u00e1 LN P2P burza",
"This is your trading avatar": "Toto je tv\u016fj u\u017eivatelsk\u00fd avatar",
"Store your token safely": "Ulo\u017e si sv\u016fj token bezpe\u010dn\u011b",
"A robot avatar was found, welcome back!": "U\u017eivatelsk\u00fd avatar byl nalezen, v\u00edtej zp\u011bt!",
"Copied!": "Zkopirov\u00e1no!!",
"Generate a new token": "Generovat nov\u00fd token",
"Generate Robot": "Generovat Robota",
"You must enter a new token first": "Nejprvne mus\u00ed\u0161 vlo\u017eit nov\u00fd token",
"Make Order": "Vytvo\u0159it nab\u00eddku",
"Info": "Info",
"View Book": "Zobrazit nab\u00eddky",
"Learn RoboSats": "V\u00edce o RoboSats",
"You are about to visit Learn RoboSats. It hosts tutorials and documentation to help you learn how to use RoboSats and understand how it works.": "Chyst\u00e1\u0161 se nav\u0161t\u00edvit v\u00fdukovou str\u00e1nku RoboSats. Str\u00e1nka obsahuje tutori\u00e1ly a dokumentaci, kter\u00e9 ti pomohou pochopit jak funguje RoboSats.",
"Let's go!": "Nav\u0161t\u00edvit!",
"Save token and PGP credentials to file": "Ulo\u017eit soubor s tokenem a PGP kl\u00ed\u010dem",
"MAKER PAGE - MakerPage.js": "This is the page where users can create new orders",
"Order": "Nab\u00eddka",
"Customize": "P\u0159izp\u016fsobit",
"Buy or Sell Bitcoin?": "N\u00e1kup nebo prodej Bitcoinu?",
"Buy": "N\u00e1kup",
"Sell": "Prodej",
"Amount": "\u010c\u00e1stka",
"Amount of fiat to exchange for bitcoin": "\u010c\u00e1stka fiat m\u011bny za bitcoin",
"Invalid": "Neplatn\u00e9",
"Enter your preferred fiat payment methods. Fast methods are highly recommended.": "Zadej preferovan\u00fd zp\u016fsob platby. Doporu\u010dujeme okam\u017eit\u00e9 platby.",
"Must be shorter than 65 characters": "Maxim\u00e1ln\u011b 65 znak\u016f",
"Swap Destination(s)": "Swap adresa",
"Fiat Payment Method(s)": "Mo\u017enosti fiat plateb",
"You can add any method": "M\u016f\u017ee\u0161 p\u0159idat jak\u00fdkoliv zp\u016fsob platby",
"Add New": "P\u0159idat",
"Choose a Pricing Method": "Vyber metodu stanoven\u00ed ceny",
"Relative": "Plovouc\u00ed",
"Let the price move with the market": "Nech cenu pohybovat se s trhem",
"Premium over Market (%)": "Pr\u00e9mium v\u016f\u010di tr\u017en\u00ed cen\u011b (%)",
"Explicit": "Pevn\u011b dan\u00e1",
"Set a fix amount of satoshis": "Nastavit fixn\u00ed \u010d\u00e1stku satoshi ",
"Satoshis": "Satoshi",
"Fixed price:": "Fixn\u00ed cena:",
"Order current rate:": "Aktu\u00e1ln\u00ed kurz nab\u00eddky:",
"Your order fixed exchange rate": "Pevn\u00fd sm\u011bnn\u00fd kurz tv\u00e9 nab\u00eddky",
"Your order's current exchange rate. Rate will move with the market.": "Kurz tv\u00e9 nab\u00eddky. Kurz se bude pohybovat s trhem.",
"Let the taker chose an amount within the range": "Nech p\u0159\u00edjemce vybrat \u010d\u00e1stku v r\u00e1mci rozmez\u00ed",
"Enable Amount Range": "Povolit rozmez\u00ed \u010d\u00e1stky",
"From": "Od",
"to": "do",
"Expiry Timers": "\u010casova\u010de vypr\u0161en\u00ed platnosti",
"Public Duration (HH:mm)": "Doba zve\u0159ejn\u011bn\u00ed (HH:mm)",
"Escrow Deposit Time-Out (HH:mm)": "\u010casov\u00fd limit pro vlo\u017een\u00ed do \u00faschovy (HH:mm)",
"Set the skin-in-the-game, increase for higher safety assurance": "Nastaven\u00ed kauce, zvy\u0161 pro vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed bezpe\u010dnost ",
"Fidelity Bond Size": "Velikost kauce",
"Allow bondless takers": "Povolit protistranu bez kauce",
"COMING SOON - High risk! Limited to {{limitSats}}K Sats": "JI\u017d BRZY - Vysoce riskantn\u00ed! Maxim\u00e1ln\u011b do {{limitSats}}K Sats",
"You must fill the order correctly": "Objedn\u00e1vku je nutn\u00e9 vyplnit spr\u00e1vn\u011b",
"Create Order": "Vytvo\u0159it nab\u00eddku",
"Back": "Zp\u011bt",
"Create an order for ": "Vytvo\u0159it nab\u00eddku za ",
"Create a BTC buy order for ": "Vytvo\u0159it nab\u00eddku na koupi BTC za ",
"Create a BTC sell order for ": "Vytvo\u0159it nab\u00eddku na prodej BTC za ",
" of {{satoshis}} Satoshis": " {{satoshis}} Satoshi",
" at market price": " tr\u017en\u00ed ceny",
" at a {{premium}}% premium": " za {{premium}}% p\u0159ir\u00e1\u017eku",
" at a {{discount}}% discount": " za {{discount}}% slevu",
"Must be less than {{max}}%": "Mus\u00ed b\u00fdt m\u00e9n\u011b ne\u017e {{max}}%",
"Must be more than {{min}}%": "Mus\u00ed b\u00fdt v\u00edce ne\u017e {{min}}%",
"Must be less than {{maxSats}": "Mus\u00ed b\u00fdt m\u00e9n\u011b ne\u017e {{maxSats}}",
"Must be more than {{minSats}}": "Mus\u00ed b\u00fdt v\u00edce ne\u017e {{minSats}}",
"Store your robot token": "Ulo\u017e si sv\u016fj robot token",
"You might need to recover your robot avatar in the future: store it safely. You can simply copy it into another application.": "Ulo\u017e si bezpe\u010dn\u011b sv\u016fj token jednodu\u0161e zkop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00edm do jin\u00e9 aplikace. V budoucnu ho mo\u017en\u00e1 bude\u0161 pot\u0159ebovat v p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b obnovy robota.",
"Done": "Hotovo",
"You do not have a robot avatar": "Nem\u00e1\u0161 robota a avatar",
"You need to generate a robot avatar in order to become an order maker": "Aby si se mohl st\u00e1t tv\u016frcem nab\u00eddky mus\u00ed\u0161 si vygenerovat avatar a robota",
"PAYMENT METHODS - autocompletePayments.js": "Payment method strings",
"not specified": "nespecifikov\u00e1no",
"Instant SEPA": "Okam\u017eit\u00e1 SEPA",
"Amazon GiftCard": "Amazon d\u00e1rkov\u00e1 karta",
"Google Play Gift Code": "Google Play d\u00e1rkov\u00fd kod",
"Cash F2F": "Hotovost v tv\u00e1\u0159\u00ed v tv\u00e1\u0159",
"On-Chain BTC": "On-Chain BTC",
"BOOK PAGE - BookPage.js": "The Book Order page",
"Seller": "Prodavaj\u00edc\u00ed",
"Buyer": "Kupuj\u00edc\u00ed",
"I want to": "J\u00e1 chci",
"Select Order Type": "Vybrat druh nab\u00eddky",
"ANY": "V\u0160E",
"BUY": "KOUP\u011a",
"and receive": "z\u00edskat",
"and pay with": "zaplatit s",
"and use": "pou\u017e\u00edt",
"Select Payment Currency": "Vybrat m\u011bnu platby",
"Robot": "Robot",
"Is": "Je",
"Currency": "M\u011bna",
"Payment Method": "Platebn\u00ed metoda",
"Pay": "Platba",
"Price": "Cena",
"Premium": "P\u0159ir\u00e1\u017eka",
"You are SELLING BTC for {{currencyCode}}": "PROD\u00c1VA\u0160 BTC za {{currencyCode}}",
"You are BUYING BTC for {{currencyCode}}": "KUPUJE\u0160 BTC za {{currencyCode}}",
"You are looking at all": "Prohl\u00ed\u017e\u00ed\u0161 si v\u0161echny",
"No orders found to sell BTC for {{currencyCode}}": "\u017d\u00e1dn\u00e9 nab\u00eddky na prodej BTC za {{currencyCode}}",
"No orders found to buy BTC for {{currencyCode}}": "\u017d\u00e1dn\u00e9 nab\u00eddky na koupi BTC za {{currencyCode}}",
"Filter has no results": "Filtr nem\u00e1 \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 v\u00fdsledky",
"Be the first one to create an order": "Bu\u010f prvn\u00ed, kdo vytvo\u0159\u00ed nab\u00eddku",
"Orders per page:": "Nab\u00eddky na str\u00e1nku:",
"No rows": "\u017d\u00e1dn\u00e9 \u0159\u00e1dky",
"No results found.": "Nebyly nalezeny \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 v\u00fdsledky.",
"An error occurred.": "Do\u0161lo k chyb\u011b.",
"Columns": "Sloupce",
"Select columns": "Vybrat sloupce",
"Find column": "Naj\u00edt sloupec",
"Column title": "N\u00e1zev sloupce",
"Reorder column": "Zm\u011bna po\u0159ad\u00ed sloupce",
"Show all": "Uk\u00e1zat v\u0161e",
"Hide all": "Schovat v\u0161e",
"Add filter": "P\u0159idat filter",
"Delete": "Smazat",
"Logic operator": "Logick\u00fd oper\u00e1tor",
"Operator": "Oper\u00e1tor",
"And": "A",
"Or": "Nebo",
"Value": "Hodnota",
"Filter value": "Filter hodnoty",
"contains": "obsahuje",
"equals": "rovno",
"starts with": "za\u010d\u00edna s",
"ends with": "kon\u010d\u00ed s",
"is": "je",
"is not": "nen\u00ed",
"is after": "n\u00e1sleduje po",
"is on or after": "je zapnuto nebo pozd\u011bji",
"is before": "se nach\u00e1z\u00ed p\u0159ed ",
"is on or before": "je zapnuto nebo d\u0159\u00edve",
"is empty": "je pr\u00e1zdn\u00fd",
"is not empty": "nen\u00ed pr\u00e1zdn\u00fd",
"is any of": "je n\u011bkter\u00fd z",
"any": "jak\u00fdkoliv",
"true": "spr\u00e1vn\u00fd",
"false": "nespr\u00e1vn\u00fd",
"Menu": "Menu",
"Show columns": "Uk\u00e1zat sloupce",
"Filter": "Filtrovat",
"Unsort": "Zru\u0161en\u00ed \u0159azen\u00ed",
"Sort by ASC": "\u0158azen\u00ed podle ASC",
"Sort by DESC": "\u0158azen\u00ed podle DESC",
"Sort": "\u0158azen\u00ed",
"Show filters": "Uk\u00e1zat filtry",
"yes": "ano",
"no": "ne",
"BOTTOM BAR AND MISC - BottomBar.js": "Bottom Bar user profile and miscellaneous dialogs",
"Stats For Nerds": "Statistiky pro nerdy",
"LND version": "LND verze",
"Currently running commit hash": "Aktu\u00e1ln\u011b b\u011b\u017e\u00ed commit hash",
"24h contracted volume": "Zobchodovan\u00e9 mno\u017estv\u00ed za 24h",
"Lifetime contracted volume": "Zobchodovan\u00e9 mno\u017estv\u00ed od spu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed",
"Made with": "Vytvo\u0159eno s",
"and": "a",
"... somewhere on Earth!": "... n\u011bkde na Zemi!",
"Community": "Komunity",
"Support is only offered via public channels. Join our Telegram community if you have questions or want to hang out with other cool robots. Please, use our Github Issues if you find a bug or want to see new features!": "Podpora je poskytov\u00e1na pouze na ve\u0159ejn\u00fdch kan\u00e1lech. P\u0159idej se k na\u0161\u00ed Telegram komunit\u011b, pokud m\u00e1\u0161 ot\u00e1zku nebo se setkat s dal\u0161\u00edmi cool roboty. Na\u0161el jsi bug nebo novou funkci? Nav\u0161tiv pros\u00edm na\u0161e Github Issues.",
"Follow RoboSats in Twitter": "Sleduj RoboSats na Twitteru",
"Twitter Official Account": "Ofici\u00e1ln\u00ed Twitter \u00fa\u010det",
"RoboSats Telegram Communities": "RoboSats Telegram komunity",
"Join RoboSats Spanish speaking community!": "P\u0159idej se k \u0161pan\u011blsky mluv\u00edc\u00ed RoboSats komunit\u011b!",
"Join RoboSats Russian speaking community!": "P\u0159idej se k rusky mluv\u00edc\u00ed RoboSats komunit\u011b!",
"Join RoboSats Chinese speaking community!": "P\u0159idej se k \u010d\u00ednsky mluv\u00edc\u00ed RoboSats komunit\u011b!",
"Join RoboSats English speaking community!": "P\u0159idej se k anglicky mluv\u00edc\u00ed RoboSats komunit\u011b!",
"Tell us about a new feature or a bug": "Na\u0161el jsi bug nebo novou funkci? Napi\u0161 n\u00e1m ",
"Github Issues - The Robotic Satoshis Open Source Project": "Github Issues - The Robotic Satoshis Open Source Project",
"Your Profile": "Tv\u016fj profil",
"Your robot": "Tv\u016fj robot",
"One active order #{{orderID}}": "Jedn\u00e1 aktivn\u00ed nab\u00eddka #{{orderID}}",
"Your current order": "Tv\u00e1 aktu\u00e1ln\u00ed nab\u00eddka",
"No active orders": "\u017d\u00e1dn\u00e9 aktivn\u00ed nab\u00eddky",
"Your token (will not remain here)": "Tv\u016fj token (nez\u016fstane zde)",
"Back it up!": "Z\u00e1lohuj to!",
"Cannot remember": "Nepamatuje si",
"Rewards and compensations": "Odm\u011bny a kompezace",
"Share to earn 100 Sats per trade": "Sd\u00edlej a z\u00edskej za ka\u017ed\u00fd obchod 100 Sat\u016f",
"Your referral link": "Tv\u016fj referral odkaz",
"Your earned rewards": "Tv\u00e9 odm\u011bny",
"Claim": "Vybrat",
"Invoice for {{amountSats}} Sats": "Invoice pro {{amountSats}} Sat\u016f",
"Submit": "Odeslat",
"There it goes, thank you!\ud83e\udd47": "Tak je to spr\u00e1vn\u011b, d\u011bkujeme!\ud83e\udd47",
"You have an active order": "M\u00e1\u0161 aktivn\u00ed nab\u00eddku",
"You can claim satoshis!": "M\u016f\u017ee\u0161 si vybrat satoshi!",
"Public Buy Orders": "Ve\u0159ejn\u00e9 n\u00e1kupn\u00ed nab\u00eddky",
"Public Sell Orders": "Ve\u0159ejn\u00e9 prodejn\u00ed nab\u00eddky",
"Today Active Robots": "Dne\u0161n\u00ed aktivn\u00ed Roboti",
"24h Avg Premium": "Pr\u016fm\u011brn\u00e1 p\u0159ir\u00e1\u017eka za 24h",
"Trade Fee": "Poplatek",
"Show community and support links": "Uk\u00e1zat odkazy na komunity a podporu",
"Show stats for nerds": "Uk\u00e1zat statistiky pro nerdy",
"Exchange Summary": "Shrnut\u00ed burzy",
"Public buy orders": "Ve\u0159ejn\u00e9 n\u00e1kupn\u00ed nab\u00eddky",
"Public sell orders": "Ve\u0159ejn\u00e9 prodejn\u00ed nab\u00eddky",
"Book liquidity": "Dostupn\u00e1 likvidita",
"Today active robots": "Dne\u0161n\u00ed aktivn\u00ed roboti",
"24h non-KYC bitcoin premium": "24h no-KYC bitcoin p\u0159ir\u00e1\u017eka",
"Maker fee": "Poplatek tv\u016frce",
"Taker fee": "Poplatek p\u0159\u00edjemce",
"Number of public BUY orders": "Mno\u017estv\u00ed ve\u0159ejn\u00fdch n\u00e1kupn\u00edch nab\u00eddek",
"Number of public SELL orders": "Mno\u017estv\u00ed ve\u0159ejn\u00fdch prodejn\u00edch nab\u00eddek",
"Your last order #{{orderID}}": "Tv\u00e1 posledn\u00ed nab\u00eddka #{{orderID}}",
"Inactive order": "Neaktivn\u00ed nab\u00eddka",
"You do not have previous orders": "Nem\u00e1\u0161 p\u0159edchoz\u00ed objedn\u00e1vky",
"Join RoboSats' Subreddit": "P\u0159idej se k Subredditu RoboSats",
"RoboSats in Reddit": "RoboSats na Redditu",
"Current onchain payout fee": "Sou\u010dasn\u00fd poplatek za vyplacen\u00ed na onchain ",
"ORDER PAGE - OrderPage.js": "Order details page",
"Order Box": "Shrnut\u00ed nab\u00eddky",
"Contract": "Pr\u016fvodce obchodem",
"Active": "Aktivn\u00ed",
"Seen recently": "Vid\u011bn ned\u00e1vno",
"Inactive": "Neaktivn\u00ed",
"(Seller)": "(Prodavaj\u00edc\u00ed)",
"(Buyer)": "(Kupuj\u00edc\u00ed)",
"Order maker": "Tv\u016frce nab\u00eddky",
"Order taker": "P\u0159\u00edjemce nab\u00eddky",
"Order Details": "Detaily nab\u00eddky",
"Order status": "Stav nab\u00eddky",
"Waiting for maker bond": "\u010cek\u00e1 se na kauci tv\u016frce",
"Public": "Ve\u0159ejn\u00e9",
"Waiting for taker bond": "\u010cek\u00e1 se na kauci p\u0159\u00edjemce",
"Cancelled": "Zru\u0161eno",
"Expired": "Vypr\u0161ela platnost",
"Waiting for trade collateral and buyer invoice": "\u010cek\u00e1 se na kolater\u00e1l a kupuj\u00edc\u00edho invoice",
"Waiting only for seller trade collateral": "\u010cek\u00e1 se na kolater\u00e1l od prodavaj\u00edc\u00edho ",
"Waiting only for buyer invoice": "\u010cek\u00e1 se na kupuj\u00edc\u00edho invoice",
"Sending fiat - In chatroom": "Odesl\u00e1n\u00ed fiat - V chatu",
"Fiat sent - In chatroom": "Fiat odesl\u00e1n - V chatu",
"In dispute": "Ve sporu",
"Collaboratively cancelled": "Oboustran\u011b zru\u0161eno",
"Sending satoshis to buyer": "Odeslat satoshi kupuj\u00edc\u00edmu",
"Sucessful trade": "\u00dasp\u011b\u0161n\u00fd obchod",
"Failed lightning network routing": "Ne\u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u00fd lightning network routing",
"Wait for dispute resolution": "Vy\u010dkej na vy\u0159e\u0161en\u00ed sporu",
"Maker lost dispute": "Tv\u016frce prohr\u00e1l spor",
"Taker lost dispute": "P\u0159\u00edjemce prohr\u00e1l spor",
"Amount range": "Rozmez\u00ed \u010d\u00e1stky",
"Swap destination": "Swap adresa",
"Accepted payment methods": "Akceptovan\u00e9 platebn\u00ed metody",
"Others": "Ostatn\u00ed",
"{{price}} {{currencyCode}}/BTC - Premium: {{premium}}%": "{{price}} {{currencyCode}}/BTC - P\u0159ir\u00e1\u017eka: {{premium}}%",
"Price and Premium": "Cena a p\u0159ir\u00e1\u017eka",
"Amount of Satoshis": "\u010c\u00e1stka Satoshi",
"Premium over market price": "P\u0159ir\u00e1\u017eka oproti tr\u017en\u00ed cen\u011b",
"Order ID": "\u010c\u00edslo nab\u00eddky",
"Deposit timer": "\u010casova\u010d vkladu",
"Expires in": "Vypr\u0161\u00ed za",
"{{nickname}} is asking for a collaborative cancel": "{{nickname}} \u017e\u00e1da o oboustran\u00e9 zru\u0161en\u00ed obchodu",
"You asked for a collaborative cancellation": "\u017d\u00e1da\u0161 o oboustarn\u00e9 zru\u0161en\u00ed obchodu",
"Invoice expired. You did not confirm publishing the order in time. Make a new order.": "Invoice vypr\u0161ela platnost. Zve\u0159ejn\u011bn\u00ed objedn\u00e1vky jsi nepotvrdil v\u010das. Prove\u010f novou objedn\u00e1vku.",
"This order has been cancelled by the maker": "Tato nab\u00eddka byla zru\u0161ena tv\u016frcem",
"Invoice expired. You did not confirm taking the order in time.": "Invoice vypr\u0161ela platnost. P\u0159ijmut\u00ed objedn\u00e1vky jsi nepotvrdil v\u010das.",
"Penalty lifted, good to go!": "Pokuta zru\u0161ena, lze pokra\u010dovat!",
"You cannot take an order yet! Wait {{timeMin}}m {{timeSec}}s": "Nab\u00eddku nem\u016f\u017ee\u0161 zat\u00edm p\u0159\u00edjmout! Po\u010dkej {{timeMin}}m {{timeSec}}s",
"Too low": "N\u00edzko",
"Too high": "Vysoko",
"Enter amount of fiat to exchange for bitcoin": "Zadej \u010d\u00e1stku fiat, kterou chce\u0161 vym\u011bnit za bitcoin. ",
"Amount {{currencyCode}}": "\u010c\u00e1stka {{currencyCode}}",
"You must specify an amount first": "Nejprve je t\u0159eba zadat \u010d\u00e1stku",
"Take Order": "P\u0159\u00edjmout nab\u00eddku",
"Wait until you can take an order": "Po\u010dkej, a\u017e bude\u0161 moci p\u0159ijmout nab\u00eddku",
"Cancel the order?": "Zru\u0161it objend\u00e1vku?",
"If the order is cancelled now you will lose your bond.": "Pokud bude objedn\u00e1vka nyn\u00ed zru\u0161ena, tvoje kauce propadne.",
"Confirm Cancel": "Potvrdit zru\u0161en\u00ed",
"The maker is away": "Tv\u016frce nen\u00ed p\u0159\u00edtomen",
"By taking this order you risk wasting your time. If the maker does not proceed in time, you will be compensated in satoshis for 50% of the maker bond.": "P\u0159\u00edjmut\u00edm t\u00e9to nab\u00eddky riskuje\u0161 ztr\u00e1tu \u010dasu. Pokud protistrana nedoraz\u00ed v\u010das, z\u00edsk\u00e1\u0161 kompezaci v podob\u011b 50% tv\u016frcovi kauce.",
"Collaborative cancel the order?": "Oboustran\u011b zru\u0161it obchod?",
"The trade escrow has been posted. The order can be cancelled only if both, maker and taker, agree to cancel.": "Satoshi jsou v \u00faschov\u011b. Objedn\u00e1vku lze zru\u0161it pouze v p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b, \u017ee se na zru\u0161en\u00ed dohodnou jak tv\u016frce, tak p\u0159ijemce.",
"Ask for Cancel": "Po\u017e\u00e1dat o zru\u0161en\u00ed",
"Cancel": "Zru\u0161it",
"Collaborative Cancel": "Oboustran\u00e9 zru\u0161en\u00ed",
"Invalid Order Id": "Neplatn\u00e9 \u010d\u00edslo nab\u00eddky",
"You must have a robot avatar to see the order details": "K zobrazen\u00ed podrobnost\u00ed je t\u0159eba avatar a robot.",
"This order has been cancelled collaborativelly": "Tato objedn\u00e1vka byla spole\u010dn\u011b zru\u0161ena",
"This order is not available": "Tato nab\u00eddka nen\u00ed dostupn\u00e1",
"The Robotic Satoshis working in the warehouse did not understand you. Please, fill a Bug Issue in Github": "Robotick\u00fd Satoshi ti nerozum\u00ed. Pros\u00edm vypl\u0148 Github Bug Issue",
"CHAT BOX - Chat.js": "Chat Box",
"You": "Ty",
"Peer": "Protistrana",
"connected": "p\u0159ipojen",
"disconnected": "odpojen",
"Type a message": "Napi\u0161 zpr\u00e1vu",
"Connecting...": "P\u0159ipojov\u00e1n\u00ed...",
"Send": "Odeslat",
"Verify your privacy": "Ov\u011b\u0159 svou ochranu soukrom\u00ed",
"Audit PGP": "Audit PGP",
"Save full log as a JSON file (messages and credentials)": "Ulo\u017eit cel\u00fd log jako soubor JSON (zpr\u00e1vy a \u00fadaje))",
"Export": "Exportovat",
"Don't trust, verify": "Ned\u016fv\u011b\u0159uj, ov\u011b\u0159uj",
"Your communication is end-to-end encrypted with OpenPGP. You can verify the privacy of this chat using any tool based on the OpenPGP standard.": "Va\u0161e komunikace je \u0161ifrov\u00e1na end-to-end pomoc\u00ed protokolu OpenPGP. Soukrom\u00ed tohoto chatu m\u016f\u017ee\u0161 ov\u011b\u0159it pomoc\u00ed libovoln\u00e9ho n\u00e1stroje zalo\u017een\u00e9ho na standardu OpenPGP.",
"Learn how to verify": "Nau\u010dit se, jak ov\u011b\u0159ovat",
"Your PGP public key. Your peer uses it to encrypt messages only you can read.": "Tv\u016fj ve\u0159ejn\u00fd PGP kl\u00ed\u010d. Tvoje protistrana ho pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1 k \u0161ifrov\u00e1n\u00ed zpr\u00e1v, kter\u00e9 m\u016f\u017ee\u0161 \u010d\u00edst pouze ty.",
"Your public key": "Tv\u016fj ve\u0159ejn\u00fd kl\u00ed\u010d",
"Your peer PGP public key. You use it to encrypt messages only he can read and to verify your peer signed the incoming messages.": "Ve\u0159ejn\u00fd PGP kl\u00ed\u010d protistrany. Pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1\u0161 jej k \u0161ifrov\u00e1n\u00ed zpr\u00e1v, kter\u00e9 m\u016f\u017ee \u010d\u00edst pouze on, a k ov\u011b\u0159en\u00ed, zda protistrana podepsala p\u0159\u00edchoz\u00ed zpr\u00e1vy.",
"Peer public key": "Ve\u0159ejn\u00fd kl\u00ed\u010d protistrany",
"Your encrypted private key. You use it to decrypt the messages that your peer encrypted for you. You also use it to sign the messages you send.": "Tv\u016fj za\u0161ifrovan\u00fd soukrom\u00ed kl\u00ed\u010d. Pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1\u0161 jej k roz\u0161ifrov\u00e1n\u00ed p\u0159\u00edchoz\u00edch zpr\u00e1v, ur\u010den\u00fdch pro tebe, a k za\u0161ifrov\u00e1n\u00ed odeslan\u00fdch zpr\u00e1v.",
"Your encrypted private key": "Tv\u016fj za\u0161ifrovan\u00fd soukrom\u00fd kl\u00ed\u010d",
"The passphrase to decrypt your private key. Only you know it! Do not share. It is also your robot token.": "Tv\u016fj robot token, kter\u00fd zn\u00e1\u0161 pouze ty, slou\u017e\u00ed jako passphrase t\u00e9\u017e k roz\u0161ifrov\u00e1n\u00ed tv\u00e9ho soukrom\u00e9ho kl\u00ed\u010de, proto ho nikde nesd\u00edlej.",
"Your private key passphrase (keep secure!)": "Tv\u016fj soukrom\u00ed kl\u00ed\u010d a passphrase (dr\u017e v bezpe\u010d\u00ed!)",
"Save credentials as a JSON file": "Ulo\u017eit \u00fadaje jako JSON sobour",
"Keys": "Kl\u00ed\u010de",
"Save messages as a JSON file": "Ulo\u017eit zpr\u00e1vy jako JSON soubor",
"Messages": "Zpr\u00e1vy",
"Verified signature by {{nickname}}": "Ov\u011b\u0159en\u00fd podpis {{nickname}}",
"Cannot verify signature of {{nickname}}": "Nelze ov\u011b\u0159it podpis {{nickname}}",
"CONTRACT BOX - TradeBox.js": "The Contract Box that guides users trough the whole trade pipeline",
"Contract Box": "Pr\u016fvodce obchodem",
"Robots show commitment to their peers": "Roboti d\u00e1vaj\u00ed najevo oddanost sv\u00fdm spole\u010dn\u00edkum",
"Lock {{amountSats}} Sats to PUBLISH order": "Uzamknout {{amountSats}} Sat\u016f a ZVE\u0158EJNIT nab\u00eddku",
"Lock {{amountSats}} Sats to TAKE order": "Uzamknout {{amountSats}} Sat\u016f a P\u0158IJMOUT nab\u00eddku",
"Lock {{amountSats}} Sats as collateral": "Uzamknout {{amountSats}} Sat\u016f jako kolater\u00e1l",
"Copy to clipboard": "Zkop\u00edrovat do schr\u00e1nky",
"This is a hold invoice, it will freeze in your wallet. It will be charged only if you cancel or lose a dispute.": "Jedn\u00e1 se o hodl invoice, kter\u00e1 ti zamrzne v pen\u011b\u017eence. Bude vypo\u0159\u00e1d\u00e1n pouze v p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b zru\u0161en\u00ed nebo prohry sporu.",
"This is a hold invoice, it will freeze in your wallet. It will be released to the buyer once you confirm to have received the {{currencyCode}}.": "Jedn\u00e1 se o hodl invoice, kter\u00e1 ti zamrzne v pen\u011b\u017eence. Bude vypo\u0159ad\u00e1na ke kupuj\u00edc\u00edmu jakmile potvrd\u00ed\u0161 p\u0159\u00edjem {{currencyCode}}.",
"Your maker bond is locked": "Tvoje kauce tv\u016frce je uzam\u010dena",
"Your taker bond is locked": "Tvoje kauce p\u0159\u00edjemce je uzam\u010dena",
"Your maker bond was settled": "Tvoje kauce tv\u016frce byla vypo\u0159ad\u00e1na",
"Your taker bond was settled": "Tvoje kauce p\u0159\u00edjemce byla vypo\u0159ad\u00e1na",
"Your maker bond was unlocked": "Tvoje kauce tv\u016frce byla odem\u010dena",
"Your taker bond was unlocked": "Tvoje kauce p\u0159\u00edjemce byla odem\u010dena",
"Your order is public": "Tvoje nab\u00eddka je ve\u0159ejn\u00e1",
"Be patient while robots check the book. This box will ring \ud83d\udd0a once a robot takes your order, then you will have {{deposit_timer_hours}}h {{deposit_timer_minutes}}m to reply. If you do not reply, you risk losing your bond.": "Bu\u010f trp\u011bliv\u00fd, zat\u00edmco roboti kontroluj\u00ed nab\u00eddky. Tato nab\u00eddka jednou zazvon\u00ed \ud83d\udd0a pokud robot p\u0159ijme tvoji nab\u00eddku, potom bude\u0161 m\u00edt {{deposit_timer_hours}}h {{deposit_timer_minutes}}m k odpov\u011bdi. Pokud neodpov\u00ed\u0161, riskuje\u0161 ztr\u00e1tu kauce.",
"If the order expires untaken, your bond will return to you (no action needed).": "Pokud nab\u00eddka vypr\u0161\u00ed nep\u0159\u00edjmuta, tak kauce se ti vr\u00e1t\u00ed (nen\u00ed pot\u0159eba \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 akce).",
"Enable Telegram Notifications": "Povolit Telegram notifikace",
"Enable TG Notifications": "Povolit TG notifikace",
"You will be taken to a conversation with RoboSats telegram bot. Simply open the chat and press Start. Note that by enabling telegram notifications you might lower your level of anonymity.": "Bude\u0161 p\u0159esm\u011brov\u00e1n do chatu s RoboSats telegram botem. Jednodu\u0161e otev\u0159i chat a zm\u00e1\u010dkni Start. M\u011bj na pam\u011bti, \u017ee povolen\u00edm telegram notifikac\u00ed m\u00e1\u0161 n\u00ed\u017e\u0161\u00ed \u00farove\u0148 anonymity.",
"Go back": "J\u00edt zp\u011bt",
"Enable": "Povolit",
"Telegram enabled": "Telegram povolen",
"Public orders for {{currencyCode}}": "Ve\u0159ejn\u00e9 nab\u00eddky pro {{currencyCode}}",
"Premium rank": "\u00darove\u0148 p\u0159ir\u00e1\u017eky",
"Among public {{currencyCode}} orders (higher is cheaper)": "Mezi ve\u0159ejn\u00fdmi {{currencyCode}} nab\u00eddkami (vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed je levn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed)",
"A taker has been found!": "Byl nalezen p\u0159\u00edjemce!",
"Please wait for the taker to lock a bond. If the taker does not lock a bond in time, the order will be made public again.": "Vy\u010dkej, a\u017e p\u0159\u00edjemce uzamkne kauci. Pokud p\u0159\u00edjemce neuzamkne kauci v\u010das, nab\u00eddka se znovu zve\u0159ejn\u00ed.",
"Payout Lightning Invoice": "Vyplatit Lightning invoice",
"Your info looks good!": "Tv\u00e9 \u00fadaje vypadaj\u00ed dob\u0159e!",
"We are waiting for the seller to lock the trade amount.": "\u010cek\u00e1me, a\u017e prodavaj\u00edc\u00ed uzamkne satoshi .",
"Just hang on for a moment. If the seller does not deposit, you will get your bond back automatically. In addition, you will receive a compensation (check the rewards in your profile).": "Vydr\u017e chv\u00edli. Pokud prodavaj\u00edc\u00ed neprovede vklad, kauce se ti automaticky vr\u00e1t\u00ed. Krom\u011b toho obdr\u017e\u00ed\u0161 kompenzaci (zkontroluj odm\u011bny ve sv\u00e9m profilu).",
"The trade collateral is locked!": "Satoshi jsou uzamknut\u00e9!",
"We are waiting for the buyer to post a lightning invoice. Once he does, you will be able to directly communicate the fiat payment details.": "\u010cek\u00e1me, a\u017e kupuj\u00edc\u00ed vlo\u017e\u00ed lightning invoice. Jakmile tak u\u010din\u00ed, bude\u0161 moct se s n\u00edm moct dohodnout fiat platb\u011b.",
"Just hang on for a moment. If the buyer does not cooperate, you will get back the trade collateral and your bond automatically. In addition, you will receive a compensation (check the rewards in your profile).": "Vydr\u017e chv\u00edli. Pokud kupuj\u00edc\u00ed nespolupracuje, automaticky z\u00edsk\u00e1\u0161 zp\u011bt svoj\u00ed kauci a p\u0159edm\u011bt obchodu satoshi. Krom\u011b toho obdr\u017e\u00ed\u0161 kompenzaci (zkontroluj odm\u011bny ve sv\u00e9m profilu).",
"Confirm {{amount}} {{currencyCode}} sent": "Potvrdit odesl\u00e1n\u00ed {{amount}} {{currencyCode}}",
"Confirm {{amount}} {{currencyCode}} received": "Potvrdit p\u0159\u00edjmut\u00ed {{amount}} {{currencyCode}}",
"Open Dispute": "Otev\u0159\u00edt spor",
"The order has expired": "Nab\u00eddka vypr\u0161ela",
"Chat with the buyer": "Chat s kupuj\u00edc\u00edm",
"Chat with the seller": "Chat s prodavaj\u00edc\u00edm",
"Say hi! Be helpful and concise. Let them know how to send you {{amount}} {{currencyCode}}.": "Pozdrav! Bu\u010f vst\u0159\u00edcn\u00fd a stru\u010dn\u00fd. Dej mu v\u011bd\u011bt, jak ti poslat {{amount}} {{currencyCode}}.",
"The buyer has sent the fiat. Click 'Confirm Received' once you receive it.": "Kupuj\u00edc\u00ed odeslal fiat. Po obdr\u017een\u00ed fiatu klikni na 'Potvrdit p\u0159\u00edjmut\u00ed'.",
"Say hi! Ask for payment details and click 'Confirm Sent' as soon as the payment is sent.": "Pozdrav! Po\u017e\u00e1dej o platebn\u00ed \u00fadaje a klikni na 'Potvrdit odesl\u00e1n\u00ed' jakmile bude platba odeslan\u00e1.",
"Wait for the seller to confirm he has received the payment.": "Po\u010dkej na potvzen\u00ed, \u017ee prodavaj\u00edc\u00ed obdr\u017eel platbu.",
"Confirm you received {{amount}} {{currencyCode}}?": "Potvrdit obdr\u017een\u00ed {{amount}} {{currencyCode}}?",
"Confirming that you received the fiat will finalize the trade. The satoshis in the escrow will be released to the buyer. Only confirm after the {{amount}} {{currencyCode}} have arrived to your account. In addition, if you have received the payment and do not confirm it, you risk losing your bond.": "Potvrzen\u00edm, \u017ee jsi obdr\u017eel fiat se dokon\u010d\u00ed obchod. Satoshis v \u00faschov\u011b se ode\u0161lou kupuj\u00edc\u00edmu. Potvr\u010f pouze pokud jsi obdr\u017eel {{amount}} {{currencyCode}} na sv\u016fj \u00fa\u010det. V p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b obdr\u017een\u00ed {{currencyCode}} a nepotvrzen\u00ed riskuje\u0161 ztr\u00e1tu kauce.",
"Confirm": "Potvrdit",
"Trade finished!": "Obchod dokon\u010den!",
"rate_robosats": "Co si mysl\u00ed\u0161 o <1>RoboSats</1>?",
"Thank you! RoboSats loves you too \u2764\ufe0f": "D\u011bkujeme! RoboSats t\u011b m\u00e1 r\u00e1d \u2764\ufe0f",
"RoboSats gets better with more liquidity and users. Tell a bitcoiner friend about Robosats!": "RoboSats bude lep\u0161\u00ed s v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed likviditou a u\u017eivateli. Pov\u011bz sv\u00fdm p\u0159\u00e1tel\u016fm o Robosats!",
"Thank you for using Robosats!": "D\u011bkujeme, \u017ee pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1\u0161 Robosats!",
"let_us_know_hot_to_improve": "Dej n\u00e1m v\u011bd\u011bt jak vylep\u0161it platformu (<1>Telegram</1> / <3>Github</3>)",
"Start Again": "Za\u010d\u00edt znovu",
"Attempting Lightning Payment": "Pokou\u0161\u00edme se o Lightning platbu",
"RoboSats is trying to pay your lightning invoice. Remember that lightning nodes must be online in order to receive payments.": "RoboSats se sna\u017e\u00ed zaplatit tv\u016fj lightning invoice. Nezapome\u0148, \u017ee lightning nody mus\u00ed b\u00fdt online, aby mohl p\u0159ij\u00edmat platby.",
"Retrying!": "Opakov\u00e1n\u00ed pokusu!",
"Lightning Routing Failed": "Lightning Routing selhalo",
"Your invoice has expired or more than 3 payment attempts have been made. Submit a new invoice.": "Tv\u016fj invoice vypr\u0161el nebo selhali pokusy o 3 platby. Nahraj nov\u00fd invoice.",
"Check the list of compatible wallets": "Zkotrolovat seznam kompatibiln\u00edch pen\u011b\u017eenek",
"RoboSats will try to pay your invoice 3 times with a one minute pause in between. If it keeps failing, you will be able to submit a new invoice. Check whether you have enough inbound liquidity. Remember that lightning nodes must be online in order to receive payments.": "RoboSats se pokus\u00ed zaplatit invoice t\u0159ikr\u00e1t s minutiv\u00fdmi pauzami. V p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b ne\u00fasp\u011bchu bude t\u0159eba nahr\u00e1t nov\u00fd invoice. Zkontroluj, zda m\u00e1\u0161 dostatek inbound likvidity. Nezapome\u0148, \u017ee lightning nody mus\u00ed b\u00fdt online, aby mohl p\u0159ij\u00edmat platby.",
"Next attempt in": "Dal\u0161\u00ed pokus za",
"Do you want to open a dispute?": "Chce\u0161 otev\u0159\u00edt spor?",
"The RoboSats staff will examine the statements and evidence provided. You need to build a complete case, as the staff cannot read the chat. It is best to provide a burner contact method with your statement. The satoshis in the trade escrow will be sent to the dispute winner, while the dispute loser will lose the bond.": "Person\u00e1l RoboSats prov\u011b\u0159\u00ed p\u0159edlo\u017een\u00e1 vyj\u00e1d\u0159en\u00ed a d\u016fkazy. Mus\u00ed\u0161 vytvo\u0159it ucelen\u00fd d\u016fkazn\u00ed materi\u00e1l, proto\u017ee person\u00e1l nem\u016f\u017ee \u010d\u00edst chat. Nejl\u00e9pe spolu s v\u00fdpov\u011bd\u00ed uv\u00e9st jednor\u00e1zov\u00fd kontakt. Satoshi v \u00faschov\u011b budou zasl\u00e1ny v\u00edt\u011bzi sporu, zat\u00edmco pora\u017een\u00fd ve sporu p\u0159ijde o kauci.",
"Disagree": "Nesouhlasit",
"Agree and open dispute": "Souhlasit a otev\u0159\u00edt spor",
"A dispute has been opened": "Spor byl otev\u0159en",
"Please, submit your statement. Be clear and specific about what happened and provide the necessary evidence. You MUST provide a contact method: burner email, XMPP or telegram username to follow up with the staff. Disputes are solved at the discretion of real robots (aka humans), so be as helpful as possible to ensure a fair outcome. Max 5000 chars.": "Pros\u00edm, p\u0159edlo\u017e sv\u00e9 d\u016fkazy. Jasn\u011b a stru\u010dn\u011b popi\u0161, co se stalo a p\u0159edlo\u017e d\u016fkazy. MUS\u00cd\u0160 uv\u00e9st kontatn\u00ed \u00fadaje: jednor\u00e1zov\u00fd email, XMPP nebo telegram p\u0159ezd\u00edvku ke komunikaci s person\u00e1lem. Spory se \u0159e\u0161\u00ed podle uv\u00e1\u017een\u00ed skute\u010dn\u00fdch robot\u016f (neboli lid\u00e9), bu\u010f co nejv\u00edce n\u00e1pomocn\u00fd, abys zajistil spravedliv\u00fd v\u00fdsledek. Maxim\u00e1ln\u011b 5000 znak\u016f.",
"Submit dispute statement": "Odeslat vyj\u00e1d\u0159en\u00ed",
"We have received your statement": "Obdr\u017eeli jsme tv\u00e9 vyj\u00e1d\u0159en\u00ed",
"We are waiting for your trade counterpart statement. If you are hesitant about the state of the dispute or want to add more information, contact": "\u010cek\u00e1me na vyj\u00e1d\u0159en\u00ed protistrany. Pokud si nejsi jist stavem sporu nebo chce\u0161 doplnit dal\u0161\u00ed informace, kontaktuj",
"Please, save the information needed to identify your order and your payments: order ID; payment hashes of the bonds or escrow (check on your lightning wallet); exact amount of satoshis; and robot nickname. You will have to identify yourself as the user involved in this trade via email (or other contact methods).": " Ulo\u017ete si pros\u00edm informace pot\u0159ebn\u00e9 k identifikaci tv\u00e9 nab\u00eddky a tv\u00fdch plateb: \u010d\u00edslo nab\u00eddky; hash platby kauce nebo \u00faschovy (zkontroluj si lightning pen\u011b\u017eenku); p\u0159esn\u00e1 \u010d\u00e1stka satoshi; a robot p\u0159ezd\u00edvku. V komunikaci emailem(nebo jinak) se p\u0159edstav\u00ed\u0161 jako z\u00fa\u010dastn\u011bna strana.",
"We have the statements": "M\u00e1me prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed",
"Both statements have been received, wait for the staff to resolve the dispute. If you are hesitant about the state of the dispute or want to add more information, contact If you did not provide a contact method, or are unsure whether you wrote it right, write us immediately.": "Z\u00edskali jsme ob\u011b prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed, po\u010dkej na vy\u0159e\u0161en\u00ed sporu person\u00e1lem. Pokud si nejsi jist stavem sporu nebo chce\u0161 doplnit dal\u0161\u00ed informace, kontaktuj Pokud jsi neposkytl kontaktn\u00ed \u00fadaje nebo nejsi si jist, zda jsi to napsal spr\u00e1vn\u011b okam\u017eit\u011b n\u00e1s kontaktuj.",
"You have won the dispute": "Vyhr\u00e1l jsi spor",
"You can claim the dispute resolution amount (escrow and fidelity bond) from your profile rewards. If there is anything the staff can help with, do not hesitate to contact to (or via your provided burner contact method).": "Satoshi z vy\u0159e\u0161en\u00e9ho spor\u016f (z \u00faschovy a kauce) si m\u016f\u017ee\u0161 vybrat z odm\u011bn ve sv\u00e9m profilu. Pokud ti person\u00e1l m\u016f\u017ee s n\u011b\u010d\u00edm pomoci, nev\u00e1hej a kontaktuj n\u00e1s na (nebo jin\u00fd zp\u016fsob komunikace).",
"You have lost the dispute": "Prohr\u00e1l jsi spor",
"Unfortunately you have lost the dispute. If you think this is a mistake you can ask to re-open the case via email to However, chances of it being investigated again are low.": "Bohu\u017eel jsi prohr\u00e1l spor. Pokud se domn\u00edv\u00e1\u0161, \u017ee se jedn\u00e1 o chybu, m\u016f\u017ee\u0161 po\u017e\u00e1dat o op\u011btovn\u00e9 otev\u0159en\u00ed sporu na A\u010dkoliv \u0161ance znovuotev\u0159en\u00ed je mal\u00e1.",
"Expired not taken": "Vypr\u0161en\u00e9 nep\u0159ijmuto",
"Maker bond not locked": "Kauce tv\u016frce nen\u00ed uzamknuta",
"Escrow not locked": "Nen\u00ed uzamknuta \u00faschova",
"Invoice not submitted": "Nen\u00ed p\u0159edlo\u017een invoice",
"Neither escrow locked or invoice submitted": "Nebyla uzam\u010dena \u00faschova ani p\u0159edlo\u017een invoice",
"Renew Order": "Opakovat nab\u00eddku",
"Pause the public order": "Pozastavit zve\u0159ejn\u011bn\u00ed nab\u00eddky",
"Your order is paused": "Tv\u00e1 nab\u00eddka je pozastavena",
"Your public order has been paused. At the moment it cannot be seen or taken by other robots. You can choose to unpause it at any time.": "Tv\u00e1 ve\u0159ejn\u00e1 nab\u00eddka je pozastavena. V tuto chv\u00edli ji nemohou vid\u011bt ani p\u0159ijmout jin\u00ed roboti. Pozastaven\u00ed m\u016f\u017ee\u0161 kdykoliv zru\u0161it.",
"Unpause Order": "Zru\u0161it pozastaven\u00ed nab\u00eddky",
"You risk losing your bond if you do not lock the collateral. Total time available is {{deposit_timer_hours}}h {{deposit_timer_minutes}}m.": "Riskuju\u0161 ztr\u00e1tu kauce, pokud neuzamkne\u0161 satoshi do \u00faschovy. Zb\u00fdv\u00e1 {{deposit_timer_hours}}h {{deposit_timer_minutes}}m.",
"See Compatible Wallets": "Robrazit kompatibiln\u00ed pen\u011b\u017eenky",
"Failure reason:": "D\u016fvod selh\u00e1n\u00ed:",
"Payment isn't failed (yet)": "Platba neselhala (zat\u00edm)",
"There are more routes to try, but the payment timeout was exceeded.": "Je mo\u017en\u00e9 vyzkou\u0161et dal\u0161\u00ed platebn\u00ed trasy, ale \u010dasov\u00fd limit pro platbu byl p\u0159ekro\u010den.",
"All possible routes were tried and failed permanently. Or there were no routes to the destination at all.": "V\u0161echny mo\u017en\u00e9 trasy byly vyzkou\u0161eny a trvale selhaly. Nebo k c\u00edli nevedou v\u016fbec \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 trasy.",
"A non-recoverable error has occurred.": "Do\u0161lo k neopraviteln\u00e9 chyb\u011b.",
"Payment details are incorrect (unknown hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).": "Platebn\u00ed \u00fadaje jsou nespr\u00e1vn\u00e9 (nezn\u00e1my hash, \u0161patn\u00e1 \u010d\u00e1stka nebo chybn\u00e9 final CLTV delta).",
"Insufficient unlocked balance in RoboSats' node.": "Nedostate\u010dn\u00fd odemknut\u00fd z\u016fstatek na RoboSats nodu.",
"The invoice submitted only has expensive routing hints, you are using an incompatible wallet (probably Muun?). Check the wallet compatibility guide at": "Odeslan\u00fd invoice vede skrz drah\u00e9 trasy, pou\u017eiv\u00e1\u0161 nekompatibiln\u00ed pen\u011b\u017eenku (mo\u017en\u00e1 Muun?). Zkontroluj n\u00e1\u0161 seznam kompatibiln\u00edch pen\u011b\u017eenek na",
"The invoice provided has no explicit amount": "Odeslan\u00fd invoice obsahuje \u0161patnou \u010d\u00e1stku",
"Does not look like a valid lightning invoice": "Poskytnut\u00fd lightning invoice nevypad\u00e1 platn\u011b",
"The invoice provided has already expired": "Platnost poskytnut\u00e9ho lightning invoice vypr\u0161el",
"Make sure to EXPORT the chat log. The staff might request your exported chat log JSON in order to solve discrepancies. It is your responsibility to store it.": "Nezapome\u0148 EXPORTOVAT log chatu. Person\u00e1l si m\u016f\u017ee vy\u017e\u00e1dat exportovan\u00fd log chatu ve form\u00e1tu JSON, aby mohl vy\u0159e\u0161it nesrovnalosti. Je tvou odpov\u011bdnost\u00ed jej ulo\u017eit.",
"Does not look like a valid address": "Nevypd\u00e1 to jako platn\u00e1 adresa",
"This is not a bitcoin mainnet address": "Toto nen\u00ed bitcoin mainnet adresa",
"This is not a bitcoin testnet address": "Toto nen\u00ed bitcoin testnet adresa",
"Submit payout info for {{amountSats}} Sats": "Odeslat \u00fadaje na vyplacen\u00ed {{amountSats}} Sat\u016f",
"Submit a valid invoice for {{amountSats}} Satoshis.": "Odeslat platn\u00fd invoice pro {{amountSats}} Satoshi.",
"Before letting you send {{amountFiat}} {{currencyCode}}, we want to make sure you are able to receive the BTC.": "P\u0159edt\u00edm ne\u017e t\u011b nech\u00e1me odeslat {{amountFiat}} {{currencyCode}}, chceme se nechat ujistit, \u017ee jsi schopen p\u0159\u00edjmout BTC.",
"RoboSats will do a swap and send the Sats to your onchain address.": "RoboSats provede swap Sat\u016f na tvou onchain adresu.",
"Swap fee": "Swap poplatek",
"Mining fee": "T\u011b\u017eebn\u00ed poplatek",
"Mining Fee": "T\u011b\u017eebn\u00ed poplatek",
"Final amount you will receive": "Kone\u010dn\u00e1 \u010d\u00e1stka, kterou z\u00edsk\u00e1\u0161",
"Bitcoin Address": "Bitcoin adresa",
"Your TXID": "Tv\u00e9 TXID",
"Lightning": "Lightning",
"Onchain": "Onchain",
"open_dispute": "Chce\u0161-li otev\u0159\u00edt spor, mus\u00ed\u0161 po\u010dkat <1><1/>",
"Trade Summary": "Shrnut\u00ed obchodu",
"Maker": "Tv\u016frce",
"Taker": "P\u0159\u00edjemce",
"User role": "U\u017eivatelsk\u00e1 role",
"Sent": "Odesl\u00e1no",
"Received": "P\u0159\u00edjmuto",
"BTC received": "BTC p\u0159\u00edjmuto",
"BTC sent": "BTC odesl\u00e1no",
"{{tradeFeeSats}} Sats ({{tradeFeePercent}}%)": "{{tradeFeeSats}} Sat\u016f ({{tradeFeePercent}}%)",
"Trade fee": "Obchodn\u00ed poplatek",
"{{swapFeeSats}} Sats ({{swapFeePercent}}%)": "{{swapFeeSats}} Sat\u016f ({{swapFeePercent}}%)",
"Onchain swap fee": "Onchain swap poplatek",
"{{miningFeeSats}} Sats": "{{miningFeeSats}} Sat\u016f",
"{{bondSats}} Sats ({{bondPercent}}%)": "{{bondSats}} Sat\u016f ({{bondPercent}}%)",
"Maker bond": "Kauce tv\u016frce",
"Taker bond": "Kauce p\u0159\u00edjemce",
"Unlocked": "Odem\u010deno",
"{{revenueSats}} Sats": "{{revenueSats}} Sat\u016f",
"Platform trade revenue": "Odm\u011bna pro platformu",
"{{routingFeeSats}} MiliSats": "{{routingFeeSats}} MiliSat\u016f",
"Platform covered routing fee": "Poplatek za routing hrazen\u00fd platformou",
"INFO DIALOG - InfoDiagog.js": "App information and clarifications and terms of use",
"Close": "Zav\u0159\u00edt",
"What is RoboSats?": "Co je RoboSats?",
"It is a BTC/FIAT peer-to-peer exchange over lightning.": "Je to BTC/FIAT peer-to-peer burza p\u0159es lightning.",
"RoboSats is an open source project ": "RoboSats je open source projekt ",
"It simplifies matchmaking and minimizes the need of trust. RoboSats focuses in privacy and speed.": "Zjednodu\u0161uje schodu nab\u00eddky s popt\u00e1vkou a pot\u0159ebu d\u016fv\u011bry. RoboSats se zam\u011b\u0159uje na ochranu soukrom\u00ed a rychlost.",
"(GitHub).": "(GitHub).",
"How does it work?": "Jak to funguje?",
"AnonymousAlice01 wants to sell bitcoin. She posts a sell order. BafflingBob02 wants to buy bitcoin and he takes Alice's order. Both have to post a small bond using lightning to prove they are real robots. Then, Alice posts the trade collateral also using a lightning hold invoice. RoboSats locks the invoice until Alice confirms she received the fiat, then the satoshis are released to Bob. Enjoy your satoshis, Bob!": "Anonymn\u00edAlice01 chce prodat bitcoin. Zve\u0159ejn\u00ed nab\u00eddku k prodeji. Bystr\u00fdBob02 chce koupit bitcoin a proto p\u0159\u00edjme Alicinu nab\u00eddku. Oba mus\u00ed slo\u017eit malou kauci p\u0159es lightning aby dok\u00e1zali, \u017ee jsou skute\u010dn\u00ed roboti. Nato Alice p\u0159es lightning a hodl invoice vlo\u017e\u00ed do \u00faschovy kolater\u00e1l. RoboSats uzamkne invoice, dokud Alice nepotvrd\u00ed, \u017ee obdr\u017eela fiat, pak jsou satoshi uvoln\u011bny Bobobi. U\u017eij si sv\u00e9 satoshi, Bobe!",
"At no point, AnonymousAlice01 and BafflingBob02 have to entrust the bitcoin funds to each other. In case they have a conflict, RoboSats staff will help resolving the dispute.": "V \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9m bod\u011b, Anonymn\u00edAlice01 a Bystr\u00fdBob02 nemuseli sv\u011b\u0159it sv\u00e9 bitcoiny tomu druh\u00e9mu. V p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b sporu by jim ho pomohl vy\u0159e\u0161it person\u00e1l RoboSats.",
"You can find a step-by-step description of the trade pipeline in ": "Popis obchodu krok za krokem najde\u0161 na",
"How it works": "Jak to funguje",
"You can also check the full guide in ": "Taky se m\u016f\u017ee\u0161 pod\u00edvat na n\u00e1vod",
"How to use": "Jak se pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1",
"What payment methods are accepted?": "Jak\u00e9 jsou akceptovan\u00e9 platebn\u00ed metody?",
"All of them as long as they are fast. You can write down your preferred payment method(s). You will have to match with a peer who also accepts that method. The step to exchange fiat has a expiry time of 24 hours before a dispute is automatically open. We highly recommend using instant fiat payment rails.": "V\u0161echny, pokud jsou rychl\u00e9. V\u017edy m\u016f\u017ee\u0161 dopsat svou preferovanou platebn\u00ed metodu, jenom bude muset b\u00fdt protistrana, kter\u00e1 j\u00ed p\u0159\u00edjme. \u010c\u00e1st s odesl\u00e1n\u00edm fiatu m\u00e1 limit 24h, potom se automaticky otev\u0159e spor. Doporu\u010dujeme pou\u017eit\u00ed okam\u017eit\u00fdch platebn\u00edch metod.",
"Are there trade limits?": "Je n\u011bjak\u00fd obchodn\u00ed limit?",
"Maximum single trade size is {{maxAmount}} Satoshis to minimize lightning routing failure. There is no limits to the number of trades per day. A robot can only have one order at a time. However, you can use multiple robots simultaneously in different browsers (remember to back up your robot tokens!).": "Maxim\u00e1ln\u00ed velikost obchodu je {{maxAmount}} Satoshi, aby byl minimalizov\u00e1n ne\u00fasp\u011bch lightning routing. Denn\u00ed limit obchodu nen\u00ed, pouze robot m\u016f\u017ee m\u00edt v\u017edy pouze jednu nab\u00eddku. Ale sou\u010dastn\u011b je mo\u017en\u00e9 m\u00edt v\u00edce robotu v r\u016fzn\u00fdch prohl\u00ed\u017ee\u010d\u00edch (nezapom\u011b\u0148 na z\u00e1lohu token\u016f robot\u016f).",
"Is RoboSats private?": "Naru\u0161uje RoboSats soukrom\u00ed?",
"RoboSats will never ask you for your name, country or ID. RoboSats does not custody your funds and does not care who you are. RoboSats does not collect or custody any personal data. For best anonymity use Tor Browser and access the .onion hidden service.": "RoboSats nikdy ne\u017e\u00e1d\u00e1 o soukrom\u00e9 \u00fadaje jako jm\u00e9no, bydli\u0161t\u011b a doklady toto\u017enosti. RoboSats nespravuje \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 prost\u0159edky a nezaj\u00edm\u00e1 se kdo jsi. RoboSats nesb\u00edr\u00e1 a nespravuje osobn\u00ed informace. Pro v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed anonymitu pou\u017eij Tor Browser a .onion adresu.",
"Your trading peer is the only one who can potentially guess anything about you. Keep your chat short and concise. Avoid providing non-essential information other than strictly necessary for the fiat payment.": "Jedin\u00fd kdo m\u016f\u017ee o tob\u011b poteci\u00e1ln\u011b cokoliv zjistit je protistrana obchodu. Udr\u017e chat kr\u00e1tk\u00fd a stru\u010dn\u00fd. Vyhni se v\u0161emu co nen\u00ed d\u016fle\u017eit\u00e9 pro fiat platbu.",
"What are the risks?": "Jak\u00e9 jsou rizika?",
"This is an experimental application, things could go wrong. Trade small amounts!": "Toto je experiment\u00e1ln\u00ed aplikace, v\u011bci se mohou pokazit. Obchoduj s mal\u00fdmi \u010d\u00e1stkami!",
"The seller faces the same charge-back risk as with any other peer-to-peer service. Paypal or credit cards are not recommended.": "Prodejce \u010del\u00ed riziku vratky platby jako v ka\u017ed\u00e9 peer-to-peer slu\u017eb\u011b. Paypal nebo platebn\u00ed karty nejsou doporu\u010den\u00e9.",
"What is the trust model?": "Jak\u00fd je model d\u016fv\u011bry?",
"The buyer and the seller never have to trust each other. Some trust on RoboSats is needed since linking the seller's hold invoice and buyer payment is not atomic (yet). In addition, disputes are solved by the RoboSats staff.": "Kupuj\u00edc\u00ed a prodavaj\u00edc\u00ed si nemus\u00ed v\u011b\u0159it. Trochu se mus\u00ed d\u016fv\u011b\u0159ovat RoboSats, proto\u017ee propojuje hodl invoice prodavaj\u00edc\u00edho a platba kupuj\u00edc\u00edmu nen\u00ed atomic (zat\u00edm). Krom\u011b toho, spory jsou \u0159e\u0161eny person\u00e1lem RoboSats.",
"To be totally clear. Trust requirements are minimized. However, there is still one way RoboSats could run away with your satoshis: by not releasing the satoshis to the buyer. It could be argued that such move is not in RoboSats' interest as it would damage the reputation for a small payout. However, you should hesitate and only trade small quantities at a time. For large amounts use an onchain escrow service such as Bisq": "Aby jsem si to shrnuli, pot\u0159eba d\u016fv\u011bry je minimalizov\u00e1na. P\u0159esto existuje jedna cesta jak RoboSats m\u016f\u017ee ut\u00e9ct se satoshi: neuvolnit je kupuj\u00edc\u00edmu. Dalo by se nam\u00edtnout, \u017ee takov\u00fd krok nen\u00ed v z\u00e1jmu RoboSats, kv\u016fli mal\u00e9 platb\u011b si zni\u010dit reputaci. Z toho d\u016fvodu bys m\u011bl obchodovat pouze s mal\u00fdmi \u010d\u00e1stkami najednou. Pro v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed \u010d\u00e1stky pou\u017eij onchain aplikace jako Bisq.",
"You can build more trust on RoboSats by inspecting the source code.": "M\u016f\u017ee\u0161 si vybudovat v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed d\u016fv\u011bru v RoboSats zkontrolov\u00e1n\u00edm zdrojov\u00e9ho k\u00f3du.",
"Project source code": "Zdrojov\u00fd k\u00f3d projektu",
"What happens if RoboSats suddenly disappears?": "Co se stane pokud RoboSats n\u00e1hle zmiz\u00ed?",
"Your sats will return to you. Any hold invoice that is not settled would be automatically returned even if RoboSats goes down forever. This is true for both, locked bonds and trading escrows. However, there is a small window between the seller confirms FIAT RECEIVED and the moment the buyer receives the satoshis when the funds could be permanently lost if RoboSats disappears. This window is about 1 second long. Make sure to have enough inbound liquidity to avoid routing failures. If you have any problem, reach out trough the RoboSats public channels.": "Tv\u00e9 saty se ti vr\u00e1t\u00ed. Jak\u00fdkoliv hold invoice, kter\u00fd nen\u00ed vypo\u0159\u00e1d\u00e1n se automaticky vrac\u00ed i v p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b trval\u00e9ho konce RoboSats. Toto plat\u00ed pro kauce i \u00faschovu. P\u0159esto je mal\u00e9 okno mezi potvrzen\u00edm od prodavaj\u00edc\u00edho FIAT OBDR\u017dEN a momentem kdy kupuj\u00edc\u00ed obdr\u017e\u00ed sv\u00e9 satoshi, by mohli b\u00fdt nav\u017edy ztraceny v p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b zmizen\u00ed RoboSats. Okno je dlouh\u00e9 1 vte\u0159inu. Z toho d\u016fvodu m\u011bj dostate\u010dnou inbound likviditu aby byl vylou\u010deno routing selh\u00e1n\u00ed. Pokud m\u00e1\u0161 jak\u00fdkoliv probl\u00e9m obra\u0165 se na n\u00e1s prost\u0159ednictv\u00fdm ve\u0159ejn\u00fdch RoboSats kan\u00e1lu.",
"In many countries using RoboSats is no different than using Ebay or Craiglist. Your regulation may vary. It is your responsibility to comply.": "V mnoha zem\u00edch nen\u00ed rozd\u00edl mezi pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n\u00edm RoboSats a Ebay nebo Craiglistu. Regulace jsou r\u016fzn\u00e9, je tv\u00e1 povinnost jim vyhov\u011bt.",
"Is RoboSats legal in my country?": "Je RoboSats leg\u00e1ln\u00ed v m\u00e9 zemi?",
"Disclaimer": "Z\u0159eknut\u00ed se odpov\u011bdnosti",
"This lightning application is provided as is. It is in active development: trade with the utmost caution. There is no private support. Support is only offered via public channels ": "Tato lightning aplikace se poskytuje jak je. V aktivn\u00edm v\u00fdvoji: obchoduj s maxim\u00e1ln\u00ed opatrnost\u00ed. Neexistuje \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e1 soukrom\u00e1 podpora. Podpora se poskytuje pouze na ve\u0159ejn\u00fdch kan\u00e1lech.",
"(Telegram)": "(Telegram)",
". RoboSats will never contact you. RoboSats will definitely never ask for your robot token.": ". RoboSats t\u011b nikdy nebude kontaktovat. RoboSats t\u011b nikdy nepo\u017e\u00e1da o tv\u016fj robot token."