2022-01-06 08:54:37 -08:00

154 lines
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from datetime import timedelta
from django.utils import timezone
import requests
from .lightning import LNNode
from .models import Order, LNPayment, User
from decouple import config
FEE = float(config('FEE'))
BOND_SIZE = float(config('BOND_SIZE'))
class Logics():
# escrow_user = User.objects.get(username=ESCROW_USERNAME)
def validate_already_maker_or_taker(user):
'''Checks if the user is already partipant of an order'''
queryset = Order.objects.filter(maker=user)
if queryset.exists():
return False, {'Bad Request':'You are already maker of an order'}
queryset = Order.objects.filter(taker=user)
if queryset.exists():
return False, {'Bad Request':'You are already taker of an order'}
return True, None
def take(order, user):
order.taker = user
order.status = Order.Status.TAK
def is_buyer(order, user):
is_maker = order.maker == user
is_taker = order.taker == user
return (is_maker and order.type == Order.Types.BUY) or (is_taker and order.type == Order.Types.SELL)
def is_seller(order, user):
is_maker = order.maker == user
is_taker = order.taker == user
return (is_maker and order.type == Order.Types.SELL) or (is_taker and order.type == Order.Types.BUY)
def satoshis_now(order):
''' checks trade amount in sats '''
if order.is_explicit:
satoshis_now = order.satoshis
market_prices = requests.get(MARKET_PRICE_API).json()
exchange_rate = float(market_prices[Order.Currencies(order.currency).label]['last'])
satoshis_now = ((float(order.amount) * 1+float(order.premium)) / exchange_rate) * 100*1000*1000
return satoshis_now
def order_expires(order):
order.status = Order.Status.EXP
order.maker = None
order.taker = None
def update_invoice(cls, order, user, invoice):
is_valid_invoice, num_satoshis, description, payment_hash, expires_at = LNNode.validate_ln_invoice(invoice)
# only user is the buyer and a valid LN invoice
if cls.is_buyer(order, user) and is_valid_invoice:
order.buyer_invoice, _ = LNPayment.objects.update_or_create(
concept = LNPayment.Concepts.PAYBUYER,
type = LNPayment.Types.NORM,
sender = User.objects.get(username=ESCROW_USERNAME),
receiver= user,
# if there is a LNPayment matching these above, it updates that with defaults below.
'invoice' : invoice,
'status' : LNPayment.Status.VALIDI,
'num_satoshis' : num_satoshis,
'description' : description,
'payment_hash' : payment_hash,
'expires_at' : expires_at}
#If the order status was Payment Failed. Move foward to invoice Updated.
if order.status == Order.Status.FAI:
order.status = Order.Status.UPI
return True
return False
def gen_maker_hodl_invoice(cls, order, user):
# Do not and delete if order is more than 5 minutes old
if order.expires_at <
return False, {'Order expired':'cannot generate a bond invoice for an expired order. Make a new one.'}
if order.maker_bond:
return True, {'invoice':order.maker_bond.invoice,'bond_satoshis':order.maker_bond.num_satoshis}
order.satoshis_now = cls.satoshis_now(order)
bond_satoshis = order.satoshis_now * BOND_SIZE
description = f'Robosats maker bond for order ID {}. Will return to you if you do not cheat!'
invoice, payment_hash, expires_at = LNNode.gen_hodl_invoice(num_satoshis = bond_satoshis, description=description)
order.maker_bond = LNPayment.objects.create(
concept = LNPayment.Concepts.MAKEBOND,
type = LNPayment.Types.HODL,
sender = user,
receiver = User.objects.get(username=ESCROW_USERNAME),
invoice = invoice,
status = LNPayment.Status.INVGEN,
num_satoshis = bond_satoshis,
description = description,
payment_hash = payment_hash,
expires_at = expires_at,
return True, {'invoice':invoice,'bond_satoshis':bond_satoshis}
def gen_taker_buyer_hodl_invoice(cls, order, user):
# Do not and delete if order is more than 5 minutes old
if order.expires_at <
return False, {'Order expired':'cannot generate a bond invoice for an expired order. Make a new one.'}
if order.maker_bond:
return True, {'invoice':order.maker_bond.invoice,'bond_satoshis':order.maker_bond.num_satoshis}
order.satoshis_now = cls.satoshis_now(order)
bond_satoshis = order.satoshis_now * BOND_SIZE
description = f'Robosats maker bond for order ID {}. Will return to you if you do not cheat!'
invoice, payment_hash, expires_at = LNNode.gen_hodl_invoice(num_satoshis = bond_satoshis, description=description)
order.maker_bond = LNPayment.objects.create(
concept = LNPayment.Concepts.MAKEBOND,
type = LNPayment.Types.HODL,
sender = user,
receiver = User.objects.get(username=ESCROW_USERNAME),
invoice = invoice,
status = LNPayment.Status.INVGEN,
num_satoshis = bond_satoshis,
description = description,
payment_hash = payment_hash,
expires_at = expires_at,
return True, {'invoice':invoice,'bond_satoshis':bond_satoshis}